AEROSPACE DESIGN OPTIMIZATION USING A REAL CODED GENETIC ALGORITHM Except where reference is made to the work of others, the work described in this thesis is my own or was done in collaboration with my advisory committee. This thesis does not include proprietary or classified information. _______________________ John David Dyer Certificate of Approval: ____________________________ John Burkhalter Professor Emeritus Aerospace Engineering ____________________________ Roy J. Hartfield, Chair Professor Aerospace Engineering ____________________________ Robert Gross Associate Professor Aerospace Engineering ____________________________ Brian Thurow Assistant Professor Aerospace Engineering ____________________________ Joe F. Pittman Interim Dean Graduate School ii AEROSPACE DESIGN OPTIMIZATION USING A REAL CODED GENETIC ALGORITHM John David Dyer A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama May 10th, 2008 iii AEROSPACE DESIGN OPTIMIZATION USING A REAL CODED GENETIC ALGORITHM John David Dyer Permission is granted to Auburn University to make copies of this thesis at its discretion, upon request of individuals or institutions and at their expense. The author reserves all publication rights __________________________ Signature of Author __________________________ Date of Graduation iv VITA John David Dyer was born on July 13, 1983, in New Orleans, Louisiana to Mark and Cetta Dyer. He began attending Auburn University after graduating from De La Salle High School in 2001. While at college, he was a member of Tau Beta Pi engineering society, and was a co-op for Chromalloy Florida in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. John graduated Cum Laude in May 2006 with a Bachelor of Aerospace Engineering degree. He began graduate school at Auburn University where he pursued a master?s degree in aerospace engineering. v ABSTRACT AEROSPACE DESIGN OPTIMIZATION USING A REAL CODED GENETIC ALGORITHM John David Dyer Master of Science, May 10, 2008 (B.A.E., Auburn University, 2006) 114 Typed Pages Directed by Roy J. Hartfield This study demonstrates the advantages of using a real coded genetic algorithm (GA) for aerospace engineering design applications. A real coded GA was written from first principles for this study and the source code can be seen in Appendix A. The GA runs steady state, meaning that after every function evaluation a tournament scheme determines the worst performer and that worst performer is then thrown out and replaced by a new member that has been evaluated. The new member is produced by mating two successful parents through a crossover routine, and then mutating that new member. For this study three different preliminary design studies were conducted using both a binary and a real coded GA including a Single Stage Solid Propellant Missile Systems Design, a Two Stage Solid Propellant Missile Systems Design and a Single Stage Liquid Propellant Missile Systems Design. vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to thank Dr. Roy Hartfield and Dr. Gerry Dozier for their guidance with this thesis as well as Dr. John Burkhalter for his help with technical missile matters. The author also wishes to thank Dr. Murray Anderson, the author of the IMPROVE 3.1 Genetic Algorithm. The author would also like to thank his friends, family, and loving fianc? for being patient with him as he worked to complete this thesis. vii Style manual of journal used: The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal Computer software used: Improve 3.1 Genetic Algorithm, Tecplot 360, Compaq Visual Fortran Compiler, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word viii TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES....................................................................................................ix LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................x NOMENCLATURE.................................................................................................xii 1 INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1 2 REAL CODED GA METHODOLOGY............................................................5 2.1 CROSSOVER............................................................................................6 2.2 MUTATION...............................................................................................8 2.3 STEADY STATE GA..............................................................................10 2.4 VARIABLE MUTATION.......................................................................13 3 MISSILE SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS............................................................14 4 REAL GA CONVERGENCE TESTING........................................................25 5 MISSILE SYSTEM DESIGNS GA COMPARISONS ...................................31 5.1 SINGLE STAGE SOLID MISSILE SYSTEM DESIGN........................31 5.1.1 SINGLE STAGE SOLID 100,000 FT 2,500 LB GOAL.................35 5.1.2 SINGLE STAGE SOLID 350,000 FT 4,000 LB GOAL.................39 5.1.3 SINGLE STAGE SOLID 2,500 LB 240 SEC TOF GOAL.............45 5.2 TWO STAGE SOLID MISSILE SYSTEM DESIGN.............................50 5.2.1 TWO STAGE SOLID 100,000 FT 6,000 LB GOAL......................51 5.2.2 TWO STAGE SOLID 250,000 FT 7,000 LB GOAL......................57 5.3 SINGLE STAGE LIQUID MISSILE SYSTEM DESIGN......................63 5.3.1 SINGLE STAGE LIQUID 450K FT 55K LB WEIGHT GOAL ....64 5.3.2 SINGLE STAGE LIQUID 700K FT 55K LB WEIGHT GOAL ....68 6 REAL CODED GA CONVERGENCE TESTING REVISITED....................74 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..........................................80 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................83 APPENDIX A: Real Coded GA Source File...........................................................86 APPENDIX B: Single Stage Solid Real GA Input File..........................................94 APPENDIX C: Single Stage Solid Binary GA Input File.......................................95 APPENDIX D: Two Stage Solid Real GA Input File..............................................97 APPENDIX E: Two Stage Solid Binary GA Input File ..........................................99 APPENDIX F: Single Stage Liquid Real GA Input File.......................................101 APPENDIX G: Single Stage Liquid Binary GA Input File...................................102 ix LIST OF TABLES Table 1. General Form of the initial constants input file for the Missile Design Codes ..................................................................................................................................15 Table 2. Single Stage Solid GA Variable Definition...............................................17 Table 3. Two Stage Solid GA Variable Definition..................................................18 Table 4. Single Stage Liquid GA Variable Definition.............................................22 Table 5. Mutation Operator Fitness Comparison.....................................................27 Table 6. Population Testing Fitness Comparison.....................................................28 Table 7. Single Stage Solid Optimization Results...................................................35 Table 8. Single stage solid 100,000 ft 2,500 lb Final Design Variables..................36 Table 9. Single stage solid 350,000 ft 4,000 lb Final Design Variables..................40 Table 10. Single stage solid 2,500 lb 240 sec Final Design Variables ....................45 Table 11. Two Stage Solid Optimization Results....................................................50 Table 12. Two stage solid 100,000 ft 6,000 lb Final Design Variables...................51 Table 13. Two stage solid 250,000 ft 7,000 lb Final Design Variables...................57 Table 14. Single Stage Liquid Optimization Results...............................................63 Table 15. Single Stage Liquid 450,000 ft 55,000 lb Final Design Variables...........64 Table 16. Single Stage Liquid 700,000 ft 55,000 lb Final Design Variables...........69 Table 17. Two Goal Mutation Testing Results........................................................75 Table 18. One and Two goal GA Parameter Comparison........................................77 Table 19. Overall Final Fitness Comparison............................................................81 x LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Tournament Selection Mutation and Crossover Flow Chart......................6 Figure 2. Blend X Crossover.....................................................................................7 Figure 3. Single-Point Crossover..............................................................................7 Figure 4. Uniform Crossover .....................................................................................8 Figure 5. Real Coded Steady State GA Program Flow............................................10 Figure 6. Steady State Detailed Flow Chart.............................................................12 Figure 7. Missile System Design Code Program Flow............................................16 Figure 8. Solid Propellant Grain Cross-Section.......................................................20 Figure 9. Nose Design Schematic............................................................................20 Figure 10. Nozzle Design Schematic.......................................................................21 Figure 11. Tail Design Schematic............................................................................21 Figure 12. Liquid Missile Design Schematic...........................................................24 Figure 13. 1 Stage Solid Missile Crossover Testing 400,000 ft (Single) Goal........26 Figure 14. Single Stage Solid Missile Mutation Testing 400,000 ft Goal...............27 Figure 15. Single Stage Solid Missile Population Testing 400,000 ft Goal ............28 Figure 16. 1 Stage Solid Variable Mutation Convergence Plot...............................30 Figure 17. Single Stage Solid 700,000 ft Preliminary Test Convergence History ..32 Figure 18. Single Stage Solid 250,000 ft Preliminary Test Convergence History ..33 Figure 19. Single stage solid 100,000 ft 2,500 lb convergence ...............................37 Figure 20. Single Stage Solid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History.........38 Figure 21. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA..................................................39 Figure 22. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA ..............................................39 Figure 23. Single stage solid 350,000 ft 4,000 lb convergence ...............................41 Figure 24. Single Stage Solid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History.........42 Figure 25. Single Stage Solid Missile Initial Launch Angle Convergence History.43 Figure 26. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA..................................................44 Figure 27. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA ..............................................44 Figure 28. Single stage solid 2,500 lb 240sec convergence history.........................46 Figure 29. Single Stage Solid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History.........47 Figure 30. Single Stage Solid Missile Initial Launch Angle Convergence History.48 Figure 31. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA..................................................49 Figure 32. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA ..............................................49 Figure 33. Two stage solid 100,000 ft 6,000 lb convergence history......................53 Figure 34. Two Stage Solid Missile Upper Body Diameter Convergence History.53 Figure 35. Two Stage Solid Missile Initial Launch Angle Convergence History....55 Figure 36. Two Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA.....................................................56 Figure 37. Two Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA .................................................56 Figure 38. Two stage solid 250,000 ft 7,000 lb convergence history......................59 Figure 39. Two Stage Solid Missile Upper Stage Diameter Convergence History.60 xi Figure 40. Two Stage Solid Missile Initial Launch Angle Convergence History....61 Figure 41. Two Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA.....................................................62 Figure 42. Two Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA .................................................62 Figure 43. Single Stage Liquid 450,000 ft 55,000 lb Convergence Plot .................65 Figure 44. Single Stage Liquid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History.......66 Figure 45. Single Stage Liquid Missile Tail Leading Edge Angle Convergence History ..................................................................................................................................67 Figure 46. Single Stage Liquid 3D Model-Real GA................................................68 Figure 47. Single Stage Liquid 3D Model-Binary GA............................................68 Figure 48. Single Stage Liquid 700,000 ft 55,000 lb Convergence Plot .................70 Figure 49. Single Stage Liquid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History.......71 Figure 50. Single Stage Liquid Missile Burn Time Convergence History..............72 Figure 51. Single Stage Liquid 3D Model-Real GA................................................73 Figure 52. Single Stage Liquid 3D Model-Binary GA............................................73 Figure 53. Two Goal Crossover Convergence History............................................74 Figure 54. Two Goal Mutation Testing Convergence History ...............................75 Figure 55. Two Goal Population Test Convergence History..................................76 Figure 56. Two Stage Solid Match 100k ft 6k lb Re-Run........................................78 Figure 57. Two Stage Solid Match 250k ft 7k lb Re-Run........................................78 xii NOMENCLATURE ? Mutation Rate ? Mutation Amount Ae Nozzle Exit Area A* Nozzle Throat Area b2tail Tail Semi-Span b2wing Wing Semi-Span crtail Tail Root Chord crwing Wing Root Chord dbody Diameter of Body dnose Nose Diameter dstar Throat Diameter eps Epsilon-Grain f Propellant Grain Fillet Radius GA Genetic Algorithm lbody Length of Body LE Leading Edge lnose Length of Nose N Number of Star Points-Grain rbody Radius of Body Ri Propellant Inner Grain Radius rnose Radius of Nose Rp Propellant Outer Grain Radius TE Trailing Edge TOF Time of Flight xLEt X-Location of Tail Leading Edge xLEw X-Location of Wing Leading Edge 1 1 INTRODUCTION Optimization of aerospace engineering applications using GA?s such as spacecraft controls1,2, turbines3, helicopter controls4, flight trajectories5, wings and airfoils6,7, missiles8,9,12,11, rockets12,13,14, propellers15 and inlets16 have been preformed with great success. In some cases, real coded genetic algorithm?s have been shown to produce better results than binary coded GA?s17,18,19. This success is the primary motivation for the current study involving aerospace applications. The goal of engineering design optimization is to find an optimum solution to a design problem. Optimization has evolved throughout the years from classical methods to modern evolutionary algorithms and modern computers with their exceedingly fast computational times have enabled optimizers to become extremely efficient at solving very complex problems. The first mathematical optimization methods were developed by Newton. Newton formulated that by taking the first derivative of a function and setting it equal to zero one could find the local maxima or minima of a piecewise continuous, finite solution. Later Siddal20 showed that when using multiple functions to describe a system, Newton?s method produces multiple non-linear equations that must be solved simultaneously. Because of the complexity of solving a system of non-linear equations other optimization methods were developed. The next major step in optimization came in the 1800?s with the gradient methods. Gradient decent (or ascent) works on the method of taking steps proportional to the negative (or positive for ascent) of the gradient of the 2 function. Steps continue until a local minimum has been reached. The main problem with the gradient methods is they are very susceptible to converging to local minima or maxima instead of converging to a global minima or maxima. The next breakthrough in optimization came in the mid 1900?s from George B. Dantzig with linear programming21. Linear programming works on the principle of optimizing a linear objective function with a set of linear constraints. The optimization is set up to either maximize or minimize the objective function. The simplex method developed by Dantzig works in polyhedron space by constructing a solution on the vertex of the polyhedron and then walking along the edges of the polyhedron until the optimal solution is reached. The algorithm is quite efficient and in practice can be set up to only converge to global optimums if the proper constraints are used. This method does not work for complex multi-variable problems because the constraints and objective function must be linear. Nonlinear programming addresses this issue. Genetic algorithms in theory can overcome many of the issues that the early optimization schemes encountered. All GA?s are based on the principles developed by John Holland in his book ?Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems?22. Holland outlined the methods for successfully implementing population based adaptive optimizers. Holland?s methods operate on the principle of survival of the fittest. In a computational sense, candidate solutions are assembled in a population and compared to one another, the weak die off and the strong are left to reproduce and mutate to produce better children. The search for a more efficient optimizer for some of these aerospace applications arose due to the extended run times associated with long range missiles when solved 3 using binary coded genetic algorithms, such as IMPROVE? (Implicit Multi-objective PaRameter Optimization Via Evolution)23. The IMPROVE? software was shown to be a very versatile and robust method for optimization. A primary disadvantage of the binary coded GA comes from the fact that because all of the variables must be converted into a single bit string, the solution accuracy is dependant on the number of bits that can be used for the string. Because of the large ranges associated with many on the genes the smallest resolution was limited to 0.01 while the real coded GA is only limited to a double precision number. The two stage solid system used in this study has 46 genes making up each individual. Because of this large number of genes, the resolution of each gene is limited in order to reduce the size of the bit string. This translates into a reduced level of accuracy because each gene is limited to a specific number of significant digits because of the nature of the binary GA. Resolution is not a significant issue with a real coded GA because all of the variables remain real double precision variables. Dozier24,25,26 demonstrated the ability for a real coded GA to achieve shorter run times as well as more accurate solutions for some applications. Another problem associated with the binary GA is hamming cliffs. Hamming cliffs can also pose a problem for the binary GA because all of the design parameters are converted into a single bit string. For example if two integers 15, and 16 were represented by the bit strings 10000 and 01111 respectively , the GA would have to change all of the bits simultaneously to change from 15 to 16. Mutation and crossover do not always solve this problem. Hamming cliffs are not possible with the real GA because the design variables remain real coded. 4 Another advantage of the real GA created for this study is that it uses steady state optimization unlike the generational optimization used by the binary GA. The key difference is that in the steady state GA for each generation only the worst performer is thrown out and replaced by a new member, whereas for the generational GA all of the members of the population are thrown out and replaced (expect in elitist mode when the best member remains in the next generation) using a similar tournament routine. For the steady state GA, once the survivors have had a chance to crossover (i.e. pass genetic material back and forth through their variables), the new member replacing the worst performer is run back through the objective function. This process continues, with the parents producing on average better offspring, until the maximum number of generations (user specified) is reached. There are proofs27,28 which show why this process produces increasingly superior performers in a population, but a simplistic view is that a good parent mated with another good parent, is more likely to produce good offspring than two poor parents when mated. This is not to say that two good parents cannot produce poor performers. Rather, when two good performers exchange genes, statistically the resulting offspring have a higher chance of outperforming their parents. 5 2 REAL CODED GA METHODOLOGY The real and binary GA?s used in this study both operated using the same tournament style evolution of a population. They each work with a number of candidate solutions to solve a particular problem. A data structure known as an individual is used to represent each candidate solution. Each individual has a fitness and a chromosome. Each chromosome is made up of genes, in this case the genes used are the GA variables in the design variable input (GANNL.DAT) files associated with each code used. (see Appendix B through G) A group of individuals makes up a population. In order to create a new population, individuals called parents are selected based on their fitness and allowed to create children using a tournament selection process. Details of the binary GA operation can be found in references 20 and 27. For the real coded GA, parents are chosen in groups of two and the parent with the better fitness survives to produce children. This process is repeated to select a second parent. The tournament selection process is shown in Figure 1. Both parents then use a crossover routine to mix their genes in order to produce a child. 6 Figure 1. Tournament Selection Mutation and Crossover Flow Chart 2.1 CROSSOVER Three different crossover routines were used for the real coded GA, Blend X, Uniform and Singlepoint crossover. For Blend X29 crossover each design parameter of the two parents selected is subtracted and then multiplied by a random number (between 0 and 1), and added to the smaller parent as shown below. Blend X crossover allows for the most mutation of all the crossover routines. Blend X crossover creates children unique from their parents, unlike uniform or single-point crossover, whose children are the same values from either one parent or the other. It should be noted while Blend X crossover does produce a unique child from the two parents, the child cannot be outside the range of the values of the parents, and for this reason mutation is necessary. For i = 1 to number of design parameters: Two members of current population chosen at random. Member with best fitness survives. Two members of current population chosen at random. Member with best fitness survives. New member replaces worst performer of previous population. Only the new member is run in next generation Surviving two members undergo crossover and mutation to form new offspring. ( ) ( ))(2)(1min#)(2)(1)( iParentiParentRandomiParentiParentabsiChild ?+??= 7 Figure 2. Blend X Crossover Both Single-point and Uniform crossover swap design parameters between parents. For Single-point crossover a random number is used to define a cut point where in the first parents design parameters are used up to that cut point, and the second parents design parameters are used after that cut point, as shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Single-Point Crossover Uniform crossover works very similarly to single-point crossover except each design parameter in the child is randomly chosen from either parent 1 or parent 2, this allows a child to be made up of any combination of both parents design parameters as shown in Figure 4. Random number=2 Parent 1: 7.0 5.0 3.0 Parent 2: 6.0 3.5 3.9 Child: 7.0 5.0 3.9 Parameter: 1 2 3 Parent1: 10.0 5.0 1.0 Parent2: 8.0 4.0 0.0 Parameter: 1 2 3 Child: 8.71 4.63 1.89 Child(1) = (10-8) x Rnd# + 8 Child(2) = (5-4) x Rnd# + 4 Child(3) = (1-0) x Rnd# + 0 8 Figure 4. Uniform Crossover 2.2 MUTATION After a child has been created it can be mutated using a Gaussian mutation routine. Two main operators control the mutation, mutation amount and mutation rate. Mutation rate, ? determines how many genes of each child will be mutated, this operator is set between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0 mutating every gene within the child. The second operator used in mutation is the mutation amount ?. The mutation amount determines how much each gene will be mutated, this usually ranges from 0.5 (high mutation) to 0.005 (very low mutation). A Gaussian distributed random number is used with the mutation amount in order to mutate the child as shown below. For i = 1 to number of genes: [ ] )(__*)min()max()( iChildnumberrandomgaussianixixiChild +??=? Parent 1: 6.6 5.0 11.0 0.5 Parent 2: 5.0 4.4 9.9 0.1 Child: 6.6 4.4 9.9 0.5 9 Where xmax(i) and xmin(i) are the maximum and minimum values specified by the user for each gene in the GA variable input file (GANNL.DAT). If any of the mutated child?s design parameters are larger than the maximum or smaller than the minimum value then that design parameter is set to the maximum or the minimum value. It has been shown that mutating with a Gaussian distributed random number with a zero mean and unit variance works well for optimizations 30. After the parents design parameters have been crossed and mutated to produce a new child or individual, that individual is evaluated and given a fitness. In order for the new individual to become a member of the population, one member must die in order for the new member to take its place. The member that dies off is the member in the population with the worst fitness. This method of allowing individuals to create new children while also killing off members with bad fitness? is known as natural selection31. This process of creating new children and killing off members with bad fitness? continues on until a set number of iterations have been satisfied. The entire program flow for the real coded GA is shown in Figure 5. 10 Figure 5. Real Coded Steady State GA Program Flow 2.3 STEADY STATE GA The real GA developed for this study operates in steady state as opposed to generational as the binary GA. The main difference between steady state and generational is the number of members after each generation that are evaluated by the objective function. For a generational GA all of the members of a population, usually at least 50, are evaluated by the objective function. Their fitnesses are then evaluated and Objective Function Initial Population Tournament to get two good members Crossover and Mutation to generate new offspring Replace worst performer of previous generation with new offspring Check to see if max number of generations is reached If no, repeat tournament?o n previous generation If yes, Stop Run Initial Population Through Objective Function 11 sorted and then a tournament scheme replaces each member of the population by crossover and mutation, and all of the new members are evaluated by the objective function, except for the best performer. For a steady state GA after the initial population is evaluated by the objective function, only one member is replaced by a tournament scheme using crossover and mutation. That new member is evaluated by the objective function and then replaces the previous generation?s worst performer. This can lead to quick and very accurate convergence due to the fact that the member immediately becomes part of the mating pool making a shift toward an optimal fitness possible early in the optimization31. A flow chart showing the steady state process in detail is shown in Figure 6. The main drawback to steady state is that it does not have the large number of random guesses that the generational GA can obtain. Since each member that is created is composed of 2 good members from the previous generation the steady state GA can quickly converge to a good solution, however if none of the members of the initial population are good members the steady state GA can only rely on mutation of the one member each generation to find a good fitness. For this reason BlendX crossover was included to enable more mutation for each new member. 12 Figure 6. Steady State Detailed Flow Chart GA Generates Initial Population Member 2 Design Variables: 1.8 12.0 46.1 Member 1 Design Variables: 2.1 10.1 77.7 Objective Function Evaluates the Entire Population Member 3 Fitness 1.2 Member 2 Fitness: 1.5 Member 1 Fitness 155.9 Tournament Selects 2 Groups of 2 to Find Two Good Parents Dashed Group: Member 1 vs Member 2 Member 2 Wins Solid Group: Member 2 vs Member 3 Member 3 Wins New Member is Created by Crossover and Mutation of Members 2 and 3?s Design Variables Objective Function Evaluates New Member Member 3 Fitness 1.2 Member 2 Fitness: 1.5 Old Member 1 Fitness 155.9 Removed From Population New Member 1 Fitness 1.1 Member 3 Design Variables: 1.5 11.9 86.5 13 2.4 VARIABLE MUTATION Variable mutation is used to obtain quick convergence for a given function. The mutation rate ? is allowed to vary throughout the GA?s run. The code is set up to keep track of how many individuals were better than the previous population. After a specified number of function evaluations, if the number of successful mutations is less than 1/5th of the total number of mutations then the mutation rate is reduced by 20%, similarly if more than 1/5th of the individuals are better then the mutation rate is increased by 20%. This 1/5th rule was pioneered by Rechenberg32 and has been shown to provide quick convergence. Initial testing of variable mutation demonstrated the ability of quick convergence, however in many instances a local minimum was achieved. 14 3 MISSILE SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS Three different missile system design codes were used in this study to compare the real and binary GA?s. The missile system design code17 creates and flies preliminary design level models for missiles powered by one or two stage solid propellant rocket propulsion or liquid rocket propulsion using a set of approximately 26-46 critical design variables. The GA is used to optimize the missile to meet certain goals. Burhalter, Jenkins, Hartfield, Anderson and Sanders have developed the programs used to design the physical model of the missile that they described in their paper ?Missile Systems Design Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms?12 . Further research has been conducted on missile design optimization by Burhalter, Jenkins and Hartfield in their paper, ?Optimizing a Solid Rocket Motor Boosted Ramjet Powered Missile Using a Genetic Algorithm?14. The missile design codes have been shown to be a very good tool for preliminary design and have been extensively used as a design tool. All three missile system design codes follow a similar program flow. In the main program, the first task is to read in two input files that contain constants including densities masses and moments of inertia. The block of information in these files is divided into major sections as listed in Table 1. The number listed to the right is the number of variables included in each of the major sections. Initially, the table must be generated with known values for each of the variables. 15 Table 1. General Form of the initial constants input file for the Missile Design Codes 1. densities 30 2. masses 30 3. center of gravity 27 4. moments of inertia 60 5. lengths and limits 30 6. external geometry 30 7. required computed data from aero 30 8. other dimensions 11 9. internal solid rocket grain variables 12 10. nozzle and throat variables 14 11. other computed stage variables 8 12. program lengths,limits and constants 10 13. initiation of launch data 14 14. target data 6 15. GA goals (outdata variables) 20 16. auxillary variables to be used as needed 10 17. list of GA variables passed to setup, etc. 29 18. Total missile variables 10 After the initial constants input files are read in, the GA input file is read in, which contains the GA variables to be optimized. For each member of a population a new missile is built using the data from the initial constants input file and the design parameters that the GA generates using the GA input file. After the initial parameters are stored, the program designs and flies the missile using a series of subroutines to determine the propulsion, mass properties and aerodynamics. This missile is then flown in the 6-DOF routine as shown in Figure 7. 16 Figure 7. Missile System Design Code Program Flow Begin Code SETUP Mass Properties Propulsion Aerodynamics SIXDOF Read GA Input File GA Main If Max Generations has been reached: STOP Else: GA Generates new design variables Fuels Read in initial constants Genetic Algorithm 17 The first system tested was the single stage solid missile design. The single stage solid missile design uses 29 design variables in order to produce a physical model of the system. An overview of the 29 design variables is shown in Table 2. Table 2. Single Stage Solid GA Variable Definition Geometry Propellant Auto Pilot 1.nose radius ratio = rnose/rbody 3. fuel type 24. auto pilot on delay time 2.nose length ratio = Lnose/dbody 4. propellant out rad rpvar=(rp+f)/rbody 25. auto pilot time constant-tau, f.c.s. time const 10. fractional nozzle length ratio = f/rp 5.propellant inner radius ratio=ri/rp 26. auto pilot damping -zeta, f.c.s. damping 11. throat diameter /Dbody 6. number of star points 27. cross over freq - wcr, f.c.s. crossover freq 12. total length of stage1/Dbody 7. fillet radius ratio=f/rp 28. pronav gain - n- prime, guidance gain 13. dia of stage1 center section dbody (in) 8. epsilon - star width 14.wing exposed semi- span = b2w/dbody 9. star point angle 15. wing root chord = crw/dbody 16. wing taper ratio = ctw/crw 17. LE sweep angle deg 18. xLEw/lbody 19. tail exposed semi-span = b2t/dbody 20. tail root chord = crt/dbody 21. tail taper ratio = ctt/crw 22. LE sweep angle deg 23. xTEt/lbody 29. Initial Launch Angle (deg) 18 These 29 GA variables in conjunction with the initial constants in the constants input file are used to design and fly the missile through the 6-DOF. The performance is then stored and used to compute the overall fitness depending on the goal chosen for the optimization. The second system tested was the two stage solid propellant missile design. The two stage solid missile design operates in a similar fashion to the single stage solid code, however it uses 46 design variables in order to produce a physical model of the system instead of the 29 used in the single stage solid code. An overview of the 46 design variables is shown in Table 3. Table 3. Two Stage Solid GA Variable Definition Geometry (Upper Stage) Propellant (Upper Stage) Auto Pilot (Upper Stage) 1.nose radius ratio = rnose/rbody 3. fuel type 36. auto pilot on delay time 2.nose length ratio = Lnose/dbody 4. propellant out rad rpvar=(rp+f)/rbody 37. auto pilot time constant-tau, f.c.s. time const 10. fractional nozzle length ratio = f/rp 5.propellant inner radius ratio=ri/rp 38. auto pilot damping - zeta, f.c.s. damping 11. throat diameter /Dbody 6. number of star points 39. cross over freq - wcr, f.c.s. crossover freq 12. total length of stage1/Dbody 7. fillet radius ratio=f/rp 40. pronav gain - n- prime,guidance gain 13. dia of stage1 center section dbody (in) 8. epsilon - star width 14.wing exposed semi-span = b2w/dbody 9. star point angle 15. wing root chord = crw/dbody 16. wing taper ratio = ctw/crw 17. LE sweep angle deg 18. xLEw/lbody Geometry (Bottom Stage) Propellant (Bottom Auto Pilot (Bottom 19 Stage) Stage) 26. fractional nozzle length ratio = f/rp 19. fuel type 41. auto pilot on delay time 27. throat diameter /Dbody 20. propellant out rad rpvar=(rp+f)/rbody 42. auto pilot time constant-tau, f.c.s. time const 28. total length of stage1/Dbody 21.propellant inner radius ratio=ri/rp 43. auto pilot damping - zeta, f.c.s. damping 29. dia of stage1 center section dbody (in) 22. number of star points 44. cross over freq - wcr, f.c.s. crossover freq 30.wing exposed semi-span = b2w/dbody 23. fillet radius ratio=f/rp 45. pronav gain - n- prime, guidance gain 31. wing root chord = crw/dbody 24. epsilon - star width 32. wing taper ratio = ctw/crw 25. star point angle 33. LE sweep angle deg 34. xLEw/lbody 35. Upper Stage Separation Time 46. Initial Launch Angle (deg) The second column in Table 2 and Table 3 is used to generate the solid propellant grain. An example of the cross-section of a solid propellant grain is shown in Figure 8. The third column for all three missile design codes is used for autopilot controls. For the tests used in this study the autopilot was not activated leaving only ballistic trajectory missiles. 20 Figure 8. Solid Propellant Grain Cross-Section33 The geometry (1st column in Table 2 and Table 3) is used to physically design the exterior of the missile including the nose, nozzle, tails and body as shown in Figure 9, Figure 10, and Figure 11. Figure 9. Nose Design Schematic33 21 Figure 10. Nozzle Design Schematic33 Figure 11. Tail Design Schematic33 The third missile design code tested was the liquid propulsion missile design code. The liquid code follows a slightly different program flow than the two solid codes. The basic performance of the liquid code is based on the assumption that combustion takes place under constant pressure and constant temperature. The initial constants input file is set up similarly to the solid input files, however the GA variables input file is comprised of a different set of 26 design parameters. An overview of the 26 design variables is shown in Table 4. For the liquid system it is assumed to have a single stage 22 comprised of a single engine, where the fuel and oxidizer tanks are modeled to be cylindrical tanks with hemispherical endcaps. Table 4. Single Stage Liquid GA Variable Definition Geometry Propellant Auto Pilot 1. body diameter 2. propellant type 21. auto pilot on delay time 5. nose dia ratio =dnose/DB 3. oxidizer to fuel ratio 22. auto pilot time constant-tau, f.c.s. time const 6. length of nose ratio = blnose/dnose 4. chamber pressure 23. auto pilot damping -zeta, f.c.s. damping 7. nozzle throat dia ratio=dstar/dbody 24. cross over freq - wcr, f.c.s. crossover freq 8. nozzle expansion ratio=Ae/A* 25. pronav gain - n- prime, guidance gain 9. fractional nozzle length 11. wing root chord ratio = crwing/DB 12. wing taper ratio 13. wing b/2 ratio = b2wing/DB 14. wing le angle 15. wing X loc = xLEwing/totlen 16. tail root chord ratio = crtail/DB 17. tail taper ratio 18. tail b/2 ratio = b2tail/DB 19. tail le angle deg 20. tail X loc = xTEtail/totlen 10. burn time 26. Initial Launch Angle (deg) 23 The geometry for the liquid system is used to generate the physical model of the missile in the same way that it was developed for the two solid systems as shown in Figure 12. The main difference between the solid systems and the liquid systems is the propellant. For the liquid system, the code generated models the tanks used to store the fuel and oxidizer. The second column in Table 4 is used to determine the fuel-oxidizer combination as well as the initial chamber pressure. These inputs along with the geometric inputs are used to design the liquid propellant missile. 24 Figure 12. Liquid Missile Design Schematic33 25 4 REAL GA CONVERGENCE TESTING The binary GA IMPROVE? used in this study has been used for many years and has proven to be very robust. Because the binary GA has been proven to be successful with its current GA parameters, no testing was done in order to optimize the binary GA parameters, for this study they remained constant. These parameters can be seen in Appendix B-G. In order to compare the binary and the real GA?s, the parameters for the real GA needed to be tested. The parameters tested were the type of crossover (blendx, single-point and uniform), mutation rate, mutation amount and population size. Changing any one of these parameters can cause the GA to converge faster or slower to a solution. For these tests the single stage solid missile system design code was used to match a range of 400,000 ft. The first parameter tested was crossover. Each type of crossover was tested using the single stage solid code and run out to 10,000 function evaluations to determine which type would achieve the best fitness. All three types of crossovers performed well in this test, with the BlendX converging more rapidly to the best fitness. This coupled with the fact that the binary GA had single-point crossover and uniform crossover made BlendX the crossover type chosen for this study. The fitness for each test was calculated as follows: geDesiredRan geDesiredRanRangeabsFitness )( ?= 26 Figure 13. 1 Stage Solid Missile Crossover Testing 400,000 ft (Single) Goal The next parameters studied were the mutation operators. Both mutation rate and mutation amount were tested in an attempt to find a trade off between quick convergence and not converging to a local minimum. Four different sets of mutation operators were tested using the single stage solid missile system design code matching a range of 400,000 ft. All GA parameters were held constant except the mutation rate and mutation amount. Table 5 shows the different sets of mutation operators and their converged fitness. Crossover Testing 0.0000001 0.000001 0.00001 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Single-Point BlendX Uniform 27 Table 5. Mutation Operator Fitness Comparison Mutation Testing Mutation Operators Mutation Rate Mutation Amount Fitness Test_1 1.00 0.05 3.98E-06 Test_2 0.20 0.10 6.54E-09 Test_3 0.05 1.00 8.03E-12 Test_4 0.50 0.05 4.26E-06 Of the cases explored, the best converged fitness was achieved using a mutation rate of 0.05 and a mutation amount of 1.00. This means that the best convergence was obtained by only mutating 5% of the genes in each individual, but those 5% were mutated the most amount possible. Figure 14 shows the convergence data for each of the four cases tested. Figure 14. Single Stage Solid Missile Mutation Testing 400,000 ft Goal Mutation Test Convergence Data 1.00E-12 1.00E-11 1.00E-10 1.00E-09 1.00E-08 1.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.00E+00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fit ne ss Test_1 Test_2 Test_3 Test_4 28 The last parameter studied was the population size. This parameter is able to change the amount of selection pressure on good members of the population. The fewer the number of members in a population the higher probability that two good members could be chosen for the tournament. This allows for quicker convergence, yet again at the cost of potential premature convergence on a local minimum. Table 6. Population Testing Fitness Comparison Population Testing Population Size Fitness Test_1 3 8.03E-12 Test_2 5 3.79E-06 Test_3 7 6.52E-11 Test_4 10 2.40E-06 Test_5 30 6.56E-11 Figure 15. Single Stage Solid Missile Population Testing 400,000 ft Goal Table 6 shows the results for the population testing. Of the five tests completed Test_1 having a population size of 3 was able to achieve the best fitness. Population sizes of 30 and 7 were also able to achieve surprisingly low fitness. Figure 15 shows the Population Size Convergence Testing 1E-12 1E-10 1E-08 1E-06 0.0001 0.01 1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Pop Size = 3 Pop Size = 5 Pop Size = 7 Pop Size = 10 Pop Size = 30 29 convergence data for the 5 population tests conducted. A population size of three is the clear winner having a converge fitness of 8.03x10-12 in just 10,000 function evaluations. The results of the GA convergence testing have shown that using a BlendX crossover with a mutation rate of 0.05, mutation amount of 1.0 and a population of 3 yielded the best results for a single stage solid missile design system with a single 400,000 ft match range goal. Therefore for the binary versus real GA comparisons these parameters will be used for all cases. Changing each parameter for each different GA run could certainly yield better results, however in and effort to compare for this comparison one set of parameters was chosen for each GA and held constant for each test. Variable mutation was also tested to demonstrate its ability for quick convergence. Figure 16 shows the convergence history for a single stage solid with a goal of matching a 400,000 ft range. The fitness (miss distance) is plotted versus the number of function evaluations. For this test after every 40 function evaluations the number of better individuals was checked and the mutation rate was adjusted. The constant mutation rate real-coded GA was able to converge to a very good fitness of 9.85x10-5 in just 10,000 function evaluations. This corresponded to a range of 400,003.94 ft, with a miss distance of 3.94 ft. Keep in mind that this is a numerical result and is not intended to represent the accuracy of the physical model. For this test the fitness was determined using the equation shown below: With variable mutation turned on the GA was able to converge to a fitness of 10-8 in under 2,000 function evaluations. The variable mutation allowed the GA to converge geDesiredRan geDesiredRanRangeabsFitness )( ?= 30 to a better solution in 80% less function evaluations compared to the constant mutation rate real-coded GA. After 10,000 function evaluations the variable mutation GA was able to converge to a fitness of 1.31x10-15, corresponding to a miss distance of 5.24x10-11 ft. Figure 16. 1 Stage Solid Variable Mutation Convergence Plot The variable mutation GA was able to obtain its final fitness after 4,000 function evaluation, 50% less than the regular real coded GA. Variable mutation gives the real coded GA the possibility to converge to a very accurate solution very rapidly however it also has the tendency to get stuck on a local minimum and converge to a non-optimum solution. For this reason variable mutation was not used for the binary versus real GA comparison tests. 1 Stage Solid Variable Mutation 1E-15 1E-13 1E-11 1E-09 1E-07 1E-05 0.001 0.1 10 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s 1 STG Solid Vary Mutation 1 STG Solid NO Vary Mutation 31 5 MISSILE SYSTEM DESIGNS GA COMPARISONS Comparisons of the real and binary GA were conducted using all three missile system design codes outlined in Chapter 3. Initially both GA?s were setup to optimize a single goal, match a range. These tests are shown below in Chapter 5 Section 1. It was later determined that a more robust comparison would be two optimize two goals for each GA, match a range and match a weight, or any two goal combination that would drive each GA to a similar global optimum. Optimizing two goals for the missile system design codes drives the GA?s to a particular solution because it limits the possibilities for good missiles. For the match range goal, there are a wide variety of missiles that can match the range, however if a match range and match weight goals are both in effect the number of possible solutions is limited. 5.1 SINGLE STAGE SOLID MISSILE SYSTEM DESIGN For both the real and binary GA?s, each variable is given a maximum allowable value, and a minimum allowable value. For the binary GA, each variable is also given a resolution, this resolution is limited by the number of bits as described in Chapter 1. The initial excitement for the real coded GA came from preliminary comparisons of the real and binary GA?s for single stage solid propellant missile design using a single goal, match range. The first two tests conducted demonstrated the real GA?s potential for quick and accurate convergence when compared to the binary GA. The convergence plots for both tests are shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18. 32 Figure 17. Single Stage Solid 700,000 ft Preliminary Test Convergence History The first preliminary test was to design a single stage solid missile that could hit a target 700,000 ft down range. The fitness is calculated as follows: Single Stage Solid Match 700,000 ft Convergence Data 1.00E-14 1.00E-12 1.00E-10 1.00E-08 1.00E-06 1.00E-04 1.00E-02 1.00E+00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA 10 )( geDesiredRanRangeabsFitness ?= 33 The real-coded GA was able to achieve a better fitness than the binary GA in just over 2,000 function evaluations, and when let run to the full 10,000 function evaluations was able to converge to a solution 6 orders of magnitude more accurate. It should be noted that for this problem a miss distance of a foot or less is practically considered to be a hit. Therefore the increased precision is for academic purposes only. Figure 18. Single Stage Solid 250,000 ft Preliminary Test Convergence History The second preliminary test was to design a single stage solid missile that could hit a target 250,000 ft down range. The fitness is calculated as follows: The real GA was able to achieve a better fitness than the binary GA in just over 300 function evaluations, and when let run to the full 10,000 function evaluations was able to converge to a solution 2 orders of magnitude more accurate. The success of both Single Stage Solid Match 250,000 ft Convergence History 1E-10 1E-09 1E-08 1E-07 1E-06 1E-05 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Real GA Binary GA 10 )( geDesiredRanRangeabsFitness ?= 34 preliminary tests lead to more detailed and complex goals to better compare the two GA?s. Three more complex cases were tested in order to compare the binary and real coded GA?s: match range 100,000 ft while also matching a 2,500 lb take-off weight, match range 350,000 ft while also matching a 4,000 lb take-off weight, and match a 2,500lb take-off weight with a 240 second time of flight. By adding a second goal to each test both GA?s would be forced to a global solution in order to minimize each goal. Both missile design codes were identical with the exception of the GA?s. The GA input file (GANNL.DAT) can be seen in Appendix B for the real coded GA and Appendix C for the binary coded GA. Fitness? for the single stage solid system were calculated using the following equations. The real and binary GA?s both summed up the fitnesses for multiple goals, therefore the optimization only consisted of a single number to minimize as shown in the equations below. A summary of the single stage solid optimization results is shown in Table 7. For the single stage solid propellant missile design code the binary coded GA was able to converge to better solutions more rapidly than the real GA for all three cases tested. For two of the three cases tested both the real and binary GA?s converged to very similar results. 10 )( 10 )( sDesiredMasMassabsgeDesiredRanRangeabsFitness ?+?= 10 )( 10 )( DesiredTOFTOFabsghtDesiredWeiWeightabsFitness ?+?= 35 Table 7. Single Stage Solid Optimization Results GA Fitness Comparison Real GA Binary GA F.E. 1 Stg Solid Match 100kft 2500lb weight 50.61 46.69 10,000 Match 350kft 4000lb weight 48.67 3.98 10,000 Match 2500 lbs 240 sec 16.65 16.61 10,000 5.1.1 SINGLE STAGE SOLID 100,000 FT 2,500 LB GOAL For the first test the binary coded genetic algorithm was able to produce a missile that could hit a target 100,000.53 ft down range with a 2,969.91 lb initial take-off weight using 10,000 function evaluations with a converged solution having a fitness of 46.69. 36 Table 8. Single stage solid 100,000 ft 2,500 lb Final Design Variables Real GA Binary GA Design Variable Definition 0.4667 0.4732 1 rnose/rbody 2.7097 2.1902 2 lnose/dbody 2.6000 3.6958 3 (1)fuel type 0.5857 0.5955 4 (1)star out R 0.7067 0.5538 5 (1)star inner ratio 6.6000 10.2099 6 (1)number of star points 0.0627 0.0665 7 (1)fillet radius ratio 0.6111 0.6622 8 (1)eps 5.0000 4.7193 9 (1)star point angle deg 0.7386 0.8935 10 (1)fractional nozzle length 0.2825 0.2996 11 (1)Dia throat/Dbody 12.0000 12.1720 12 (1)Fineness Ratio 1.3410 1.3245 13 (1)dia stage 1 ft 0.0386 0.0495 14 (1)wing semispan / dbody 0.0271 0.0114 15 (1)wing root chord/dbody 0.9900 0.9708 16 (1)taper ratio 25.8571 15.8560 17 (1)wing LE sweep angle deg 0.2000 0.2105 18 (1)xLEw/lbody 1.3333 1.3965 19 (1)tail semispan/dbody 0.9000 1.0415 20 (1)tail root chord/dbody 0.9591 0.8318 21 (1)tail taper ratio 29.0794 12.8401 22 (1)LE sweep angle deg 0.9500 0.9642 23 (1)xTEt/lbody 4000.0000 4000.1293 24 (1)autopilot delay time sec 0.4000 0.7345 25 (1)auto pilot time constant sec 0.7622 0.4595 26 (1)auto pilot damping 54.2857 64.1508 27 (1)crossover freq hz 4.1613 3.1442 28 (1)pronav gain 62.1429 56.4049 29 initial launch angle deg This corresponded to a miss distance of 0.53 ft and a miss weight of 469.91 lb. Given the same inputs the real coded GA was able to achieve a fitness of 50.61 after 10,000 function evaluations. This corresponded to a miss distance of 0.00 ft and a miss weight of 506.10 lb. Table 8 lists all of the final design parameters chosen by both GA?s. Both GA?s converged to different propellant types and grain geometry as shown in design variables 3-9. The only other major differences in the converged design parameters were tail geometries shown in variables 19-23. The body diameter converged to very similar values for both GA?s, and can be seen in variable 13. 37 Figure 19. Single stage solid 100,000 ft 2,500 lb convergence Even though there are major design differences between the two missiles, both were able to meet their goals with similar fitness?s. A comparison of the performance of the two GA?s is shown in Figure 19. The binary coded GA was able to produce a more accurate converged solution quicker than its real counterpart. Single Stage Solid 100k ft Range 2.5k lb Convergence Data 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA 38 Figure 20. Single Stage Solid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History Figure 20 shows how both GA?s changed the missile body diameter as they converged to their final solution. The binary GA started out with a small missile body diameter for its initial guess, this contributed to its quicker convergence compared to the real coded GA. The real GA?s initial guess for body diameter was much larger than the binary GA?s initial guess. It should be noted that the overall convergence of the real GA closely follows the minimizing of the missile body diameter. The initial body diameter for the real GA was 1.94 ft, while the binary GA?s initial diameter was 1.34 ft. After 10,000 function evaluations the real GA converged to a body diameter of 1.32 ft, while the binary GA?s diameter remained at 1.34 ft. Three dimensional models of the single stage solid designed by the real and binary coded GA?s are shown in Figure 21 and Figure 22. Missile Body Diameter Convergence History 0.00E+00 5.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.50E+00 2.00E+00 2.50E+00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Mi ss ile B od y D iam et er (f t) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 Fit ne ss Real GA Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitnes 39 Figure 21. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA Figure 22. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA 5.1.2 SINGLE STAGE SOLID 350,000 FT 4,000 LB GOAL For the second test the binary coded genetic algorithm was able to produce a missile that could hit a target 350,000.05 ft down range with a 4,039.75 lb initial take-off weight using 10,000 function evaluations with a converged solution having a fitness of 3.982. This corresponded to a miss distance of 0.05 ft and a miss weight of 39.75 lb. Given the same inputs the real coded GA was able to achieve a fitness of 48.67 after 10,000 function evaluations. This corresponded to a miss distance of 0.00 ft and a miss weight of 485.6 lb. Table 9 shows the final design variables chosen by both GA?s. 40 Table 9. Single stage solid 350,000 ft 4,000 lb Final Design Variables Real GA Binary GA Design Variable Definition 0.5550 0.4000 1 rnose/rbody 2.1030 1.8387 2 lnose/dbody 7.6170 2.0667 3 (1)fuel type 0.5464 0.4429 4 (1)star out R 0.8000 0.5667 5 (1)star inner ratio 7.6293 10.2000 6 (1)number of star points 0.0751 0.0907 7 (1)fillet radius ratio 0.6707 0.7833 8 (1)eps 3.8307 3.2857 9 (1)star point angle deg 0.8320 0.7543 10 (1)fractional nozzle length 0.2803 0.2619 11 (1)Dia throat/Dbody 12.6541 14.3333 12 (1)Fineness Ratio 1.7177 1.4312 13 (1)dia stage 1 ft 0.0204 0.0386 14 (1)wing semispan / dbody 0.0332 0.0157 15 (1)wing root chord/dbody 0.9230 0.9360 16 (1)taper ratio 5.4306 23.0952 17 (1)wing LE sweep angle deg 0.2000 0.2000 18 (1)xLEw/lbody 1.3111 1.2000 19 (1)tail semispan/dbody 1.0726 0.9000 20 (1)tail root chord/dbody 0.7168 0.6620 21 (1)tail taper ratio 23.5479 1.9206 22 (1)LE sweep angle deg 0.9754 1.0000 23 (1)xTEt/lbody 3999.6107 4000.0000 24 (1)autopilot delay time sec 0.5869 0.4000 25 (1)auto pilot time constant sec 0.8690 0.7819 26 (1)auto pilot damping 47.5653 48.0952 27 (1)crossover freq hz 3.3209 4.0323 28 (1)pronav gain 74.2459 44.2857 29 initial launch angle deg For this case almost all of the final converged design variables differed for both GA?s. The propellant type and grain geometry converged to different values as shown in variables 3-9. The wing and tail geometries, variables 14-23, also converged to different values. The initial launch angle, variable 29 and the body diameter, variable 13 also converged to very different values. These parameters played a very important role in the convergence of this missile system, as will be shown in later sections. A comparison of the performance of the two GA?s is shown in Figure 23. 41 Single Stage Solid 350k ft Range 4k lb Convergence Data 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA Figure 23. Single stage solid 350,000 ft 4,000 lb convergence 42 Figure 24. Single Stage Solid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History Figure 24 shows the how both GA?s changed the missile body diameter as they converged to their final solution. The binary GA was able to quickly converge to a small missile body diameter, this contributed to its quicker convergence compared to the real coded GA. The real GA?s initial guess for body diameter was much larger than the binary GA?s initial guess. The initial body diameter for the real GA was 1.95 ft, while the binary GA?s initial diameter was 1.43 ft. After 10,000 function evaluations the real GA converged to a body diameter of 1.72 ft, while the binary GA?s diameter remained at 1.43 ft. It should be noted that the overall convergence of the real GA closely follows the minimizing of the missile body diameter, while the binary GA?s overall convergence does not. Figure 25 shows the convergence of another GA design variable, initial launch angle. Figure 25 shows that the convergence of this design variable contributed more for Missile Body Diameter Convergence History 0.00E+00 5.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.50E+00 2.00E+00 2.50E+00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Mi ss ile B od y D iam et er (f t) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 Fit ne ss Real GA Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness 43 the overall convergence of the binary GA. Three dimensional models of the single stage solid designed by the real and binary coded GA?s are shown in Figure 26 and Figure 27. Figure 25. Single Stage Solid Missile Initial Launch Angle Convergence History Initial Launch Angle Convergence History 0.00E+00 1.00E+01 2.00E+01 3.00E+01 4.00E+01 5.00E+01 6.00E+01 7.00E+01 8.00E+01 9.00E+01 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Ini tia l L au nc h A ng le (d eg ) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 Fit ne ss Real GA Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness 44 Figure 26. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA Figure 27. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA 45 5.1.3 SINGLE STAGE SOLID 2,500 LB 240 SEC TOF GOAL For the third test the binary coded genetic algorithm was able to produce a missile with a 2,500.00 lb initial take-off weight and a 406.05 second flight time using 10,000 function evaluations with a converged solution having a fitness of 16.61. This corresponded to a miss weight of 0.00 lb and miss time of 166.05 seconds. Table 10. Single stage solid 2,500 lb 240 sec Final Design Variables Given the same inputs the real coded GA was able to achieve a fitness of 16.65 after 10,000 function evaluations. This corresponded to a miss weight of 0.00 lb and a Real GA Binary GA Design Variable Definition 0.4000 0.4000 1 rnose/rbody 1.7483 2.4194 2 lnose/dbody 2.9399 2.0667 3 (1)fuel type 0.6144 0.5143 4 (1)star out R 0.7426 0.6600 5 (1)star inner ratio 10.1264 5.0000 6 (1)number of star points 0.0300 0.0533 7 (1)fillet radius ratio 0.6000 0.6000 8 (1)eps 4.8342 1.0000 9 (1)star point angle deg 0.7293 0.7124 10 (1)fractional nozzle length 0.2500 0.2683 11 (1)Dia throat/Dbody 12.0881 14.0000 12 (1)Fineness Ratio 1.0447 0.9579 13 (1)dia stage 1 ft 0.0401 0.0100 14 (1)wing semispan / dbody 0.0234 0.0329 15 (1)wing root chord/dbody 0.9852 0.9720 16 (1)taper ratio 10.5898 18.0317 17 (1)wing LE sweep angle deg 0.2010 0.2071 18 (1)xLEw/lbody 1.3036 1.3333 19 (1)tail semispan/dbody 0.9641 0.9667 20 (1)tail root chord/dbody 0.7347 0.5077 21 (1)tail taper ratio 30.0000 29.0794 22 (1)LE sweep angle deg 0.9562 0.9857 23 (1)xTEt/lbody 3999.8384 3999.0000 24 (1)autopilot delay time sec 0.5699 0.6286 25 (1)auto pilot time constant sec 0.7403 0.4945 26 (1)auto pilot damping 40.0000 51.4286 27 (1)crossover freq hz 3.0626 3.3226 28 (1)pronav gain 85.0000 85.0000 29 initial launch angle deg 46 miss time of 166.49 seconds. Table 10 shows the final converged design variables for each GA. Both the real and binary GA?s produced similar missiles for this test. When analyzing Table 11 the only real difference between the two missiles is the fineness ratio, variable 12, which is defined as the length of the missile divided by the diameter of the body. The binary GA converged to a larger fineness ratio of 14 while the real GA converged to a value of just above 12. This effectively made the binary GA longer as shown in Figure 28. A comparison of the performance of the two GA?s is shown in Figure 28. The binary coded GA was able to produce a slightly more accurate converged solution quicker than its real counterpart. Figure 28. Single stage solid 2,500 lb 240sec convergence history Single Stage Solid 2500lb 240s Flight Time Convergence Data 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA 47 Figure 29. Single Stage Solid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History Figure 29 shows the how both GA?s changed the missile body diameter as they converged to their final solution. Body diameter did not contribute as much to the overall fitness for the binary GA as it did for the real GA. The binary GA?s diameter started off at a small value and remained there throughout the GA run. The diameter did however change dramatically for the real GA. The initial drop in the fitness of the real GA was largely contributed by the initial decrease in body diameter from 1.93 ft to 1.18 ft in the first 100 function evaluations. Since the second goal for this test was match a flight time, it is not surprising that the initial launch angle played a major role in the overall fitness of both GA?s. A plot of the initial launch angle vs. function evaluations can be seen in Figure 30. . Missile Body Diameter Convergence History 0.00E+00 5.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.50E+00 2.00E+00 2.50E+00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Mi ss ile B od y D iam et er (f t) 0.00E+00 1.00E+01 2.00E+01 3.00E+01 4.00E+01 5.00E+01 6.00E+01 7.00E+01 8.00E+01 9.00E+01 1.00E+02 Fit ne ss Real GA Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness 48 Figure 30. Single Stage Solid Missile Initial Launch Angle Convergence History Figure 30 shows that the convergence of the initial launch angle contributed to the overall convergence of both GA?s. The real and binary GA?s both started with relatively low initial launch angles and quickly increased the angle to increase the time of flight while maintaining a low take-off weight. Three dimensional models of the single stage solid designed by the real and binary coded GA?s are shown in Figure 31 and Figure 32. Initial Launch Angle Convergence History 0.00E+00 1.00E+01 2.00E+01 3.00E+01 4.00E+01 5.00E+01 6.00E+01 7.00E+01 8.00E+01 9.00E+01 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations In iti al La un ch A ng le (d eg ) 0.00E+00 5.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.50E+01 2.00E+01 2.50E+01 3.00E+01 3.50E+01 4.00E+01 4.50E+01 5.00E+01 Fi tn es s Real GA Binary GA Binary GA Fitness Real GA Fitness 49 Figure 31. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA Figure 32. Single Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA 50 5.2 TWO STAGE SOLID MISSILE SYSTEM DESIGN Two cases were tested in order to compare the binary and real coded GA?s for the two stage solid propellant missile system: match range 100,000 ft with a 6,000 lb initial take-off weight and match range 250,000 ft with a 7,000 lb initial take-off weight. Both missile design codes were identical with the exception of the GA?s. The GA input file (GANNL.DAT) can be seen in Appendix D for the real coded GA and Appendix E for the binary coded GA. The fitness? for the two stage system were calculated as shown below. A summary of the 2 stage solid optimization results is shown in Table 11. For the two stage solid propellant missile design code the real coded GA was able to converge to a better solution more rapidly for one case, while the binary GA was able to converge to a better solution for the other case tested. Table 11. Two Stage Solid Optimization Results GA Fitness Comparison Real GA Binary GA F.E. 2 Stg Solid match 100k ft 6000lbm weight 408.6 414.1 10,000 match 250k ft 7000lbm weight 5148 314.1 10,000 0.10 )( geDesiredRanRangeabsFitness ?= 0.10 )( ghtDesiredWeiWeightabsFitness ?= 51 5.2.1 TWO STAGE SOLID 100,000 FT 6,000 LB GOAL For the first test the binary coded genetic algorithm was able to produce a missile that could hit a target 101,387.69 ft down range with a 8,758.00 lb initial take-off weight using 10,000 function evaluations with a converged solution having a fitness of 414.1. This corresponded to a miss distance of 1,387.69 ft and a miss weight of 2,758.00 lb. Given the same inputs the real coded GA was able to achieve a fitness of 408.6 after 10,000 function evaluations. This corresponded to a miss distance of 1,427.14 ft and a miss weight of 2,658.80 lb. Table 12 shows the final design variables that both the real and binary GA?s converged to. Table 12. Two stage solid 100,000 ft 6,000 lb Final Design Variables Real GA Binary GA Design Variable Definition 0.4000 0.5333 1 nose radius ratio 3.0000 2.1774 2 nose length ratio 6.0916 6.1000 3 (1)fuel type 0.5000 0.5000 4 (1)propellant outer radius ratio 0.5022 0.5000 5 (1)propellant inner radius ratio 9.0000 9.1000 6 (1)number of star points 0.0896 0.0957 7 (1)fillet radius ratio 0.8000 0.9000 8 (1)epsilon 10.0000 11.1063 9 (1)star point angle 0.9369 0.9313 10 (1)fractional nozzle length ratio 0.2800 0.2933 11 (1)throat diameter/dbody 11.9668 10.1000 12 (1)total length of stg 1 in 1.5359 1.8331 13 (1)dia of stg 1 center body ft 1.2000 1.2000 14 (1)exposed semi span/dbody1 0.9000 0.9000 15 (1)root chord/dbody1 0.9600 0.9814 16 (1)taper ratio 39.3637 40.0000 17 (1)LE sweep angle deg 0.9938 1.0000 18 (1)xTE/lbody1 6.0000 6.1000 19 (2)fuel type 0.4000 0.4000 20 (2)propellant outer radius ratio 0.6000 0.6000 21 (2)propellant inner radius ratio 9.0948 9.0000 22 (2)number of star points 0.1000 0.1000 23 (2)fillet radius ratio 0.8756 0.8667 24 (2)epsilon 10.0000 10.0000 25 (2)star point angle 0.9900 0.9900 26 (2)fractional nozzle length ratio 52 0.3200 0.3200 27 (2)throat dia/dbody2 7.0000 7.0000 28 (2)total length of booster stage 2 ft 1.4000 1.4000 29 (2)dia of booster center section stg 2 ft 1.4000 1.4000 30 (2)exposed semi-span/dbody2 1.0956 1.1000 31 (2)root chord/dbody2 0.9600 0.9814 32 (2)taper ratio 2.0000 15.4839 33 (2)LE sweep angle deg 1.0000 0.9933 34 (2)xTE/lbody2 2.4092 2.2000 35 time to separate stage 1 sec 4001.0000 4000.0000 36 (1)autopilot on delat time stage 1 0.5570 0.5714 37 (1)autopilot time constant stage 1 0.6376 0.6190 38 (1)autopilot damping stage 1 60.0000 59.3333 39 (1)crossover freq hz stage 1 5.6430 5.8000 40 (1)pronavgain stage 1 4000.5150 4001.0000 41 (2)autopilot on delat time stage 2 0.6493 0.4857 42 (2)autopilot time constant stage 2 0.6000 0.8048 43 (2)autopilot damping stage 2 51.2369 50.6667 44 (2)crossover freq hz stage 2 3.0000 3.6000 45 (2)pronavgain stage 2 45.0906 45.0000 46 initial launch angle deg Both the real and binary GA?s produced similar missiles for this test. When analyzing Table 12 the only real difference between the two missiles was the top stage body diameter variable 13. The binary GA converged to a larger body diameter of 1.83 ft while the real GA converged to a value of just above 1.5 ft. This effectively increased the binary GA?s weight increasing the fitness as shown in Figure 33. A comparison of the performance of the two GA?s is shown in Figure 33. 53 Figure 33. Two stage solid 100,000 ft 6,000 lb convergence history Figure 34. Two Stage Solid Missile Upper Body Diameter Convergence History The real coded GA was able to produce a slightly more accurate converged solution than its binary counterpart. Figure 34 shows the how both GA?s changed the Two Stage Solid 100,000 ft Match 6000lb Weight Convergence Data 1.00E+02 1.10E+03 2.10E+03 3.10E+03 4.10E+03 5.10E+03 6.10E+03 7.10E+03 8.10E+03 9.10E+03 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fit ne ss Binary GA Real GA 2 Stage Solid Match 100k ft Match 6000 lb Upper Stage Diameter History 1.00E+00 1.20E+00 1.40E+00 1.60E+00 1.80E+00 2.00E+00 2.20E+00 2.40E+00 2.60E+00 2.80E+00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Up pe r S tag e Di am ete r ( ft) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness Real GA 54 upper stage missile body diameter as they converged to their final solution. The body diameter is very important when trying to minimize the weight of a missile. For the two stage solid system the body diameter is the only dimensional parameter, all of the other parameters are non-dimensional therefore it is easy to see the overall scale of the missile when looking at the body diameter. For this test the upper stage body diameter could vary between 2.62 and 1.31 feet. The binary GA started with an initial upper stage body diameter of 1.96 ft and converged to a body diameter if 1.83 ft after 10,000 function evaluations. When comparing the overall convergence plot with the body diameter plot there does not seem to be a correlation between the body diameter and the overall convergence for the binary GA. There does seem to be a correlation between the overall convergence and the body diameter for the real GA. After approximately 5000 function evaluations the real GA?s body diameter was reduced from 1.92 ft to 1.54 ft, this reduced the weight of the missile and helped to reach a better solution. Another very important design parameter is the initial launch angle. The launch angle is very important when trying to match a range for a ballistic trajectory. Figure 35 shows the convergence of another GA design variable, initial launch angle. When comparing the overall convergence plot with the launch angle convergence plot it becomes clear that for both the real and binary GA?s the launch angle was a large contributor to the overall convergence. The binary GA started off with an initial launch angle of 63.9 degrees and rapidly converged to a launch angle of 45 degrees within the first 1000 function evaluations. The real GA started with an initial launch angle of 85 degrees and fluctuated slightly for the first 5000 function evaluations and then rapidly decreased to 45 degrees after 5000 function evaluations. The max value allowed for the 55 launch angle was 85 degrees and the minimum value was 45 degrees, therefore better fitness? could possibly have been obtained with a broader range of initial launch angles. The 3D models of the two stage solid designed by the real and binary coded GA?s are shown in Figure 36 and Figure 37. Figure 35. Two Stage Solid Missile Initial Launch Angle Convergence History 2 Stage Solid Match 100k ft Match 6000 lb Initial Launch Angle History 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations In iti al La un ch A ng le (d eg ) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness Real GA 56 Figure 36. Two Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA Figure 37. Two Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA 57 5.2.2 TWO STAGE SOLID 250,000 FT 7,000 LB GOAL For the second test the binary coded genetic algorithm was able to produce a missile that could hit a target 251,144.44 ft down range with a 9,391.07 lb initial take-off weight using 10,000 function evaluations with a converged solution having a fitness of 314.1. This corresponded to a miss distance of 1,144.44 ft and a miss weight of 2,391.07 lb. Given the same inputs the real coded GA was able to achieve a fitness of 5,148 after 10,000 function evaluations. This corresponded to a miss distance of 50,377.97 ft and a miss weight of 1,105.80 lb. Table 13. Two stage solid 250,000 ft 7,000 lb Final Design Variables Real GA Binary GA Design Variable Definition 0.5764 0.5333 1 rnose/rbody 2.0296 2.1774 2 lnose/dbody 6.0069 6.1000 3 (1)fuel type 0.4949 0.5000 4 (1)star out R 0.5126 0.5000 5 (1)star inner ratio 9.0962 9.1000 6 (1)number of star points 0.0944 0.0957 7 (1)fillet radius ratio 0.8083 0.9000 8 (1)eps 10.0145 11.1063 9 (1)star point angle deg 0.9567 0.9313 10 (1)fractional nozzle length 0.2905 0.2933 11 (1)Dia throat/Dbody 10.6759 10.1000 12 (1)Fineness Ratio 1.6277 1.8331 13 (1)body dia ft 1.3963 1.2000 14 (1)wing semispan / dbody 1.0155 0.9000 15 (1)wing root chord/dbody 0.9877 0.9814 16 (1)taper ratio 26.1889 40.0000 17 (1)wing LE sweep angle deg 0.9944 1.0000 18 (1)xLEw/lbody 6.1000 6.1000 19 (2)fuel type 0.6000 0.4000 20 (2)star out R 0.5000 0.6000 21 (2)star inner ratio 9.0181 9.0000 22 (2)number of star points 0.1000 0.1000 23 (2)fillet radius ratio 0.8000 0.8667 24 (2)eps 10.0648 10.0000 25 (2)star point angle deg 0.9900 0.9900 26 (2)fractional nozzle length 58 0.3100 0.3200 27 (2)Dia throat/Dbody 7.0000 7.0000 28 (2)Fineness Ratio 1.9685 1.9685 29 (2)body dia ft 1.2000 1.4000 30 (2)wing semispan / dbody 1.1000 1.1000 31 (2)wing root chord/dbody 0.9843 0.9814 32 (2)taper ratio 29.1717 15.4839 33 (2)wing LE sweep angle deg 0.9800 0.9933 34 (2)xLEw/lbody 2.5789 2.2000 35 time to separate stage 1 sec 4000.1986 4000.0000 36 (1)autopilot delay time sec 0.4000 0.5714 37 (1)auto pilot time constant sec 0.8700 0.6190 38 (1)auto pilot damping 52.6969 59.3333 39 (1)crossover freq hz 3.4299 5.8000 40 (1)pronav gain 4000.0869 4001.0000 41 (12autopilot delay time sec 0.4120 0.4857 42 (2)auto pilot time constant sec 0.6182 0.8048 43 (2)auto pilot damping 53.3991 50.6667 44 (2)crossover freq hz 4.1287 3.6000 45 (2)pronav gain 86.0000 45.0000 46 initial launch angle deg When comparing the final converged design variables for the real and binary GA?s the main differing variables are the upper stage body diameter, initial launch angle, and both the upper stage(1) and bottom stage(2) wing LE angles as shown above in Table 13. A comparison of the performance of the two GA?s is shown in Figure 38. 59 Figure 38. Two stage solid 250,000 ft 7,000 lb convergence history The binary coded GA was able to produce a much more accurate converged solution than its real counterpart. While the binary GA was able to produce a better overall fitness than the real GA, it was not able to match the weight as accurately as the real GA. The real GA was able to get over 1,000 lbs closer to the desired weight of 7,000 lbs than the binary GA. The weight difference can be accounted for by the body diameter. Figure 39 shows that the real GA was able to converge to a smaller upper stage body diameter than the binary GA. Two Stage Solid 250,000 ft Match 7000lb Weight Convergence Data 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fit ne ss Binary GA Real GA 60 Figure 39. Two Stage Solid Missile Upper Stage Diameter Convergence History For this test the upper stage body diameter could was allowed to vary between 2.62 and 1.31 feet, the same ranges as the previous two stage test. The binary GA started with an initial upper stage body diameter of 1.96 ft and converged to a body diameter if 1.83 ft after 10,000 function evaluations. When comparing the overall convergence plot with the body diameter plot there does not seem to be a correlation between the body diameter and the overall convergence for the binary GA. There does seem to be a correlation between the overall convergence and the body diameter for the real GA. In the first few hundred function evaluations the real GA?s body diameter was reduced from 1.92 ft to 1.63 ft, this reduced the weight of the missile and helped to reach a better solution. While the weight of the real GA was closer to the desired weight than the binary GA, the binary GA was able to match the range much more accurately than the real GA, Two Stage Solid Match 250k ft Match 7000 lb Upper Stage Diameter History 1.00E+00 1.20E+00 1.40E+00 1.60E+00 1.80E+00 2.00E+00 2.20E+00 2.40E+00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Up pe r S tag e Di am ete r ( ft) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness Real GA 61 giving the binary GA a converged fitness almost an order of magnitude better than the real GA. When the design parameters are analyzed it becomes clear that the reason for the poor performance of the real GA was the initial launch angle. Figure 40 shows the initial launch angle for both the real and binary GA?s plotted against function evaluations. Figure 40. Two Stage Solid Missile Initial Launch Angle Convergence History Two Stage Solid Match 250k ft Match 7000 lb Initial Launch Angle History 0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 80.00 90.00 100.00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations In iti al La un ch A ng le (d eg ) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness Real GA 62 The real GA started with an initial launch angle of 75 degrees and quickly rose to 85 degrees, where it remained to the remainder of the function evaluations. This may be due to the fact that the real GA?s smaller body diameter missile needed to have a high initial launch angle in order to coast to the target because of the decreased propellant mass associated with a smaller diameter. Any lower launch angle could have come up far short of the target. The binary GA was able to start of with a 65 degree launch angle and it converged to a 45 degree launch angle. The binary GA was able to achieve a better overall fitness by trading off weight for range. Three dimensional models of the single stage solid designed by the real and binary coded GA?s are shown in Figure 41and Figure 42. Figure 41. Two Stage Solid 3D Model-Real GA Figure 42. Two Stage Solid 3D Model-Binary GA 63 5.3 SINGLE STAGE LIQUID MISSILE SYSTEM DESIGN Two cases were tested in order to compare the binary and real coded GA?s for the single stage liquid propellant missile tests: match range 450,000 ft while also matching a 55,000lb initial take-off weight and match range 700,000 ft while also matching a 55,000lb initial take-off weight. Both missile design codes were identical with the exception of the GA?s. The GA input file (GANNL.DAT) can be seen in Appendix F for the real coded GA and Appendix G for the binary coded GA. The fitness? for the liquid system were calculated as shown below. A summary of the single stage liquid optimization results is shown in Table 14. For the single stage liquid missile design code the real coded GA was able to converge to a better solution in one of the two tests. The binary GA was able to converge to better solutions in the remaining test however the fitness?s were on the same order of magnitude. Table 14. Single Stage Liquid Optimization Results GA Fitness Comparison Real GA Binary GA F.E. 1 Stg Liquid Match 450kft 55000lb weight 6.97 276.16 10,000 Match 700kft 55000lb weight 94.00 72.03 10,000 0.10 )(RangeabsFitness= )( eActualRanggeDesiredRanabsRange ?= 0.10 )( ghtDesiredWeiWeightabsFitness ?= 64 5.3.1 SINGLE STAGE LIQUID 450K FT 55K LB WEIGHT GOAL For the first test the binary coded genetic algorithm was able to produce a missile that could hit a target 450,088.15 ft down range with an initial take-off weight of 57,812.7 lbs using 10,000 function evaluations with a converged solution having a fitness of 276.2. This corresponded to a miss distance of 88.15 ft and a miss weight of 2,812.7 lbs. Given the same inputs the real coded GA was able to achieve a fitness of 6.973 after 10,000 function evaluations. This corresponded to a miss distance of 19.97 ft and a miss weight of 49.76 lbs. Table 15. Single Stage Liquid 450,000 ft 55,000 lb Final Design Variables Real GA Binary GA Design Variable Definition 5.1644 5.5677 1 body diameter ft 4.1000 4.1000 2 propellant type 0.6928 0.7000 3 equivalence ratio 2457.9795 2340.1575 4 chamber pressure psi 0.5460 0.7143 5 nose dia ratio 1.9389 1.7333 6 nose length ratio 0.1040 0.1013 7 nozzle throat dia/dbody 20.7429 10.3922 8 nozzle expansion ratio 0.6359 0.7600 9 fractional nozzle length 87.6968 87.6378 10 burn time sec 0.0229 0.0400 11 wing root chord ratio 0.8968 0.8900 12 wing taper ratio 0.0259 0.0457 13 wing b/2 ratio 3.8352 2.1429 14 wing le angle deg 0.5000 0.3095 15 XLEwing/lbody 1.0551 1.1000 16 tail root chord ratio 0.5000 0.5656 17 tail taper ratio 1.0128 1.0667 18 tail b/2 ratio 20.4071 25.5484 19 tail le angle deg 0.9809 0.9786 20 tail x loc 4999.0000 4999.0000 21 autopilot delay time sec 0.6716 0.3094 22 autopilot time const 0.5849 0.9206 23 autopilot damping coeff 40.0672 60.0000 24 cross freq hz 5.5797 4.4194 25 pronav gain 83.0333 83.7419 26 initial launch angle deg 65 When analyzing the final converged design parameters for both GA?s, all of the parameters are very similar except for the missile body diameter, variable 1, the nozzle expansion ratio, variable 8 and variable 19, the tail leading edge angle. Since both GA?s converge to different fitness?s it is logical that for a match weight goal the diameters would be different, and similarly for a match range goal the tails would also be different for two missiles that fly out to differing ranges. A comparison of the performance of the two GA?s is shown in Figure 43. Figure 43. Single Stage Liquid 450,000 ft 55,000 lb Convergence Plot The real coded GA was able to produce a much more accurate converged solution than its binary counterpart. The weight difference can be accounted for by the body diameter. Figure 44 shows that the real GA was able to converge to a smaller body diameter than the binary GA. For the single stage liquid the body diameter was allowed to vary between 6.6 ft and 5.0 ft. The binary GA started out with a body diameter of 6.19 Single Stage Liquid 450,000 ft Range 55,000 lb Weight Convergence Data 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fit ne ss Binary GA Real GA 66 ft and converged to a 5.52 ft body diameter. The real GA was able to converge to a 5.14 ft body diameter, allowing for a lower initial take-off weight. Figure 44. Single Stage Liquid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History Single Stage Liquid Match 450k ft Match 55,000 lb Diameter History 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Bo dy D iam ete r ( ft) 1.00E+00 1.00E+02 1.00E+04 1.00E+06 1.00E+08 1.00E+10 Fi tn es s Real GA Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness 67 Figure 45. Single Stage Liquid Missile Tail Leading Edge Angle Convergence History While the diameter is important for the overall convergence, it does not seem to be contributing to the final drop in the fitness for the real coded GA. When the convergence history was analyzed it was discovered that the final decreases in fitness for the real coded GA was due to the tail leading edge angle. The angle was allowed to vary between 44.0 and 0.0 degrees. After 7,000 function evaluations the real GA had converged to a 14.6 degree tail leading edge angle, in the remaining 3,000 function evaluations the real GA increased the angle to 20.6 degrees aided in converging closer to the target giving the real GA the better overall fitness. Three dimensional models of the single stage solid designed by the real and binary coded GA?s are shown in Figure 46 and Figure 47. Single Stage Liquid Match 450k ft Match 55,000 lb Tail LE Angle History 4.00 9.00 14.00 19.00 24.00 29.00 34.00 39.00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Ta il L E An gle (d eg ) 1.00E+00 1.00E+02 1.00E+04 1.00E+06 1.00E+08 1.00E+10 1.00E+12 Fit ne ss Real GA Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness 68 Figure 46. Single Stage Liquid 3D Model-Real GA Figure 47. Single Stage Liquid 3D Model-Binary GA 5.3.2 SINGLE STAGE LIQUID 700K FT 55K LB WEIGHT GOAL For the second test the binary coded genetic algorithm was able to produce a missile that could hit a target 700,417.41 ft down range with an initial take-off weight of 55,302.29 lbs using 10,000 function evaluations with a converged solution having a fitness of 72.03. This corresponded to a miss distance of 417.41 ft and a miss weight of 302.29 lbs. Given the same inputs the real coded GA was able to achieve a fitness of 69 94.00 after 10,000 function evaluations. This corresponded to a miss distance of 848.21 ft and a miss weight of 91.80 lbs. Table 16. Single Stage Liquid 700,000 ft 55,000 lb Final Design Variables When analyzing the final converged design parameters for both GA?s, all of the parameters are very similar except for the missile body diameter, variable 1, the nozzle expansion ratio, variable 8 and variable 19, the tail leading edge angle. The initial launch angles were also different by a few degrees which could have contributed to the increased accuracy for the match range goal. A comparison of the performance of the two GA?s is shown in Figure 48. Real GA Binary GA Design Variable Definition 5.4645 5.0021 1 body diameter ft 4.0000 4.0936 2 propellant type 0.6000 0.6998 3 equivalence ratio 2018.8976 2496.5987 4 chamber pressure psi 0.7143 0.5000 5 nose dia ratio 1.7333 1.9850 6 nose length ratio 0.1173 0.1159 7 nozzle throat dia/dbody 8.5294 21.2879 8 nozzle expansion ratio 0.8200 0.6176 9 fractional nozzle length 73.7795 73.8050 10 burn time sec 0.0333 0.0316 11 wing root chord ratio 0.8900 0.9188 12 wing taper ratio 0.0500 0.0322 13 wing b/2 ratio 2.1429 4.2167 14 wing le angle deg 0.2206 0.3488 15 XLEwing/lbody 1.0000 1.0410 16 tail root chord ratio 0.8048 0.5000 17 tail taper ratio 1.0667 1.0026 18 tail b/2 ratio 17.0323 10.6517 19 tail le angle deg 0.9643 0.9763 20 tail x loc 5000.0000 4999.3174 21 autopilot delay time sec 0.7890 0.4717 22 autopilot time const 0.8318 0.7489 23 autopilot damping coeff 53.5484 52.4772 24 cross freq hz 6.2258 5.3116 25 pronav gain 82.1936 78.0266 26 initial launch angle deg 70 Figure 48. Single Stage Liquid 700,000 ft 55,000 lb Convergence Plot The binary coded GA was able to produce a slightly more accurate converged solution than its real counterpart. The real GA was able to converge to a lower weight than the binary GA, however it missed the target by a greater distance, therefore the binary GA converged to a lower overall fitness. The real GA?s ability to converge to a lower weight can be account for by its body diameter convergence as shown in Figure 49. The limits allowed for the body diameter were a maximum value of 6.6 ft with a 5.0 ft minimum. The real GA started off with an initial body diameter of 6.05 ft and quickly converged to the minimum allowable value for the diameter of 5.0 ft, in order to minimize the weight. The binary GA also started off with a body diameter above 6.0 ft, however the binary GA?s body diameter only converged to 5.50 ft. Single Stage Liquid 700,000 ft Range 55,000 lb Weight Convergence Data 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA 71 Figure 49. Single Stage Liquid Missile Body Diameter Convergence History Both GA?s body diameters were converged after only a few thousand function evaluations. The binary GA?s overall fitness followed the body diameter convergence, the real GA on the other hand continued to converge well after the body diameter had converged to the minimum allowable value. The second design variable shown to play an important role in the convergence of this case was the burn time. A plot of the burn time versus function evaluations is shown in Figure 50. Single Stage Liquid Match 700k ft Match 55,000 lb Diameter History 4.00E+00 4.50E+00 5.00E+00 5.50E+00 6.00E+00 6.50E+00 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Bo dy D iam ete r ( ft) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 Fi tn es s Real GA Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness 72 Figure 50. Single Stage Liquid Missile Burn Time Convergence History The burn time was allowed to vary between 150 and 70 seconds for the liquid missile systems. The initial burn times for both GA?s was over 80 seconds. The binary GA converged to a burn time of 73.8 seconds in just over 2,000 function evaluations. The real GA converged to the same burn time, however it took just over 7,000 function evaluations. Three dimensional models of the single stage solid designed by the real and binary coded GA?s are shown in Figure 51 and Figure 52. Single Stage Liquid Match 700k ft Match 55,000 lb Burn Time History 4.00E+00 2.40E+01 4.40E+01 6.40E+01 8.40E+01 1.04E+02 1.24E+02 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Bu rn Ti m e ( se c) 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 Fit ne ss Real GA Binary GA Real GA Fitness Binary GA Fitness 73 Figure 51. Single Stage Liquid 3D Model-Real GA Figure 52. Single Stage Liquid 3D Model-Binary GA 74 6 REAL CODED GA CONVERGENCE TESTING REVISITED The GA parameters (mutation rate, mutation amount, population size etc) for both GA?s were held constant throughout all of the comparison tests analyzed in Chapter 5. The initial convergence testing for the real coded GA demonstrated its ability to converge to accurate solutions very rapidly for single goal cases. The same GA parameters were used for the two goal cases discussed in Chapter 5. In order to get a better understanding of the effect of a second goal on the mutation parameters, a second set of convergence testing for the real coded GA was conducted. Figure 53. Two Goal Crossover Convergence History For the two goal convergence tests the single stage solid code was used, with goals of match range 150,000 ft, and a match weight of 1,500 lbs. BlendX crossover was Two Goal Crossover Testing 100 1000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fit ne ss Single-Point BlendX Uniform 75 able to achieve the best fitness. The next GA parameter tested was the mutation operators, mutation rate and mutation amount. Table 17 shows the final fitness? achieved for the various mutation operator combinations. It should be noted that for the two goal case the best operator combination was not Test_3 as it was in the 1 goal test. Table 17. Two Goal Mutation Testing Results 2 Goal Mutation Testing Mutation Operators Mutation Rate Mutation Amount Fitness Test_1 1.00 0.05 190.49 Test_2 0.20 0.10 181.33 Test_3 0.05 1.00 288.03 Test_4 0.50 0.05 190.25 Figure 54. Two Goal Mutation Testing Convergence History Figure 54 shows the overall convergence of the two goal mutation test for the single stage solid. The operator combination used in the comparisons in Chapter 5 was Test_3, which was the worst performer for this test. The third and final test conducted was for population size. The same population sizes were tested for the two goal test that were tested in Chapter 4 for the one goal test. Two Goal Mutation Test Convergence Data 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fit ne ss Test_1 Test_3 Test_4 Test_2 76 Figure 55. Two Goal Population Test Convergence History Figure 55 shows that a population size of 30 was able to converge to the best fitness for the two goal case. The two goal testing demonstrates how sensitive the real coded GA is to minor charges in any of the GA parameters. Table 18 shows all of the GA parameters with their achieved fitness values for the one goal and two goal tests. Two Goal Population Size Convergence Testing 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fit ne ss Pop Size = 3 Pop Size = 5 Pop Size = 7 Pop Size = 10 Pop Size = 30 77 Table 18. One and Two goal GA Parameter Comparison One Goal Two Goal Crossover Testing Crossover Type Fitness Crossover Type Fitness Test_1 Blend X 2.10E-07 Blend X 181.330895 Test_2 Single-Point 9.85E-06 Single-Point 266.909582 Test_3 Uniform 4.23E-06 Uniform 216.382506 Mutation Testing One Goal Two Goal Mutation Operators Mutation Rate Mutation Amount Fitness Mutation Rate Mutation Amount Fitness Test_1 1.00 0.05 3.98E-06 1.00 0.05 190.49 Test_2 0.20 0.10 6.54E-09 0.20 0.10 181.33 Test_3 0.05 1.00 8.03E-12 0.05 1.00 288.03 Test_4 0.50 0.05 4.26E-06 0.50 0.05 190.25 One Goal Two Goal Population Testing Population Size Fitness Population Size Fitness Test_1 3 8.03E-12 3 181.330895 Test_2 5 3.79E-06 5 172.961289 Test_3 7 6.52E-11 7 246.371314 Test_4 10 2.40E-06 10 176.498353 Test_5 30 6.56E-11 30 169.005173 Due to the differences in the mutation operators and the population size it was deemed necessary to re-run all of the binary vs real comparisons from Chapter 5 with the new GA parameters to see if the real GA would produce different results. All of the re- run cases achieved similar fitness to the first runs, with the exception of the two stage solid. The two stage solid using the new parameters was able to achieve a better fitness than the binary GA. 78 Figure 56. Two Stage Solid Match 100k ft 6k lb Re-Run Figure 57. Two Stage Solid Match 250k ft 7k lb Re-Run Two Stage Solid 250,000 ft Match 7000lb Weight Convergence Data 1.00E+01 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fi tn es s Binary GA Real GA Real GA New GA Parameters Two Stage Solid 100,000 ft Match 6000lb Weight Convergence Data 1.00E+02 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 Function Evaluations Fit ne ss Binary GA Real GA Real GA New GA Parameters 79 For both tests, the real GA was able to achieve a better fitness than the initial real GA and the binary GA. The remaining five tests for the single stage solid and single stage liquid produced similar results to the initial tests. 80 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A real coded genetic algorithm has been written from first principles. The real GA operators have been tested to find an optimal set of parameters for quick convergence with minimal convergence on local minimums. The real coded GA was then coupled with three different design codes, a single stage solid missile system design code, two stage solid missile system design code and a single stage liquid missile system design code. Three tests were performed for the single stage solid code while two tests were conducted for both the two stage solid code and the single stage liquid code giving a total of seven test cases. For each of the seven tested cases both the real and binary GA?s were run for 10,000 function evaluations in order to compare the converged fitness?s. The real coded GA demonstrated that it is a viable optimization tool when compared to the already robust binary GA. Of the seven comparative tests, the real GA was able to converge to a better fitness in two tests. Table 19 shows an overview of the final fitness?s achieved by both the real and binary GA?s for the seven cases tested. 81 Table 19. Overall Final Fitness Comparison GA Fitness Comparison Real GA Binary GA F.E. 1 Stg Solid Match 100kft 2500lb weight 50.61 46.69 10,000 Match 350kft 4000lb weight 48.67 3.98 10,000 Match 2500 lbs 240 sec 16.65 16.61 10,000 2 Stg Solid match 100k ft 6000lbm weight 408.6 414.1 10,000 match 250k ft 7000lbm weight 5148 314.1 10,000 1 Stg Liquid Match 450kft 55000lb weight 6.97 276.2 10,000 Match 700kft 55000lb weight 94.0 72.03 10,000 More research needs to be conducted on the GA parameters themselves to determine either an overall optimum set of GA parameters for the real coded GA, or a way to vary all of the parameters throughout the GA run to account for the differing parameters needed for differing problems. A second GA could be used to optimize the GA operators to get a set of operators that is truly optimized over a wide variety of tests. The steady state real coded GA was able to beat the binary GA for simple 1 goal tests cases. For these tests the real coded GA was able to very rapidly converge to much more accurate fitness than the binary GA. This is due to the fact that the steady state GA did not have to waste function evaluations on bad members. The steady state real GA has proven that it is very effective at optimizing a system that is fairly well known, however for a very complex unknown system the generational binary GA with its large population size is better. While the binary GA converged to better fitness?s for 5 of the 7 tests conducted for this study, the real GA can still be much more effective than the binary GA for more 82 complex problems involving 60 or more design variables because of the bit limitation inherent with the binary GA. The real GA is inherently better than the binary GA for more complex optimizations because the real coded GA has no limit on resolution other than it what a double precision real number can handle. Also since the real-coded GA does not have to convert real numbers into a single binary bit string it is not susceptible to hamming cliffs therefore making more complex optimizations with more design parameters and finer resolutions possible. Because the real-coded GA is operating directly on the design parameters rather than bits of design parameters it is much easier to gain an understanding of how the GA is modifying the parameters. This could allow the user to track which parameters are affecting the convergence the most and select them for more or less mutation throughout the optimization to increase the convergence. This would be much more difficult for the binary GA because all of the design parameters are represented by a single bit string. In the future a real coded generational GA could be written and coupled with the real coded steady state GA. 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Generate Initial Population T1=1.0d0 idum=SECNDS(T1) do j=1,mempops do jk=1,no_para random=ran1(idum) var(jk,j)=(xmax(jk)-xmin(jk))*random+xmin(jk) end do enddo ! Complete Function evaluations for first generation do i=1,mempops do j=1,no_para storevar(j)=var(j,i) enddo do jk=1,no_para ys(9,jk)=storevar(jk) enddo ys(4,2)=i call setup do j=1,ngls fitness(j,i)=sngl(ys(7,j)) enddo end do if(ipopulation.eq.-1) then write(42,*)'Generation#',1 else 88 write(42,*)'Population check must be set to true in gannl.dat & to record population data ' end if do j=1,mempops iarray(j)=j end do if(ipopulation.eq.-1) then write(42,712)(names(i),i=1,no_para),('fitness') 712 format(7x,120(a14,1x)) do i=1,mempops write(42,713)iarray(i),(var(ii,iarray(i)),ii=1,no_para), & (fitness(ii,iarray(i)),ii=1,ngoals) 713 format(1x,i3,1x,120(e14.8,1x)) end do write(42,*)' ' end if ! First Generation now complete do i=1,mempops totalfit(i)=0.0d0 do j=1, ngoals totalfit(i)=totalfit(i)+fitness(j,i) end do totalfit(i)=totalfit(i) end do Bestfitness=1.0d6 do i=1,mempops if(totalfit(i) .lt. Bestfitness) then Bestfitness=totalfit(i) ielite=i end if end do write(41,*)'Steady State GA' write(41,*)1,Bestfitness ! Main Generation Loop do l=2,maxgen !Get Parent1 randum=ran1(idum) parent1=randum*mempops if( iparent1=int(parent1) randum=ran1(idum) iparent2=randum*mempops if( iparent2=int(parent2) !Perfom Tournament Selection to get best parent1 if(totalfit(iparent1).lt.totalfit(iparent2)) then iBestParent1=iparent1 else 89 iBestParent1=iparent2 end if !Get Parent2 randum=ran1(idum) parent1=randum*mempops if( iparent1=int(parent1) randum=ran1(idum) iparent2=randum*mempops if( iparent2=int(parent2) !Perfom Tournament Selection to get best parent2 if(totalfit(iparent1).lt.totalfit(iparent2)) then iBestParent2=iparent1 else iBestParent2=iparent2 end if c Check to see which type of crossover to use !Perform Uniform Crossover using BestParent 1 & 2 if(iuniform.eq.-1)then do j=1,no_para rnd=ran1(idum) if(,iBestParent1) if(,iBestParent2) end do end if !Perform Single Point Crossover using BestParent 1 & 2 if(isnglpoint.eq.-1)then rnd=ran1(idum) ipoint=rnd*no_para do j=1,ipoint child(j)=var(j,iBestParent1) end do if(ipoint.eq.no_para)goto 876 do j=ipoint+1,no_para child(j)=var(j,iBestParent2) end do 876 continue end if !Perform Blend-Crossover Using BestParent 1 & 2 if(iblend.eq.-1)then do j=1,no_para child(j)=abs(var(j,iBestParent1)-var(j,iBestParent2)) & *ran1(idum)+dmin1(var(j,iBestParent1),var(j,iBestParent2)) 90 end do end if if(iuniform.eq.0 .and. iblend.eq.0 .and. isnglpoint.eq.0) then write(*,*)'****NO CROSSOVER SELECTED****' write(*,*)'****SET UNIFORM OR BLEND TO TRUE IN GANNL.DAT' STOP end if c end of crossover !Perform Mutation on Children do j=1,no_para rnd=ran1(idum) if( then child(j)=sigma*(xmax(j)-xmin(j))*gasdev(idum)+ & child(j) end if end do do j=1,no_para if(child(j).gt.xmax(j)) child(j)=xmax(j) if(child(j).lt.xmin(j)) child(j)=xmin(j) end do !Make New Population Replacing Worst Preformer with Child !Replace Worst Preformer with Child !Find worst Fitness for the Generation Worstfitness=0.0d0 do i=1,mempops if(totalfit(i) .gt. worstfitness) then worstfitness=totalfit(i) iworst=i end if end do do j=1,no_para var(j,iworst)=child(j) enddo do jk=1,no_para ys(9,jk)=var(jk,iworst) enddo open(unit=47,file='SaveCurrentVariables.dat',status='unknown') write(47,*)0 write(47,*)'Current: Gen#,Member#',l,iworst do jk=1,no_para write(47,*)var(jk,iworst) end do close(47) ys(4,3)=l ys(4,2)=iworst call setup 91 do j=1,ngls fitness(j,iworst)=sngl(ys(7,j)) enddo if(ipopulation.eq.-1) then write(42,*)'Generation#',l end if do j=1,mempops iarray(j)=j end do if(ipopulation.eq.-1) then write(42,712)(names(i),i=1,no_para),('fitness') write(42,713)iarray(iworst),(var(ii,iarray(iworst)),ii=1,no_para), & (fitness(ii,iarray(iworst)),ii=1,ngoals) write(42,*)' ' end if do i=1,mempops totalfit(i)=0.0d0 do j=1, ngoals totalfit(i)=totalfit(i)+fitness(j,i) end do totalfit(i)=totalfit(i) end do !Test to see if mutation amount needs to be adjusted if(ivar_mutation.eq.-1)then k=k+1 do i=1,mempops if(totalfit(i).lt. bestfitness)then ibetter=ibetter+1 write(*,*)'ibetter',ibetter,totalfit(i),bestfitness end if end do if(k.eq.iK_check)then better=float(ibetter) pop=float(k) amountbetter=better/pop if(*1.2d0 if(*.8d0 if( write(45,*)l,amountbetter,sigma k=0 ibetter=0 end if end if !end of variable mutation amount routine 92 !Find Best Fitness for the Generation do i=1,mempops if(totalfit(i) .lt. bestfitness) then bestfitness=totalfit(i) ielite=i end if end do !Store Variables for best Population open(unit=46,file='Best_POP.dat',status='unknown') write(46,*)0 write(46,*)'Best Member: Gen#,Member#,Fit',l,ielite,bestfitness do i=1,no_para write(46,*)var(i,ielite) end do close(46) write(56,717)l,ielite,(var(ii,ielite),ii=1,no_para), & (fitness(ii,ielite),ii=1,ngoals) 717 format(1x,i7,1x,i3,1x,120(e14.8,1x)) write(41,*)l,ielite,bestfitness end do close(56) end FUNCTION gasdev(idum) INTEGER idum REAL gasdev CU USES ran1 INTEGER iset REAL fac,gset,rsq,v1,v2,ran1 SAVE iset,gset DATA iset/0/ if ( iset=0 if (iset.eq.0) then 1 v1=2.*ran1(idum)-1. v2=2.*ran1(idum)-1. rsq=v1**2+v2**2 if( 1 fac=sqrt(-2.*log(rsq)/rsq) gset=v1*fac gasdev=v2*fac iset=1 else gasdev=gset iset=0 endif return END 93 FUNCTION ran1(idum) INTEGER idum,IA,IM,IQ,IR,NTAB,NDIV REAL ran1,AM,EPS,RNMX PARAMETER (IA=16807,IM=2147483647,AM=1./IM,IQ=127773,IR=2836, *NTAB=32,NDIV=1+(IM-1)/NTAB,EPS=1.2e-7,RNMX=1.-EPS) INTEGER j,k,iv(NTAB),iy SAVE iv,iy DATA iv /NTAB*0/, iy /0/ if (idum.le.0.or.iy.eq.0) then idum=max(-idum,1) do 11 j=NTAB+8,1,-1 k=idum/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum=idum+IM if (j.le.NTAB) iv(j)=idum 11 continue iy=iv(1) endif k=idum/IQ idum=IA*(idum-k*IQ)-IR*k if ( idum=idum+IM j=1+iy/NDIV iy=iv(j) iv(j)=idum ran1=min(AM*iy,RNMX) return END 94 APPENDIX B: Single Stage Solid Real GA Input File .true. ;steady_state ONLY 1 GA TYPE TRUE .false. ;population check true writes popul .false. ;uniform x (50% parent1 and parent2 .true. ;Blend x (blend of parents) .false. ;singlepointx .false. ;var_mutation true allows mutation 500 ;kcheck # of gen before 1/5 rule ck 0.05 ;xmutation_rate how much mutation 1.0 ;xmutation_amount % of variables muta 1 ;ngoals 29 ;no_para 'rnos/rbod' 0.6 0.4 ;xmax-xmin 'lnos/dbod' 3.0 1.5 ;xmax-xmin 'kfuel___3' 9.0 1.0 ;xmax-xmin 'rpvar___4' 0.8 0.3 ;xmax-xmin 'rivar___5' 0.8 0.1 ;xmax-xmin 'nsp_____6' 11.0 5.0 ;xmax-xmin 'fvar____7' 0.1 0.03 ;xmax-xmin 'eps_____8' 0.95 0.6 ;xmax-xmin 'ptang___9' 5.0 1.0 ;xmax-xmin 'fn1____10' 0.99 0.66 ;xmax-xmin 'dth/Db_11' .30 .25 ;xmax-xmin 'Lb/Db__12' 15.0 10.0 ;xmax-xmin 'dbody__13' .64 .25 ;xmax-xmin 'b2w/DB_14' .05 .01 ;xmax-xmin 'crw/DB_15' .05 0.01 ;xmax-xmin 'trw____16' 0.99 0.90 ;xmax-xmin 'wleswe_17' 30.0 1.0 ;xmax-xmin 'xLEw___18' .25 0.20 ;xmax-xmin 'b2t/DB_19' 1.4 1.2 ;xmax-xmin 'crt/DB_20' 1.1 0.9 ;xmax-xmin 'trt____21' 0.99 0.50 ;xmax-xmin 'tleswp_22' 30.0 1.0 ;xmax-xmin 'xTEt___23' 1.00 0.95 ;xmax_xmin 'APdly__24' 4001.00 3999.00 ;xmax-xmin 'APtau__25' .8 .4 ;xmax-xmin 'APzeta_26' .9 0.4 ;xmax-xmin 'APwcr__27' 70.0 40.0 ;xmax-xmin 'pngain_28' 5.0 3.0 ;xmax-xmin 'thet0__29' 85.0 40.0 ;xmax-xmin 1 3 10000 95 APPENDIX C: Single Stage Solid Binary GA Input File .false. ;micro .false. ;pareto .false. ;steady_state .false. ;maximize .true. ;elitist .true. ;creep .false. ;uniform .false. ;restart .true. ;remove_dup .false. ;niche .false. ;phenotype 0.04 ;niche_diversity_percent_goal 67741 ;iseed 0.9 ;pcross 0.002 ;pmutation 0.05 ;pcreep 2 ;ngoals 1.0,1.0 ;xgls(j+1),xgls(j+2) . . . 1. ;domst 2550 ;convrg_chk 29 ;no_para 'rnos/rbod' 0.6 0.4 0.1 .false. ;xmax-xmin-resolution-niche_par 'lnos/dbod' 3.0 1.5 0.1 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'kfuel___3' 9.0 1.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'rpvar___4' 0.8 0.3 0.1 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'rivar___5' 0.8 0.1 0.1 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'nsp_____6' 11.0 5.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'fvar____7' 0.1 0.03 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'eps_____8' 0.95 0.6 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'ptang___9' 5.0 1.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'fn1____10' 0.99 0.66 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'dth/Db_11' .30 .25 0.002 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'Lb/Db__12' 15.0 10.0 .5 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'dbody__13' .64 .25 .002 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'b2w/DB_14' .05 .01 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'crw/DB_15' .05 0.01 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'trw____16' 0.99 0.90 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'wleswe_17' 30.0 1.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'xLEw___18' .25 0.20 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'b2t/DB_19' 1.4 1.2 0.1 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'crt/DB_20' 1.1 0.9 0.1 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'trt____21' 0.99 0.50 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'tleswp_22' 30.0 1.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'xTEt___23' 1.00 0.95 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'APdly__24' 4001.00 3999.00 1.00 .false. ;xmax-xmin-resolution-niche_par 'APtau__25' .8 .4 0.1 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'APzeta_26' .9 0.4 0.01 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'APwcr__27' 70.0 40.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'pngain_28' 5.0 3.0 0.1 .false. ;xmax_xmin_resolution_niche_par 'thet0__29' 85.0 40.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax-xmin-resolution-niche_par 96 1 100 100 97 APPENDIX D: Two Stage Solid Real GA Input File .false. ;population check true writes popul .false. ;uniform x (50% parent1 and parent2 .true. ;Blend x (blend of parents) .false. ;singlepointx .false. ;var_mutation true allows mutation 500 ;kcheck # of gen before 1/5 rule ck 0.05 ;xmutation_rate how much mutation 1.0 ;xmutation_amount % of variables muta 2 ;ngoals 46 ;no_para 'rnos/rbd 1' 0.6 0.4 ;xmax xmin 'lnos/dbd 2' 3.0 1.5 ;xmax xmin 'kfuel 3' 6.1 6.0 ;xmax xmin 'rpvar 4' 0.5 0.4 ;xmax xmin 'rivar 5' 0.6 0.5 ;xmax xmin 'nsp 6' 9.1 9.0 ;xmax xmin 'fvar 7' 0.1 0.07 ;xmax xmin 'eps 8' 0.9 0.8 ;xmax xmin 'ptang 9' 10.1 10.0 ;xmax xmin 'fnl 10' 0.99 0.88 ;xmax xmin 'dth/Db 11' .30 .28 ;xmax xmin 'Lb1/Db 12' 14.1 10.0 ;xmax xmin 'dbody1 13' .8 .4 ;xmax xmin 'b2t/DB 14' 1.4 1.2 ;xmax xmin 'crt/DB 15' 1.1 0.9 ;xmax xmin 'trt 16' 0.99 0.96 ;xmax xmin 'tleswp 17' 40.0 2.0 ;xmax xmin 'xTEt/Lb 18' 1.00 0.98 ;xmax xmin 'kfuel 19' 6.1 6.0 ;xmax xmin 'rpvar 20' 0.6 0.4 ;xmax xmin 'rivar 21' 0.6 0.5 ;xmax xmin 'nsp 22' 9.1 9.0 ;xmax xmin 'fvar 23' 0.1 0.07 ;xmax xmin 'eps 24' 0.9 0.8 ;xmax xmin 'ptang 25' 10.1 10.0 ;xmax xmin 'fnl 26' 0.99 0.88 ;xmax xmin 'Dth/Db 27' .32 .31 ;xmax xmin 'Lb2/Db 28' 10.0 7.0 ;xmax xmin 'dbody2 29' 0.9 0.60 ;xmax xmin 'b2t/DB 30' 1.4 1.2 ;xmax xmin 'crt/DB 31' 1.1 0.9 ;xmax xmin 'trt 32' 0.99 0.96 ;xmax xmin 'tLeswp 33' 40.0 2.0 ;xmax xmin 'xTEt/Lb 34' 1.00 0.98 ;xmax xmin 'tsep2 35' 2.6 1.6 ;xmax xmin 'APdly1 36' 4001.0 4000.0 ;xmax xmin 'APtc1 37' .7 .4 ;xmax xmin 'APdmp1 38' .9 0.6 ;xmax xmin 'cohz1 39' 60.0 50.0 ;xmax xmin 98 'pngain1 40' 6.0 3.0 ;xmax xmin 'APdly1 41' 4001.0 4000.0 ;xmax xmin 'APtc2 42' .7 .4 ;xmax xmin 'APdmp2 43' .9 0.6 ;xmax xmin 'cohz2 44' 60.0 50.0 ;xmax xmin 'pngain2 45' 6.0 3.0 ;xmax xmin 'thet0 46' 86.0 45.0 ;xmax xmin 1 ;freq 3 ;no members 10000 ;no generations 99 APPENDIX E: Two Stage Solid Binary GA Input File . .false. ; micro .false. ; pareto .false. ; steady_state .false. ; maximize .true. ; elitist .true. ; creep .false. ; uniform .false. ; restart .true. ; remove_dup .false. ; niche .false. ; phenotype 0.04 ; niche diversity percentile goal 67742 ; iseed 0.9 ; pcross 0.002 ; pmutation 0.05 ; pcreep 2 ; ngoals 1.0,1.0 ; xgls(j) 1. ; domst 2550 ; convrg_chk (end of group2) 46 ; no_para 'rnos/rbd 1' 0.6 0.4 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'lnos/dbd 2' 3.0 1.5 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'kfuel 3' 6.1 6.0 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'rpvar 4' 0.5 0.4 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'rivar 5' 0.6 0.5 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'nsp 6' 9.1 9.0 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'fvar 7' 0.1 0.07 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'eps 8' 0.9 0.8 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'ptang 9' 14.1 10.0 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'fnl 10' 0.99 0.88 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'dth/Db 11' .30 .28 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'Lb1/Db 12' 10.1 10.0 .1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'dbody1 13' .8 .4 .01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'b2t/DB 14' 1.4 1.2 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'crt/DB 15' 1.1 0.9 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'trt 16' 0.99 0.96 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'tleswp 17' 40.0 2.0 2.0 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'xTEt/Lb 18' 1.00 0.98 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'kfuel 19' 6.1 6.0 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'rpvar 20' 0.6 0.4 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'rivar 21' 0.6 0.5 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'nsp 22' 9.1 9.0 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'fvar 23' 0.1 0.07 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'eps 24' 0.9 0.8 0.01 .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'ptang 25' 10.1 10.0 .1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'fnl 26' 0.99 0.88 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'Dth/Db 27' .32 .31 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'Lb2/Db 28' 10.0 7.0 .5 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 100 'dbody2 29' 0.9 0.6 .01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'b2t/DB 30' 1.4 1.2 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'crt/DB 31' 1.1 0.9 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'trt 32' 0.99 0.96 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'tLeswp 33' 40.0 2.0 2.0 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'xTEt/Lb 34' 1.00 0.98 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'tsep2 35' 2.6 1.6 0.1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'APdly1 36' 4001.0 4000.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax xmin-resolution-niche_par 'APtc1 37' .7 .4 .1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'APdmp1 38' .9 0.6 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'cohz1 39' 60.0 50.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'pngain1 40' 6.0 3.0 0.5 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'APdly1 41' 4001.0 4000.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax xmin-resolution-niche_par 'APtc2 42' .7 .4 .1 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'APdmp2 43' .9 0.6 0.01 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'cohz2 44' 60.0 50.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'pngain2 45' 6.0 3.0 0.5 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 'thet0 46' 86.0 45.0 1.0 .false. ;xmax xmin resolution niche_par 1 ;freq 100 ;no members 100 ;no generations 101 APPENDIX F: Single Stage Liquid Real GA Input File .true. ;steady_state ONLY 1 GA TYPE TRUE .false. ;population check true writes popul .false. ;uniform x (50% parent1 and parent2 .true. ;Blend x (blend of parents) .false. ;singlepointx .false. ;var_mutation true allows mutation 500 ;kcheck # of gen before 1/5 rule ck 0.05 ;xmutation_rate how much mutation 1.0 ;xmutation_amount % of variables muta 1 ;ngoals 26 ;no_para 'dbody 1' , 6.6 , 5.0 ;xmax,xmin 'kprop 2' , 4.1 , 4.0 ;xmax,xmin 'eqr 3' , .7 , .6 ;xmax,xmin 'po 4' , 2800. , 2000. ;xmax,xmin 'dnosDB 5' , 1.0 , .5 ;xmax,xmin 'blnosDB 6' , 2.0 , 1.00 ;xmax,xmin 'dstarDB 7' , .16 , .08 ;xmax,xmin 'eps 8' , 30. , 5. ;xmax,xmin 'fnl 9' , 0.9 , 0.6 ;xmax,xmin 'tb 10' , 150.0 , 70.00 ;xmax,xmin 'crwDB 11' , .04 , .02 ;xmax,xmin 'trw 12' , 0.92 , 0.89 ;xmax,xmin 'b2wDB 13' , 0.05 , 0.02 ;xmax,xmin 'angLE1 14' , 5.0 , 1.00 ;xmax,xmin 'xLEwTL 15' , 0.50 , 0.10 ;xmax,xmin 'crtDB 16' , 1.10 , 1.00 ;xmax,xmin 'trt 17' , 0.99 , 0.50 ;xmax,xmin 'b2ftDB 18' , 1.20 , 1.00 ;xmax,xmin 'angLE2 19' , 44.0 , 0.00 ;xmax,xmin 'xTEtTL 20' , 1.00 , 0.95 ;xmax,xmin 'Apdly 21' , 5000.0 , 4999.0 ;xmax,xmin 'tau 22' , 0.80 , 0.10 ;xmax,xmin 'zeta 23' , 0.99 , 0.50 ;xmax,xmin 'Cohz 24' , 60.00 , 40.0 ;xmax,xmin 'pronvg 25' , 7.0 , 3.0 ;xmax,xmin 'theta0 26' , 88.0 , 76.0 ;xmax,xmin 1 ; ifreq 3 ; mempops 10000 ; maxgen 102 APPENDIX G: Single Stage Liquid Binary GA Input File .false. ; micro .false. ; pareto .false. ; steady_state .false. ; maximize .true. ; elitist .true. ; creep .false. ; uniform .false. ; restart .true. ; remove_dup .true. ; niche .true. ; phenotype 0.5 ; niche diversity percentile goal 61732 ; iseed 0.9 ; pcross 0.002 ; pmutation 0.05 ; pcreep 1 ; ngoals 1.0 ; xgls(j) 2550 ; convrg_chk (end of group2) 26 ; no_para 'dbody 1' , 6.6 , 5.0 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'kprop 2' , 4.1 , 4.0 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'eqr 3' , .7 , .6 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'po 4' , 2800. , 2000. , 10.0 , .true. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'dnosDB 5' , 1.0 , .5 , .1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'blnosDB 6' , 2.0 , 1.00 , .1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'dstarDB 7' , .16 , .08 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'eps 8' , 30. , 5. , 0.2 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'fnl 9' , 0.9 , 0.6 , 0.05 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'tb 10' , 150.0 , 70.00 , 1.0 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'crwDB 11' , .04 , .02 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'trw 12' , 0.92 , 0.89 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'b2wDB 13' , 0.05 , 0.02 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'angLE1 14' , 5.0 , 1.00 , 1.00 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'xLEwTL 15' , 0.50 , 0.10 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'crtDB 16' , 1.10 , 1.00 , 0.10 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'trt 17' , 0.99 , 0.50 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'b2ftDB 18' , 1.20 , 1.00 , 0.10 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'angLE2 19' , 44.0 , 0.00 , 2.00 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'xTEtTL 20' , 1.00 , 0.95 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'Apdly 21' , 5000.0 , 4999.0 , 1.0 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'tau 22' , 0.80 , 0.10 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'zeta 23' , 0.99 , 0.50 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'Cohz 24' , 60.00 , 40.0 , 1.00 , .false. ;xmax-xmin-resolution-niche_par 'pronvg 25' , 7.0 , 3.0 , 0.20 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'theta0 26' , 88.0 , 76.0 , 1.00 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 1 ; ifreq 100 ; mempops 100 ; maxgen