COMPARATIVE ANALYSES AND STRUCTURAL MODELING OF RNAS PARTICIPATING IN NON-CANONICAL INITIATION OF PROTEIN SYNTHESIS by Jody M. Burks A disertation submited to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Auburn, Alabama December 13, 2010 Keywords: Computational biology, RNA structure, tmRNA, IRES RNA, bioinformatics, molecular modeling Copyright 2010 by Jody M. Burks Approved by Jacek Wower, Co-chair, Profesor of Biochemistry Sang-Jin Suh, Co-chair, Asociate Profesor of Microbiology Werner G. Bergen, University Reader, Profesor of Biochemistry Doug Goodwin, Asociate Profesor of Biochemistry Christian Zwieb, Profesor of Molecular Biology ii ABSTRACT Transfer-mesenger RNA and the Internal Ribosomal Entry Site (IRES) RNAs of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) play important roles in trans-translation and cap-independent protein synthesis. TmRNA sequences were examined using covariation analysis. Its secondary structure diagram was improved and three-dimensional molecular models were produced. These models were esential for a detailed interpretation of cryo-EM images of tmRNA as it binds to the ribosome. Subsequently, FMDV and BVDV IRES RNAs were investigated in silico and their secondary structures were determined. The modeling method for investigating tertiary structures of RNA molecules was expanded to include RNA-protein interactions captured in high resolution and then used to build biologicaly relevant structural models of FMDV and BVDV IRES RNAs both off and on the ribosome. Modeling of tmRNA and the IRES RNA structures provided important insights into non-canonical initiation of protein synthesis in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Moreover, this project generated data esential for developing novel antiviral drugs that wil be able to inhibit binding of IRES RNAs to the ribosome. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS So many have encouraged me on this journey! First of al I would like to thank my loving parents, Larry and Janet Burks, for their support and patience with me during the course of my research and disertation preparation. This disertation is dedicated in loving memory of Ms. Sushma Rao, M.S., P.A., who was an inspiration to many and sincerely mised by al her friends and family, my late grandparents, Mrs. Elsie T. Baker Diebler, an amazing, ahead-of-her-time woman who insisted on my first computer when I was six and heavily influenced my decision to study science, Mr. Melvin H. Diebler, for his advice and encouragement through the years, and Mr. Joe J. and Mrs. Ruth M. Burks, who supported and encouraged me in my pursuits of undergraduate and graduate studies, and in honor of my grandfather, Mr. Arvel ?Art? L. Baker, from whom I inherited my multi-procesing and three-dimensional thinking abilities. I would also like to acknowledge many of my teachers. Mrs. Wilene Lily, retired teacher of computer science at Lindale Junior High School, Lindale, TX for turning me loose with computers and programing in 8 th grade. I would also like to thank Dr. Manus Donahue, retired Profesor of Biological Sciences and Asistant Dean of Texas Academy of Mathematics and Science (TAMS), and Dr. Richard Sinclair, Dean of TAMS at the University of North Texas for the opportunity to begin my undergraduate science education two years early through the TAMS program. Moreover, I would like to thank iv Dr. Beverly Clement for her introduction to research, patience and encouragement during my undergraduate studies. I would like to gratefully acknowledge that this work would absolutely not be possible without the unwavering support of my mentors, Drs. Jacek Wower and Christian Zwieb, who patiently helped me to learn how to carry out my research and how to publish the results of my work. I would also like to thank Drs. Sang-Jin Suh and Douglas Goodwin for their advice, humor and perspective. Thank you very much also to Dr. Werner G. Bergen, who served as my University Reader and critiqued my disertation. I would like to thank Auburn University and the Auburn University Graduate School for bestowing on me the ?Top Ten Graduate Students Award? in 2005 and for the opportunities to join The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, Gama Sigma Delta Honor Society of Agriculture, Golden Key International Honour Society and Delta Epsilon Iota Academic Honor Society. I would like to thank al of the people who have worked in the Wower and Zwieb labs for their scientific help, discussions and for making the labs enjoyable places to work and learn, and fun places to be. My research was supported by grants from the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Foundation and the Alabama Catlemen's Asociation to Dr. Iwona K. Wower and Dr. Jacek Wower, an Auburn University Biogrant to Dr. Jacek Wower, and was supported the National Science Foundation Grants No. 0091853 and NSF-EPS 0447675 to Dr. Frank F. ?Skip? Bartol, the Director of the Auburn University Celular and Molecular Biology Program. Publication costs were covered by the Upchurch Fund for Excelence. v TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract .............................................................................................................................ii Acknowledgements ..........................................................................................................iii List of Tables .....................................................................................................................x List of Figures ..................................................................................................................xi Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................................................................1 RNA: A point of interest ........................................................................................2 Studies of RNA Structures .....................................................................................3 Structural Modeling and RNA Structure Prediction ..............................................5 Protein Synthesis: Translation of mRNA Into Protein ..........................................7 The Ribosome: A Molecular Machine ...................................................................8 Transfer-mesenger RNA and Trans-Translation ................................................10 Internal Ribosomal Entry Site-mediated Translation Initiation ...........................11 Foot and Mouth Disease Virus IRES RNA .........................................................12 Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus IRES RNA .............................................................14 Concluding Remarks ............................................................................................16 References ............................................................................................................17 Chapter 2: The tmRDB and SRPDB Resources ..............................................................37 Abstract ................................................................................................................38 Introduction ..........................................................................................................39 Results and Discussion ........................................................................................40 vi tmRNA Genes ..........................................................................................40 Features of tmRNA 40 tmRNA-encoded Tag-peptides ................................................................41 tmRNA-asociated Proteins .....................................................................41 SmpB 41 Ribosomal protein S1 ...................................................................42 Alanyl-tRNA Synthetase .............................................................42 EF-Tu ...........................................................................................43 Phylogeny of tmRNP ...............................................................................43 Phylogeny of SRP RNA genes ................................................................44 SRP RNA features ...................................................................................44 SRP Proteins ............................................................................................46 SRP9, SRP14 and SRP21 ............................................................46 SRP19 ..........................................................................................46 SRP54 ..........................................................................................46 SRP68 and SRP72 .......................................................................47 cpSRP43 .......................................................................................47 SRP-asociated proteins ...........................................................................48 SRP Receptor (alpha) (FtsY) .......................................................48 SRP Receptor (beta) .....................................................................48 FlhF ..............................................................................................48 Phylogeny of SRP ....................................................................................48 Outlook ........................................................................................................49 Acces ........................................................................................................49 Materials and Methods .........................................................................................50 Comparative Sequence Analysis of RNA ................................................50 Protein Alignments ..................................................................................50 vii Alignment Browser ..................................................................................51 Acknowledgements ..............................................................................................51 References ........................................................................................................52 Chapter 3: Comparative 3-D Modeling of tmRNA .........................................................60 Abstract ........................................................................................................61 Introduction ........................................................................................................62 Results ........................................................................................................63 Identification of tmRNA sequences .........................................................63 Selection of tmRNA Sequences ...............................................................64 Comparative Sequence Analysis ..............................................................65 Quality Control of Sequence Information ................................................66 tmRNA Alignment ...................................................................................66 Secondary Structure of tmRNA ...............................................................67 TLD (helices 1, 2a and 12) ..........................................................67 Helical sections 2b, 2c and 2d ......................................................68 Pseudoknot 1 (helices 3 and 4) ....................................................69 The mRNA-like region (MLR) ....................................................70 Pseudoknot 2 (helices 6 and 7) ....................................................70 Pseudoknot 3 (helices 8 and 9) ....................................................71 Pseudoknot 4 (helices 10 and 11) ................................................71 Secondary Structure Prediction of the MLR ................................71 Secondary Structures of E. coli tmRNA ..................................................72 Tertiary Structure Modeling and Visualization of tmRNA .....................72 3-D Model of E. coli tmRNA ..................................................................75 Discussion ......................................................................................................78 vii Original Conclusions ...........................................................................................81 Future Directions and Evolution of the E. coli tmRNA Model ...........................81 Methods ........................................................................................................82 Comparative Sequence Analysis ..............................................................82 3-D Model Building .................................................................................83 References ........................................................................................................85 CHAPTER 4: In Silico Analysis of IRES RNAs of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus and Related Picornaviruses ...............................................................................................97 Abstract ........................................................................................................98 Introduction ........................................................................................................99 Results and Discussion ......................................................................................101 Comparative Sequence Analysis ............................................................101 Secondary Structure of the FMDV IRES RNA .....................................102 Domain 2 ....................................................................................103 Domain 3 ....................................................................................103 Domain 4 ....................................................................................105 Domain 5 and the 3? region of the IRES RNA ..........................106 Distribution of Conserved Elements In FMDV IRES RNA Secondary Structure ...........................................................................................107 Modeling the Three-Dimensional Structure of FMDV IRES RNA ......107 Modeling Constraints ....................................................................108 Three-Dimensional FMDV IRES RNA Model ............................109 Topography of the IRES Ribonucleoprotein Complex .................111 FMDV IRES RNA on the 40S Ribosomal Subunit ......................112 Conclusions ......................................................................................................114 Methods .................................................................................................... 115 ix Collection and Cataloguing of Available Type II Picornavirus IRES Sequences .........................................................................................115 Comparative Sequence Analysis ............................................................115 Three-Dimensional Molecular Modeling ..............................................116 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................116 References ......................................................................................................117 Chapter 5: Comparative Structural Studies of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus IRES RNA.135 Abstract ......................................................................................................136 Introduction ......................................................................................................137 Results and Discussion ......................................................................................139 Identification of BVDV IRES RNA sequences .....................................139 Comparative Sequence Analysis (CSA) of BVDV IRES RNAs ..........140 BVDV IRES RNA Secondary Structure ................................................142 Helix 2 ...........................................................................................143 Helix 3 ...........................................................................................144 Helix 4 ...........................................................................................149 BVDV IRES RNA pseudoknot .....................................................149 A Three-Dimensional Model of the BVDV IRES .................................150 BVDV IRES RNA on the Human 40S Ribosomal Subunit ..................152 Conclusions ......................................................................................................153 Methods ......................................................................................................154 Comparative Analysis of BVDV IRES RNA Sequences ..............154 Molecular Modeling of IRES RNAs ..............................................154 Acknowledgements ............................................................................................155 References .....................................................................................................157 x LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 tmRNA Features and Representatives ..............................................................56 Table 2.2 SRP RNA features and SRP components ordered by phylogeny......................58 Table 3.1 Phylogenetic distribution of tmRNA features ..................................................95 Table 3.2 Structural motifs used for the Escherichia coli tmRNA model ........................96 Table 4.1 Summary of biochemical data used as modeling constraints..........................131 Table 4.2 Features used to model the FMDV IRES RNA...............................................133 Table 5.1 Mutations and compensatory changes of the proposed base pairs of the BVDV or CSFV IRES RNA pseudoknots and their efects on IRES-mediated translation relative to wild-type ................................................................................168 Table 5.2 Expected modifications in BVDV IRES RNA based on enzymatic modifications of wild-type CSFV IRES RNA due to binding of the rabbit reticulocyte 40S ribosomal subunit ...........................................................................169 Table 5.3 Table of the features used for generating a three-dimensional model of the BVDV IRES RNA ....................................................................................................170 Table 5.4 Table of the features used for generating a three-dimensional model of the HCV IRES RNA .......................................................................................................171 xi LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Central Dogma of Molecular Biology, then and now ....................................29 Figure 1.2 Ribosomal subunit and ribosome structures ...................................................30 Figure 1.3 Flow of information from sequence to tertiary structure model in this disertation .................................................................................................................32 Figure 1.4 tmRNA features and trans-translation mechanism ........................................34 Figure 1.5 Secondary Structures of IRES RNAs .............................................................36 Figure 2.1 Schematic representation of the secondary structures of Escherichia coli tmRNA and SRP RNA ..............................................................................................55 Figure 3.1 Secondary structure of E. coli tmRNA ...........................................................90 Figure 3.2 Motif modeling procedure ..............................................................................91 Figure 3.3 3-D model of Escherichia coli tmRNA ..........................................................92 Figure 3.4 Conformational changes in Escherichia coli tmRNA ....................................94 Figure 4.1 Secondary structure diagram of FMDV O1K IRES RNA supported by CSA and biochemical data .......................................................................................126 Figure 4.2 Three-dimensional model of FMDV O1K IRES RNA ................................127 Figure 4.3 Protein protections in FMDV ........................................................................128 Figure 4.4 Map of interactions betwen FMDV IRES RNA domains, initiation factors and the 40S ribosomal subunit .................................................................................129 Figure 4.5 Placement of FMDV IRES RNA on the cryo-EM surface representation of the human 40S subunit .............................................................................................130 Figure 5.1 Secondary structure diagram of BVDV-1B strain Osloss IRES RNA .........164 Figure 5.2 Secondary structure of helix 2 of BVDV-1b IRES RNA in comparison with those derived from NMR analysis of HCV and CSFV IRES RNAs ...............165 xii Figure 5.3 Three-dimensional IRES RNA Models ........................................................166 Figure 5.4 Placement of the IRES RNA models on the 40S ribosomal subunit ............167 xii ?Life is simply a mater of chemistry.? ? James Watson (Nobel Prize, 1962) 1 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 2 RNA: A point of interest The ?Central Dogma of Molecular Biology? proposed by Francis Crick in 1958 (Crick, 1970; Crick, 1958) described the one-way flow of genetic information from DNA to RNA to protein in celular systems (Figure 1.1A). This deterministic view was modified by later advancements in molecular biology (se Figure 1.1B). First, Baltimore and Temin independently demonstrated that genetic information could be transcribed from RNA into DNA by reverse transcriptase, an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase (Baltimore, 1970; Temin & Mizutani, 1970). Second, a number of studies revealed that many positive-sense, single-stranded RNA viruses (e.g. Poliovirus and Mengovirus) are able to replicate the RNA genome without the need of a DNA intermediate (Baltimore et al., 1963; Baltimore & Franklin, 1963). This proces is facilitated by RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, which have also recently been implicated in RNA silencing (Ahlquist, 2002). Third, the discovery of catalytic RNAs or ?ribozymes? in the self-splicing of the Tetrahymena group I intron by Tom Cech and in maturation of tRNAs by Sidney Altman modified our understanding of the flow of genetic information and our asumptions of the beginning of life on Earth (Cech et al., 1981; Guerrier-Takada et al., 1983). Finaly, the finding of a vast universe of ?noncoding RNAs? that regulate every aspect of transmision and expresion of genetic information led to reevaluation of the genetic determinism doctrine (Szymanski & Barciszewski, 2002). The noncoding RNAs database (ncRNAdb; Szymanski et al., 2007) contains over 30,000 eukaryotic, bacterial and archeal sequences ranging in size from tens to thousands of nucleotides (excluding siRNAs and microRNAs). They are involved in almost every biological proces including responses to oxidative stres in bacteria (Altuvia et al., 1998; Zhang et al., 1997; Zhang 3 et al., 1998) and eukaryotes (Crawford et al., 1996a; Crawford et al., 1996b), X chromosome inactivation in mamals (Brockdorff et al., 1992; Brown et al., 1992; Penny et al., 1996), post-transcriptional modifications (Bartel, 2004; 2009; Elbashir et al., 2001; Hamilton & Baulcombe, 1999) and RNA-protein interactions (Brownle, 1971; Wasarman & Storz, 2000). Studies of RNA Structures Structures of biological macromolecules are investigated using X-ray crystalography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy and cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and deposited in the RCSB Protein Data Bank (PDB) or Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB), respectively (Berman et al., 2002; Heymann et al., 2005). As of January 2010, over 66,000 structures have been deposited in the PDB. Only 800 free RNA structures are available presently. Free RNAs are notoriously dificult to crystalize due to their flexible elongated shapes and the consistent negative charges along their phosphate backbones (Ke & Doudna, 2004). To increase the chances of RNA crystalization, researchers carefully consider the design of investigated molecules, choose appropriate synthesis methods and develop homogenous purification protocols (Holbrook & Kim, 1997). Crystalography is more succesful for nucleic-acid-protein complexes than for nucleic acids in their free form as evidenced by the large number of nucleic acid-protein complex structures in the PDB. As of January 2010 the number of structures of nucleic- acid-protein complexes was greater than 2.5 times that for free nucleic acid structures (most of which are of DNA). Crystalization of RNA-protein complexes has several 4 advantages over that of free RNAs including maintenance of the biologicaly active RNA conformation (Holbrook et al., 2001). The crystalization of the bacterial 70S ribosome, a macromolecular protein- synthesizing machine consisting of RNA and protein asembled into two subunits 30S and 50S, constituted a major breakthrough in studying RNA structures (Ban et al., 2000; Schluenzen et al., 2000; Wimberly et al., 2000) (Figure 1.2 A-B). As of October 2010, over 200 ribosome-related structures were available at the PDB. Of particular value are high-resolution structures of bacterial ribosomes complexed with antibiotics such as erythromycin (Dunkle et al., 2010), CEM-101 (Llano-Sotelo et al., 2010), viomycin and capreomyvin (Stanley et al., 2010). These structures have alowed for the elucidation of how antibiotics inhibit bacterial translation and provided information important for the synthesis of new antibiotics. Moreover, these structures provided an important framework for studying both canonical and noncanonical mechanisms of translation. NMR studies yielded the first structures of smal RNA fragments in the early 1990s (Cheong et al., 1990; Heus & Pardi, 1991). Only recently, NMR techniques were used to investigate larger free RNA molecules such as domain 2 of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Internal Ribosomal Entry Site (IRES) RNA (~ 25 kDa; Lukavsky et al., 2003). To study the many RNA molecules that do not crystalize and are too large for NMR analysis, a piecemeal strategy was developed. It succesfully discerned the structure of 5S ribosomal RNA (Betzel et al., 1994; Lorenz et al., 2000; Perbandt et al., 1998). The structure of the whole 5S rRNA molecule became available upon crystalization of the 50S ribosomal subunit (Ban et al., 2000). Alternatively, low-resolution approaches, such as electron microscopy, UV and chemical cross-linking, chemical and enzymatic methods 5 yield useful information about RNA structures (Frank, 2002; Harris et al., 1994; Moazed et al., 1986). If RNAs bind to the ribosome, their shape can be extracted from the electron density map of the complex and used as a guide for building a molecular model using available high-resolution structures of smal RNA motifs. The later approach provided important insights into the functions of transfer-mesenger RNA in trans-translation (Kaur et al., 2006; Vale et al., 2003) and Hepatitis C Virus Internal Ribosomal Entry Site RNA in non-canonical translation (Boehringer et al., 2005). Structural modeling and RNA structure prediction Structural models (referred to as ?models?) can be constructed using available sequence data and computational techniques (se Chapters 3-5). In a recent survey by Laing and Schlick (2010), models predicted using a variety of programs, such as FARNA, iFoldRNA, MC-Fold/MC-Sym, and NAST were compared against experimentaly-derived RNA structures in the PDB using as input either sequence alone or in combination with secondary structure information. The computed tertiary structure models were at best 6 ? Root Mean Square Deviation compared to a known structure for the same control molecule. This indicates that the development of structural modeling techniques for RNA molecules have lagged behind those for proteins. We developed a semi-automated multiple sequence alignment procedure that take into acount biological information, such as locations of open reading frames that can not presently be eficiently analyzed by a computer due to algorithm limitations (Se Figure 1.3 for the overview of the procedure). First, unique sequences are extracted from databases such as GenBank (Benson et al., 2009) into a local database or collection (Se 6 Chapter 2). Second, the sequences are initialy aligned using automated tools such as CLUSTAL and the alignment is improved manualy by incorporating known biochemical or structural data. The aligned sequences are then compared (Comparative Sequence Analysis) to discern covarying nucleotides in two or more alignment column positions, especialy those in which the nucleotides in two positions vary together but a Watson- Crick or G-U ?wobble? pair is conserved, caled a Compensatory Base Change (CBC) (Fox & Woese, 1975; Larsen & Zwieb, 1991) (Se Chapter 3). The alignment is checked for errors by automated programs available in the RNAdbTools suite (Gorodkin et al., 2001) and included in the Semi-Automated RNA Sequence Editor (SARSE) (Andersen et al., 2007). For the existence of a base pair to be supported, the analyzed alignment positions must contain twice the number of CBCs than mismatched non-Watson Crick and G-U pairs (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). While many forms of Comparative Sequence Analysis take advantage of a variety of complex mathematical comparative techniques, our calculations using the established ?2:1 rule? are relatively simple and were proven efective for determining secondary structures of RNAs such as transfer-mesenger RNA (Burks et al., 2005; Zwieb et al., 1999; Se Chapter 3) and Signal Recognition Particle (SRP) RNA (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). Once the secondary structure is determined, it can be used as a blueprint to develop a phylogeneticaly-supported tertiary structure model. While other methods for tertiary structure prediction often use thermodynamic or physical calculations resulting in poor similarities to control structures, our method takes advantage of the wealth of biologicaly relevant partial or full RNA structures in the PDB. Given that structural features (or ?motifs?) found in one RNA molecule are found in other RNA 7 macromolecules in nature, the three-dimensional coordinates of the structures of these motifs can be used to create more biologicaly relevant models expected to be close to the actual structure of the target molecule (Burks et al., 2005). Due to the advances in studying the structure of the ribosome, crystalographic and NMR techniques, we have a wealth of three-dimensional macromolecular RNA structure motifs catalogued at the Structural Clasification of RNA Database (Klosterman et al., 2002). We also have at our disposal the tools to manualy create structural models using this method, in which the program Editor for RNA in 3-D (ERNA-3D) is a cornerstone (Burks et al., 2005; Mueler et al., 1995) (Se Chapter 3). ERNA-3D not only has the capability to generate A-form RNA for helical sections of RNA molecules and calculate the conformations of single strands in real time in a desktop computer, but also has the capability to copy coordinates of an available structural motif onto the working model. Additionaly, ERNA-3D can incorporate available protein structures into models, a feature which was used in studies of Foot and Mouth Disease Virus Internal Ribosomal Entry Site RNA and Polypyrimidine Tract Binding Protein (se Chapter 4). Information about RNA in structures of RNA-protein complexes can be copied on the RNA model with the protein structure left in a biologicaly relevant position relative to the copied RNA. Protein Synthesis: Translation of mRNA Into Protein Translation is a three-stage biological proces. Al organisms us it to produce proteins from a genome-encoded mesage (Kapp & Lorsch, 2004; Simoneti et al., 2009). The basic plan of protein synthesis in eukaryotes is similar to that in prokaryotes. However, there are significant diferences betwen them at the initiation stage. During 8 this stage, initiation factors bind mRNA and the aminoacylated initiator tRNA and deliver them to the smal ribosomal subunit to form an initiation complex. This complex in turn binds to the large ribosomal subunit. In the elongation phase, ribosomes read the mRNA-encoded mesages and synthesize elongating chains of amino acids caled polypeptides. During termination, stop codons signal the end point of the reading frame in the mRNA and protein termination factors coordinate disasembly of the ribosome. Canonical translation components in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems include a pool of transfer RNAs (tRNAs) which bring the activated amino acids to the ribosome. Translation is facilitated by protein initiation, elongation, and termination factors (Kapp & Lorsch, 2004; Pestova et al., 2007; Simoneti et al., 2009). The Ribosome: A Molecular Machine The ribosome is a dynamic molecular machine constructed of RNA and proteins and driven by GTP hydrolysis. In bacteria, the ribosome is composed of the smal (30S) and large (50S) ribosomal subunits that form a 70S particle (Figure 1.2C). In eukaryotes, it consists of 40S and 60S subunits, which form 80S ribosomes (Figure 1.2D). Only high- resolution structures of bacterial and archeabacterial ribosomes are available (Ban et al., 2000; Schluenzen et al., 2000; Wimberly et al., 2000) (Figure 1.2 A and B). Because ribosomes are highly conserved these structures are useful in interpretation of structural information regarding eukaryotic ribosomes (Figure 1.2D). The eukaryotic ribosome is currently investigated using homology modeling and cryo-EM (Schmeing & Ramakrishnan, 2009; Spahn et al., 2001b). 9 The ribosome catalyzes the formation of peptide bonds using information encoded in mRNA (Noller, 2010). The smal subunit binds mRNA and has three sites to bind tRNA molecules. An aminoacylated tRNA enters the ribosome at the Aminoacyl (A)-site, is bound to the growing peptide chain in the Peptidyl (P)-site and exits the ribosome through the E site. The mRNA is read in triplets of nucleotides caled codons which are recognized by anticodons of the tRNAs. The growing peptide chain of the P site-bound tRNA is transferred to the amino acid of the incoming A site tRNA. The reaction takes place within the peptidyl transferase center composed primarily of rRNA (Ban et al., 2000; Nisen et al., 2000; Yusupov et al., 2001). Translocation, a coordinated movement of the mRNA and tRNAs through the ribosome, is acomplished through a ratcheting motion of the ribosomal subunits and is catalyzed by elongation factors (Horan & Noller, 2007; Korostelev et al., 2008). Throughout this disertation, a number of components of the ribosome or its subunits are referenced. Figure 1.2E-F provides a guidemap for the 70S ribosome. It shows the three tRNA binding sites (A, P and E sites), and the peptidyl transferase center. The eukaryotic 40S ribosomal subunit plays an esential role in viral IRES-mediated translation initiation. The viral RNA genome binds to the 40S subunit with or without the asistance of canonical eukaryotic translation initiation factors (Kieft, 2008). Many ribosomal proteins are thought to play a role in alowing viral IRES RNAs to bind to the celular 40S subunit, including but not limited to ribosomal proteins S5, S25, and S14 (Figure 1.2G) (Babaylova et al., 2009; Fukushi et al., 2001; Landry et al., 2009). 10 Transfer-mesenger RNA and Trans-Translation Trans-translation is a quality control proces for the elongation step of prokaryotic translation (Keiler et al., 1996; Tu et al., 1995). This proces involves 70S ribosomes staled on truncated mRNAs or those lacking stop codons (Hayes & Keiler ; Keiler, 2008). Transfer-mesenger RNA (tmRNA) (Figure 1.4A), the key player in trans- translation, is encoded by the ssrA gene (Keiler et al., 1996; Oh et al., 1990; Tu et al., 1995). It contains a tRNA-like domain (TLD) and an mRNA-like region (MLR) containing a short open reading frame and a series of pseudoknots (Felden et al., 1997; Hou & Schimel, 1988; Keiler et al., 1996; Komine et al., 1994; Roche & Sauer, 1999; Tu et al., 1995; Ushida et al., 1994; Zwieb et al., 1999). TmRNA promotes recycling of the staled ribosomes and tags the defective polypeptides for degradation by celular proteases (Keiler et al., 2000). In trans-translation (Figure 1.4B), tmRNA forms a complex with smal protein B (SmpB) and Elongation Factor Tu (EF-Tu) and binds to the A site of staled 70S ribosomes (Keiler et al., 1996). While the details of the next steps are still poorly understood, the ribosome switches from the truncated mRNA to the MLR of the tmRNA, EF-Tu is released and the peptide encoded by the truncated mRNA is transferred to the alanine of the tmRNA. Translation of the MLR open reading frame proceds until the ribosome reaches the stop codon (or codons). tmRNA and trans-translation are prospective targets for pharmaceutical intervention because 1) they are found in al species of bacteria analyzed to date (Keiler et al., 2000; Mao et al., 2009), 2) they have no eukaryotic analogs, 3) tmRNA is esential for survival of some bacteria (Huang et al., 2000), and 4) the ssrA gene is required for 11 virulence (Julio et al., 2000) or survival of stresed cels (Nakano et al., 2001). In order to efectively disrupt or inhibit trans-translation, one must understand the structure of tmRNA on the ribosome. To achieve this goal, the structure of tmRNA was investigated using comparative sequence analysis and structural modeling approaches (se Chapter 3). Sequences used in the tmRNA analysis were collected into the tmRDB (Andersen et al., 2006) as described in Chapter 2. Our modeling approach incorporated available sequence, biochemical and biophysical data and produced a model that fits into the shape of ribosome-bound tmRNA observed in cryo-EM studies (Vale et al., 2003). The proposed model can be used to facilitate rational design of novel therapeutics, to interpret cryo-EM images of tmRNA on the ribosome or to investigate tmRNA-protein interactions that may facilitate tmRNA in transit throughout the ribosome. Internal Ribosomal Entry Site-mediated Translation Initiation Cap-independent translation initiation was discovered only two decades ago (Jang & Wimer, 1990; Peletier & Sonenberg, 1988). Some viruses with positive-sense RNA genomes can use a highly structured segment of the 5?-Untranslated Region (5?-UTR) caled the Internal Ribosomal Entry Site (IRES) RNA to hijack the eukaryotic protein synthesis apparatus. This proces is caled ?Internal Ribosomal Entry? and is aided by various collections of host celular factors depending on the IRES RNA involved (Kieft, 2008). In the simplest IRES-mediated viral translation initiation, the intergenic region (IGR) IRES RNAs of Cricket Paralysis Virus (CrPV) (Figure 1.5A) and other viruses in the family Dicistroviridae bind to the 40S ribosomal subunit without the help of host protein factors (Pestova & Helen, 2003; Sasaki & Nakashima, 1999; 2000; Wilson et al., 12 2000). The Cryo-EM studies of IGR IRES RNAs of CrPV and its relative Plautia stali Intestine Virus (PSIV) are able to miic a mRNA codon:tRNA anticodon interaction when they bind directly to the mRNA decoding region in the 40S ribosomal subunit with the bulk of the IRES structure protruding from the ribosome (Costantino et al., 2008; Pestova et al., 2004; Pfingsten et al., 2006; Schuler et al., 2006). The larger, more elongated IRES RNA of Hepatitis C Virus (Figure 1.5B) also binds to the neck and platform of the 40S subunit without the aid of host protein factors but its translation is asisted by eIF2 and eIF3 (Filbin & Kieft, 2009; Kieft, 2008; Spahn et al., 2001b). On the other hand, viruses in the Picornaviridae family make extensive use of a variety of IRES RNA secondary structures (such as in Figure 1.5C) and host initiation factors, with the exception of cap-binding protein eIF4E (Belsham & Jackson, 2000; Kieft, 2008). An example of a complex network of interactions utilized by Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) IRES RNA is ilustrated in Figure 4.4. IRES RNA tertiary structural data are only available for representatives of the virus families Dicistroviridae (CrPV, PSIV) and Flaviviridae (HCV) (Kieft et al., 2008). To fil the gaps, this project focused on IRES RNAs from FMDV (family Picornaviridae) and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV), a les studied member of Flaviviridae (see Chapter 5). Foot and Mouth Disease Virus IRES RNA Foot and Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) is a positive-sense, single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus of the Aphthovirus genus in the Picornaviridae family (Belsham, 2005). It infects cloven-hoofed livestock and wild animals such as catle, sheep, pigs, goats, and 13 deer, and remains one of the most prolific viruses in writen history (Grubman & Baxt, 2004; Mahy, 2005). FMDV constitutes a significant threat to food animal industries in the United States of America and elsewhere in the world because currently there are no antiviral treatments or vacines efective against al serotypes of this virus. Its infectious genome contains a poly(A) tail but no canonical cap structure (Belsham & Bostock, 1988). Translation of the FMDV genome by ribosomes of the animal host constitutes an esential step in the viral life cycle (Belsham, 2005). Thus, translation of the FMDV genome is an atractive target for therapeutic intervention. Protein synthesis is initiated downstream of the IRES at the region encoding an autoproteolytic polyprotein (Belsham & Brangwyn, 1990; Kuhn et al., 1990). FMDV IRES recruits host translation initiation factors and celular proteins including but not limited to polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) (Belsham & Bostock, 1988; Belsham & Brangwyn, 1990; Belsham, 2005; Jackson, 2002; Kuhn et al., 1990; Pestova et al., 2001; Pilipenko et al., 2000). The later has no function in canonical translation but is thought to act as a RNA chaperone in IRES-mediated translation initiation (Song et al., 2005). Most information about the secondary and tertiary structure of the 460-nucleotide long FMDV IRES RNA has been inferred from studies of the IRES RNA of Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV), a virus that belongs to genus Cardiovirus in the Picornaviridae family (Pilipenko et al., 1989; Pilipenko et al., 2000). Only segments of FMDV IRES RNA were investigated using chemical and enzymatic footprinting approaches (Fernandez-Miragal & Martinez-Salas, 2003; 2007). The historical secondary structures, originaly derived from comparative sequence analysis of three sequences of FMDV, EMCV and Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis (TMEV) IRES 14 RNAs and structural modification data for EMCV IRES, show five finger-like domains, of which domains 2-5 are absolutely required for IRES functions (Duke et al., 1992; Jang & Wimer, 1990; Niepmann et al., 1997; Pilipenko et al., 1989). The project described in Chapter 4 utilizes information available for the IRES RNAs of EMCV and the related Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), and the tools and methods described for tmRNA (se Chapters 2 and 3) to investigate the structure of FMDV IRES RNA and its roles in the translation of the viral genome. Because of the absence of high-resolution structural data for FMDV IRES RNA and the availability of the structures of PTB-RNA complexes (Oberstras et al., 2005), the modeling approach was modified to incorporate biochemical data for protein-RNA interactions as additional three-dimensional constraints. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus IRES RNA Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) is an approximately 12.5 kb uncapped, positive-sense sRNA virus of the family Flaviviridae and genus Pestivirus (Brown et al., 1992b; Brock et al., 1992; Collet et al., 1988a; Collet et al., 1988b; Lindenbach et al., 2007; Meyers & Thiel, 1996; Renard et al., 1987; Thiel et al., 2005). It causes acute diarrhea, fetal infections and mucosal disease in catle and can result in persistent infections (Goens, 2002). Infected animals are culled rather than treated because no efective treatment is yet available (Moennig et al., 2005). Interest has arisen recently in using BVDV infection as a surrogate model system for studying the infection cycle of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), another member of the Flaviviridae family (genus Hepacivirus) and a worldwide cause of liver disease in 15 humans (Buckwold et al., 2003). As in FMDV, the genomic RNA of BVDV is polycistronic and contains an open reading frame encoding an autoproteolytic polypeptide flanked at the 5' end by an untranslated region (5? UTR) containing an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) RNA (Brown et al., 1992b; Collet et al., 1988b). The IRES-mediated translation of the viral ORF by host ribosomes is expected to be an esential step in the viral life cycle, as in as HCV and chimeric HCV-Polioviruses (Friebe et al., 2001; Jang, 2006). The historical secondary structures for the IRES RNAs of BVDV and other pestiviruses are similar to that observed for HCV IRES RNA, with an additional helix in the third domain (Brown et al., 1992; Deng & Brock, 1993; Moes & Wirth, 2007) and litle of the secondary structure surrounding the start codon which was sen in HCV IRES RNA (Honda et al., 1996). Unlike FMDV IRES RNA, the HCV-like IRES RNA secondary structures contain a compact pseudoknot (Fletcher et al., 2002; Moes & Wirth, 2007; Rijnbrand et al., 1997; Wang et al., 1995; Wang et al., 1994). This pseudoknot and helices 2-3 are required for translation (Chon et al., 1998; Honda et al., 1996; Moes & Wirth, 2007; Poole et al., 1995). The tertiary structure of the pseudoknot is unknown and presents an opportunity for structural modeling using tools developed for pseudoknot-containing tmRNA (Burks et al., 2005; see also Chapter 3). Structural information for HCV and CSFV IRES RNA along with the comparative sequence and modeling approaches were utilized to predict the structural features of BVDV IRES RNA. Cryo-EM, NMR and X-ray crystalography data are only available for HCV IRES RNA (Boehringer et al., 2005; Collier et al., 2002; Dibrov et al., 2007; Kieft et al., 2002; Klinck et al., 2000; Locker et al., 2007; Lukavsky et al., 2003; Lukavsky et al., 2000; 16 Rijnbrand et al., 2004; Siridechadilok et al., 2005) and the intergenic IRES RNAs of the unrelated Dicistroviruses (Costantino et al., 2008; Schuler et al., 2006; Spahn et al., 2004). However, the complete structure of HCV IRES RNA remains unavailable. 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B) 50S subunit from Haloarcula marismortui archeon (Nisen et al., 2000). C) Cryo-EM reconstruction of 70S ribosome from T. thermophilus (Adapted from Kaur et al., 2006. Copyright (2006) National 31 Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.). D) Cryo-EM reconstruction of 80S ribosome from Trypanosoma brucei (Adapted from Gao et al., 2005. Copyright (2005) National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.). 30S (yelow) and 50S (blue) subunits are indicated. 40S (yelow) and 60S (blue) subunits are indicated. E) General schematic of smal ribosomal subunits showing locations of the head, neck, platform and base regions, along with the approximate locations of the A-, P- and E- tRNA binding sites and mRNA binding sites (dotted line). F) General schematic of large ribosomal subunits showing the ridge, stalk and central protuberance regions. Indicated are the approximate locations of the peptidyl transferase center (red ?pt?) and nascent peptide exit tunnel. G) Approximate locations of ribosomal proteins S5, S25 and S14 on the eukaryotic 40S ribosomal subunit (Spahn et al. 2004). 32 Figure 1.3: Flow of information from the RNA sequence to its tertiary structure model. Sequences were collected, curated and organized into a database (se Chapters 2- 5 for details). Results from Comparative Sequence Analysis (CSA) and available structural modification data were used to define the minimal secondary structure of investigated RNAs for use in the structural modeling proces (Se Chapters 3, 4, and 5). After improving the secondary structure, tertiary structure modeling began. The knowledge base of RNA structure has rapidly expanded due to recent advances in crystalization and NMR techniques. Since nature reuses structural motifs, structural data obtained in previous studies were incorporated into the models in this project, creating 33 biologicaly relevant representations. Once the minimal structural models were created, protein interaction sites were cross-referenced in three dimensions to beter constrain the models. The models were further refined by incorporation of additional information about the binding of these RNAs to the ribosome. 34 A) B) Figure 1.4: tmRNA features and trans-translation mechanism. A) Comparison of structural features of tmRNA, tRNA and mRNA. Adapted from the Wikipedia article at http:/ B) Trans-translation, starts on 70S ribosome staled at the 3? end of truncated mRNAs. Next, the Alanine-charged (orange) and SmpB-bound (pink) TLD of tmRNA (blue) binds to the empty A site of the 35 ribosome. After the growing peptide chain encoded by the broken mRNA is transferred to the alanine of the tmRNA, the TLD is shifted to the P site to alow the aminoacylated tRNA to bind to the resume codon in the MLR. Upon translocation, the TLD-SmpB complex moves to the E site. Translation proceds until the stop codon of the tmRNA is reached, the ribosomal subunits disociate, and the tagged peptide is released. 36 Figure 1.5: Secondary Structures of IRES RNAs. A) Secondary structure schematic of Intergenic region (IGR) IRES of CrPV-like viruses in the family Dicistroviridae showing domains 1-3. B) Secondary structure schematic of HCV IRES RNA showing helices 2, 3 and the pseudoknot. C) Secondary structure schematic of FMDV-type IRES RNA showing Domains 1-5. The 5? and 3? ends of RNAs are labeled, with start codons indicated with stars. 37 CHAPTER 2: THE tmRDB AND SRPB RESOURCES dapted from Andersen, E. S., Rosenblad, M. A., Larsen, N., Westrgaard, J. C., Burks, J., Wowr, I. K., Wowr, J., Gorodkin, J., Smuelson, T., & Zwib, C. (2006) Nucleic Acids Res 34, D163-168. 38 ABSTRACT Maintained at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Texas, the tmRNA database (tmRDB) is acesible at the URL http:/ with mirror sites located at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama (http:/ and the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Denmark (http:/ The signal recognition particle database (SRPDB) at http:/ is mirrored at http:/ and the University of Goteborg (http:/ The databases asist in investigations of the tmRNP (a ribonucleoprotein complex which liberates staled bacterial ribosomes) and the SRP (a particle which recognizes signal sequences and directs secretory proteins to cel membranes). The curated tmRNA and SRP RNA alignments consider base pairs supported by comparative sequence analysis. Also shown are alignments of the tmRNA-asociated proteins SmpB, ribosomal protein S1, alanyl- tRNA synthetase and Elongation Factor Tu, as wel as the SRP proteins SRP9, SRP14, SRP19, SRP21, SRP54 (Ffh), SRP68, SRP72, cpSRP43, Flhf, SRP receptor (alpha) and SRP receptor (beta). Al alignments can be easily examined using a new exploratory browser. The databases provide links to high-resolution structures and serve as depositories for structures obtained by molecular modeling. 39 INTRODUCTION Ribosomes extend their repertoire of functions by binding to additional ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) that can determine the fate of the protein as it emerges from the large ribosomal subunit. Two such complexes are the transfer-mesenger RNP (tmRNP) and the signal recognition particle (SRP). The tmRNP, composed of the tmRNA, smal protein B (SmpB) and ribosomal protein S1, rescues bacterial ribosomes staled on faulty mRNAs. The potentialy damaging polypeptides are tagged with a short peptide, released from the ribosome and destroyed by intracelular proteases (reviewed in Karzai et al., 2000). Similarly, the SRP binds to emerging signal sequences and directs secretory protein to celular membranes (recently reviewed in Halic & Beckmann, 2005). The investigations of tmRNP and SRP combined with the knowledge gained from the high-resolution structures of the ribosome (Ban et al., 2000; Ramakrishnan, 2002; Yusupov et al., 2001) have contributed significantly to our understanding of protein translation and translocation, but many questions remain to be answered. To asist in these ongoing studies, the updated tmRDB and SRPDB resources offer detailed descriptions of the biological roles of tmRNP and SRP, ordered lists of the components and links to high-resolution structures. Secondary structures are supported by comparative sequence analysis. A new alignment browser alows the user to easily explore the alignments. 40 RESULTS AND DISCUSION tmRNA Genes The tmRDB contains a total of 555 tmRNA sequences in the range of 250 to 434 nucleotides. Because of the continuous rapid emergence of new sequences this dataset is not complete but nevertheles representative. (The tmRNA Website (Gueneau de Novoa & Wiliams, 2004) should be consulted for the most recent update of new tmRNA sequences.) Al bacterial groups, including the Alphaproteobacteria (55 sequences) previously thought to lack tmRNA were found to contain tmRNA genes. Consistent with the evolutionary relationship betwen bacteria and organeles, tmRNAs were found in most of the chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes. However, tmRNA genes were lacking in the chloroplasts of higher plants. Interestingly, tmRNAs could be identified in the genomes of certain bacteriophages. Most tmRNAs were composed of one continuous molecule, but most Alphaproteobacteria, some Cyanobacteria and some Betaproteobacteria encoded their tmRNA in two parts (Table 2.1), suggesting that this adaptation arose independently (Sharkady & Wiliams, 2004). The lone one-piece potential alphaproteobacteria Magnetococcus MC-1 tmRNA may belong in a separate subgroup of one-piece alphaproteobacteria but there is currently not enough sequence information to justify the creation of a separate subgroup. No tmRNAs were identified in the Archaea or the nuclear genomes of the Eukarya. Features of tmRNA The tmRNA sequences were aligned using comparative sequence analysis as described previously for SRP RNA (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). An outline of the secondary 41 structure of Escherichia coli tmRNA is depicted in Figure 2.1 (left portion). Shown are the tRNA-like domain (TLD), the mesenger RNA-like region (MLR), and the pseudoknot (pk) domain (PKD). Modification to the E. coli reference structure include the reduction or disappearance of pseudoknots, the appearance of new helices (e.g. in the pk2 of Betaproteobacteria), and complete structural replacements (replacement of pk4 with two tandem pseudoknots in Cyanobacteria). The phylogenetic distribution of the features is summarized in Table 2.1. tmRNA-encoded Tag-peptides The 539 tmRNA-encoded tag peptides were characterized by a cluster of hydrophobic amino acids at the C-terminus and a variable length of 8 to 35 amino acids. The resume codon coded predominately for Alanine (474) while the remainder of resume codons coded for Glycine (53), Aspartic acid (5), Valine (1), Leucine (1), Isoleucine (1), Arginine (1), Glutamic Acid (1), Serine (1), or Threonine (1). Whereas tmRNAs usualy contain one or two in-frame stop codons in the MLR, the tmRNAs from Chloroflexus aurantiacus, Bacilus megaterium and Pediococcus pentosaceus contain three in-frame stop codons. With the exception of the tag-peptides of Escherichia coli and Bacilus subtilis, the predicted tag peptide sequences have remained experimentaly unconfirmed. tmRNA-associated Proteins SmpB This protein is an esential trans-translational co-factor (Karzai et al., 1999) and present in al bacteria. The protein forms quaternary complexes with aminoacylated 42 tmRNA, EF-Tu and GTP. SmpB mutants which lack the C-terminal tail of the protein bind to ribosomes, but are unable to tag truncated proteins. Ribosomal Protein S1 Ribosomal protein S1 contains up to six related domains and binds and cross-links to the MLR and pk2 to pk4. The NMR structure of a single Protein S1 RNA-binding domain of E. coli has been determined (Bycroft et al., 1997), but litle is known about the relative arrangement of the S1 domains at the diferent functional stages. The alignment suggested four groups of sequences which difered in the number of domains. Overal, domains four, five and six were les conserved and absent in some organisms. The sequences of Candidatus tremblaya princeps and Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 stood out as they did not fit wel with either of the groups. Alanyl-tRNA Synthetase Aminoacylation of tmRNA constitutes a prerequisite step in trans-translation, since uncharged tmRNA mutants do not bind to 70S ribosomes in vivo. Studies carried out in vitro demonstrated that the aminoacyl moiety can be changed without afecting the ability of the tmRNA to participate in protein tagging. The majority of the tmRNAs are expected to be charged with alanine because they posses in their aceptor stem a G-U basepair as the critical determinant for aminoacylation with Alanyl-tRNA Synthetase. 43 EF-Tu Elongation factor Tu, found in Bacteria and Eukaryota, forms a ternary complex with GTP and Ala-tmRNA in vitro as in regular protein synthesis. Although the asociation rate constant of Ala-tmRNA for EF-Tu-GTP is lower than that of Ala-tRNA, chemical and enzymatic footprinting indicate that the architecture of this complex closely resembles canonical ternary complexes. EF-Tu primarily interacts with the aceptor arm of the tRNA-like domain of tmRNA. Phylogeny of tmRNP A description of the phylogenetic distribution of the secondary structural features of tmRNA based on an alignment of 274 sequences was provided recently (Burks et al., 2005). From the analysis of a total of 555 sequences the following insights into tmRNA phylogeny were obtained with examples provided in Table 2.2: (1) Most tmRNAs consist of a single polynucleotide with a TLD, a relatively unstructured MLR, and a variable number of pseudoknots. Variations in the PKD suggest a preservation of RNA folding without the need for sequence conservation. (2) In Alphaproteobacteria, some Betaproteobacteria, and some Cyanobacteria, the tmRNAs are composed of two chains. These two-piece tmRNAs contain fewer pseudoknots than the typical one-piece tmRNAs. (3) Plastid tmRNAs, unlike their one-piece Cyanobacterium progenitors, have one-piece with a reduced number of pseudoknots. (4) Most mitochondria may be devoid of trans- translation because they lack SmpB and contain only very short two-piece tmRNAs which appear to have lost the MLR. A secondary structure of the one-piece E. coli tmRNA is sen in Chapter 2 (Figure 2.1). 44 SRP RNA Genes A total of 393 SRP RNAs were identified using the procedures described in Materials and Methods. The sequences were arranged into 30 phylogenetic groups including the photosynthetic plastids of red algal origin (except the substantialy smaler plastid of the haptophyte Emiliania huxleyi) and the chloroplasts of some green algae. 33 organisms had more than one variant. Many novel SRP RNA sequences were found to add to our knowledge of the phylogenetic distribution of the secondary structure features (Table 2.2). SRP RNA Features A overview of the SRP RNA secondary structure elements was presented in a recent nomenclature proposal (Zwieb et al., 2005) similar to what is shown in Figure 2.1 (right portion). Several new sequences, e.g. from Eremothecium gossypii, Kluyveromyces walti and K. lactis, provided additional support for the proposed helices. In the Onygenales group, within Pezizomycotina (Histoplasma) and four other species, we found a new helix located toward the 5' end of helix 6. The phylogenetic distribution of the helices feature is shown in Table 2.2. A representative SRP RNA secondary structure diagrams is shown in Figure 2.1B. Most bacteria, including certain chloroplasts, contained a smal SRP RNA of 60 to 115 nucleotides consisting solely of helix 8. The conserved apical tetraloop of this helix typicaly had the consensus sequence GNRA, with a rare G to U mutations in the first position, but occasionaly an URRC (Regalia et al., 2002). In some gram-positive 45 bacteria (Bacilales and Clostridia groups) and the deeply-branching gram-negative bacteria Thermotoga maritima, the SRP RNA was of the archaeal type, but lacked helix 6. The archaeal SRP RNA had a smal domain similar to the Alu domain of eukaryotes with a non-consensus UGUNR motif (sometimes UAUNR or CNNR). In certain Chrenarcheota (Aeropyrum pernix) this part semed to be extended, perhaps forming a helix. The apical loop of the highly conserved helix 8 consisted of four nucleotides in most organisms. Plants and certain fungi, however, possesed six nucleotides in this loop. Recently, we found that Trichomonas, Phytophthora, and Entamoeba have a pentaloop with the consensus sequence G[AT][AT]AA. The eukaryal SRP RNA was highly variable, particularly with respect to the Alu domain. Secondary structure model were recently presented for the Saccharomyces SRP RNAs (Rosenblad et al., 2004; Van Nues & Brown, 2004). These models showed that helices 3 and 4 were mising, and additional helices 9 to 12 had been acquired. We showed recently that the SRP RNA secondary structures of the non-Ascomycota fungi Phakopsora and Rhizopus, difered from the Ascomycota and were similar to the metazoan SRP RNAs. In Diplomonads and Microsporidia, the smal (Alu) domain semed to have disappeared to leave an SRP RNA composed only of the large (S) domain. 46 SRP Proteins SRP9, SRP14 and SRP21 A total of 24 SRP9 protein sequences were identified: 16 sequences from the Metazoa, one each from Dictyostelium discoideum and Entamoeba histolytica, three from plants, and three from the Alveolata group. SRP14 (a total of 33 sequences) was found in al of eukaryotes examined, including the Fungi. Both SRP9 and SRP14 were absent in al Bacteria and Archaea and some eukaryal groups. SRP21 sequences were identified in 12 fungal genomes. Evidence has been provided that the metazoan SRP9 is homologous to the fungal SRP21 (Rosenblad et al., 2004). This finding was consistent with the indication that a gradual change from SRP9 to SRP21 had occurred in evolution with Pezizomycotina and Schizosaccharomyces pombe representing intermediate. However, further studies are required to clarify the functional role of SRP21 in fungi. SRP19 Protein SRP19 was found in al the examined Eukarya and Archaea. The presence of SRP19 correlated strongly with the appearance of SRP RNA helix 6, thus confirming the important role of SRP19 in the asembly of the large (S) domain (Walter et al., 1983). SRP54 SRP54, also referred to in Bacteria as Ffh (fifty-four homologue), contains a signal sequence binding pocket (Kenan et al., 1998) and thus is likely to be an esential component of every SRP. The SRPDB lists 115 sequences from al phylogenetic groups. 47 We identified homologs to the chloroplast Ffh, cpSRP54, in Arabidopsis, Pisum, Chlamydomonas and Cyanidioschyzon merolae. SRP68 and SRP72 31 SRP68 and 34 SRP72 sequences from the Fungi, Metazoa, Mycetozoa, Plants, Alveolata, and Euglenozoa groups were found. Recognizable homologues of these proteins were absent in the Bacteria and Archaea. Both proteins are known to form a heterodimer within the large domain of the mamalian SRP, but relatively litle is know about its structure. The SRP72 alignment revealed a new lysine-rich domain, originaly identified as Pfam B 7529, which wil be added to Pfam (Bateman et al., 2004). A corresponding peptide of 63 amino acids located near the C-terminus of human SRP72 with the consensus PDPXRWLPXER was shown to bind to SRP RNA with high afinity (Iakhiaeva et al., 2005). cpSRP43 cpSRP43 is a unique nuclear encoded protein only found in chloroplasts. The protein binds to polypeptides imported to the chloroplast and destined for the thylakoid membrane. cpSRP43 contains four ankyrin repeats at the N-terminus and two chromodomains at the C terminus. It forms a complex with cpSRP54 via its chromodomains (Schuenemann et al., 1998). 48 SRP-associated Proteins SRP Receptor (alpha) (FtsY) The SRP receptor is a single polypeptide (FtsY) in the Bacteria and Archaea. In Eukaryotes, the SRP receptor is composed of two subunits, alpha and beta. The alpha subunit is related to FtsY and to SRP54 (Ffh) due to their GTPase domain similarity. Unique to SRP Receptor-alpha (FtsY) are an N-terminal A-region which is thought to be responsible for interacting with the membrane or the beta-subunit of the SRP receptor (reviewed in Halic & Beckmann, 2005). SRP Receptor (beta) SRP Receptor (beta) was found in al Eukaryotes including the Fungi. The protein contains a transmembrane anchor and binds to the alpha-subunit of the receptor. Like SRP54 (Ffh), and the alpha subunit (FtsY), the beta subunit also contains a GTP domain. FlhF This protein was characterized first as a flagelar gene from Bacilus subtilis belonging to the same family of GTP-binding proteins as Ffh and FtsY (Carpenter et al., 1992) suggesting a role on SRP function. However, FlhF was shown recently to be dispensable for protein secretion (Zanen et al., 2004). Phylogeny of SRP An extensive inventory of SRP RNA and protein components has alowed us to arrive at a comprehensive view of SRP phylogeny (Table 2.2). Esential elements include 49 (1) the development of an altered Alu domain in the Ascomycota lacking helices 3 and 4, acompanied by the appearance of protein SRP21. (2) The emergence of the more complex Saccharomyces SRP RNAs containing additional helix insertion into helix 5. (3) The retention of a metazoan-type SRP in the Basidiomycota. (4) The appearance of eukaryotic SRPs that lack the typical SRP proteins or the smal (Alu) domain. (5) The presence of a much reduced SRP in bacteria and chloroplasts composed of a smal RNA and only one protein (Ffh). (6) The conservation of the composition and secondary structure of the Archaeal SRP. OUTLOOK Exploring RNA and protein alignments has become increasingly dificult with the growing number of sequences. We have now implemented a browser which alows to display alignments like a map at various zoom levels. The user of the databases can now se more clearly the species- and group-specific diferences and focus on features of interest. This tool encourages exploration and is expected to further improve the quality of the alignments. ACESS The data are freely acesible for research purposes at the internet addreses http:/ and http:/ or at the corresponding mirror sites provided in the Abstract. This article should be cited in research projects which use of the tmRDB and SRPDB resources. 50 MATERIALS AND METHODS Comparative Sequence Analysis of RNA New tmRNA sequences as identified at the tmRNA Website (Gueneau de Novoa & Williams, 2004) were merged with the previous tmRNA alignment (Zwieb et al., 2003). New SRP RNAs were identified using SRPscan (Regalia et al., 2002) as wel as BLAST (McGinnis & Madden, 2004), RNABOB (Eddy, unpublished), Infernal (Eddy, 2002) and MFOLD (Zuker, 2003). The sequences were placed in phylogenetic order guided by the NCBI Taxonomy (Benson et al., 2000; Wheeler et al., 2000), SARSE (Andersen et al., 2007) and BioEdit (Hal, 1999). Sequences clasified as "Unclasified" in NCBI Taxonomy were submited to BLAST at the tmRNA Website to determine the closest relative based on sequence similarity. Unclasified sequences were aligned to the closest relative based on the results of the BLAST search. Sequences were aligned automaticaly with CLUSTAL (Higgins et al., 1996) or manualy by observing the previously described rules (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). RNAdbtools (Gorodkin et al., 2001) was applied to confirm compensatory base changes, and check base pairing consistencies, and possible RNA helix extensions. Protein Alignments Protein sequences were identified in GenBank (Benson et al., 2000) using BLAST (McGinnis & Madden, 2004) with a subset of representative sequences from the previous versions of tmRDB (Zwieb et al., 2003) and SRPDB (Rosenblad et al., 2003) as queries. The output was examined manualy to generate a set of unique sequences for 51 each protein family. Sequences were aligned using Jalview (Clamp et al., 2004) and CLUSTAL (Higgins et al., 1996) or MUSCLE (Edgar, 2004). Alignment Browser The alignments can be viewed, zoomed and scrolled in a WW-browser under development for genomes by Danish Genome Institute (also directly acesible at http:/ It currently features only basic navigation, with color-dot, grey-dot and character display, and zoom to any level. Painting of features wil be added. Acknowledgements We thank Jorgen Kjems for RNA expertise and support, and Florian M?ller for the ERNA-3D modeling program. This work was supported by NIH grants GM-58267 to J.W. and GM-49034 to C.Z. J.G. is supported by The Danish Research Council for Technology and Production Sciences and the Danish Center for Scientific Computing. Funding to pay the Open Aces publication charges for this article was provided by NIH grant GM-49034 to C.Z. 52 REFERENCES Andersen, E. S., Lind-Thomsen, A., Knudsen, B., Kristensen, S. E., Havgaard, J. H., Torarinsson, E., Larsen, N., Zwieb, C., Sestoft, P., Kjems, J., & Gorodkin, J. (2007). 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In the SRP RNA schematic on the right, the features of the mamalian SRP RNA are shown in gray. Helices are numbered from 1 to 12 with helical sections labeled with leters a to f. The approximate boundaries of the smal (Alu) and the large (S) domain are shown. The recently discovered extra helix (E) in the SRP RNAs of the Euglenozoa (se Table 2.2) is indicated by the arrowhead. MLR 56 2D Group Species 1 2 3 4 M 5 6 7 8 9 = 10 11 12 SB S1 RS Tu A Bacteriophages Bacilus subtilis phage G x x x x x x x x x x ? ? ? x ? ? ? ? Bacteriophages CP1639 x x x x x x x x x x ? x X x x ? ? ? Aquificae Aquifex aeolicus x x x x x x x x x x ? x X x x x x x Deinococus-Thermus Thermus thermophilus x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Thermodesulfobacteria Thermodesulfobacterium comune x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Thermatogae Thermatoga maritima x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Planctomyces Rhodopirelula baltica x x x x x x ! ! x x ? x x x x x x x Clamydiae/Verucomicrobia Chlamydia trachomatis x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Chloroflexi Chloroflexus aurantiacus x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Bacteroides/Chlorobi Bacteroides fragilis x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Bacteroides/Chlorobi Salinibacter ruber x x x x x x x ? x x ? x x x x x x x b Cyanobacteria Synecystis PC6803 x x x x x x x x x x ? pp pp x x x x x Cyanobacteria Cyanobium gracilis x x x x x x x ? ? ? x ? ? x x x x x c Organeles/Chloroplasts Guilardia theta x x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? x x x x x x Organeles/Chloroplasts Thalasiosira pseudonana x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x x x x x x Organeles/Mitochondria Reclinomonas americana x x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ! ? ? x ? x x x Organeles/Mitochondria Jakoba libera x x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x Fibrobacteres/Acidobacteria Fibrobacter sucinogenes x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Spirochaetes Treponema palidum x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Nitrospirae Leptospirilum species x x x x x ? ? x x x ? x x x x x x x d Alphaproteobacteria Caulobacter crescentus x x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x Alphaproteobacteria Magnetococus MC-1 x x x x x x x ? x x ? ? x x x x x x Betaproteobacteria Dechloromonas aromatica x x ? ? x x ? ? ? ? x ? ? x x x x x Betaproteobacteria Tremblaya princeps x x x x x x ? x x x ? x x x x x x x Betaproteobacteria Neiseria gonorhoeae x x x x x x e ? ? ? ? ? ? ! x x x x Gamaproteobacteria Francisela tularensis x x x x x x e x x x ? x x x x x x x e Gamaproteobacteria Escherichia coli x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Deltaproteobacteria Geobacter metalireducens x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Epsilonproteobacteria Campylobacter jejuni x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Fusobacteria Fusobacterium nucleatum x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Dictyoglomi Dictyoglomus thermophilum x x x x x x x x x ? ? ? x x x x x x Actinomycetes Mycobacterium avium x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Firmicutes/Bacili B.subtilis x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Firmicutes/Clostridia Clostridium botulinum x x x x x x x x x x ? x x x x x x x Table 2.1. tmRNA Features and Representatives. The names of representative species are given for each phylogenetic group in the tmRDB. The column labeled ?2D? marks five tmRNA secondary structure examples a?e which are shown in more detail in Supplementary Data 1 available at http:/ 34/suppl_1/D163/suppl/DC1. The tmRNA features (helices numbered from 1 to 12) are 57 shown in the center part of the table. ?=? indicates the interruption in the two-part tmRNAs. SB, Protein SmpB; S1, ribosomal protein S1 and its homologues; RS, alanyl- tRNA synthetase; Tu, Elongation Factor Tu. The table cels are annotated as ???, absent; ???, maybe absent or was not found; ?!?, expected to be present, and ?x?, present. ?e? denotes an extra helix; ?pp? is for a tandem pseudoknot. 58 2D Group Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 E T 9 21 14 19 54 68 72 cp54 cp43 Plastids Cyanidioschyzon merolae ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x X Plastids Arabidopsis thaliana ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x X a Bacteria Escherichia coli ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? ? ? ? b Bacteria B.subtilis x x x x x ? ? x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? ? ? ? Archaea Aeropyrum pernix x x X X x x ? x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x x ? ? ? ? c Archaea Methanococus janaschii x x x x x x ? x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x x ? ? ? ? d Ascomycota Saccharomyces cerevisiae ? x ? ? x x X x x X x x ? ? ? x x x x x x ? ? e Ascomycota Eremothecium gosypi ? x ? ? x x X x x ? x ? ? ? ? x x x x x x ? ? f Ascomycota Cocidioides immitis ? x ? ? x x x x ? x ? ? x ? ? x x x x x x ? ? g Ascomycota Schizosaccharomyces pombe ? x ? ? x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x x x x x x ? ? Basidiomycota Phakospora pachyrhizi ? x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x x x ? ? Microsporidia Encephalitozon cuniculi ? ? ? ? x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x x ? ? ? ? h Metazoa Homo sapiens ? x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x x x ? ? Mycetozoa Dictyostelium discoideum ? x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x x x ? ? Entamoebidae Entamoeba histolytica ? x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x x x ? ? Viridiplantae Arabidopsis thaliana ? x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x x x ? ? Rhodophyta C.merolae ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x x x x ? ? Heterokonta Phytophthora sojae ? x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x x ? ? ? ? Ciliophora Tetrahymena thermophila ? x x s x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x x x ? ? i Apicomplexa Plasmodium falciparum ? x X X x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x x x ? ? j Apicomplexa Theileria annulata ? x x s x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? x ? x x x x x ? ? Euglenozoa Trypanosoma brucei ? x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? x ? ? ? x x x x ? ? Parabasala Trichomonas vaginalis ? x x x x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? ! ? x x x ? ? ? ? Diplomonadida Giardia lamblia ? ? ? ? x x x x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? x x x ? ? ? Table 2.2. SRP RNA features and SRP components ordered by phylogeny. The name of a representative species is given for each group. The column labeled '2D' indicates the secondary structures a to n shown in Figure 2.1. The RNA features (helices 1 to 12 and 59 the ?extra? helix E) are shown in the left part of the table; proteins SRP9 to SRP72, as wel as the chloroplast proteins cp54 and cp43 are indicated on the right portion. The table cels are annotated as '-': absent; '?': maybe absent or is not found; '!': expected to be present; 'x': present; 'X': feature is pronounced and may contain several helical sections; 's': this helix is comparatively smal. 60 CHAPTER 3: COMPARATIVE 3-D MODELING OF tmRNA Adapted from Burks, J., Zwieb, C., Muller, F., Wower, I. & Wower, J. (2005). Comparative 3-D modeling of tmRNA. BMC Mol Biol 6, 14. 61 ABSTRACT Trans-translation releases staled ribosomes from truncated mRNAs and tags defective proteins for proteolytic degradation using transfer-mesenger RNA (tmRNA). This smal stable RNA represents a hybrid of tRNA- and mRNA-like regions connected by a variable number of pseudoknots. Comparative sequence analysis of tmRNAs found in bacteria, plastids, and mitochondria provides considerable insights into their secondary structures. Progres toward understanding the molecular mechanism of template switching, which constitutes an esential step in trans-translation, is hampered by our limited knowledge about the three-dimensional folding of tmRNA. To facilitate experimental testing of the molecular intricacies of trans-translation, which often require appropriately modified tmRNA derivatives, we developed a procedure for building three- dimensional models of tmRNA. Using comparative sequence analysis, phylogeneticaly- supported 2-D structures were obtained to serve as input for the program ERNA-3D. Motifs containing loops and turns were extracted from known structures of other RNAs and used to improve the tmRNA models. Biologicaly feasible 3-D models for the entire tmRNA molecule were obtained. The models were characterized by a functionaly significant close proximity betwen the tRNA-like domain and the resume codon. Potential conformational changes which might lead to a more open structure of tmRNA upon binding to the ribosome are discussed. The method, described in detail for the tmRNAs of Escherichia coli, is applicable for every tmRNA. Improved, biologicaly significant molecular models were obtained. These models wil guide experimental designs and provide a beter understanding of trans-translation. The procedure described here for tmRNA is easily adapted for modeling members of other RNA families. 62 INTRODUCTION Transfer-mesenger RNA (tmRNA), also known as 10Sa RNA or srA RNA, is a hybrid of a tRNA-like domain (TLD) and a mRNA-like region (MLR) connected by a variable number of pseudoknots (Zwieb et al., 1999b). TmRNA is a stable and esential component of trans-translation, a quality-control proces that rescues ribosomes staled on mRNAs lacking stop codons. During trans-translation, ribosomes switch from a defective mRNA (lacking its translation-termination signal) to the MLR of tmRNA. Because the stop codon is provided by the tmRNA, the ribosomes can disociate and recycle (Withey & Friedman, 1999). As an additional advantage, the tandem translation of the two templates generates a tagged polypeptide which is degraded by housekeeping proteases (Keiler et al., 1996; Tu et al., 1995). For tagging, tmRNA has to be aminoacylated by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (Himeno et al., 1997). Asisted by protein SmpB, the charged tmRNA is delivered to staled ribosomes as a ternary complex with EF-Tu and GTP. Binding of tmRNA to ribosomes is facilitated by ribosomal protein S1, which interacts with the MLR and pseudoknots but not with the TLD (Barends et al., 2000; Karzai et al., 2000; Karzai & Sauer, 2001; Wower et al., 2000). Recently, cryo-EM revealed the shape of the tmRNA asociated with SmpB and EF-Tu in its ribosome-bound form (Vale et al., 2003). Despite this significant progres, high-resolution structures as obtained by NMR and X- Ray crystalography are unavailable and expected to be dificult to obtain in the foreseable future due to the relatively large size and flexibility of the tmRNA. In this chapter we used a stepwise procedure for arriving at high-resolution models for the entire tmRNA molecule. First, 2-D structures were obtained by 63 covariation analysis of a large number of tmRNA sequences. The basepairing information was submited to the ERNA-3D modeling program (Mueler et al., 1995) to build the helical sections. Structural motifs of the loops and turns were identified in SCOR (Klosterman et al., 2002), high-resolution data were extracted from known structures, and incorporated into the models. Overal, significantly improved 3-D models were obtained which wil help to understand the role of tmRNA in trans-translation. The described approach could be adopted to obtain high-resolution models of the members of other RNA families. RESULTS Identification of tmRNA sequences The tmRNA sequences were identified previously and subjected to comparative sequence analysis (CSA) as described (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991; Zwieb et al., 1999b). New tmRNA sequences were obtained from the tmRNA website (Wiliams, 2002), through keyword searches of the literature and GenBank (Benson et al., 2005), or BLAST (Altschul et al., 1990; Altschul et al., 1997), and various genome sequencing projects. The new sequences were subjected to a proces that was performed iteratively as described in Materials and Methods to confirm tmRNA identity, remove sequence duplications, and create a meaningful alignment. New potential tmRNA sequences were maintained as a preliminary alignment in BioEdit (Hal, 1999), separate EMBL-formated sequence files, and a HTML-formated phylogenetic list. The sequences were ordered phylogeneticaly dervived from the information in the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) (Cole et al., 2003). If the organism 64 name was not listed in the RDP, the sequence was placed next to its closest relative using the NCBI Taxonomy resource (Wheeler et al., 2003). Selection of tmRNA Sequences The new sequences were confirmed individualy as tmRNAs by comparison with the closest relative using the pairwise alignment feature of BioEdit (Hal, 1999). If there was a lack of obvious similarity, the sequence was inspected for evidence of biological features such as the ability to form a TLD and an open reading frame. Furthermore, the possibility of a two-part tmRNA was considered. A sequence suspected to be a new tmRNA was investigated further by CSA (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991) as described in Materials and Methods. If the potential new sequence was encoded in two regions as sen in alpha-Proteobacteria and some Cyanobacteria (Keiler et al., 2000), it was compared to the gene sequence of the two-part tmRNA from a closest relative. The sequence was arranged for efective comparison with the one-piece tmRNAs in the alignment. The location of the 3? end of the sequence was found upon comparison with the related sequence. The 5? domain of the tRNA-like part was identified using pairwise alignment procedures to generate a single sequence with a short intervening segment. Each of the 20 new two-part tmRNAs (14 sequences from alpha-Proteobacteria and six from Cyanobacteria) was subjected to this rearrangement. 65 Comparative Sequence Analysis Sequences were ordered phylogeneticaly using the RDP (Cole et al., 2003) as a guide or by pairwise alignment with the closest relative. Identical regions were aligned first and invariant positions were used as signposts. Subsequently, the more similar regions were aligned. Regions of biological significance, such as the resume and stop codons, were then considered. Finaly, common secondary structure features were used to align regions that lacked primary structure similarity or biological features. Supported Watson-Crick basepairs and G-U interactions were indicated in the alignment by uppercase leters. Gaps were introduced to acount for diferences in sequence length and to avoid the alignment of disimilar regions. The existence of secondary structure was determined using covariation analysis as described (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991) (se also Materials and Methods). The alignment was examined to identify compensatory base changes (CBCs) and other covariations. The numbers of CBCs and mismatches betwen the alignment columns were counted. CBCs provided positive evidence for the existence of a basepair; mismatches provided negative evidence. If the number of compensatory base changes was two times or greater than the number of mismatches, the basepair was considered supported. If a basepair was invariant, no evidence for or against its existence could be gained from CSA. A basepair was considered specific to a particular phylogenetic group if it was proven only in that group. 66 Quality Control of Sequence Information To check for the proper asignment of basepairs, the alignment was sent through an automated pipeline of programs from RNAdbTools (Gorodkin et al., 2001). The output was inspected visualy and corrections were made manualy using the BioEdit program (Hal, 1999). The revised alignment was resubmited to RNAdbTools, and the review proces was repeated until a satisfactory alignment was produced. TmRNA Alignment The final alignment contained a total of 274 tmRNA sequences in 16 bacterial phylogenetic groups. A complete phylogenetic list is available at the tmRDB . There was a substantial increase in the number of two-part tmRNAs for a total of 27 two-part tmRNAs in alpha-Proteobacteria (20 tmRNAs), one mitochondrion (one tmRNA), and Cyanobacteria (six tmRNAs). The nine organele sequences included one from a cyanele, six from chloroplasts, one from a plastid, and one from the Reclinomonas americana mitochondrion. The typical tmRNA was about 350 nucleotides long. The R. americana mitochondrion tmRNA was considerably smaler (189 nucleotides), did not contain an ORF and thus may be non-functional. Excluding this exception and any partial tmRNAs, the tmRNA of Synechococcus species PCC7009 was the shortest (250 nucleotides), and the longest was from Chlamydophila psitaci (425 nucleotides). 67 Secondary Structure of tmRNA The tmRNA secondary structure features were extracted from the alignment and are listed in phylogenetic order in Table 3.1. The representative secondary structure of Escherichia coli tmRNA is shown in Figure 3.1. TLD (Helices 1, 2a and 12) Although a prominent feature of each tmRNA, the TLD was relatively weakly supported by CSA due to a high degree of sequence conservation. However, the structure of this region is wel established by experimental evidence (Hou & Schimel, 1988; Komine et al., 1994; Ushida et al., 1994). Helix 1 contained seven basepairs and was usualy continuous with the exception of the Anabaena species tmRNA, which contained an insertion in the 3?-portion of helix 1. The first pair (1G-C359 in E. coli tmRNA) was conserved with one exception in Alcaligenes eutrophus where there was a 1U-C345 mismatch possibly due to a sequencing error. The second (2G-C358, E. coli numbering, Figure 3.1) and third pair (3G-U357) of helix 1 were invariant and therefore neither supported nor disproven by CSA. The identities of the bases involved in the fourth (4G-C356) and fifth pair varied. The closing pair of helix 1 (7G-C353) was conserved with the exception of a 7U-A388 pair the Trichodesmium erythraeum tmRNA. The single-stranded region betwen helices 1 and 2a ranged from ten in Dehalococcoides ethenogenes to 13 nucleotides in one Clostridium acetobutylicum sequence. Helix 2a was equivalent to the anticodon stem of tRNA and contained eight supported basepairs as wel as a short variable internal loop in the 5' half of the helix that 68 occurred in a few sequences. The first position in the helix was a conserved cytosine (C21 in E. coli) which formed a weakly-supported basepair with the conserved G333. The partial tmRNA from the chloroplast of Pavlova lutheri contained a uracil in the first position, but no information regarding the 3' portion of helix 2a was available. The T-loop and helix 12 were highly conserved, although many sequences lacked information about helix 12 due to primer annealing during PCR amplification. Helix 12 contained four strongly supported basepairs and a fifth conserved G-C pair (340G-C348 in E. coli; Figure 3.1). The Dehalococcoides ethenogenes tmRNA had the potential to form a sixth basepair in helix 12. Helix 12 was almost always continuous, except for the tmRNA of Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans which possesed four basepairs and a mismatched U333 and C347. A 331-GG-332 preceded U333 in C. hydrogenoformans and followed the conserved 328-GAC-330. Therefore, U333 was unlikely to pair. In the T-loop, the U341 and U342 (E. coli tmRNA) sen in most sequences were replaced by two guanines in the tmRNA from the R. americana mitochondrion (G79 and G80 in chain B) (Keiler et al., 2000). In the tmRNA from Caulobacter crescentus, the nucleotide corresponding to U342 in E. coli tmRNA was changed to G62 in chain B. Helical Sections 2b, 2c and 2d Overal, sections 2b, 2c, and 2d were wel supported. Sections 2a and 2b were separated by a variable loop ranging from one to seven nucleotides in the 5' portion and from one to nine nucleotides in the 3' portion. Sections 2b and 2c had the potential to form a continuously stacked helix (e.g. in Chlamydophila psitaci tmRNA). Usualy, a bulge of two to six nucleotides separated helical sections 2c and 2d (residues 309-311 in 69 E. coli tmRNA, Figure 3.1). An asymmetrical loop was present in some sequences (for example, residues 40-41 in chain A, and 27-31 in chain B of Caulobacter crescentus tmRNA, se additional file 2: Ccrescentus2D.pdf). Helix 2d was the most conserved of the three helical sections. A 6G-U308 basepair (E. coli numbering) in helix 2d was only weakly supported, conserved in most phylogenetic groups, but altered in the Thermatogales, Cyanobacteria, alpha-Proteobacteria, and Gram-positive bacteria. An U-A basepair was possible betwen these positions (U6 in chain A and 88 in chain B) in the R. americana mitochondrion tmRNA, as was a 46A-U334 pair in the Synechocystis species PCC6803 tmRNA. Pseudoknot 1 (Helices 3 and 4) Pseudoknot 1 (pk1) was wel supported. Of the three connecting regions, the two 5'-regions were very short (no or only one residue) while the third was relatively long (one to 11 residues). Al pseudoknots in tmRNA followed the same general design (Zwieb et al., 1999a). Most sequences contained helices 3 and 4, with the exception of the tmRNA from Oenococcus oeni and the partial sequence from the chloroplast of Pavlova lutheri, both of which lacked helix 4 and thus did not form a pseudoknot. Helix 3 usualy contained five basepairs. However, a sixth pair was possible in some bacteria. Helix 4 could be split into helical sections 4a and 4b by a bulge sen in 46 sequences (position 57 in B. anthracis tmRNA) or an internal loop sen in 52 tmRNA sequences. The adenine-rich terminal loop betwen the downstream halves of helices 3 and 4 ranged in length from two to 13 nucleotides. 70 The mRNA-Like Region (MLR) The MLR consisted of an open reading frame (ORF) preceding helix 5 and varied from 48 (Heliobacilus mobilis) to 126 nucleotides (Odontela sinensis chloroplast). The resume codon usualy coded for alanine, but for glycine in 30 sequences (e.g. Bacilus anthracis), aspartic acid in three sequences (e.g. Staphylococcus epidermidis), arginine in two uncultured species (FS1 and LEM2), serine in the uncultured species RCA1, and glutamic acid in Mycoplasma pulmonis. Helix 5 was the least supported helix. One to three stop codons were located within the helix 5 loop. A single UA stop codon was present in 157 sequences. UAG (17 sequences) or UGA (10 sequences) were used les frequently. In 85 sequences there were two in-frame stop codons, where UA was always the first codon, followed by another UA (73 sequences), UAG (10 sequences) or UGA (2 sequences). Two sequences (Bacilus megaterium and Chloroflexus aurantiacu) were found to contain three tandem in-frame stop codons. Pseudoknot 2 (Helices 6 and 7) Pseudoknot 2 was wel supported and similar in overal design to pk1. Helical sections 6b and 6c showed a potential to form a continuous helix in Thermotoga maritima. In beta-Proteobacteria, 6b was replaced by a short hairpin 6d (Zwieb et al., 1999b). Helix 6d was observed also in three tmRNAs of the gama-Proteobacteria Acidithiobacilus feroxidans and Francisela tularensis. 71 Pseudoknot 3 (Helices 8 and 9) Pseudoknot 3 was wel supported but mising in Cyanobacteria and the organeles (Table 3.1). Helical sections 8a and 8b were likely to be continuously stacked because a single helix was present in some species such as Aquifex aeolicus. The unusual purine-rich internal loop betwen helical sections 8a and 8b was present in most gama-Proteobacteria suggesting a special function. Pseudoknot 4 (Helices 10 and 11) This feature was wel supported and was similar in design to the other tmRNA pseudoknots. Helical sections 10a and 10b had the potential to stack because a single helix was present in Prevotela intermedia. In some Cyanobacteria sequences, however, pk4 was replaced with two smaler tandem pseudoknots. Secondary Structure Prediction of the MLR Because CSA was unable to determine secondary structure for a large portion of the MLR, energy calculations were carried out aimed to predict structure for the single-stranded portion of the open reading frame. The region corresponding to residues 79-107 of E. coli tmRNA (Figure 3.1) was extracted from the alignment. A representative alignment of 197 sequences was submited to Mfold (Zuker, 2003). Each sequence had the potential to form at least one helix, designated ?m? (se Figure 3.1). Two or more adjacent helices were predicted for 17 sequences. The number of basepairs varied from two in Chloroflexus aurantiacus to ten in Mycoplasma pulmonis. 72 Secondary Structures of E. coli tmRNA Secondary structures were determined for al sequences in the alignment but only the sequence of E. coli tmRNA was extracted, diagramed, and procesed for 3-D modeling. The 363-nucleotide tmRNA of the gama-Proteobacterium Escherichia coli represented the typical tmRNA containing the TLD, the MLR, and four pseudoknots (pk1 to pk4) encompasing the pseudoknot domain (PKD). The 90-GCA-92 resume triplet coded for alanine. Two in-frame UA stop codons (positions 120-125) were located within the terminal loop of helix 5 (Figure 3.1). Three basepaired regions (shown boxed) were only weakly supported by CSA. Helix m (residues 87-98) was predicted only by energy calculations. A slightly diferent helix involving residues 88-100 was suggested by footprinting of E. coli tmRNA (Felden et al., 1997). The evidence for the 112U-A133 basepair was weak, but was included due to the possibility of extending helix 5 (Materials and Methods). Helical section 5a (residues 108-111 and 134-137) was enlarged by the weakly supported 108G-C137, 110U-A135 and 111U-G134. The 109C-G136 pair was disproven. In helix 10ab, the basepair betwen 256G-C275 was only weakly supported. Helix 10ab (residues 248-256 and 274-283) could be extended by the boxed 257U-G274 pair. Tertiary Structure Modeling and Visualization of tmRNA ERNA-3D, a program developed to model RNA in three dimensions (Mueler et al., 1995), was used on an SGI workstation as described in Materials and Methods. E. coli tmRNA was selected because this tmRNA is the subject of extensive research. B. anthracis tmRNA was chosen as an example of a tmRNA from a Gram-positive 73 bacterium, and C. crescentus tmRNA was selected because it represents a two-part tmRNA. In order to create the initial models, the sequence and basepairing information were entered into an ERNA-3D input file to automaticaly generate A-form RNA for the helices sections and specify the single-stranded regions using ERNA-3D?s algorithm (Mueler et al., 1995). Since ERNA-3D avoided an XYZ coordinate system as reference for the user, the manipulation of the model from the viewer?s perspective was simple and intuitive. The coordinates of each model were saved in PDB format (Sussman et al., 1999) for compatibility with other molecular modeling programs. Motifs (listed in Table 3.2) were selected to model the loops and turns of a particular tmRNA. ERNA-3D selection files were generated to define clusters and place the motif in 3-D without disturbance to the rest of the model. The 3-D cursor box was used to manipulate a cluster in three-dimensional space, similar to the manipulation of a section of a physical model. Numerous high-resolution structures determined by NMR or X-ray crystalography represented a rich source of detailed information for defining biologicaly meaningful motifs. The SCOR database (Klosterman et al., 2002) provided a way to find suitable templates. In rare cases when a SCOR search for a motif did not result in a aceptable match (e.g. motif 9, Table 3.2), the nucleotides were positioned manualy in ERNA-3D. Otherwise, the coordinates were obtained from the Protein Data Bank PDB (Berman et al., 2000), extracted using the program Swis-PDBViewer (Guex & Peitsch, 1997), and imported into ERNA-3D. The source motif and the region to be modeled were selected as separate clusters and aligned in three dimensions using common features (usualy a shared basepair). Once superimposed, the coordinates of the residues in the 74 source motif were copied onto the corresponding residues in the model. The template was then deleted, leaving a biologicaly meaningful structure. The backbone connections betwen the motif and the rest of the model were inspected visualy and, if needed, manual adjustments were made to correct bond lengths and angles. As an example of the motif modeling proces, the purine-rich loop in E. coli pk3 (positions 204-206 and 223-225) was constructed using a similar loop in the 30S ribosomal subunit. First, the purine-rich loop was defined as motif 11a (Table 3.2), and used to search the SCOR database. Positions 780-782 and 800-802 in the structure of the Thermus thermophilus 30S ribosomal subunit (Wimberly et al., 2000) were found to conform to the motif. The 30S ribosomal subunit coordinates (1J5E.pdb in this case) were downloaded from the PDB and displayed using Swis-PDBViewer. The coordinates of the loop and the closing basepairs were extracted and inspected to confirm that the structure was compatible. The clustered regions were aligned with the ends of helical sections 8a and 8b at the basepairs 203U-G226 and 207A-U222 of the E. coli model and 779C-G803 and 783C-G799 of the template. Template positions 780-AAA-782 and 800-GUA-802 were then copied onto 204-GGA-206 and 223-GAA-225 of the model. The template was deleted and the bond lengths and angles involving the atoms of the phosphates of residues U203, G222, A206, and U222 were adjusted. In some instances, the tmRNA sequence alignment was reinvestigated using ideas dervived from the 3-D model. For example, the alignments of pk1 in Bacilus anthracis tmRNA and relatives was changed from a two nucleotide bulge (56-AU-57) betwen helical sections 4a and 4b to a more feasible and equaly wel supported one-nucleotide bulge (not shown). The alignment of helix 10 in pk3 in B. anthracis tmRNA and relatives 75 was altered from a 237C-A269 mismatch and an asymmetrical loop (C239 and 266-GU-267) to a single looped-out C269. The alignment of pk3 of Caulobacter crescentus and relatives was changed from four basepairs and a weakly supported fifth pair in helix 8 (betwen 174G-C196 of chain A) to a four-basepair structure (not shown). Finaly, information about spatial neighborhoods as obtained from cross-linking experiments was introduced. Interactions betwen the D- and T-loops were incorporated from a previous model (Zwieb et al., 2001) that was based on cross-links observed in the E. coli TLD (motif 2 in Table 3.2). A cross-link observed betwen positions the stop codon loop and C154/C155 in pk2 of E. coli tmRNA (Wower et al., unpublished) was considered along with the previously-discovered covariation (Keley et al., 2001) betwen C44 and C66 (E. coli numbering, Figure 3.1). Finaly, the models were inspected for correct bond angles and distances. 3-D Model of E. coli tmRNA The model shown as a ribbon diagram in Figure 3.3 consists of a compacted MLR and PKD with the TLD extending from the body of the molecule due to the near-coaxial stacking of the helix 2 sections. The coordinates for the TLD were taken from a previous model (Zwieb et al., 2001) which is based on two cross-linked sites, one formed betwen nucleotides U9/U10 near the 5' end and nucleotides C346/U347 in the T loop, the other involving residues at positions 25?28 and 326?329 within helix 2a (motif 2 in Table 3.2). Important features of the TLD include the non-Watson-Crick base pairs formed by 19- GA-20 and 333-GA-334 which have been confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis (Hanawa-Suetsugu et al., 2001). 76 A very eficient UV-induced cross-link observed betwen the stop codon loop of helix 5 and pk2 of E. coli tmRNA (Wower et al., unpublished) introduced a considerable constraint of helices 5, 6, and 7, and, as has been shown recently, is consistent with the cryo-EM structure of ribosome-bound tmRNA of the initial stage of trans-translation (Vale et al., 2003). Also considered was the previously-discovered covariation (Keley et al., 2001) betwen C44 and C66 (E. coli numbering, Figure 3.1) which was thought to determine the orientation of helix 2 in relation to helix 3 and thus the approximate angle by which the TLD protrudes. The 44/66 covariation is strongly supported (26 covariations versus four mismatches) in an alignment of 143 representative sequences (not shown). Since this is a non-Watson-Crick covariation, it is dificult to propose a precise structure in this region. More extensive studies wil be required to beter understand the nature and structural significance (if any) of the 44/66 covariation. The distance betwen the 3? end and A231 in pk3 was 180 ?, and 70 ? betwen the outside edges of pk1 and pk4. Helix 5 and pk2 were positioned in a paralel fashion due to a cross-link observed betwen the stop-codon loop and pk2. The nucleotides in the bulge betwen helical sections 6a and 6b (motif 9, Table 3.2) were adjusted manualy to alow for a close fit of helix 5 and pk2. The four pseudoknots were arranged in a loop with the resume codon positioned near the internal loop betwen helices 2a and 2b (motif 3a, Table 3.2). Considering that the pseudoknots are likely to constitute relatively independent structural units, conformational changes might occur around the connecting single strands, as wel as in the MLR and the weakly-supported helix m. TmRNA may become les flexible when bound to proteins such as SmpB and ribosomal protein S1. EF-Tu, 77 however, likely binds to the coaxialy-stacked helices 1 and 12 (Nisen et al., 1995), and therefore appears to have litle efect on the conformation of the TLD. Protein SmpB was found to bind near helix 2a (Barends et al.2001; Wower et al., 2002), has two RNA binding sites (Dong et al., 2002), and thus could make additional contacts with other regions. Protein S1 is the largest ribosomal protein, has been shown to be close to numerous sites, and to be required for the binding of tmRNA to the ribosome (Wower et al., 2001). Since S1 is a flexible, beadlike protein (Subramanian et al., 1983) it may not restrict the conformational potential of the tmRNA molecule. Instead, the protein may instil some constraint to the large central loop formed by the PKD and the MLR. Because S1 is known to melt helices in mRNAs (Bear et al., 1976), it is also possible that it unwinds helix m and exposes the resume codon and the preceding nucleotides U85 and A86 for eficient trans-translation (Ivanov et al., 2002; Wiliams et al.1999). The tmRNA model shows the resume codon in close proximity to the internal loop formed betwen helical sections 2a and 2b. This arrangement would alow the ribosome to "jump" a relatively short distance from the end of the broken mRNA onto the ORF of tmRNA. In a recent cryo-EM study of the initial stage of trans-translation (Vale et al., 2003), the tRNA-like region, SmpB, EF-Tu, and part of pk4 were located in the A site of the ribosome. We suggest that this more open arrangement is made possible due to the flexibility of tmRNA, the melting of helix m, and/or a change in conformation induced by the binding of tmRNA to the ribosome (Figure 3.4). The opening of the central loop sems to be acompanied by a rotation of the TLD around the helix 2 axis (compare Figures 3.4A and 3.4B) and thus might properly align the resume codon with the 3'-end of broken mRNA in the ribosomal decoding center. At the later stages of the 78 transit of tmRNA across the ribosome even more dramatic conformational changes were shown to disrupt helix 5 and the pseudoknotted regions (Wower et al, 2005). These downstream alterations are likely mediated not by protein S1 but by the intrinsic helicase activity of the ribosome (Takyar et al., 2005) and are required to maintain the ribosomal subunits in close proximity to the unfolded tmRNA in order to monitor trans-translation. DISCUSSION We have compared a growing number of tmRNA sequences from al groups of bacteria to produce an alignment from which the secondary structure of any tmRNA could be easily extracted. Most basepairings were supported by phylogenetic evidence, whereas only a few helical sections required energy calculations. Uncertainties in asignment of basepairs, such as the pseudoknot region of chloroplasts and one-piece cyanobacterial tmRNAs, may be eliminated in the future when more sequences wil become available. The common layout of the secondary structures indicated a similar function in al bacteria. The number and size of the pseudoknots varied, supporting the idea that the pseudoknots may only enhance the esential functions carried by the TLD and the MLR (Wower et al., 2004). Diferences in the secondary structure features were usualy not random but occurred betwen groups of related organisms. For example, helix 6d was present only in the beta- and three close relatives of the gama-Proteobacteria. Weather these group-specific features are responsible for diferences in the trans-translation mechanism remains to be determined. However, strategies that exploit these diferences, 79 for example for developing new antibiotics targeted at a specific group of bacteria, can now be envisioned. In principle, tertiary structure models of any tmRNA in the alignment could be built using the described procedures. Here, we have shown how to generate an updated model of E. coli tmRNA (Zwieb et al., 1999a). The TLD miicked the L-shape of canonical tRNA (Sussman et al., 1978) and may be necesary for proper asociation tmRNA with the EF-Tu, SmpB, and subsequent binding to the ribosomal A site. The lack of a D-stem was suggested to confer flexibility (Stagg et al., 2001), but SmpB may be responsible for stabilizing this region (Barends et al., 2001; Gutmann et al., 2003). Diferences in the shapes of the tmRNA models (e.g. the angle betwen helix 2 and the main body of the molecule) may be an indicator of a significant level of flexibility. Conformational changes might occur in regions for which no helical structure could be predicted either by CSA or energy calculations. Such regions might include the MLR, the single strands connecting the pseudoknots, and the weakly-supported helices m and 5 (Figures 3.3 & 3.4). Based on a long-range cross-link, large scale structural changes likely involve the stop codon loop and pk2 since these regions do not basepair but are in close proximity (Wower et al., unpublished). TmRNA may become les flexible when bound to proteins such as SmpB and ribosomal protein S1. EF-Tu, however, which likely binds to the coaxialy-stacked helices 1 and 12 (Nisen et al., 1995), appears to have litle efect on the RNA conformation. Protein SmpB was found to bind near helix 2a (Barends et al., 2001; Wower et al., 2002), has two RNA binding sites (Dong et al., 2002), and thus could make additional contacts with other regions. Protein S1 is the largest ribosomal protein, was 80 shown to be close to numerous tmRNA sites, and is required for tmRNA to bind to the ribosome (Wower et al., 2000). S1 is a flexible, beadlike protein (Subramanian, 1983) and thus may not restrict the conformational potential of the tmRNA molecule. Instead, the protein may instil some constraint to the large loop formed by the PKD and the MLR. Because the protein is known to melt helices in mRNAs (Bear et al., 1976), it is possible that it unwinds helix m and exposes the resume codon and the preceding nucleotides U85 and A86 for eficient trans-translation (Ivanov et al., 2002; Wiliams et al., 1999). The tmRNA models show the resume codon in close proximity to the loop formed betwen helical sections 2a and 2b. This arrangement would alow the ribosome to ?jump? a relatively short distance from the end of the broken mRNA onto the ORF of tmRNA. In a recent cryo-EM study of the initial stage of trans-translation (Vale et al., 2003), the tRNA-like region, SmpB, EF-Tu, and part of pk4 were located in the A site of the ribosome. Overal, the tmRNA was arranged similar to a previous model (Zwieb et al., 1999a) with the pseudoknots around the ?beak? of the 30S subunit. We suggest that this more open arrangement is made possible due to the flexibility tmRNA, the melting of helices m and 5, and/or a change in conformation induced by the binding of tmRNA to the ribosome (Figure 3.4). At the later stages of the transit of tmRNA across the ribosome even more extensive conformational changes might involve the disruption of the pseudoknotted regions (Wower et al., 2005). These alterations are likely required to maintain the ribosomal subunits in close proximity to the tmRNA in order to monitor trans-translation. 81 ORIGINAL CONCLUSIONS This study significantly advances our understanding of trans-translation by providing biologicaly feasible 3-D models for the entire tmRNA molecule. Although the modeling of one tmRNA was described here, 3-D models of every tmRNA can be extracted from the alignment. The models are characterized by a functionaly meaningful close proximity betwen the TLD and the resume codon. Conformational changes induced by binding of tmRNA to SmpB, ribosomal protein S1, and the ribosome suggest a transformation of a free, compact tmRNA to a more open, ribosome-bound structure. The comparative modeling approach described here for tmRNA is easily adapted for other RNA clases. FUTURE DIRECTIONS AND EVOLUTION OF THE E. COLI tmRNA MODEL Two crystal structures of the TLD in complex with SmpB were published by Gutmann et al. (2003) and Besho et al. (2007). To investigate the potential for our modeling procedure to be ported to studying the structure of RNA-protein complexes, we decided to take advantage of information for the entire TLD in the Besho group crystal structure of the TLD-SmpB complex (PDB ID 2CZJ). The coordinates of residues 1-13, 14-24, 31-35, and 46-72 in the T. thermophilus TLD were copied onto residues 1-13, 15- 25, 328-332 and 333-359 in the E. coli model. An inserted G14 was manualy positioned betwen the coordinates of residues 13 and 15 facing away from SmpB. The structural coordinates of the TLD in the 2CZJ coordinates of theTLD-SmpB complex were then deleted, leaving the SmpB coordinates behind in a biologicaly relevant conformation and configuration bound to the TLD of E. coli tmRNA. During this proces, the loop betwen 82 sections 2a and 2b was updated using the coordinates of the internal loop with an interrupted stack formed by residues 2436-2349 and 2469-2473 in PDB structure 1J5A, selected due to the correct size (five nucleotides in 5? half, four in 3? half) and twist of helix 2 closer to that sen in cryo-EM studies. The coordinates of residues 2469-2473 of 1J5A were copied onto the coordinates of E. coli tmRNA model residues 29-33, and 2436-2439 (1J5A) were used to model residues 321-324 of E. coli tmRNA. Source coordinates were deleted, leaving the model shown in Figure 3.4E. While this model may not answer the question of the location of the resume codon in the tmRNA on the ribosome, the shape of the TLD-SmpB complex suggests that the area of the cryo-EM diference map originaly asigned to a subsection of helix 2 by Vale and colleagues may actualy be the location of the SmpB molecule, with the rest of the bulk of the TLD diference map encompasing the TLD itself and EF-Tu. The model is constantly improving with each new piece of the trans-translation puzzle that comes to light. The model can be and is improved by advancements in X-ray crystalography, NMR and cryo-EM techniques. METHODS Comparative Sequence Analysis The tmRNA sequences were arranged in phylogenetic order using information available in the RDP (Cole et al., 2003). When the phylogenetic order could not be determined, the sequence was placed next to the closest relative as determined by the ClustalW plug-in of BioEdit (Hal, 1999; Thompson et al., 1994). The sequences were made available at the tmRDB (Zwieb et al., 2003). 83 Aligning was done manualy using BioEdit (Hal, 1999) with details described previously (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). Briefly, closely related sequences were aligned first. Then, invariant positions were used as guides to align the disimilar regions. Next, common secondary structure elements were identified by observing covariations and find support for basepairs, tertiary interactions, or other structural features. Compensatory base changes (CBCs) were observed if a change in one residue of a Watson-Crick or G-U pair was compensated by a second change to conserve pairing. Two residues were mismatched if they did not form a Watson-Crick or G-U pair. CBCs and mismatches were counted to determine positive and negative evidence in order to prove or disprove the existence of a particular pair. A basepair was considered proven if there was at least twice as much positive than negative evidence. Invariant pairs provided neither positive nor negative evidence. If a basepair was proven in one phylogenetic group and disproven in another, the basepair was considered to be specific to that group. The alignment and suggested CBCs were checked using RNAdbTools (Gorodkin et al., 2001) to eliminate incorrectly-paired nucleotides, suggest extensions of helices, and determine the phylogenetic support for each basepair. Weakly supported basepairs adjacent to supported basepairs were considered an extension of the helix and usualy included in the secondary structures (Figure 3.1). 3-D Model Building The secondary structure information was used as input for ERNA-3D (Mueler et al., 1995) instaled on an SGI workstation running IRIX 6.5. ERNA-3D generated A- form RNA for each helix and calculated the conformations of single-stranded regions. 84 The models were examined using CrystalEyes stereovision goggles and an StereoGraphics infrared emiter. 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Motifs, for example the nonamer-loop shown in the top-left panel, were identified in the known high-resolution structures (top-right) with the help of SCOR (Klosterman et al., 2002). The PDB coordinates were extracted (bottom-right) and compared with the 3-D model generated by ERNA-3D (bottom-left) to deduce relevant models. 92 Figure 3.3. 3-D model of Escherichia coli tmRNA. The 3-D model of Escherichia coli tmRNA is viewed as a ribbon diagram from the side in panel A, the top in panel B, and in panel C turned by approximately 90? around the y-axis in relation to A. Panel D shows a representation of the corresponding 2-D structure using the identical coloring scheme. Labeled are the 5' and 3' ends, the resume (R) and stop codons (S), and the three regions (TLD, MLR, PKD). The figure was produced with iMol and the PDB coordinates of MLR MLR 93 additional file Ecoli-closed.pdb are available at http:/ 94 Figure 3.4. Conformational changes in Escherichia coli tmRNA. A) Closed form of the E. coli model as shown in Figure 3.3. B) Open conformation adjusted to more closely resemble the ribosome-bound form as determined by cryo-EM (Vale et al., 2003) using additional file Ecoli-open.pdb. C) Coordinates extracted from the cryo-EM model (Vale et al., 2003). The TLD is shown in dark purple, helix 2 in green, pk1 in yelow, helix 5 in pink, pk2 in turquoise, pk3 in red, and pk4 in dark blue. D) Electron density map of the 50S subunit in light blue, the 30S subunit in yelow, and the bound tmRNA (in the absence of ribosomal protein S1) in dark blue (from Valle et al., 2003). E) Recently updated E. coli tmRNA incorporating crystal structure of TLD-SmpB from T. thermophilus and revised loop 2ab motif as described in text. 95 Genetic Group TLD MLR Pk1 pk2 pk3 pk4 Other Thermophilic Oxygen Reducers Thermatogales Gren Non-sulfur & Bacteria elatives Flexibacter Cytophaga Bacteroides Gren Sulfur Bacteria Planctomyces & elatives Cyanobacteria 1 1,2 3 Plastids - - Mitochondria - - - - - Fibrobacter/Acidobacter & elatives Spirochetes & elatives Proteobacteria, alpha 4 5 3 Proteobacteria, beta 6 3 Proteobacteria, gama 6 Proteobacteria, delta Proteobacteria, epsilon Fusobacteria Gram Positive Bacteria Table 3.1. Phylogenetic distribution of tmRNA features. The tRNA-like domain (TLD), mRNA-like region (MLR), and the four pseudoknots pk1 to pk4 are shown on the top. Other features peculiar to a phylogenetic group are in the right column. White fields indicate the presence, dark gray fields the absence of a feature. Light gray suggests structural modifications as noted: (1) certain Cyanobacteria lack these pseudoknots. (2) One-chain cyanobacterial tmRNAs contain two smaler tandem pseudoknots named pk4a and 4b. (3) The tmRNAs of some species in this group consist of two basepaired molecules (Keiler et al., 2000; Wiliams, 2002). (4) The genus Ricketsia and its relatives lack pk2. (5) pk4 of the alpha-Proteobacteria has been reduced to a single helix (named helix 11). (6) Some species in this group contain an additional helix (helix 6d). 96 Motif SCOR clas tmRNA Res. Source Res. Coordinates Coments 1 1?7, 353?363 1?7, 12?22 1IKD.pdb (chain W) ACCA end and G3-U357 pair 2 8?28, 325?352 8?28, 325?352 tmx-34.pdb from tmRDB 3a internal loop with unpaired stacked bases 29?33, 321?324 1775?1779, 1765?1768 1JJ2.pdb 3b stacked duplex with one non-WC pair C35, A319 ERNA-3D 4 stacked duplex with two non-WC pairs 38?39, 315?316 2874?2875, 2882?2883 1JJ2.pdb 5 309?311 ERNA-3D 6a pseudoknot 49?78 1?33 1RNK.pdb pk1 6b tetraloop 87?98 5?8 1AFX.pdb the only YRR tetraloop in SCOR 7 nonaloop 118?126 1834?1842 1JJ2.pdb 8 one unpaired and stacked U U131 U30 1B36.pdb 9 171?174 ERNA-3D 10a stacked duplex with two non-WC pairs 149?150, 165?166 288?289, 363?364 1JJ2.pdb 10b pseudoknot 138?196 6a pk2 11a internal loop 204?206, 223?225 780?782, 800?802 1J5E.pdb 11b pseudoknot 197?247 6a pk3 12 stacked duplex with one non-WC pair G258, A273 A-G6, B-A27 420D.pdb 13a stacked duplex with one non-WC pair C26, U296 ERNA-3D 13b pseudoknot 248?299 6a pk4 Table 3.2. Structural motifs used for the Escherichia coli tmRNA model. Shown in columns one to four are the motif numbers in bold, their SCOR clasification (Klosterman et al., 2002), the residue positions in the tmRNA model and the source structure. Column five lists the filenames containing the atomic coordinates that were derived from the PDB (Sussman et al., 1999), the tmRDB (Zwieb et al., 2003), or were generated by ERNA-3D (Mueler et al., 1995). 97 CHAPTER 4: IN SILICO ANALYSIS OF IRES RNAS OF FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE VIRUS AND RELATED PICORNAVIRUSES Burks, J., Zwieb, C., Mueler, F., Wower, I.K., & Wower, J. In Silico Analysis of IRES RNAs of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus and Related Picornaviruses. 98 ABSTRACT Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) uses an Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES), a highly structured segment of its genomic RNA, to hijack the translational apparatus of the infected host. Computational analysis of 161 Type II picornavirus IRES RNA sequences yielded FMDV and closely related picornavirus RNA secondary structures which included only base pairs supported by comparative or experimental evidence. The deduced helical sections provided the foundation for a three-dimensional model of FMDV IRES RNA. The model was further constrained by incorporation of available data derived from chemical and enzymatic modification experiments as wel as high-resolution information about IRES RNA-bound proteins. A hypothetical model for IRES-ribosome interaction is proposed. 99 INTRODUCTION Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is an acute, highly contagious infection of cloven- hoofed animals (Grubman & Baxt, 2004; Mahy, 2005). It is caused by Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus (FMDV), an Aphthovirus of the family Picornaviridae. The genomic RNA of this virus contains one open reading frame (ORF) flanked by 5?- and 3?-untranslated regions (5?- and 3?-UTR). Translation of the ORF produces a large polyprotein that is post-translationaly cleaved into a number of structural and non-structural proteins (reviewed in Belsham, 2005). To synthesize the polyprotein, FMDV internaly initiates translation in a cap-independent proces facilitated by the internal ribosome entry site (IRES), a segment of the 5?-UTR that is required for binding the viral genomic RNA to ribosomes and recruiting canonical translation initiation factors (Belsham & Bostock, 1988; Belsham & Brangwyn, 1990; Kuhn et al., 1990). The activities of IRES RNAs are stimulated by several RNA-binding proteins provided by the infected host (Belsham, 2005; Jackson, 2002; Pestova et al., 2001; Pilipenko et al., 2000). FMDV IRES RNA is clasified as a Type II picornavirus IRES RNA secondary structure (Wimer et al., 1993). Structure-function relationships in the FMDV IRES RNA are interpreted using two diferent secondary structure models. The first is derived from comparative analysis of 5?-UTR sequences from three FMDV strains, four Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) strains, three Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) strains, as wel as DMS modifications and RNase V1 and S1 cleavages of strain RRR of EMCV (Pilipenko et al., 1989). The secondary structure model published by Fernandez-Miragal and Martinez-Salas (2003) relies on mfold energy minimization calculations (Mathews et al., 1999; Zuker, 2003) and structural probing data of domain 100 III of transcribed BVDV IRES RNA. Additional probing of the structure suggested regions in domains II and IV (Fernandez-Miragal & Martinez-Salas, 2007; Fernandez- Miragal et al., 2006). Both models share five domains (denoted I-V in FMDV IRES RNA), but difer with respect to their base pairing paterns. Recently, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), X-ray crystalography and NMR spectroscopy provided insights into the three-dimensional arrangements of structures of and in IRES RNAs from Hepatitis C Virus (HCV; Flaviviridae), Clasical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV; Flaviviridae), and the intergenic region (IGR) IRESes of Cricket Paralysis- like Virus (CrPV; Dicistroviridae) and Plautia Stali Intestine Virus (PSIV; Dicistroviridae) (Boehringer et al., 2005; Collier et al., 2002; Kieft et al., 2002; Locker et al., 2007; Lukavsky et al., 2003; Lukavsky et al., 2000; Pfingsten et al., 2006; Rijnbrand et al., 2004; Schuler et al., 2006; Spahn et al., 2001; Spahn et al., 2004; Zhao et al., 2008). Despite highly diferent sequences, HCV and CrPV IRES RNAs bind to the neck and platform of the 40S subunit (Boehringer et al., 2005; Kieft et al., 2001; Kieft, 2008). However it is unclear where or how the structuraly distinct picornavirus IRES RNAs bind to the ribosome. To facilitate the study of these important viruses and to beter understand the structure and functions of Type II picornavirus IRES RNAs, we compared 161 sequences in silico to identify covarying base pairs. Comparative sequence analysis (CSA) was proven efective in the construction of reliable secondary structures of ribosomal RNAs, transfer RNA, signal recognition particle RNA and transfer-mesenger RNA (Holley, 1968; Larsen & Zwieb, 1991; Woese et al., 1980; Zwieb et al., 1999). Our studies yield a revised model of the secondary structure of FMDV IRES RNA supported by both 101 covarying base pairs and available biochemical data for reported for functional FMDV IRES RNAs. The updated secondary structure model was used to investigate the possibilities for FMDV IRES RNA in three dimensions in its free form, when bound to IRES-asociated proteins and the 40S ribosomal subunit. RESULTS AND DISCUSION Comparative Sequence Analysis Sequences of FMDV IRES RNAs collected from Rfam and GenBank were aligned using BioEdit (se Methods) (Benson et al., 2009; Grifiths-Jones et al., 2003; Hal, 1999). To derive secondary structure, we observed covariations which maintained base pairs of the Watson-Crick type (A-U, G-C and G-U) despite diferences in sequence. Such compensatory base changes (CBCs) supported the existence of base paired regions because, during evolution, random single mutations that disrupt pairing would not have been compensated for by mutations that restored stability unles required. A mismatch provided negative evidence for a base pair, whereas an invariant pair provided neither positive nor negative support for its existence (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). A base pair was considered supported if there were at least twice as many CBCs as there were mismatches (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). Invariant canonical pairs may be supported if neighbored by one compensatory pair as an extension of a helical section. The covariation analyses were asisted by RNAdbTools and the Semi-Automated RNA Sequence Editor (SARSE) (Gorodkin et al., 2001; Andersen et al., 2007). Due to the observed high levels of sequence conservation, analysis of the 129 FMDV IRES RNAs provided an insufficient number of CBCs. Therefore, the alignment 102 was expanded to include IRES RNA sequences from related aphthoviruses, cardioviruses (including EMCV and Mengovirus) and parechoviruses (including Ljungan viruses) obtained from GenBank and Rfam (Benson et al., 2009; Grifiths-Jones et al., 2003). The sequences were grouped acording to imunological serotype and viral taxonomic clasification, followed by realignment using CLUSTALW and manual editing (Thompson et al., 1994). The final alignment contained 161 nonredundant sequences from aphthoviruses (FMDV; 129 sequences from serotypes A, Asia1, O, C, SAT1, SAT2 and SAT3), cardioviruses (EMCV and TMEV; 20 sequences), and parechoviruses (12 sequences). Secondary Structure of the FMDV IRES RNA Figure 4.1 shows the derived secondary structure diagram of the FMDV IRES RNA. CSA and corroborating experimental evidence (discussed below) support 30 helical sections arranged in five distinct domains D1 through D5, which correspond to domains I-V in the secondary structure model proposed by Pilipenko et al. (1989). The poorly supported helix of the functionaly obsolete D1 was not investigated in detail in any of the Type II RNA sequences analyzed (Belsham & Brangwyn, 1990; Jang & Wimer, 1990). Below, we describe the properties of domains D2 through D5 and highlight structural diferences betwen IRES RNAs of FMDV and related picornaviruses. 103 Domain 2 This region consists of four helical sections 2a-2d. Sections 2a and 2b are separated by a symmetric loop in FMDV, but an asymmetric loop exists in al other Type II IRES RNAs. Section 2b in FMDV results from base pairing betwen residues 288-289 and 326-327 as initialy proposed (Pilipenko et al., 1989). Present analysis does not support the 287-288 and 324-325 base pairings suggested by energy minimization (Fernandez-Miragal & Martinez-Salas, 2003). Sections 2b and 2c are separated by a short symmetric loop in FMDV, but they are continuously stacked in the cardiovirus and parechovirus RNAs. In EMCV and TMEV, 2a and 2bc are separated by an asymmetric loop of five to seven nucleotides in the 5? portion and two to five nucleotides in the 3? portion. Another asymmetric loop connects helical sections 2c and 2d in al genera. Helix 2 is capped by a pyrimidine-rich loop containing two to five residues which are likely to be part of a binding site for polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) (Luz & Beck, 1991). Domain 3 This domain is composed of two unequaly conserved subdomains (Pilipenko et al., 1989). The variable subdomain (D3V) contains sections 3a-3i, whereas the conserved subdomain (D3C) is composed of section 3j and helices 3.1-3.5 (Pilipenko et al., 1989). Sections 3a-3j are present in al Type II picornavirus IRES RNAs and may exhibit substantial stacking. In the cardiovirus and Ljungan parechovirus RNAs, two additional sections (3k and 3l, not shown) are inserted betwen 3h and 3i. Helical sections 3i-3j are wel supported by CSA, whereas helix 3.1 is consistent 104 with earlier chemical probing of EMCV IRES RNA (Pilipenko et al., 1989). CSA provides weak support for helix 3.5 because the distal and proximal base pairs are compensatory and their neighboring invariant pairs 228G-C242 (O1K numbering) and 230G-C240 can be supported by extension. Chemical and enzymatic modification analyses indicated that helix 3.5 existed in analyzed EMCV IRES RNA but may have been absent in FMDV IRES RNA samples in later experiments with in vitro transcribed RNA (Fernandez-Miragal & Martinez-Salas, 2003; 2007; Fernandez-Miragal et al., 2006; Pilipenko et al., 1989). The functionaly important A/C-rich loop of helix 3.5 was acesible to single-strand RNA-specific RNase S1 in EMCV but not the proposed base pairs of helix 3.5 (Kaminski et al., 1994; Lopez de Quinto & Martinez-Salas, 1997; Pilipenko et al., 1989; Pilipenko et al., 2000) (the A/C-rich loop as wel as the CRAA loop of FMDV IRES was shown to be DMS acesible by Fernandez-Miragal, 2003, 2006 and 2009 in in vitro transcribed RNA). It could be possible that this structure may exist in equilibrium. Helix 3.2b is capped by a GNRA tetraloop (where N is any nucleotide and R is a purine) in al Type II IRES RNA (Robertson et al., 1999). Mutational analysis in FMDV strain C-s8c1 demonstrated that this tetraloop is esential for IRES RNA activity (Lopez de Quinto & Martinez-Salas, 1997). The invariant base pairs of helix 3.3 (Figure 4.1) cannot be proved or disproved by CSA. However, helix 3.3 and its conserved pentaloop (CRAA) are indirectly supported by data derived from DMS modification as wel as cleavage by RNases V1 and S1 of EMCV IRES (Pilipenko et al., 1989). One exception to the pentaloop conservation (CGCAA) occurs in FMDV O Akesu/58 and o1argentina iso5 (GenBank Acesions AF511039 and AY593814). The first base pair of helix 3.4 is an invariant G-C. This 105 structure is wel supported by DMS modification data and RNase V1 and S1 cleavage analyses (Pilipenko et al., 1989). Domain 4 D4 contains helical sections 4a-4c and helices 4.1 (D4C) and 4.2 (D4V) (Pilipenko et al., 1989). Section 4a is supported by compensatory mutations of the IRES RNA in FMDV strain C-s8c1 as wel as DMS modifications and cleavages by RNases V1 and S1 of EMCV strain R (Lopez de Quinto et al., 2001; Lopez de Quinto & Martinez- Salas, 2000; Pilipenko et al., 1989). Sections 4a and 4b are separated by an internal loop of two to four residues on each strand, suggested by mutagenesis to be required for proper FMDV IRES RNA-mediated translation and binding of eIF4G (Lopez de Quinto et al., 2001; Lopez de Quinto & Martinez-Salas, 2000). Helical section 4.1a is highly conserved and supported by protection from DMS modification and cleavage by RNases V1 and S1 of EMCV (Pilipenko et al., 1989). The last two base pairs of section 4.1a are required for IRES activity as indicated by the analysis of compensatory mutations (Basili et al., 2004). Section 4.1b is composed of four invariant base pairs and supported indirectly by the observation that disruption of the stack or perturbation of the sequence disrupt binding of initiation factors eIF4G and eIF4B (Basili et al., 2004). Moreover, section 4.1b is separated from sections 4.1a and 4.1c by two conserved bulges (residues 359-GA-360 and 328-AC-329, respectively). In FMDV strain O/SKR/2002 (GenBank acesion AY312589), one uridine is inserted into the GA bulge. Helix 4.1 is capped by a loop of two to 13 nucleotides. Such diloops have been previously observed in ribosomal RNA (Jucker & Pardi, 1995). 106 Helix 4.2 consists of the wel supported sections 4.2a and 4.2b in aphthoviruses, cardioviruses and most parechoviruses, with a pyrimidine-rich loop of five to eight residues. The invariant residues C378, U379 and U381 are present in al 4.2b stem-loops. Section 4.2b is replaced by two smaler helices (4.2c and 4.2d, not shown) separated by 5?-GGGUAGAA-3? in Ljungan parechoviruses. These helices are capped by a four to seven residue loop and a tetraloop, respectively (Johansson et al., 2002). The single strand which connects sections 4.2a and 4c contains five invariant adenine residues in FMDV (strain C-s8c1) and TMEV (strain GDVII) IRES RNAs (GenBank acesions AJ133357 and M20562). A sixth adenine residue is found in al strains of EMCV, except EMCV-30 (GenBank acesion AY296731) which contains one additional guanine residue (LaRue et al., 2003; Pevear et al., 1988). Domain 5 and the 3? region of the IRES RNA In FMDV and most parechoviruses, helix 5 consists of sections 5a (five base pairs) and 5b (four base pairs) separated by one residue, but seven to eight base pairs are found in cardioviruses and Ljungan parechoviruses. Helix 5 is capped by a loop of up to four residues and connects to a single-stranded region via two to nine pyrimidines leading up to the AUG start codon used by the majority of cardioviruses to initiate protein synthesis (Kaminski et al., 1990; Kong & Roos, 1991). Most strains of FMDV initiate at an AUG triplet located further downstream, but many experimental FMDV IRES RNA constructs can expres their downstream proteins using the first start codon (Belsham, 1992; 2005; Sangar et al., 1987). No recognizable consensus motif was found in the 107 sequence linking helix 5 and the AUG start codon. This variable region typicaly consists of 22-25 residues, but some sequences contain up to 42 residues. Distribution of Conserved Elements In FMDV IRES RNA Secondary Structure Overal, helical sections 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 3d through 3i, 3j and helix 4.2, as wel as the connecting regions betwen domains proved to be the least conserved regions. Clusters of invariant residues were identified in sections 2a, 3c, 3g, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 4a- 4c, 4.1 and 5, as wel as unpaired residues 44, 50, 54-56, 62-63, 67, 93, 112-113, 141- 146, 177, 180, 197, 200-201, 269-270, 288-289, 316, 328-329, 338-341, 359-360, 397- 401, 404, 423 and 428-430 (Figure 4.1). This uneven distribution of the conserved elements likely results from restrictions imposed not only by the IRES RNA structure, but also specific interactions with asociated proteins and the ribosome. Modeling the Thre-Dimensional Structure of FMDV IRES RNA In earlier studies we demonstrated that RNA secondary structures resulting from CSA could be used as reliable blueprints for building meaningful tertiary structure models (Burks et al., 2005). In this proces, base pairing information is entered into the molecular modeling program ERNA-3D to generate a preliminary three-dimensional model containing A-form RNA for the helical sections while the single-stranded segments adopt conformations acording to ERNA-3D?s built-in algorithm (Mueler et al., 1995). In order to obtain biologicaly feasible loop structures, the sequence for each loop was used to search the Structure Clasification of RNA database (SCOR) for similar structures in the Protein Data Bank (PDB) (Berman et al., 2002; Klosterman et al., 2002). 108 The coordinates of the loops were copied onto the preliminary model (Figure 4.2) as specified in Table 4.2. Modeling Constraints Covariation analysis is not limited to defining secondary structure, but can also be used to identify possible long-range interactions (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). Atempts to identify canonical RNA-RNA tertiary interactions for constraining the model were unsuccesful. Therefore, because FMDV IRES RNA interacts with host proteins, we used available data for these interactions to constrain the model in three dimensions. FMDV IRES RNA binds to polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB), IRES Trans-acting Factor 45 (ITAF45), initiation factors eIF4G, eIF4A, eIF3 eIF2 and other proteins, but detailed structural information for complexes betwen these proteins and RNA is limited to PTB (Lopez de Quinto et al., 2001; Lopez de Quinto & Martinez-Salas, 2000; Luz & Beck, 1990; 1991; Monie et al., 2007; Oberstras et al., 2005; Pilipenko et al., 2000). PTB binds FMDV IRES as a monomer of four RRM-motif-containing RNA-binding domains, of which the third and fourth are considered to be prominent for FMDV and were shown to bind to helix 2 and a segment containing helix 5 and the 3? polypyrimidine tract of FMDV IRES RNA (Amir-Ahmady et al., 2005; Maris et al., 2005; Monie et al., 2007; Monie et al., 2005; Oh et al., 1998; Perez et al., 1997; Simpson et al., 2004; Song et al., 2005). The NMR structure of PTB domains three and four in complex with two 5?- CUCUCU-3? hexamers (PDB ID 2ADC; Oberstras et al., 2005) was used as a three- dimensional ruler to constrain U53 and U59 relative to the residues at positions 441-446 (se Table 4.2). These choices are consistent with the requirement of U54 for PTB 109 binding, the protection of nucleotides 53-UU-54 and 439-447 from CMCT modification (Table 4.1), the observation that purine substitutions in 439-UUUC-442 interfere with PTB binding, and the sequence similarity betwen 441-UCCUU-446 in FMDV IRES and 532-CUCUCU-537 of the NMR structure (Kolupaeva et al., 1996; Luz & Beck, 1991; Oberstras et al., 2005; Pilipenko et al., 2000; Song et al., 2005). Thre-Dimensional FMDV IRES RNA Model The model is elongated with approximate dimensions of 80? by 90? by 300? (Figure 4.3). Helix 5 and the third and fourth domains of PTB are located in the fork formed by helices 2 and 4.2. The coaxial stack of helix 2 is interrupted by the asymmetric loop betwen sections 2c and 2d. Sections 3a-3i are sen as an elongated region connected to the cluster of sections 3i, 3j and helices 3.1 and 3.5. Sections 4a-4c and helices 4.1 and 4.2 form three stacks. Helix 5 is nestled betwen helices 4.1 and 4.2, sections 4a-4c, and PTB (Figure 4.3). This model is compatible with chemical or enzymatic protection data (se Table 4.1) including those that were not utilized for its construction, as wel as with low-resolution electron microscopy data available for the free form of FMDV IRES RNA (Beales et al., 2003). Protections from chemical modifications or enzymatic cleavages due to PTB may be caused by direct binding or indirectly through conformational changes. Protections from RNase P1 and T1 cleavages in the loop betwen helical sections 2c and 2d (Figure 4.3, Table 4.1) may be explained by the interaction of the second PTB RNA-binding domain as this domain has the potential to be close to residues 63-65. The numerous protections in FMDV IRES RNA helix 3 caused by PTB may be due to the binding of either the first or second PTB RNA- 110 binding domains or the concerted binding of the third and fourth PTB RNA-binding domains and ITAF45 (Pilipenko et al., 2000). Such conformational changes sem likely because enhanced acesibility to CMCT modifications and RNase T1 cleavages after PTB/ITAF45 binding have been demonstrated (Pilipenko et al., 2000). Furthermore PTB, in concert with ITAF45, is thought to play a role as an RNA-folding chaperone and induces conformational changes throughout the IRES RNA (se Table 4.1) (Kolupaeva et al., 1996; Luz & Beck, 1991; Pilipenko et al., 2000; Song et al., 2005). In contrast to the binding data for PTB and FMDV IRES and while this manuscript was in preparation, Kafasla et al. (2009) showed that domains 2 and 3 of PTB bound to EMCV IRES RNA domains K (4.2 in FMDV IRES) and H (2), respectively, using Fe-II-directed hydroxyl radical probing experiments. The comparison of the EMCV IRES RNA secondary structure (not shown) and data of Kafasla et al. with the secondary structure of FMDV IRES RNA support the arrangements of the domains in the model of FMDV IRES RNA, suggesting that domain I of EMCV IRES (and presumably helix 3 of FMDV IRES) is located independently from domains H (2), J (4.1) and L (5) which may be located in a separate cluster due to clustered paterns of cleavage caused by close proximity to one PTB domain or another. What remains to be sen is if the order of subunit binding is unique in both FMDV and EMCV IRES RNAs, and if this is due to nucleotide or secondary structure placement in the binding site of the PTB domains. Crystalography could resolve this discrepancy in the future. 111 Topography of the IRES Ribonucleoprotein Complex Each picornavirus has diferent requirements for protein factors (reviewed in Belsham, 2005; Belsham & Jackson, 2000). Figure 4.4 shows the complex network of interactions that occur during FMDV IRES RNA-mediated translation initiation. In vitro studies demonstrated that Type II IRES RNA recruitment to the 40S ribosomal subunit requires eIF4G, eIF4A, eIF3 and eIF2 (Pestova et al., 1996a). FMDV additionaly requires PTB and ITAF45 (Pilipenko et al., 2000). Initiation factor eIF4B may bind helix 5 and promote the formation of 48S complexes on either FMDV or EMCV IRES RNAs (Lopez de Quinto et al., 2001; Meyer et al., 1995). Protection and toeprint data are available for eIF4G (Kolupaeva et al., 1998; Pilipenko et al., 2000). This initiation factor is part of the eIF4F complex, along with eIF4A and the cap-binding protein eIF4E (Pause et al., 1994a; Svitkin et al., 2001). Both eIF4G and eIF4A are required for translation of Type II picornavirus IRES RNAs (Pause et al., 1994b; Pestova et al., 1996a; Pestova et al., 1996b; Svitkin et al., 2001). The C- terminal portion of eIF4G contains the RNA, eIF3 and eIF4A binding sites, and plays a central role in organizing the 48S complex (Gross et al., 2003; Kolupaeva et al., 1998; Korneeva et al., 2000; Korneeva et al., 2001; LeFebvre et al., 2006; Morino et al., 2000; Pestova et al., 1996a; Pestova et al., 1996b). In vitro mutagenesis studies demonstrated that the binding site for eIF4G is located in helix 4 of the FMDV IRES RNA (Basili et al., 2004). Disruptions of sections 4a and 4b have detrimental efects on eIF4G binding to FMDV IRES RNA, and the loop betwen sections 4a and 4b does not tolerate any mutations (Lopez de Quinto et al., 2001; Lopez de Quinto & Martinez-Salas, 2000). The observed biochemical efects caused by the binding of eIF4G (alone or in complex with 112 eIF4A) are almost exclusively located in helices 4 and 5 (Figure 4.3, Table 4.1) (Kolupaeva et al., 1998; Pilipenko et al., 2000). Residues in the 4ab loop, sections 4b, 4c, the A-rich loop betwen 4.2a and 4c, and helices 4.1 and 4.2 are protected from chemical modifications or enzymatic cleavage (Figure 4.3), while eIF4G increases the acesibility of G393 in section 4.2b and 411-CC-412 in section 4a to RNase V1 cleavage (Kolupaeva et al., 1998). In vitro, eIF4A binds to an FMDV IRES RNA fragment composed of helices 4 and 5, and the 3? polypyrimidine tract, but not when the fragment lacks helix 4.1 (Stasinopoulos & Belsham, 2001). It is unclear whether eIF4G or eIF4A are individualy responsible for the 413-UG-414 eIF4F and eIF4G:eIF4A toeprints, the 419-GGU-421 eIF4G:eIF4A toeprint, or the protections from RNase T1 cleavage observed at residues G317, G359 and G402 (Kolupaeva et al., 1998; Pilipenko et al., 2000). The multisubunit mamalian initiation factor eIF3 was shown to bind to eIF4G (Browning et al., 2001; Morris-Desbois et al., 2001; Zhou et al., 2005; Zhou et al., 2008). This interaction is of critical importance for the delivery of the 40S ribosomal subunit to the initiation site of the EMCV IRES RNA (LeFebvre et al., 2006). eIF3 binds to the 40S ribosomal subunit and was reported to make multiple contacts with the FMDV IRES RNA, including but not limited to helix 5 (Fraser et al., 2004; Lopez de Quinto et al., 2001; Pacheco et al., 2008). FMDV IRES RNA on the 40S Ribosomal Subunit The FMDV IRES RNA protein complex interacts with the 40S ribosomal subunit during translation initiation. The topography of the initiation complex was approximated 113 using available protein:ribosome and IRES:ribosome interaction data. Information about the interactions of eIF4G and eIF3 with FMDV IRES RNA was the most useful (Korneeva et al., 2000; Siridechadilok et al., 2005). Although the eIF3 binding site on FMDV IRES RNA is unknown, cryo-EM studies of the eIF4G:eIF3 and eIF3:40S complex place the FMDV-asociated eIF4G near the ribosomal E site (Siridechadilok et al., 2005). FMDV IRES:eIF4G interactions were not modeled because the structure of this complex is unknown. However, eIF4G protection of sections 4a-4c and helices 4.1 and 4.2 (Figure 4.3 and Table 4.1) supports the localization of this region near eIF4G (Kolupaeva et al., 1998; Siridechadilok et al., 2005). This placed helices 2, 4.1, 4.2, and 5 and PTB at the E site of the ribosome (Figure 4.5), consistent with the models of eIF4G:eIF3 and eIF3:40S complexes (Siridechadilok et al., 2005). With helix 4.1 located close to the E site, the AUG start codon was easily positioned near the P site without perturbing the remainder of the model (Figure 4.5). This placement was consistent with data from toeprinting analysis of FMDV IRES RNA bound to rabbit reticulocyte ribosomes which demonstrated protections 15 nucleotides downstream of the first start codon (462-AUG-464) (Pilipenko et al., 2000). Additional clues about the topography of picornavirus IRES RNA:ribosome complexes came from a cross-link betwen EMCV IRES RNA and ribosomal protein S25 (rpS25) in Drosophila (Nishiyama et al., 2007). This protein cross-links to stem loop IV of PSIV IRES RNA (Nishiyama et al., 2007; Pfingsten et al., 2006; Spahn et al., 2004). The second domain of HCV IRES RNA cross-links to ribosomal protein S5 (rpS5) from HeLa cels (Fukushi et al., 2001). rpS5 is located at the ?back? of the head of the 40S subunit and cross-links to rpS25 suggesting close proximity betwen these proteins 114 (Schuler et al., 2006; Spahn et al., 2004; Tolan & Traut, 1981; Uchiumi et al., 1981). Involvement of rpS5 and rpS25 in functions of IRES RNAs from picornaviruses, flaviviruses and dicistroviruses suggest that these proteins constitute important elements for proper IRES RNA positioning (Pfingsten & Kieft, 2008). We propose that helix 4.1 is close to these ribosomal proteins. The IRES RNA:protein complex model is positioned such that helix 4.1 is near the platform (Figure 4.5). Helices 3-3.5 and the 5? end are sen outside of the 40S subunit. The start codon of each model is located in the P site. This particular arrangement is plausible in EMCV IRES RNA because translation starts at this codon and would alow proximity required to form a cross-link betwen the IRES and rpS25, and in FMDV IRES RNA which initiates translation either at the 462-464 start codon (in experimental constructs) or the preferred start codon 84 nucleotides downstream (Belsham, 1992; Sangar et al., 1987). For the second functioning start codon of FMDV IRES RNA to reach the P site, the ribosome presumably scans the FMDV RNA (Andreev et al., 2007; Belsham, 1992; Belsham & Jackson, 2000). If scanning does in fact happen (asisted by eIF1 and eIF1A, which bind helix 5), the FMDV IRES RNA could be outside the ribosome by the time the second, preferred functional start codon enters the P site (Pacheco et al., 2008; Pasmore et al., 2007). CONCLUSIONS We generated plausible three-dimensional models of the FMDV IRES RNA based on extensive comparative analysis of Type II picornavirus IRES RNA sequences. The models suggest that FMDV IRES RNA similarities with other IRES RNAs at the tertiary 115 structure level including a close proximity betwen helix 4.1 and rpS5 and rpS25. As in HCV IRES RNA, FMDV IRES RNA helix 3 may be found outside the ribosome and located away from helices 2, 4.2 and 5. The models wil be useful as guides in future studies of the interactions betwen Type II Picornavirus IRES RNAs, their asociated protein factors and the ribosome. METHODS Collection and Cataloguing of Available Type II Picornavirus IRES Sequences The Rfam alignment for Aphthovirus IRESes was combined with sequences collected from GenBank using a keyword search using ?FMDV?, ?FMDV IRES?, ?EMCV?, ?EMCV IRES?, ?TMEV?, ?TMEV IRES?, and results of BLAST searches with representative sequences (Benson et al., 2009; Grifiths-Jones et al., 2003). Duplicates were removed and each sequence was given a unique identifier. Sequences were grouped by genus, virus and, if applicable, serotype. Comparative Sequence Analysis The sequences were aligned using regions of identity and similarity. For ambiguous regions, RNA secondary structure features were used to align the sequences (Larsen & Zwieb, 1991). The alignment is available in fasta format at http:/ 116 Thre-Dimensional Molecular Modeling The first model was constructed using the sequence of the FMDV IRES RNA from strain O1K (GenBank acesion number X00871 positions 252-716). The modeling proces was described previously (Burks et al., 2005; se Chapter 3). Briefly, the secondary structure information was used as input for ERNA-3D (Mueler et al., 1995) instaled on an SGI workstation running IRIX 6.5 and equipped with CrystalEyes stereovision goggles and a StereoGraphics infrared emiter. The initial model was modified by consulting SCOR (Klosterman et al., 2002). The coordinates of relevant structures were obtained from the PDB (Berman et al., 2002) (se Tables 4.2 and 4.3) and extracted using Swis-PdbViewer (Guex & Peitsch, 1997). Experimental data obtained from the literature were considered to validate the model. Finaly, bond angles and lengths were corrected to produce biologicaly feasible conformations. The pdb coordinates of the model are available at ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by grants from the Alabama Agricultural Experiment Station Foundation to I.K.W. and J.W. and an Auburn University Biogrant to J.W. Publication costs were supported in part by the Upchurch Fund for Excelence. J.M.B. was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0091853 and NSF- EPS 0447675. The molecular graphics image in Figure 4.5 was produced using the UCSF Chimera package from the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics at the University of California, San Francisco (supported by NIH P41 RR-01081). 117 REFERENCES Amir-Ahmady, B., Boutz, P. L., Markovtsov, V., Philips, M. L. & Black, D. L. (2005). Exon represion by polypyrimidine tract binding protein. RNA 11, 699?716. Andersen, E., Lind-Thomsen, A., Knudsen, B., Kristensen, S., Havgaard, J., Torarinsson, E., Larsen, N., Zwieb, C., Sestoft, P., Kjems, J. & Gorodkin, J. (2007). 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U A G U C G G U CG G C G U CU G U C C CG G G AG G GC C G CG A C G AUU AGUG UG 3! D5 AA A A CU U A G A C G A A C A G A U A C U A G G U G 5!D1 D2 D3C D3V D4C D4V 2a 2b 2c 2d 4a4b 4.1a 4.1b 4.1c 4.2a4.2b 5a 300 600 AGU 5b 4c 700 G CG A G CG A U G C AGC GG U A CUC GAG G U U U A A GU C U G A U G C G C G G CG G C G C CC U G G C C G C G CG CG C C A A G UA C G GC C C A C A A G G C G C C C G C G U A C C A G G C A A A AG G A C C CS1 CS2 3a 3c 3d 3e 3f 3g 3h 3i 3.1 3j 3.2a 3.2b 3.3 3.4 350 550 500 450 3b 400 G C 650 127 Figure 4.2: Thre-dimensional model of FMDV O1K IRES RNA. Domains are colored as in the secondary structure schematic. The 5? and 3? ends and domains are indicated, as are the conserved and variable subdomains in D3 and D4. The location of the formed helix 3.5 in indicated in the bright red structure of D3C, and the structure resulting from the melting of helix 3.5 is shown in dark red. The start codon is marked with a star. The figure was generated using iMol (http:/ 5? 3? D2 D5 D3C D3V D4C D4V 5? 3? 3.5 128 Figure 4.3: Protein protections in FMDV. Residues protected from modification by PTB (green spheres), ITAF45 (red), the middle domain of eIF4G alone (blue) or eIF4G- eIF4A or eIF4F complexes (pink) as listed in Table 4.1. Orange spheres represent protections of residues 419-421 by either PTB, eIF4G:eIF4A or eIF4F complexes. PTB domains three and four are shown. The start codon is indicated in with a star. The approximate location of the binding sites for eIF2 and eIF4B are shown in gray on the secondary structure. The figure was generated using iMol (http:/ ITAF45 eIF4G + EIF4A PTB DIV PTB DIII 5! 3! eIF4G (457-1404) D1 D2 D5 D3C D3V D4C D4V Figure 3 h4.1 129 Figure 4.4: Map of interactions betwen FMDV IRES RNA domains, initiation factors and the 40S ribosomal subunit. The FMDV IRES RNA domains are indicated. The minimal set of proteins required for 48S complex formation on FMDV IRES RNA is shown in gray. The 40S ribosomal subunit is represented by the gray snowman. Proteins for which complete or partial high-resolution structural data are available are shown as squares or triangles, respectively; otherwise, they are indicated as circles. Interactions are shown as lines or close placements. D1D2 D3 D4 D5 ITAF 45 eIF4GeIF4A PTB PCBP2 eIF1 eIF2 eIF3k eIF3d eIF3b eIF3a eIF3e eIF3h eIF3g eIF3i eIF3c eIF3f eIF3j eIF3l eIF3m eIF5 eIF1A eIF3 FMDV IRES RNA eIF4B 40S eIF4E eIF4F Complex Figure 4 130 Figure 4.5: Placement of FMDV IRES RNA on the cryo-EM surface representation of the human 40S subunit. A) Model with intact helix 3.5. B) Model with melted helix 3.5. C) Model in B with proposed D3 tRNA-like region near the E site showing bulk of model far away from 40S subunit toward solvent due to length of D3 stack. D) Cryo-EM representation of HCV IRES RNA bound to rabbit reticulocyte 40S ribosomal subunit for reference (from Spahn et al., 2001. Reprinted with permision from AAS.). The coloring of the FMDV IRES RNA models in A-C is as in Figure 4.2. The first start codon (red) is indicated. Figure 4.5 was generated using UCSF Chimera and the electron density map of the naked human 40S subunit (EMDB ID 1092; Spahn et al., 2004) retrieved from the Electron Microscopy Database (Petersen et al., 2004). 131 D Feature Model Res. Experimental Res. E M Proteins R 2d loop 53-UUU-55 305-UUU-307 (O1K) p C PTB 2 2cd loop 63-UA-64 405-CU-406 (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 2cd loop G65 G317 (O1K) p T1 PTB 4 2c 70G 413G (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 2 2bc loop 72A 415A (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 3cd loop G99 G351 (O1K) p T1 ITAF45 4 3d G103 G351 (O1K) e T1 PTB 4 3.1 G149 G492 (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 3.2ab loop U168 A51 (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 3.2b loop A179 A52 (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 3.5 A232 A575 (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 3.5 G239 G491 (O1K) e C ITAF45 4 3.5 G239 G491 (O1K) e T1 PTB, ITAF45 4 G301, G303 G553, G55 (O1K) e T1 PTB, ITAF45 4 3 U302 G554 (O1K) e C ITAF45 4 4a G308 C684 (EMCV R) p V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4ab loop 311-AA-312 687-AA-688 (EMCV R) p D eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4b A314 A690 (EMCV R) p V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4c G317 G569 (O1K) p T1 eIF4G+eIF4A 4 4c G317 G569 (O1K) e T1 PTB 4 4.1ab loop G359 G61 (O1K) p T1 eIF4G+eIF4A 4 4.1ab loop A360 A724 (EMCV R) p D eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4.1a G361 U725 (ECV R) p C eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4.2b loop U379, U381 U631, U63 (O1K) p C PTB 2 4.2ab loop 386-UU-387 758-UU-759 (EMCV R) p C PTB 2 4.2a 391-CG-392 763-CG-764 (ECV R) p V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4.2a G393 A765 (EMCV R) e V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4.2a U395 G767 (ECV R) p V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 A-rich lop A397 A770 (EMCV R) p D eIF4G (457-1404) 3 A-rich lop 397-AA-398 648-AA-649 (O1K) t TP eIF4F 4 A-rich lop 398-AAAA-401 771-AAAA-774 (EMCV R) p D eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4c G402 G653 (O1K) p T1 eIF4G+eIF4A 4 4c C403 C776 (EMCV R) p V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4bc loop U404 G77 (ECV R) p V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4b 405-UC-406 778-UC-779 (EMCV R) p V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4a 411-CC-412 783-GC-784 (ECV R) e V1 eIF4G (457-1404) 3 4a 413-UG-414 664-UG-665 (O1K) t TP eIF4G+eIF4A 4 4a 413-UG-414 664-UG-665 (O1K) t TP eIF4F 4 4 4a G414 G665 (O1K) e T1 PTB, ITAF45 4 5a 419-GGU-421 670-GGU-672 (O1K) p T1 PTB 4 5a 419-GGU-421 670-GGU-672 (O1K) p T1 eIF4G+eIF4A 4 5a 420-GU-421 671-GU-672 (O1K) t TP eIF4F 4 5a 421-UG-422 672-UG-673 (O1K) e C ITAF45 4 5a G42 G764 (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 5ab loop A423 A765 (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 5b C424 C76 (O1K) p P1 PTB 1 5b G427 G678 (O1K) e C ITAF45 4 5b 429-GG-430 680-GG-681 (O1K) e T1 PTB 4 5b 430-GUCG-433 681-GCCG-664(O1K) t TP PTB 4 5b G434 G685 (O1K) e C ITAF45 4 5b U439 U690 (O1K) t TP PTB 4 5 5b U439 U690 (O1K) p C PTB 2 3? Poly(Y) 440-UU-441 691-UU-692(O1K) p C PTB 2 3? Poly(Y) 440-UU-441 691-UU-692(O1K) t TP PTB 4 3? Poly(Y) 442-CC-443 811-CC-812 (EMCV R) p V1 PTB 2 3? Poly(Y) 444-UUU-446 813-UUU-815 (EMCV R) p C PTB 2 3? 3? Poly(Y) 444-UUUA-447 695-UUUU-698 (O1K) p C PTB 2 132 Table 4.1: Summary of biochemical data used as modeling constraints. Columns 1 and 2 indicate domains and RNA secondary structure features as annotated in Figure 4.1. Residue positions in the model (IRES RNA from FMDV strain C-s8c1) are given in column 3. The fourth column details the corresponding residues in the referenced experiments. Al strains are FMDV unles indicated. Protections (p) or enhanced acesibility (e) to chemicals or enzymes are shown in columns 5 and 6. Methods are chemical modification using CMCT (CMCT) or DMS (DMS), enzymatic cleavage reactions using RNases T1 (RNase T1) or RNase V1 (RNase V1), or toeprinting experiments (toeprint). Proteins and polypeptides with residue positions are shown in column 7. The plus sign indicates a protein-protein complex. References are 1, Luz & Beck, 1991; 2, Kolupaeva et al., 1996; 3, Kolupaeva et al., 1998; Pilipenko et al., 2000. 133 Feature SCOR clas PDB Res. Target Res. Notes 1 Stacked duplex with two non-WC pairs 1N66 17-18 5-6 34-35 76-77 2 Stacked duplex with two non-WC pairs 1MUV A:4-5 B:4-5 39-39 72-73 3 About 90 degre turn with short stacked bases 1P5M 11-15 62-66 4a Pentalop with two bases in the main stack 1L8V 235-239 51-55 4b 2ADC 540-541 53-54 1 5 ERNA-3D 84 6 Stacked duplexes with one non-WC pair 1KP7 5, 26 89, 294 7 Loops with interupted stack 1FJG 228-229 133-135 93-94 288-290 8 Loops with two extruded helical single strands 1MJI 35-37 45-47 98-100 282-284 9 One stacked unpaired base flanked by non WC pair 1JJ2 1466 1476-1477 106 275-276 10 About 90 degre turn with short stacked bases 1J5A 2306-2308 2365-2367 111-113 268-270 11 Loops with interupted stack 1JJ2 H:2610-2613 H:2545-2546 119-122 261-262 12 Loops with base triples, no dinucleotide platform 2LDZ F:24-25 E:6-9 124-125 256-259 13 Stacked duplexes with four non-WC pairs 1NA2 F:20-23 E:7-10 129-132 249-252 14 1KH6 4-5 49-50 8-10 21-23 24-26 35-37 39-43 44-48 136-137 243-244 138-140 147-149 150-152 224-226 227-231 239-242 2 15 Hexalop with six bases in the main stack 1E8O 111-116 141-146 16 Heptalop 1NKW O:2795-2801 232-238 17 1KH6 8-10 21-23 4-7 49-50 39-43 44-48 24-26 35-37 207-209 216-218 203-206 194-195 158-162 189-193 219-221 155-157 3 18 ERNA-3D 165-170 19 GNRA tetralop 1KH6 29-32 177-180 20 Pentalop 2NOQ 116-120 197-202 134 21 Tetralop 2NOQ 85-88 211-214 4 22 ERNA-3D 299-304 23 Loops with an extruded helical single strand 1LNG 175-177 153-154 310-312 408-409 24 Stacked duplexes with one non-WC pair 1J7T 41, 5 316, 404 25 ERNA-3D 397-401 26 Several loped out bases 1J5E 129-130 359-360 27 Loops with an extruded helical single strand 1JJ2 1287-1288 328-329 28 Tridecalop: Kising hairpin thirteen base loop 1BAU 6-18 336-348 29 One loped-out G 1J5E 31 388 30 Hexalop with one base in 5' stack, one in 3' stack, one in both stacks 1FQZ 12-17 378-383 31 ERNA-3D 415-417 32 One loped-out G 1J5E 31 423 33 Trilops with thre loped-out purines 1J5A 1186-1188 428-430 34 2ADC 533-537 442-446 1 After feature 4a was modeled, residues 540 and 541 of 2ADC were superimposed onto residues 53 and 54 while retaining the conections between 52/53 and 54/5. 2 Because the source HCV feature has three extra residues in the juncture (A5, A6, U38), a slight modification was made to conect residues 137 and 138, and 26 and 27. 3 A slight modification to this feature was made so residues 157 and 158 were conected, as HCV has extra residues in the juncture. 4 The remainder of the adjacent helical section was copied as part of feature 7. Table 4.2: Features used to model the FMDV IRES RNA. Structural features and their SCOR clasifications (Klosterman et al., 2002) are shown on the left. The sources of the coordinates (PDB or ERNA-3D) for a given feature are given in the PDB column. The residues positions involved in the feature are indicated in the Target Res. column. Coordinates for polypyrimidine-tract binding protein (PTB) domains three and four along with their bound RNA hexamers were from 2ADC.pdb. 135 CHAPTER 5: COMPARATIVE STRUCTURAL STUDIES OF BOVINE VIRAL DIARRHEA VIRUS IRES RNA Burks, J., Zwieb, C., M?ller, F., Wower, I. K. & Wower, J. Comparative Structural Studies of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus IRES RNA. 136 ABSTRACT The internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) RNA of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) has been implicated in virus propagation. To gain insight into the structure and potential function of the BVDV IRES RNA we collected and aligned 663 of its sequences. The majority of sequences belonged to either genotype 1 or 2, but a third previously unidentified group was distinctly diferent. Compensatory Watson-Crick and wobble G-U pairs were investigated to establish phylogeneticaly supported secondary structures for each of the BVDV IRES RNA sequences. Conservation levels varied betwen 49 and 80 percent overal. Two highly variable regions corresponded to residues 209-220 and 298-307 in BVDV-1b Osloss. The extensively folded BVDV IRES RNAs were composed of helices 2, 3 and 4. Helix 2 consisted of five helical sections. Helix 3 contained sections 3a to 3j as wel as six helical insertions 3.1 to 3.6. Sections 3a and 3b together with helices 3.6 and 4 formed an RNA pseudoknot. Three-dimensional modeling of the BVDV-1b Osloss IRES RNA showed it to be elongated with approximate dimensions of 170 ? by 65 ? by 90 ?. The model could be placed on the 40S ribosomal subunit similar to how the HCV IRES RNA was arranged. The IRES RNA-ribosome complex predicted a proximity betwen helix 2 of the BVDV IRES and ribosomal proteins S5 and S25. 137 INTRODUCTION Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) manifests itself as a disease with a wide spectrum of symptoms and causes major economic loss for bovine producers worldwide (Baker, 1995). BVDV is a positive single-stranded, uncapped RNA virus which belongs to the Pestivirus genus and the Flaviviridae family (Brock et al., 1992; Collet et al., 1988a; Collet et al., 1988b; Lindenbach et al., 2007; Renard et al., 1987; Thiel et al., 2005). Of the three major subgenotypes 1a, 1b and 2, 1b predominates in North America (Flores et al., 2002; Fulton et al., 2003; Fulton et al., 2005; Fulton et al., 1997; Fulton et al., 2009; Pelerin et al., 1994; Ridpath and Bolin, 1998; Ridpath et al., 1994; Ridpath et al., 2000). The approximately 12.5 kb BVDV RNAs contain at their 5' end an untranslated region (5? UTR) with an internal ribosomal entry site (IRES) (Brown et al., 1992; Collet et al., 1988b). This site initiates translation of a single polyprotein in concert with eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2, eIF3, the ribosome, initiator transfer RNAs, and GTP (Chon et al., 1998; Myers et al., 2001; Pestova and Helen, 1999; Poole et al., 1995; Purchio et al., 1984). Although the role of the IRES in replication of BVDV is still poorly understood, the importance of this region for the propagation of related viruses, such as Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and chimeric HCV-Polioviruses, has been clearly demonstrated (Friebe et al., 2001). Disrupting the IRES RNA structure or preventing the binding of translation factors to the IRES RNAs of HCV and Foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV) abolished viral replication and disease (Burati et al., 1997; reviewed by Dasgupta et al., 2004; Pawlotsky et al., 2007). Similar strategies for interfering with BVDV propagation require a detailed knowledge of the structure of the BVDV IRES RNA. 138 BVDV strains NADL (Collet et al., 1988b), SD-1 (Deng and Brock, 1992) (subgenotypes 1a), Osloss (De Moerlooze et al., 1993) (subgenotype 1b), and BVDV-2 isolate 890 (Ridpath and Bolin, 1995) posses IRES RNAs composed of about 310 nucleotides. Each is preceded by an AUG start codon located approximately 75 nucleotides from the 5' end of the viral RNA. Sequence comparisons and calculations of RNA secondary structure using minimal energy parameters suggested two main domains, II and III (Brown et al., 1992; Deng and Brock, 1993). Site-directed mutagenesis of certain sites abolished the translation of reporter protein indicating that they were important for the propagation of BVDV (Chon et al., 1998; Poole et al., 1995). The presence of an RNA pseudoknot was supported by compensatory mutations which restored translation (Moes and Wirth, 2007). No high-resolution structural data are currently available for BVDV IRES RNA. A partial structure of domain II from the related pestivirus Clasical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) IRES was obtained in solution (Locker et al., 2007). Structures of IRES RNA domain II of the more distantly related hepacivirus Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) have been solved by NMR (Lukavsky et al., 2003) and X-Ray crystalography (Dibrov et al., 2007; Zhao et al., 2008), as were the structures of several stem loops of HCV domain III (Collier et al., 2002; Klinck et al., 2000; Lukavsky et al., 2000; Rijnbrand et al., 2004). Also, high-resolution data are available for the junction of four HCV IRES RNA helices (Kieft et al., 2002). Cryo-EM structures of the HCV IRES RNA are known both on and off the rabbit reticulocyte 40S ribosomal subunit (Spahn et al., 2001) or bound to the human 80S ribosome (Boehringer et al., 2005). Conformational changes in domain II of 139 the HCV IRES RNA upon the binding of the antisense inhibitor Isis-11 have been revealed recently (Paulsen et al., 2010). In the presented work we asembled BVDV IRES RNA sequences from GenBank and Rfam (Benson et al., 2009; Gardner et al., 2009; Grifiths-Jones et al., 2003) and used stringent comparative sequence analysis to determine RNA secondary structure. Using phylogeneticaly supported base pairings, a three-dimensional model of the BVDV IRES RNA was constructed. Biophysical data from the related IRES RNAs were considered if no data was available for the predicted BVDV structure. The results provide a solid foundation for the identification of targets and therapeutic agents which may interfere with BVDV survival. RESULTS AND DISCUSION Identification of BVDV IRES RNA Sequences BVDV IRES RNA sequences were extracted from the Pestivirus IRES RNA alignment (IRES_Pesti, ID RF00209) deposited in the Rfam database (Gardner et al., 2009; Grifiths-Jones et al., 2003). GenBank was searched with a representative subset of the obtained sed sequences, and keywords such as "BVDV" and "Bovine viral diarrhea" were used to find additional IRES RNA candidates. Al sequences were merged into a single preliminary alignment file for examination as described in Material and Methods. False positive and redundant sequences were removed and the longest sequence of an otherwise identical source sequence was retained. The sequences were arranged acording to genotype and subgenotype by inspecting the GenBank records and their asociated literature sources. Highly similar sequences for which a subgenotype 140 asignment was unavailable were placed in close proximity to sequences of known type. If that was not possible the closest available match was made. Each entry was given a unique identifier composed of "BVDV" followed by the genotype or subgenotype asignment (if known) and the GenBank acesion number. Upon completion of the analysis, 663 unique BVDV IRES RNA sequences remained in the collection. The majority were unclasified subtypes with 559 sequences belonging to genotype 1 and 59 sequences being of genotype 2. The remaining 45 sequences were distributed among the 15 diferent subgenotypes of genotype 1. Many sequences lacked residues near the 5'-end of the viral RNA. The full lengths of the 16 unique BVDV genomes available in GenBank suggested that the size of the IRES RNAs varied betwen 313 (Acesion EF101530) and 320 (AF145967) residues. The BVDV-1b strain Osloss IRES RNA (M96687) contained 314 nucleotides at positions 72 to 386 of its genome and served as a reference. Comparative Sequence Analysis (CSA) of BVDV IRES RNAs To improve the quality of the alignment, structural features containing phylogeneticaly supported base pairs were identified in the sequence similarity-based alignment of BVDV IRES RNAs. Adjustments to the alignment were made by identifying covarying compensatory base changes (CBCs) with the help of the SARSE alignment editor and its asociated tools described in Materials and Methods. Nucleotide diferences betwen the sequences were examined for changes which maintained Watson-Crick (A-U, G-C) and wobble G-U pairs. CBCs supported the existence of a base pair, while mismatches provided evidence against its existence (Larsen and Zwieb, 1991). 141 Invariant residues could not be used to prove or disprove a pair as it was impossible to observe a CBC or mismatch. A pair was considered supported if there was at least twice as much positive evidence for its existence as there was negative evidence. Unles clearly disproven, potential Watson-Crick and G-U pairs were included if they were positioned next to a supported pair. The adjusted alignment was annotated with a pairing mask to encode al identified base pairs. It is available in FASTA format in Supplementary Materials and is also acesible at http:/ Inspecting the identity thresholds of the alignment with Jalview (Material and Methods) distinguished three major groups of sequences. The largest group contained 575 genotype 1 sequences (GenBank Acesions M31182 to AF268278 in the alignment). The second group (74 sequences, AB003619 to U65055) was composed of a mixture of sequences which were annotated as belonging to either genotype 1 or 2. A third group of 10 BVDV-2 sequences (AB019150 to AB019174) suggested that some of the reported serotypical or genotypical asignments may have to be reexamined in the future. The level of sequence conservation across the phylogeneticaly supported alignment varied betwen 49 and 80 percent. Two variable regions corresponded to residues 209-220 and 298-307 in the BVDV-1b Osloss IRES RNA (Figure 5.1). The 3' portion of the alignment possesed seven invariant residues corresponding to A266, G278, A292, A318, C323, G325, and A328 of BVDV-1b Osloss. Analysis of the terminal regions of the 28 full-length sequences suggested a conserved 5' region (residues 73-126 in BVDV-1b Osloss) and a nearly invariant 3' region imediately preceding the AUG start codon (residues 365-386). Conserved alignment positions presumably 142 represented sites which were directly or indirectly responsible for virus propagation by maintaining the structural integrity of the BVDV RNAs or by mediating the binding of IRES RNA-asociated proteins and translation factors. BVDV IRES RNA Secondary Structure The alignment pairing mask made it possible to extract the secondary structure of each sequence. Because of its disease-causing economical impact, we used the Osloss strain for reference. The BVDV IRES RNAs were extensively folded and composed of three helices named helix 2, 3 and 4 (Figure 5.1). Two helical sections in the 5' UTR, annotated as 1a and 1b, were not displayed in the secondary structure diagram as they were located approximately ten residues upstream of the IRES and had been shown to be dispensable for viral replication (Chon et al., 1998). Helices 3 and 4 participated in the formation of a previously proposed pseudoknot (Moes and Wirth, 2007). Published experimental data were considered as described below, including results from site- directed mutagenesis experiments of the BVDV (Moes and Wirth, 2007) and closely related CSFV IRES RNA (Fletcher and Jackson, 2002; Kolupaeva et al., 2000b; Pestova et al., 1998; Rijnbrand et al., 1997) as wel as the high-resolution structures of homologous IRES RNA regions (Collier et al., 2002; Dibrov et al., 2007; Kieft et al., 2002; Lukavsky et al., 2003; Lukavsky et al., 2000; Zhao et al., 2008). 143 Helix 2 The residues which participated in the formation of helix 2 were represented in only 34 of the aligned BVDV IRES RNA sequences and appeared to be conserved. Due to these limitations, we were unable to extract a sufficient number of CBCs to reliably predict secondary structure and thus refrained from indicating the conservation levels of helix 2 (Figure 5.1). Chemical or enzymatic modification and site-directed mutagenesis data were unavailable for helix 2 of BVDV or the closely related CSFV. Thus, the base pairings were deduced from the homologous structures of the HCV and CSFV IRES RNAs (Figure 5.2). Despite these constraints, predictions could be made with regards to the secondary structure and composition of the related BVDV IRES RNA region. Helix 2 consisted of five helical sections, annotated as sections 2a to 2e and separated by internal loops of up to six residues (Locker et al., 2007; Lukavsky et al., 2003). Section 2a was relatively variable and contained six to eight base pairs. Its 5' portion was exclusively composed of pyrimidine and its 3' portion of purine residues. Sections 2a and 2b were connected at their 5' side without interruption or by one unpaired residue which was typicaly an adenine. The 3'-portion of internal loop was characterized by four to six nucleotides which were predominantly adenine residues. This loop contained one more residue than the homologous structural element of the CSFV IRES RNA (Locker et al., 2007). The four base pairs of section 2b were invariant and included a non-canonical A- G pair which was also present in the high-resolution structure of the homologous region of the CSFV IRES RNA (Locker et al., 2007). In many sequences, 2b connected to section 2c with one adenine residue (A87; Figure 5.1). The invariant helical section 2c 144 contained four canonical and two non-Watson-Crick A-G pairs. It connected to 2d with a guanine (G116). Section 2d was typicaly composed of four base pairs with purines in the 5' and pyrimidines in its 3' portion. An additional A-G pair was observed in a BVDV type 2 sequence (GanBank Acesion FJ493479). In BVDV.2___.AF145967 an uracil residue was inserted betwen the nucleotides at positions U114 and U115 (Figure 5.1). Section 2d made its 5' connection to helical section 2e via a conserved adenine (A98) which appeared to be characteristic of the BVDV IRES RNAs because it was absent in the CSFV and HCV IRES RNA sequences (Figure 5.2). Helical section 2e was composed of three invariant Watson-Crick G-C pairs. The sequence of the terminal loop of helix 2 was also highly conserved even among BVDV, CSFV and HCV. The residues corresponding to positions 104 and 108 in BVDV were conserved as purines and pyrimidines, respectively. There was no evidence for an A-U pair (A107 with U102, Figure 5.1) which had been implicated previously (Lukavsky et al., 2003). The 31 sequences with information about the region betwen helices 2 and 3 suggested direct connections, although in one sequence (AF145967) an adenine was inserted betwen BVDV-1b Osloss positions 138 and 139 (Figure 5.1). Helix 3 Helix 3 encompased the largest portion of the BVDV IRES RNA and displayed an intricate arrangement of 10 helical sections (labeled a to j) and six helical insertions, annotated as 3.1 to 3.6 acording to naming conventions used in previous nomenclature proposals (Burke et al., 1987; Zwieb et al., 2005). 145 Section 3a consisted of five to seven base pairs and was wel supported by CBCs. This section was connected to 3b directly or separated by one residue in the 5' portion and up to four nucleotides in the 3' portion thus forming an asymmetric loop in some of the secondary structures. Covariation analysis supported the five or six base pairs in section 3b. The insertion of a uracil into section 3b was observed in the BVDV-1 isolate PT810 (GenBank Acesion Z79766), a cytosine was inserted in the sequences with the acesion GQ985459 and an adenine in EU051825. One cytosine residue was lacking in AF104019, AF356505, AY671985 and AY671986. The base pairings in helical sections 3a and 3b were supported by site-directed mutagenesis designed to compensate for function in the BVDV IRES RNAs (Moes and Wirth, 2007) and CSFV (Fletcher and Jackson, 2002) (Se Table 5.1). In agreement with the proposed pairing of U348 in the BVDV IRES RNAs, the equivalent U335 in the CSFV IRES RNA was cleaved by the double-strand specific RNase V1 (Kolupaeva et al., 2000b; Table 5.2). Similarly, the single-stranded nature of the residues betwen sections 3a and 3b conformed with the finding that the residue corresponding to BVDV A351 (CSFV G337) was acesible to RNase T1 (Kolupaeva et al., 2000b;Table 5.2). Sections 3b and 3c connected typicaly without interruption or were separated by one nucleotide in seven of the BVDV IRES RNA sequences. Section 3c typicaly contained two supported base pairs (U152 with A320 and G153 with C319, Figure 5.1), but only one base pair was observed in five of the sequences (Acesions U63479, AF220247, AY671980, AY944297, and AY273777). Sections 3c and 3d were separated by two adenines with two more residues added in two of the sequences (Acesions L20923 and L20926). Section 3d was composed of either 146 five or six supported pairs, but one or two mismatches disrupted this section in GQ985459, AY323878, AY671980, U65032, U65033, AY671985, AY273154 and AY273777. Typicaly, sections 3d and 3e connected via an invariant uracil, yet an additional residue was observed in four sequences (AY671980, AY763085, U65032, and U65033). Section 3e consisted of three to five base pairs which included an invariant G-C Watson-Crick pair at positions 163 and 263 (Figure 5.1). 3e connected without the insertion of a residue to section 3f in the 5' half, but contained one unpaired residue in the 3' half which tended to be an adenine. Three of the four base pairs of section 3f were supported by CBCs with the fourth being an invariant G-C pair corresponding to G167 and C257 (Figure 5.1). This section was separated from helix 3.1 by two adenine residues in the majority the BVDV IRES RNA sequences. A cytosine was added in AB042705, AB042711, and AB042664, a uracil residue in AY159536, a guanine in L20918, and an adenine in AB042663. One adenine was substituted with a guanine in AY763045 and DQ973172. The AM749823 sequence contained only one adenine betwen 3f and 3.1. Helical insertion 3.1 consisted of five covarying base pairs and an invariant 175C- G186 pair. This helix was capped by a highly conserved AGUA tetraloop. A GUC loop was observed instead in the sequence with the acesion AM749823. Two unpaired residues, typicaly purines, separated helix 3.1 from section 3g. The high level of conservation observed for 3g (Figure 5.1) provided an insufficient number of CBCs, but this section was included as being base paired because of the known coordinates of the homologous feature of the HCV IRES RNA (Kieft et al., 2002). It joined section 3h via an asymmetric loop of one or two residues in the 5' 147 portion, and three to six residues in the 3' portion. The two central base pairs of section 3h were supported by CBCs and flanked by two highly conserved base pairs. Sections 3h and 3i were joined by an asymmetric loop containing an invariant uracil in the 5' portion and four to five residues in the 3' portion. CSA supported the four base pair section 3i. It was separated from 3j by two conserved symmetricaly arranged cytosine residues. Interestingly, 44 type 1 sequences connected instead via a CA/CC internal loop. The secondary structure of the sequence with the acesion EU034170 displayed a similar CGC/UAC loop, but no such loop was observed in any of the type 2 sequences. Section 3j consisted of four or five phylogeneticaly supported base pairs and was capped by a loop of three to 10 residues. This variable loop corresponded to one of the two least conserved regions of the BVDV IRES RNA alignment (discussed above). Helix 3.2 typicaly formed a direct connection with its preceding section 3g, but one residue was inserted in a smal number of type 1 sequences (AF417989, AJ304390, EU034170, L20921, L20927, Z73248, and AF417988). Two residues were inserted in one sequence (EU034172). Being highly conserved, helix 3.2 was supported by a smal number of CBCs. This helix had been observed also by NMR and crystalographic analyses of the homologous region in HCV IRES RNA (Kieft et al., 2002; Rijnbrand et al., 2004). A conserved adenine joined helix 3.2 and section 3f, and an additional residue was inserted in a four type 1 sequences (Acesions AF417989, L20918, L32880, and U65030). Section 3e and helix 3.3 were usualy connected with two or three nucleotides (usualy an UA), although in one case (EU034170) five nucleotides participated in the single strand. 148 Helix 3.3 consisted of four to nine CBC-supported base pairs and a highly conserved guanidine-rich loop with three invariant guanines at its center (Figure 5.1). Helices 3.3 and 3.4 were connected with three or four residues. Helix 3.4 was composed of a stem of four to seven Watson-Crick base pairs and a loop with three to seven residues. A direct connection betwen the 5' end of section 3c and 3' end of helix 3.5 was observed in most of the predicted secondary structures with exceptions sen in AY671980, AY944297 and AB019154 where one nucleotide (GQ985459) or two nucleotides (GQ985459) linked both helices. Helix 3.5 was highly conserved, contained two supported base pairs with one additional pair supported as an extension of the helix, and complied with the high-resolution structure of the homologous HCV IRES RNA regions (Lukavsky et al., 2000). The helix was capped by a GAUA tetraloop. Helices 3.5 and 3.6 were joined directly, but one residue was inserted occasionaly (Acesions AY273158, EU034174, EU034175, and AB019154). Relying on covariations betwen C334 and G342, helix 3.6 contained two base pairs. Due to a large number of mismatches the potential pairings betwen U335 and either A340 or G341 were disproved and not included (Figure 5.1). Also disproved were the potential pairings betwen 341-GG-342 and 365-CC-366 (Moes & Wirth, 2007) due to extensive mismatches betwen these positions. Helix 3.6 joined section 3b directly with one exception in BVDV.2a___.AM749823 which contained a surprisingly large insertion of five residues. Helix 3.6 joined helix 4 via one or two nucleotides at the 3' end of helix 3 and up to one nucleotide at the 3' end of helix 4. 149 Helix 4 The 448 sequences which contained information about helix 4 showed that it was composed of four or five base pairs with the pair corresponding to 367U-A340 being wel supported by several CBCs. Residues C337, A338, U367, C368 and C371 were invariant and did not provide support or disprove for pairing. The 339G-C368 pair displayed two compensatory changes and five mismatches and thus was not clearly disproved. Acording the the rule explained in Materials and Methods, the 339G-C368 pair was included because it was adjacent to the wel-supported 367U-A340 pair. The existence of helix 4 had been established experimentaly by compensatory mutations in the IRES RNAs of BVDV (Moes and Wirth, 2007) and CSFV (Fletcher and Jackson, 2002; Kolupaeva et al., 2000b; Pestova et al., 1998; Rijnbrand et al., 1997) (Table 5.1). Furthermore, the 336G-C371, 337C-G370 and 338A-U369 pairs of helix 4 were included because, unlike 341-GG-342 and 365-CC-366, they were not clearly disproved by our covariation analysis. The 3' portion of helix 4 connected to section 3a via a single-stranded region composed of four to 11 nucleotides that contained several adenine residues. Betwen helix 4 and the start codon were 12 esentialy invariant residues which suggested that this region performed an important function. Most likely, upon binding of the IRES binds to the 40S ribosomal subunit, it engaged in the proper positioning of the start codon. BVDV IRES RNA Pseudoknot A pseudoknot forms when one or more nucleotides in a hairpin loop base pair with nucleotides outside of the loop. Pseudoknots have been known features of many 150 medium-size and large RNA molecules which are involved in translation and other celular proceses (Brierley et al., 2008). Within the phylogeneticaly supported secondary structures of the BVDV IRES RNAs a pseudoknot engaged sections 3a and 3b together with helices 3.6 and 4 in much the same as had been proposed previously (Moes and Wirth, 2007). Using site-directed compensatory mutations as wel as chemical and enzymatic probing, a similar pseudoknot was shown to exist also in the CSFV IRES RNA (Fletcher and Jackson, 2002; Kolupaeva et al., 2000b; Pestova et al., 1998; Rijnbrand et al., 1997) and the more distantly related HCV IRES RNA (Berry et al., 2010; Kieft et al., 2001; Wang et al., 1995). A Thre-Dimensional Model of the BVDV IRES RNA The three-dimensional structure of a BVDV IRES RNA had not been determined experimentaly. We used the phylogeneticaly supported secondary structure of the Osloss strain to generate a three-dimensional model and atempt to gain insights into the molecule's function and possible mechanism of BVDV IRES-mediated translation initiation. For structural comparisons, a three-dimensional model of the HCV-1b IRES RNA (Acesion GU451224) was constructed using the available secondary structure (Spahn et al., 2001). Initial models were generated by entering the base pair information into ERNA- 3D (Mueler et al., 1995) to generate A-form RNA for the helical sections and calculate preliminary conformations of single-strands using the built-in algorithm (se Material and Methods). The helices were arranged in three-dimensions to form continuous chains. If applicable, high-resolution data from NMR or X-ray crystalography were incorporated 151 to generate models with biologicaly meaningful components (se Tables 5.3 and 5.4). The three-dimensional space was explored using stereo vision with knowledge of the available biochemical data, including those obtained from site-directed mutagenesis and enzymatic and chemical modification experiments (Fletcher and Jackson, 2002; Kolupaeva et al., 2000b; Moes and Wirth, 2007; Pestova et al., 1998; Rijnbrand et al., 1997; Tables 5.1 and 5.2; Tables 5.3 and 5.4). The placements of sections in the BVDV and HCV IRES RNA models were further asisted by fiting to the cryo-EM surface map (PDB ID 2AGN; Boehringer et al., 2005). The atomic pdb-formated coordinates of the models were viewed using iMol (http:/ as displayed in Figures 5.3A (BVDV-1b Osloss) and 5.3B (HCV-1b). The BVDV IRES RNA model had an overal elongated shape with the dimensions of 170 ? by 65 ? by 90 ?, similar to the dimensions of the corresponding HCV model (170 ? by 85 ? by 90 ?). The BVDV pseudoknot permited considerable movement due to the single-strands formed by U335, G341, 351-AU-352, and 359-366 (Figure 5.1). Recent molecular dynamics calculations suggested that such conformational changes occurred in the equivalent regions of the HCV IRES RNA (Lavender et al., 2010). The four-way junction (3b, 3c, 3.5 and 3.6) of the BVDV IRES RNA was be stabilized by a 318A-U328 Watson-Crick pair which was supported by compensatory mutations in the HCV IRES RNA (Easton et al., 2009). Two CBCs and two mismatches neither supported not disproved this interaction in BVDV, but it was included because of its feasibility in three dimensions and favorable constrain of the pseudoknot position. Sections 3d, 3e, and helices 3.3 and 3.4 of BVDV formed a four-way junction at approximately the same location as a three-way junction in the HCV IRES RNA (Figure 152 5.3). Helix 3.3 of the CSFV and BVDV IRES RNAs appeared to correspond to helix 3.3 of the HCV IRES RNA and helix 3.3 of CSFV was likely involved in ribosomal binding (Jubin et al., 2000; Kolupaeva et al., 2000b). This helix was placed as suggested by cryo- EM (Boehringer et al., 2005). In order to acommodate helix 2, the pseudoknot and the four-way junction, sections 3d and 3e were not coaxialy stacked in contrast to recent suggestions (Ouelet et al., 2010). Helix 3.4 was present only in the pestivirus IRES RNAs and absent in HCV (Brown et al., 1992) but apparently did not interfere with the binding of eIF3 (Sizova et al., 1998) or the 40S subunit (Kolupaeva et al., 2000b). BVDV IRES RNA on the 40S Ribosomal Subunit Our three-dimensional BVDV IRES RNA model was based on stringent phylogenetic comparisons and several other constraints obtained from a wide variety of sources. We explored the model in relation to the surface of the 40S ribosomal subunit as described in Materials and Methods. Independently, we modeled the HCV IRES RNA and placed it onto the 40S ribosomal subunit in ways that were consistent with cryo-EM data for the initial IRES-40S binding stage (Spahn et al., 2001). Because of the similar shapes of the BVDV and HCV IRES RNA models, both could be oriented as had been observed by cryo-EM of complexes with eIF3 (Siridechadilok et al., 2005), 40S subunits (Spahn et al., 2001) or 80S ribosomes (Boehringer et al., 2005) (Figure 5.4). Helix 2 was located at the ?back? of the head of the 40S subunit as had been observed for the HCV IRES RNA (Spahn et al., 2004; Tolan and Traut, 1981; Uchiumi et al., 1981). The C83 residue in helix 2 of HCV IRES RNA was recently shown to cross- link to ribosomal proteins S14 and S16, and helix 3.3 nucleotides A275 and G263 were 153 shown to cross-link to ribosomal proteins S3a, S14 and S16 in the same study (Babaylova et al., 2009). Due to similar positioning and structural constraints, these proteins would be expected to be close to BVDV helices 2 and 3.3, respectively. Proximity betwen HCV helix 2 and ribosomal proteins S5 and S25 (Landry et al., 2009) and a cross-link to S5 (Fukushi et al., 2001) would be expected to be features of the BVDV IRES RNA- ribosome complex. Helix 3 extended toward the solvent side despite the presence of the BVDV-specific helix 3.4. The juncture of helices 3.3, 3.4 and sections 3d and 3e was positioned near the body of the 40S subunit. Helix 3.3 was located near a contact region of eIF3 with 40S subunit (Siridechadilok et al., 2005). CONCLUSIONS We identified significant diferences betwen the BVDV and HCV IRES RNA secondary structures with respect to pseudoknot organization, the length of helix 2, and the presence of BVDV helix 3.4. Despite these distinctions, the models converged in three dimensions and adopted similar arrangements when placed onto the 40S ribosomal subunit. Therapeutic agents designed to interfere with IRES function would be expected to afect a wide range of viruses. However, with the detailed information provided here it may now be possible to consider interventions specificaly directed at the IRES RNA of BVDV. 154 METHODS Comparative Analysis of BVDV IRES RNA Sequences BVDV IRES RNA sequences were extracted from the FASTA-formated Rfam Pestivirus IRES alignment (version 9.1) located at http:/ (Gardner et al., 2009). Additional sequences were identified using keywords and the Entrez search engine at http:/ (Benson et al., 2009). A NetBlast search was initiated with a representative subset of the data to obtain similar sequences (Altschul et al., 2009; McGinnis and Madden, 2004). The data were examined using the BioEdit sequence alignment editor (Hal, 1999). Sequences were grouped by genotype and sequence similarity and preliminarily aligned using CLUSTAL (Higgins et al., 1996). Duplicate entries were removed until each sequence in the alignment was unique. To prove or disprove Watson-Crick G-C, A-U, and G-U wobble base pairs, the alignment of the unique BVDV IRES RNA sequences was examined and adjusted with the SARSE editor (Andersen et al., 2007) and externaly linked programs of the RNAdbTools suite (Gorodkin et al., 2001). Properties of the alignment, such as the extent of the conserved and variable regions were inspected using JalView (Waterhouse et al., 2009). The alignment was made available for download at http:/ Molecular Modeling of IRES RNAs The sequence and base pair information were entered into the ERNA-3D program (Mueler et al., 1995) instaled on a Windows PC workstation equipped with CrystalEyes 155 stereovision goggles and StereoGraphics infrared emiter. ERNA-3D created preliminary coordinates for A-form RNA in helical sections and calculated the initial conformations of single-stranded regions. RNA loops and other structural elements with similarity to known high-resolutions structures were identified in the PDB (Berman et al., 2002) and in SCOR at http:/ (Klosterman et al., 2002) (Tables 5.3 and 5.4) followed by incorporating the coordinates into the models. Manual adjustments were made in ERNA-3D with consideration of the published data described in Results and Discussion. Tables listing the structural features are provided as Tables 5.3 and 5.4. The final atomic coordinates of the BVDV (bvdv1b_osloss_ires_model.pdb) and HCV (hcv1b_ires_model.pdb) IRES RNA models are acesible at http:/ The IRES RNA models were placed onto the cryo-EM surface structure of the human 40S ribosomal subunit (Spahn et al., 2004; EMDB ID 1092) obtained at http:/ (Heymann et al., 2005) using the discussed constraints. 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Sections in helix 2 are not colored due to insufficient information in the alignment. 165 Figure 5.2. Secondary structure of helix 2 of BVDV-1b IRES RNA (top) in comparison with those derived from NMR analysis of HCV (midle; Lukavsky et al., 2003) and CSFV (bottom; Locker et al., 2007) IRES RNAs. Feature a (residues 38-44) and feature b (25-32 and 50-58) are from P15P.pdb. Feature c is from residues 7- 11 and 46-49 of 2HUA.pdb. Canonical base pairs are indicated with dashes or circles (G- U pairs) and non-canonical A-G and A-A pairs with plus signs. 166 Figure 5.3. Thre-dimensional IRES RNA Models. A) Model of BVDV subgenotype 1b IRES RNA showing helix 2 (green), the pseudoknot (blue) and helix 3 (red). Features are indicated is as in Figure 5.1. B) Representation of HCV subgenotype 1b IRES RNA derived from the secondary structure published by Spahn et al., 2001. Regions are colored as in 3A. 167 Figure 5.4. Placement of the IRES RNA models on the 40S ribosomal subunit. A) Model of BVDV IRES RNA (Figure 5.3A) on the 40S ribosomal subunit (gray, EMDB ID 1092; Spahn et al., 2004). B) Representation of HCV IRES RNA (Figure 5.3B) on the 40S ribosomal subunit. C) HCV IRES RNA (purple) bound to rabbit reticulocyte 40S ribosomal subunit (yelow) as observed by cryo-electron microscopy (from Spahn et al., 2001. Reprinted with permision from AAS.). Colors of the BVDV and HCV IRES RNA models are as shown in Figure 5.3. The head, body, platform, approximate location of rpS5, 5? and 3? ends and the start codons (red) are indicated. 168 BVDV Residues CSFV Residues Helices Effects Expresion References 139-144 131-133 3a d - Fletcher & Jackson (202) 353-358 342-344 3a d - 139-144, 353-358 131-133, 342-344 3a c + 322-323 309-310 3.5 d - Kolupaeva et al. (200) 333-334 320-321 3.6 d - 344-346 331-333 3b d - 336-341 323-328 4 d - Rijnbrand et al. (197) 366-371 356-361 4 d - 336-341, 366-371 323-328, 356-361 4 c + 339-340 325-326 4 d - Fletcher & Jackson (202), Pestova et al. (198) 368-369 357-358 4 d - 339-340, 368-369 325-326, 357-358 4 c + 340-341 327-328 4 d (+) Fletcher & Jackson (202) 366-367 355-356 4 d - 340-341, 366-367 327-328, 355-356 4 c + 139-150 3a d - Moes & Wirth (207) 344-358 3b d - 139-150, 344-358 3a, 3b c + 139-143 3a d - 339-342 3.6, 4 d - 365-368 4 d - 339-342, 365-368 3.6, 4 c + Table 5.1. Mutations and compensatory changes of the proposed base pairs of the BVDV or CSFV IRES RNA pseudoknots and their effects on IRES-mediated translation relative to wild-type. Positions in BVDV-1b IRES RNA corresponding with the mutated residues in the CSFV IRES RNA are given in the first and second columns. Helical sections are given in the third column. Intents of mutations (disruption or compensation of base pairs) are shown in the fourth column with their efect on translation of a reporter product given in the fifth. Reporter products measured in references are as follows: Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (Rijnbrand et al., 1997), truncated influenza NS1 protein (Fletcher and Jackson, 2002; Kolupaeva et al., 2000b; Pestova et al., 1998), or Luciferase (Moes and Wirth, 2007). Pluses indicate production of reporter product and minuses loss of expresion. Mutation of nt 327-328 (+) in CSFV decreased expresion to half of wild-type levels in contrast to the 355-356 mutant (loss of expresion). References are indicated in the last column. 169 BVDV-1b Residues CSFV Residues Helices Methods Effects G148 G139 3b T1 p A259 A250 V1 e G20 G18 T1 p G236 G219 T1 e G271 U262 3.3 V1 p 277-GGG-279 268-GGG-270 T1 p 295-CG-296 284-AU-285 3.4 V1 p G339 G326 4 T1 p U348 U335 3b V1 e A351 G337 T1 e G373 G362 T1 p 379-GG-380 358-GG-359 T1 p A381 A61 V1 p 386-GG-387 375-GG-376 T1 p G38 G378 T1 p U389 U379 V1 p A396 C385 V1 p C397 A386 V1 p 399-AAU-401 388-UUU-390 V1 p Table 5.2. Expected modifications in BVDV IRES RNA based on enzymatic modifications of wild-type CSFV IRES RNA due to binding of the rabbit reticulocyte 40S ribosomal subunit. Locations of corresponding nucleotides in BVDV- 1b domains (D) or features are shown in the first and second columns. The corresponding BVDV-1b Osloss IRES RNA residues are indicated in the first column, followed by the actual modified positions in CSFV IRES RNA (Kolupaeva et al., 2000b). Modifications located in helical sections are indicated in the third column for reference. Methods used to enzymaticaly modify the RNA (RNases T1 or V1) are indicated in the fourth column. In the last column, protections (p) and enhanced acesibility (e) to RNases are indicated. 170 Feature Residues Coordinates Description 1 138-139 ERNA-3D Conection betwen helix 2 and pseudoknot 2 335, 341, 359- 367, 350-351, ERNA-3D Single-stranded conections in pseudoknot 3 154,318 ERNA-3D a 4 161, 265-266, 290-292 ERNA-3D Single-stranded conections in four-way junction betwen pseudoknot section 3b, helices 3.4 and 3.5 and section 3c 5 A259 1NBS (A130) One loped out base 6 171-172, 189- 190, 254 ERNA-3D Single-stranded conections in four-way junction betwen section 3e, helices 3.1 and 3.3 and section 3f 7 179-182 1F85 (6-9) Hexalop 8 196, 236-238 1KOC (38, 7-9) Several loped out bases 9 201, 228-231 1E7K (44, 29-32) About 90 degre turn 10 206, 223 1J5A (1219, 1253) Stacked duplex with non-WC pair 11 211-218 1FFZ (2069-2076) Octalop 12 247-250 1IDV (4-7) Tetralop 13 276-280 1J5A (1794-1798) Pentalop 14 300-304 1JJ2 (1469-1473) Pentalop 15 324-329 1F85 (5-10) Tetralop (325-328) b 16 372-386 ERNA-3D Single-stranded region including the start codon a A318 is involved in base pair 318A-U327, which was constructed in ERNA-3D by positioning U327 of Tetralop feature 15 in proper Watson-Crick base pairing cordinates with A318, while retaining the phosphate connectivity betwen A320 and G321. b This hairpin lop is conserved in HCV, GBV, CSFV and BVDV 1 and 2. Since the invariance of the lop means that compensatory changes can not be determined, the whole motif was copied. Rijnbrand et al. (204) clasifies this structure as a tetralop, while SCOR lists the loop as a hexaloop. Table 5.3: Table of the features used for generating a thre-dimensional model of the BVDV IRES RNA. Residue positions involved in the structural feature are indicated in the Residues column. The sources of the coordinates (PDB or ERNA-3D) for a given feature are given in the Coordinates column. The last column provides a description of the feature. Features used to model helix 2 of BVDV IRES RNA are as described in Results and Discussion. 171 Feature Residues Coordinates Description 1 42-43 ERNA-3D Two nucleotides preceding helix 2 2 119-124 ERNA-3D Single-stranded region conecting helix 2 and the pseudoknot. 3 303-304, 313- 314, 324 ERNA-3D Pseudoknot 4 136, 288 ERNA-3D a 6 154-155, 228 1KH6 (6-7, 38) Single-strands connecting four-way junction 7 162-165 1F85 (6-9) Tetralop 8 176, 223 1P5P (26, 57) Stacked duplex with one non-WC pair 9 181-187, 210- 218 1KP7 (21-27, 4-12) Internal lops separated by two base pairs and flanked by two base pairs. Residues 185 and 212 are involved in a non-WC base pair, while 183 and 214-216 are involved form an unpaired, unstacked A flanked by non-WC pairs. The entire feature was used 10 192-205 1FJE (5-18) Tetradecalop 11 247-250 1IDV (4-7) Tetralop 5 G243 1NBS (A130) One loped out base 12 253-279 1F84 (2-28) Helix 3.3, including internal and hairpin lops 13 280-283 ERNA-3D Single-strand conecting thre-way junction. 14 294-299 1F85 (5-10) Tetralop (295-298) b 15 331-344 ERNA-3D Single-stranded region including the start codon a A28 is involved in base pair 28A-U297, which was constructed in ERNA-3D by positioning U297 of Tetralop feature 14 in proper Watson-Crick base pairing cordinates with A28, while retaining the phosphate connectivity betwen U290 and G291. b This hairpin loop is conserved in HCV, GBV, CSFV and BVDV 1 and 2. Since the invariance of the residues in the helix means that compensatory changes can not be determined, the whole motif was copied. Rijnbrand et al. (204) clasifies this structure as a tetralop, while SCOR lists the lop as a hexalop. Table 5.4. Table of the features used for generating a thre-dimensional model of the HCV IRES RNA. Residue positions involved in the structural feature are indicated in the Residues column. The sources of the coordinates (PDB or ERNA-3D) for a given feature are given in the Coordinates column. The last column provides a description of the feature. The features used to model helix 2 of HCV IRES RNA are as described in Results and Discussion.