Aerospace Design Optimization Using A Compound Repulsive Particle Swarm by Jeffrey Michael Badyrka A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Auburn University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science Auburn, Alabama May 9, 2011 Copyright 2011 by Jeffrey Michael Badyrka Approved by Roy Hartfield, Chair, Walt and Virginia Woltosz Professor of Aerospace Engineering Winfred Foster, Professor of Aerospace Engineering Rhonald Jenkins, Professor Emeritus of Aerospace Engineering ii Abstract This study compares contemporary design optimization algorithms for use in missile design applications. The engineering design problem for this study is the development of a desired single stage solid propellant missile system. The methods are used independently to match a prescribed set of parameters defining the missile?s geometry and propellant characteristics. For this development, three different design optimization techniques are considered: a real-coded genetic algorithm (GA), a binary GA, and a Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimizer (RPSO). Since there is not nearly as much known about how the RPSO operates compared to the GA?s, an extensive effort was invested in the study of how changing RPSO controlling parameters would affect its operation. Also, a new hybrid optimizer has been developed for this study involving a separate Particle Swarm imbedded within the standard RPSO. The algorithms are compared based on their speed and effectiveness in solving the design problem, with the figure of merit being a factor based on the desired performance goals for the missile. iii Table of Contents Abstract ......................................................................................................................................... ii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ v List of Figures .............................................................................................................................. vi Nomenclature ............................................................................................................................. viii 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1 2 Genetic Algorithm Methodology .......................................................................................... 4 3 Repulsive Particle Swarm Methodology .............................................................................. 7 4 Solid Motor Sounding Rocket System Descriptions .......................................................... 12 5 Particle Swarm Input Parameter Testing ............................................................................ 18 5.1 Particle Swarm Control Parameter Optimization ....................................................... 18 5.2 Sounding Rocket Optimizer Comparison ................................................................... 23 6 Compound Repulsive Particle Swarm Development .......................................................... 28 6.1 Hybrid Optimizer Methodology ................................................................................. 28 6.2 Hybrid Optimizer Comparison ................................................................................... 31 7 Single Stage Solid Missile System Descriptions ................................................................ 35 8 Single Stage Solid Missile System Optimizer Comparisons .............................................. 41 8.1 Single Stage Solid ? Match Range 250,000 ft ............................................................ 41 8.2 Single Stage Solid ? Match Range 750,000 ft ............................................................ 46 8.3 Single Stage Solid ? Match Range 100,000 ft Takeoff Weight 2,500 lb..................... 50 8.4 Single Stage Solid ? Match Range 350,000 ft Takeoff Weight 4,000 lb .................... 56 iv 8.5 Single Stage Solid ? Match Time of Flight 240 sec Takeoff Weight 2,500 lb ........... 62 9 Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................................... 68 References ................................................................................................................................. 70 Appendix A: Sounding Rocket Binary GA Input File .............................................................. 73 Appendix B: Sounding Rocket Real GA Input File .................................................................. 74 Appendix C: Sounding Rocket RPSO Input File ...................................................................... 75 Appendix D: RPSO Source File ............................................................................................... 76 Appendix E: Compound RPSO Mini-Swarm Input File .......................................................... 88 Appendix F: Single Stage Solid Binary GA Input File ............................................................. 89 Appendix G: Single Stage Solid Real GA Input File ............................................................... 91 Appendix H: Single Stage Solid RPSO Input File .................................................................... 93 v List of Tables Table 1: Solid Motor Variable Definitions ................................................................................ 16 Table 2: Sounding Rocket RPSO Input Parameter Optimization Results ................................. 21 Table 3: Secondary RPSO Input Parameter Optimization Results ............................................ 22 Table 4: Sounding Rocket Converged Design Parameters ........................................................ 25 Table 5: Original and Hybrid RPSO Sounding Rocket Converged Design Parameters ............ 34 Table 6: Component Breakdown of Missile Design Code Initial Constants ............................. 36 Table 7: Single Stage Solid Missile Variable Definitions ......................................................... 39 Table 8: Single Stage Solid 250,000ft Range Design Parameters ............................................. 44 Table 9: Single Stage Solid 750,000ft Range Design Parameters ............................................. 48 Table 10: Single Stage Solid 100,000ft Range 2,500lb Weight Design Parameters ................. 52 Table 11: Single Stage Solid 350,000ft Range 4,000lb Weight Design Parameters ................. 58 Table 12: Single Stage Solid 240sec TOF 2,500lb Weight Design Parameters ........................ 64 Table 13: Final Optimizer Fitness Comparisons ....................................................................... 67 vi List of Figures Figure 1: Particle Swarm Solution Space Topology .................................................................... 9 Figure 2: Sounding Rocket Design Code Program Flow ........................................................... 15 Figure 3: Solid Propellant Grain Cross-Section Schematic ........................................................ 17 Figure 4: RPSO Sounding Rocket Parameter Testing Results ................................................... 20 Figure 5: Sounding Rocket 3 Goal Convergence History ......................................................... 23 Figure 6: Sounding Rocket Final Grain Cross Sections ............................................................ 26 Figure 7: Integrated Hybrid Optimizer Logic ............................................................................ 30 Figure 8: Hybrid Optimizer Sounding Rocket Convergence History ........................................ 32 Figure 9: Original and Compound RPSO Sounding Rocket Final Grain Cross Sections ......... 34 Figure 10: Missile System Design Code Program Flow ............................................................ 38 Figure 11: Single Stage Solid Match Range 250,000ft Convergence History .......................... 42 Figure 12: Single Stage Solid 250,000ft Range 3-D Models ..................................................... 45 Figure 13: Single Stage Solid Match Range 750,000ft Convergence History .......................... 46 Figure 14: Single Stage Solid 750,000ft Range 3-D Models ..................................................... 49 Figure 15: Single Stage Solid Match Range 100,000ft Weight 2,500lb Convergence History . 50 Figure 16: Single Stage Solid 100,000ft Range 2,500lb Weight 3-D Models ........................... 53 Figure 17: Match Range 100,000ft Error, Test 3 ....................................................................... 54 Figure 18: Match Weight 2,500lb Error, Test 3 ......................................................................... 54 Figure 19: Single Stage Solid Match Range 350,000ft Weight 4,000lb Convergence History . 56 Figure 20: Single Stage Solid 350,000ft Range 4,000lb Weight 3-D Models ........................... 59 vii Figure 21: Match Range 350,000ft Error, Test 4 ....................................................................... 60 Figure 22: Match Weight 4,000lb Error, Test 4 ......................................................................... 60 Figure 23: Single Stage Solid Match TOF 240sec Weight 2,500lb Convergence History ........ 62 Figure 24: Single Stage Solid 240sec TOF Weight 2,500lb 3-D Models .................................. 65 Figure 25: Match TOF 240sec Error, Test 5 .............................................................................. 66 Figure 26: Match Weight 2,500lb Error, Test 5 ......................................................................... 66 viii Nomenclature ? Mutation Rate ? Mutation Amount ? Atmospheric Density ?p Propellant Density A* Nozzle Throat Area Ab Burning Area Ae Nozzle Exit Area Apdly Autopilot Delay Time b2t Tail Semi-Span b2var Nozzle Vane Semi-Span b2w Wing Semi-Span CD Drag Coefficient crw Wing Root Chord crt Tail Root Chord D Drag dele0 Initial Elevator Angle diath Diameter of Throat dbody Diameter of Missile Body delx-y Delta X for Y Corrections delx-z Delta X for Z Corrections dtchek Time Step to Actuate Controls ix eps Epsilon-Grain f Propellant Grain Fillet Radius fn Fractional Nozzle Length Ratio GA Genetic Algorithm gainp1 Pitch Multiplier Gain gainp2 Gain in Pitch Angle Difference gainy1 Yaw Multiplier Gain gainy2 Gain in Yaw Angle Difference gl Propellant Grain Length kfuel Propellant Fuel Type lnos Length of Missile Nose nsp Number of Star Points-Grain ptang Star Point Angle r Propellant Burn Rate ratio Nozzle Expansion Ratio rbody Radius of Body rbi Outer Radius of Grain ri Propellant Inner Grain Radius rnos Radius of Missile Nose rp Propellant Outer Grain Radius RPSO Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimizer Reference Area t Time x T Thrust thet0 Initial Launch Angle tleswp Tail Leading Edge Sweep Angle TOF Time of Flight trt Tail Taper Ratio trw Wing Taper Ratio V Velocity Final Velocity Initial Velocity W Weight Average Weight Final Weight Initial Weight wleswe Wing Leading Edge Sweep Angle xcet Nozzle Exit Diameter Ratio xLEw X-Location of Wing Leading Edge xTEt X-Location of Tail Trailing Edge 1 1 INTRODUCTION Engineering design problems can generally be reduced to a set of crucial design variables that ultimately determine the effectiveness of a design. It is not a trivial matter to determine what values of these design parameters are required to match performance predicted by the objective function defining the effectiveness of a complex system. Manually varying all of these parameters can be an intractable task. Alternatively, optimization algorithms can be very effective in addressing a large class of these complex design problems. Using various mathematical schemas, optimization algorithms search the design space far more effectively and efficiently for solutions which meet the required design goals. The development of optimizers has become an ongoing area of research as their need and use has become more widespread. As optimizers are developed, it is important that they be tested on various problems and compared to other optimizers that have already been tested extensively and proven their merit. That is the motivation for this work: improving, developing, and testing optimizers for use in engineering applications. In order to effectively evaluate optimization algorithms, a somewhat difficult, yet ultimately achievable goal must be set. The goal must not be too simple so as to allow any basic algorithm to reach a solution in a relatively short period of time, and yet not so complex as to require extended computational times or clusters of processors in order to evaluate the objective function. The design of a single stage solid propellant missile by manipulating key parameters required for full system performance modeling satisfies these requirements and is of current interest1. 2 The modern collection of optimizers has grown to include algorithms based on evolutionary and social behavior models. Genetic Algorithms (GA?s) have been used successfully in aerospace engineering applications for the optimization of spacecraft controls2,3, turbines4, helicopter controls5, flight trajectories6, wings and airfoils7,8, missiles 1,9,10,11, rockets12, propellers13 and inlets14 . Particle Swarm Optimizers (PSO?s) have also been used for a variety of applications and research areas, including some engineering applications15. In some cases, real-coded GA?s have been shown to outperform their binary coded counterparts16,17,18. These comparisons and subsequent results are the key motivators for the current effort. Increasing computing power has led to the development of increasingly more complex optimizers that are able to proficiently solve increasingly more complex design problems. Genetic Algorithm?s were originally developed from theories outlined by Professor John Holland. In his book ?Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems?19, Holland prescribed schemes for using population based adaptive optimizers. The key principle driving Holland?s methodology is survival of the fittest. This is achieved by first creating a population of members representing candidate solutions. The performances of these members are then analyzed and compared to one another. The weaker (worse) solutions are killed off and the stronger (better) ones are left to ?reproduce? and ?mutate? to produce superior offspring. Subsequent populations are created using a variety of strategies, including the tournament style of evolution. The Particle Swarm Optimization method is based on the application of the philosophy of bounded rationality and decentralized decision-making20. PSO works on the principles of social behavior observed in natural groups such as a swarm of birds or a school of fish21. The understanding of how members in these groups move and communicate with each other is essential to the operation of this optimizer. The members, or particles, in these swarms 3 communicate with each other in order to see which ones have better solutions. Those with worse solutions will attempt to ?move? towards those better solutions. Throughout this process, each particle will continue to search within its own area for a better solution. The search for more efficient optimizers for use in aerospace and many other applications continues. Prolonged run times and the inability of some optimizers to sufficiently converge have led to the use of a diversified group of optimization algorithms. The application of multiple optimizers may also result in the development of completely different but nearly equally optimal solutions. This study compares results for various optimization algorithms used for designing solid motor rockets. The study involves the use of Genetic Algorithms, a Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimizer, and a newly developed staged Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimizer. The algorithms are compared on their overall optimization result and on the speed of convergence to this result. 4 2 GENETIC ALGORITHM METHODOLOGY There are two Genetic Algorithms used in this study that the Particle Swarm will be compared against. These two GA?s, a real-coded GA and the binary GA IMPROVE?22, were used in a previous study23 that will provide the foundation for the optimizer development done in this body of work. The GA?s will allow for a direct comparison to be drawn between their solutions and the Particle Swarm results. Both the real-coded GA and the binary GA IMPROVE? function on the same basic premise. The evolution of the populations is driven by tournaments between the existing members. Each discrete population is composed of information sets called individuals, with each individual possessing a fitness and a chromosome. These individuals are representatives of potential solutions to the current problem. The chromosomes are composed of genes which are the GA variables specified in an input file. These GA?s use the tournament style selection process by selecting certain members, or parents, according to their fitness and using them to create offspring for the next population. The real-coded GA compares randomly selected pairs of parents in the current population with the member having the better fitness surviving for use in reproduction. Two of the surviving parents are then mated using the crossover and mutation routines that mix and transform their genes to create new offspring23. The crossover and mutation processes ultimately determine how the parameter evolution process occurs. The crossover routines determine how individual genes are selected from the parents and mixed to create the offspring. Multiple crossover routines may be performed including Uniform, Single-point, and Blend X. Uniform crossover works by randomly selecting 5 a gene, or design parameter value, from either parent 1 or parent 2. Therefore, the offspring may be composed of any combination of the parents? genes. Single-point crossover uses a random number (Rnd#) between 0 and 1 to define what percentage of the first parent?s genes will be given to the offspring. For example, if there are 10 design parameters and the random number is chosen as 0.4, then genes 1-4 of the first parent and genes 6-10 of the second parent will belong to the offspring. The genes selected from the first parent always starts at parameter #1 and continues until the random percentage of parameters is satisfied, at which point, the rest of the parameters are chosen from the second parent. Blend X24 operates by multiplying the absolute value of the difference between the parameters of parent 1 and parent 2 by a random number (Rnd#) between 0 and 1 and adding it to the smaller of the two values. That is, if the parameter values of parents 1 and 2 are 10.0 and 5.0, respectively, then the offspring?s parameter value will be (10.0 ? 5.0)*Rnd# + 5.0. Unlike the Uniform and Single-point routines, Blend X produces offspring completely unique from their parents. Because none of these crossover routines can create an offspring with parameter values that are outside the range of its parents?, genetic mutation is necessary for solution diversity. Thus, a Gaussian mutation routine that is controlled by two factors, mutation rate and mutation amount, is used to transform the offspring members after they are created. The number of genes mutated by the routine is determined by the mutation rate, ?. This term can be set between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0 resulting in a mutation of every gene. The mutation amount, ?, controls how much each gene is mutated and usually ranges from 0.005 (very little mutation) to 0.5 (high mutation). To fully mutate the offspring?s genes, a Gaussian distributed random number with a zero mean and unit variance is used in conjunction with the value of ? as shown below. 6 For i = 1 to number of genes: Offspring(i) =? ?[xmax(i) ? xmin(i)]* gaussian _ random_ number + Offspring(i) (1) xmax(i) and xmin(i) represent the maximum and minimum values for the gene variables specified by the user on input. If the mutation of any of the genes results in a value that falls below the specified minimum or above the specified maximum, then that value is automatically set to that minimum or maximum. The binary GA uses a generational approach, while the real-coded GA uses a steady state operational mode. The differentiating characteristic for these two modes is the number of members from a generation which must be evaluated for performance. The binary GA evaluates all of the members from the current population and determines their fitness. Each member of the population is then replaced by the tournament system through the crossover and mutation routines. The objective function is then used to evaluate all of the new members and the entire process is repeated until the maximum number of generations is reached. By operating in steady state, the real-coded GA is only required to replace one member of the population through the tournament system and crossover and mutation routines once the initial population is evaluated. The objective function is used to evaluate only the new member, which is then used to replace the worst performer of the previous generation. This process is repeated until the maximum number of iterations is reached. The new member immediately enters the genetic pool, resulting in an immediate move toward the optimal solution. This may result in very fast and accurate convergence for single goal problems25 but may suffer from a lack of diversity since the steady state operation does not allow for as many random guesses as the generational approach. The real-coded GA must rely more heavily on the mutation and crossover routines, which was why it was essential to include the Blend X option. 7 3 REPULSIVE PARTICLE SWARM METHODOLOGY The Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimizer (RPSO) developed by Mishra20 has been modified for use in this undertaking. Members of the RPSO mimic the social behavior of a swarm of individuals. The individual particles are composed of the variables specified in the code input file. The individuals exist in a multidimensional space, each acting as a particle with a position and a velocity. The individual particles travel through the solution space all the while remembering their overall best position. The swarm members relay information about desirable positions to each other and modify their own positions and velocities accordingly. The swarm members can communicate by either doing ?swarm best?, in which the best position ever seen by any one member is known to all of the other members or by doing ?local bests?, in which the best position seen by a particle in a specific neighborhood is known to the members of that neighborhood. The following equations show how the particle positions and velocities are updated with each iteration. For i = 1 to number of iterations: ? ? ? ?igiiiii xxrcxxrcvv ?????? ?? 22111 ? (2) 11 ?? ?? iii vxx (3) The individual particles have position, x, and velocity, v. The inertial constant is represented by ?. Successful choices for ? tend to be slightly less than unity. The constants c1 and c2 control how much the particles will be aimed towards the good positions. Both usually have values around unity. r1 and r2 are random numbers ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. The overall best position 8 that a particle has seen is represented by and the global best seen by the swarm is represented by . If local bests are used, is replaced by . In this study, a variant of the general PSO known as the Repulsive Particle Swarm (RPSO) is used. This method tends to be more effective in finding the global optimum in a complex solution space. However, the RPSO may take longer to find solutions to certain problems. The previous equations for particle position and velocity are modified slightly. For i = 1 to number of iterations: ? ? ? ? zrxxrxxrvv ihiiiii 3211 ?? ?????? ??????? (4) 11 ?? ?? iii vxx (5) As before, r1, r2, and r3 are random number between 0.0 and 1.0. In this case, the inertial weight, ?, will range from 0.01 to 0.7. The position of a randomly chosen other particle is represented by , and z is a randomly chosen velocity vector. ?, ?, and ? are all constants. In instances when the routine gets stuck in local optimum, a chaotic perturbation may be introduced to both the position and velocity of some particles. The RPSO used in this effort has been modified from Mishra?s RPSO to allow the particles to have a wider local search ability. Each particle travels around in its immediate surroundings searching for a better solution. A parameter called nstep controls the local area in which the particle is allowed to search. This parameter makes the particles act in a way that more resembles the real life behavior of swarms. 9 Fully Connected Random Ring (Global Best) (Local Best) The particles are allowed to learn from the other members of the swarm. In the extreme case, every particle will learn from the overall best member. This, however, is not always practical or realistic. Hence, in the practical algorithm, a particle is only allowed to learn from a select few of its neighbors. The communication structure that the particles exist in, or the way in which the particles learn from their neighbors, is known as the topology. Topologies used here include random, ring and random, and ring. Figure 1 contains simple illustrations of how the particles might be connected through the various topologies in the solution space. Since a particle searches around within its own immediate area by itself, it may not learn much from interacting with only its closest neighbors. However, this RPSO may also be set so that a particle can learn from a predetermined number of randomly chosen members of the swarm. This method is seen to more closely reflect human social learning patterns. In this fashion, desirable characteristics filter through the population because there is a path to all of the population from any given member. Further changes were made to the RPSO in order for it to work effectively with the solid motor missile systems code. Originally, the swarm was initialized with completely random positions and velocities. This caused problems with the missile code due to the fact that the Figure 1. Particle Swarm Solution Space Topology26 10 problem is substantially constrained. Many of the initial members would be created with non- viable solutions (e.g. motor geometry conflicts, insufficient thrust for liftoff), which severely limited the swarms initial search ability and consequently, its overall search ability. To compensate for this, the RPSO was modified so that the initial population is created using only viable members. The optimizer runs through a prescribed number of iterations creating random parameter values for each member. Once the member has been evaluated, if it is determined to have a viable solution, it is kept and placed in the initial population. If not, the member is discarded and the iterations continue until the population is filled with the prescribed number of members or the number of iterations is completed. If the population is unable to be completely filled with viable solutions after the set number of iterations, then the rest of the members are created using random values, viable or not. The implicit searching method of the particles and their somewhat chaotic movement within the solution space also caused problems for the constraints on the design space. The inherent nature of the RPSO causes many of the particles to ?fly? outside of the prescribed parameter bounds. In some cases, particles will completely diverge from the swarm and the defined boundary of the solution space. Therefore, extensive effort was invested in ?fencing in? the particles and preventing them from going outside of the parameter bounds. If the calculated particle velocity causes a parameter value to drop below the allowable minimum or go above allowable the maximum, a new velocity is calculated by multiplying the minimum or maximum allowable velocity, respectively, by a random number between 0.0 or 1.0. That is, the parameter value will be allowed to move in the same direction, but by only a fraction of the total distance to the boundary value. 11 One additional change was made to the existing RPSO to make it a more effective search tool. Previously, the particles would search in their local space at set intervals looking for better values. It was determined that it would be more reasonable, and eventually, more effective if the particles would search at random intervals while performing the nstep function in their local space. The source code for the modified RPSO can be found in Appendix D. 12 4 SOLID MOTOR SOUNDING ROCKET SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS A previous study was conducted in which the three optimizers were compared on their effectiveness to match a desired thrust versus time curve for a solid rocket motor27. The initial part of this study goes one step further and compares the optimizers based on their ability to design a desired sounding rocket with specific performance goals. The code creates preliminary design level simulations with complete geometry and burn characteristics for solid rocket motors. The code also calculates the weight of the structure used to encase the motor including the case, end cap, joints, and conical nozzle. The weight of the structure is then added to the propellant weight, igniter weight, and payload to determine the total weight of the system. The code uses a simple set of dynamic equations, including a set of empirical equations for drag, to fly the rocket on a vertical trajectory over the length of the motor burn28. When considering an object moving in the vertical plane, the sum of forces equations reduce to (6) where T is thrust, D is drag, W is weight, g is gravity, and is the incremental change in velocity per change in unit time. By using small time steps, dt, the thrust can be considered to be approximately constant over the time step. The drag is defined as (7) with the drag coefficient, CD, calculated in terms of the current Mach number of the object. The weight is taken as the average weight over the time increment and is calculated as follows. (8) 13 Ab, ?p, and r are all characteristics of the solid propellant, while Wo is the initial weight of the rocket. By letting (9) and (10) the sum of forces can now be written as (11) When the above equation is integrated over the interval [Vo, Vf] for the case of T > , the equation becomes (12) and is further simplified by letting (13) From these equations, the final velocity can be calculated as follows. (14) Once the final velocity is calculated, the average velocity can be determined and then multiplied by the time increment to determine the change in altitude over the time step. For the case of T < , C1 is negative, and the force equation then becomes (15) where (16) When integrated over the interval [Vo, Vf], the equation becomes 14 (17) The final velocity is now defined as (18) and the change in altitude of the vehicle calculated as stated previously. The code is composed of 11 critical design variables that describe the geometry of the motor and nozzle29. The various optimizers are used to evaluate these solid motor parameters in order to match desired performance goals for the missile. The optimizers can be used to match any combination of three separate goals: burnout altitude, burnout velocity, and takeoff weight. The first task of the program is to read in an input file containing mathematical constants, grain parameters, and goal parameters. Once the initial files are read, the optimizer?s input file containing the variables to be optimized is read. For each new member of a population in the case of the GA?s, or for each particle move in the case of the RPSO, a new missile grain design is constructed using data from the initial constants input file and parameters generated by the optimizer. The program then designs and burns the motor using a series of subroutines that determine geometry and burn characteristics. The program then uses the propellant parameters to determine the thrust of the motor as a function of time at sea level conditions. The specified grain geometry governs the part of the thrust equation that is independent of atmospheric pressure. The thrust and the calculated weights are then used with the dynamic equations to determine the overall performance of the missile. Figure 2 contains the general flow chart for the sounding rocket code. 15 Begin Code Setup Mass Properties Propulsion Performance Read Optimizer Input File Yes Optimizer (Particle Swarm or GA) Has Max Generations been reached? Fuels Read in Initial Constants No Figure 2. Sounding Rocket Design Code Program Flow 16 There are 11 design variables that the sounding rocket code uses to produce a physical model of the system. The variables are described in Table 1. Figure 3 has been adapted from Reference 30 to illustrate how these variables are used by the optimizer in conjunction with the initial constants to generate the solid propellant grain. For the solid motor system, circularly perforated grains, star grains and wagon wheel grains are possible with this geometric combination. Table 1. Solid Motor Variable Definitions Description Variables Propellant fuel type kfuel Propellant outer radius ratio Rpvar=(Rp+f)/Rbody Propellant inner radius ratio Rivar=Ri/Rp Number of star points Nsp Fillet radius ratio fvar=f/Rp Epsilon - star width eps Star point angle ptang Grain length gl Outer radius of grain Rbi Nozzle Throat Diameter diath Nozzle Expansion Ratio ratio 17 Figure 3. Solid Propellant Grain Cross-Section Schematic 18 5 PARTICLE SWARM INPUT PARAMETER TESTING 5.1 Particle Swarm Control Parameter Optimization With the previous particle swarm optimization studies, there were no real guidelines regarding what the values of the input parameters controlling the optimizer should be. For the Repulsive Particle Swarm, this includes values for population size, neighborhood size, nstep, ?, ?, ?, and ?. For the optimization study focused around matching thrust versus time curves, arbitrary values were chosen for ?, ?, ?, and ?, while a limited amount of effort was put forth to find values for population size, neighborhood size, and nstep that seemed to produce the most efficient optimization results. In order to fully evaluate the optimization potential of the Repulsive Particle Swarm Optimizer, it was necessary to study the RPSO?s controlling parameters. It was not immediately clear what effect changing these parameters would have on the overall behavior of the optimizer, so a parametric study was performed using varying values of the particle velocity control parameters ?, ?, ?, and ?. A variable matrix was set up using these four parameters in which they were all allowed to vary between nine different values, thus creating a matrix of size or 6561 total combinations. The allowable values of ?, ?, and ? were set to 0.05, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.50, 0.625, 0.75, 0.875, and 0.95, while the allowable values for ? were 0.02, 0.105, 0.19, 0.275, 0.36, 0.445, 0.53, 0.615, and 0.70. These quantities approximate an even distribution across the total range of allowable values for the parameters. For the input parameter sets to be accurately compared, a penalty function had to be introduced into the optimizer routine. The intrinsic properties of the particle swarm cause many 19 of the particles to tend to fly outside of the parameter bounds defined by the problem. When this happens, the particle is artificially reined in by the program and allowed to only move a randomly selected distance within the parameter bounds. Since certain combinations of the input parameters ?, ?, ?, and ? may tend to cause more particles to try to escape the bounds of the program, these sets may benefit purely on the basis of the random placement of the particles from the boundary control system. To prevent this, when a particle attempts to overstep the bounds of the program, it is still moved to a random place within the parameter bounds, but it is assessed a penalty in the form of a very high fitness value and not allowed to search locally after it has been moved. For these RPSO tests, the solid motor sounding rocket code was used to carry a payload of 70lb to a burnout altitude of 50,000ft and a burnout velocity of 1,000ft/sec with a minimum total takeoff weight. Each test run was allowed to perform 250,000 function evaluations. The sounding rocket code was used for this study because it is complex enough to fully test the optimizer?s ability, yet simple enough to provide solvable problems that did not require extended run times that would make it impractical for the number of runs needed to evaluate the input parameters. The fitness for each of the optimizer runs was calculated as follows: (19) The results of the RPSO input parameter grid search are shown in Figure 4. 20 The matrix of variable parameter inputs for the RPSO produced a wide range of final fitness values for the optimization goal. Interestingly, the majority of the input sets produced fitness answers that fell below the red line, which represents the fitness achieved from using the original values of ?, ?, ?, and ? used in the prior study. It appears that there is a negative trend between the fitness values and the increasing run number. This might directly reflect the trend of increasing the first term of the parameter matrix, ?. The best, or lowest, fitness value came from run number 5639. The values of the input variables and resulting fitness for the best performer of the grid search and the original set are shown in Table 2. Figure 4. RPSO Sounding Rocket Parameter Testing Results 21 Table 2. Sounding Rocket RPSO Input Parameter Optimization Results Original Values New Best Values ? 0.25 0.875 ? 0.25 0.75 ? 0.50 0.625 ? 0.25 0.36 Fitness 9578 2300 All of the parameter values for the best performer of the grid search are different from those of the original settings. More specifically, the new values place a higher importance on ?, or the best the particle has ever seen. The optimizer also performed better by increasing the effect of ?, or the best value any neighbor particle has seen. The term ?, which adds more randomization into the particle movement, proved to work better with a higher value and ?, a repulsive term, seemed to work better with a slightly larger value. With the new values for the particle velocity parameters, the optimizer was able to decrease the previous fitness value by over 75%. This represents a significant improvement in fitness value for this goal set and hopefully, overall optimizer effectiveness. Since the optimizer performed better with higher values for each of the four particle velocity parameters, it was deemed important to see what effect changing the values of the neighborhood sample size, nn, and the local search parameter, nstep, would have on the RPSO performance. With the total population containing 30 particles, nn and nstep were allowed to vary in increments of 5 from 5 to 30 and 5 to 15, respectively. Once again, all test runs were to perform 250,000 function evaluations. Table 3 contains the resulting input matrix for the values of nn and nstep and the corresponding fitnesses returned from the sounding rocket program. 22 Table 3. Secondary RPSO Input Parameter Optimization Results nstep nn 5 10 15 5 6707.40 7870.98 6351.36 10 2300.14 8852.32 6928.61 15 7402.22 6132.84 7586.63 20 9179.19 5913.00 7228.87 25 6704.24 5002.58 6505.95 30 8999.98 7734.87 6525.35 The best fitness resulted from using an nstep of 5 and an nn of 10, which happened to be the default values used during the previous studies. The next closest fitness value was over twice as large, however. Interestingly, having a value of 5 for nstep generally produced worse fitness values than for nstep equal to 10 or 15, except when paired with the value of 10 for nn. Conversely, there was no value of nn that generally produced either a better or worse fitness for all values of nstep. These characteristics might have resulted from having already optimized the values of ?, ?, ?, and ? with this pairing of nstep and nn as part of the input settings, or this pairing might actually be the best overall combination for the sounding rocket program. To fully address this question, further testing is required in which a complete input parameter matrix is examined with all possible combinations of ?, ?, ?, ?, nstep, and nn. Using the parameter values in this study, that would require 118,098 total optimizer runs, which would be extremely time consuming and not entirely practical. A more sensible approach would be to use another optimizer, either one of the GA?s or a gradient optimizer such as the Pattern Search, to manipulate all of the RPSO control parameters in order to obtain the set that most efficiently uses the optimization algorithm. 23 5.2 Sounding Rocket Optimizer Comparison Even though a significant improvement was made in the overall performance of the RPSO in the context of the sounding rocket problem, it does not necessarily mean that the RPSO is an effective optimizer. In order to fully evaluate its efficiency, it must be compared to the binary and the real-coded Genetic Algorithms, which are well established optimizers for this class of problems. Parameter tests were not performed on the two GA?s in this study. Parameters that have been found to be successful in previous studies were used in these tests and held constant throughout. These parameters can be seen in Appendix A for the binary GA and Appendix B for the real-coded GA. Figure 5 shows a comparison of the convergence histories for the RPSO with its original input parameters, the RPSO with its newly optimized input parameters, and both GA?s for the same three goal sounding rocket problem. Figure 5. Sounding Rocket 3 Goal Convergence History 24 It is obvious that both of the GA?s completely outperformed the RPSO with the binary GA being the top performer. Not only did the GA?s develop solutions with much better fitness values, but they were also able to achieve this with a relatively small number of objective function calls. Although the improved RPSO surpasses the original RPSO very quickly, it does not make a significant improvement in fitness value until after around 200,000 function evaluations, at which point the fitness improves by over 75%. If allowed to run a bit longer, the RPSO might make another significant step towards an optimal solution that would rival those of the GA?s, but this only shows how much less efficient it is for this particular problem. The final motor design parameters and goal results are shown in Table 4 while the corresponding missile grain cross sections are shown in Figure 6. It is apparent that the two GA?s and the two RPSO?s all converged on very different motor designs, with the design from the original set of RPSO inputs being the most unlike the others, which would be expected. Looking at the motor cross section images, the RPSO appears to be approaching a design that is very similar to that of the binary GA, however, upon closer inspection, most of the parameter values are much different. If allowed to run for a greater number of function evaluations, the RPSO might produce a design completely different yet near equally optimal solution when compared to the GA?s. 25 Table 4. Sounding Rocket Converged Design Parameters PARAMETER RPSO BEST RPSO ORIGINAL BINARY GA REAL GA propellant type 7 7 8 8 propellant RPVAR: (Rp+f)/(body radius) 0.52232459 0.53092006 0.53503937 0.75481233 propellant RIVAR: Ri/Rp 0.01010000 0.93402695 0.22137256 0.01000000 number of star points 8 13 11 17 fillet FVAR: f/Rp 0.06356675 0.18598332 0.04064516 0.01470821 epsilon star width 0.47259510 0.88108498 0.68666667 0.34154324 star point angle 1.27535397 6.47795456 5.67716550 8.90955565 grain length 239.78698141 271.08171369 301.36987000 241.53865028 outer radius of grain 23.76000000 23.76000000 22.95238100 19.06190103 throat diameter 19.80000000 19.80000000 12.86399300 19.49394728 nozzle expansion ratio 1.91562031 3.37402866 3.84251950 3.24619152 Altitude @BO 47760.86 40958.55 50004.55 49999.98 Velocity @BO 960.67 600.84 997.71 968.22 Initial Weight 21672.41 22759.92 26505.14 10339.07 Total Fitness 2300.14 9463.37 33.34 42.14 26 RPSO Best RPSO Original Binary GA Real GA Figure 6. Sounding Rocket Final Grain Cross Sections V 1 V 2 - 3 0 - 2 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 - 3 0 - 2 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 F ra m e 0 0 1 ? 1 3 O c t 2 0 1 0 ? When comparing the designs based on the individual goals, the best performing RPSO made vast improvements in matching the desired burnout altitude and velocity while still making a modest improvement in decreasing the takeoff weight. The large fitness value for the RPSO is due mostly to it missing the desired burnout altitude by over 2,200ft, but this is only a difference of a little less than 5 percent. The main goal of this study was to see if the performance of the Particle Swarm Optimizer could be improved by manipulating the control parameters of the algorithm. 27 Significant improvement was made in the optimizer?s performance by just using a course grid to evaluate different combinations of the input parameters. Even though the RPSO did not perform as well as the GA?s for this problem, it still showed potential to serve as a viable optimization tool. It might be useful to use the RPSO in conjunction with the GA?s to provide solution diversity when multiple nearly optimal solutions are needed. It is also important to note that the optimizers were only evaluated on one problem and goal set. The RPSO may perform just as well or even better than the GA?s if it were only trying to match one goal, a different set of performance goals, or even used to solve different engineering problems. However, different types of problems may not yield as good of results with the current set of input parameters and may require their own optimized parameter sets. Other studies have shown that the RPSO, or a derivative thereof, has performed better than the GA on matching a curve to data31. 28 6 COMPOUND REPULSIVE PARTICLE SWARM DEVELOPMENT 6.1 Hybrid Optimizer Methodology It is apparent from the previous studies that the Particle Swarm generally converges much slower than the Genetic Algorithms for solid rocket motor preliminary design level trade studies. The development of this hybrid optimizer was pursued in an attempt to improve the RPSO?s ability to converge quickly to a good solution and possibly improve the overall fitness of the solution for this class of design problems. Hybrid optimizers incorporate the combination of two or more optimizers, usually of different types. A previous study combined the RPSO with the Pattern Search gradient optimizer and produced very promising results31. This study involves the integration of one RPSO into another, creating a compound RPSO. The RPSO?s slow convergence may be due to the large solution space and the way the search mechanisms of the algorithm work. The particles cannot effectively search within a small area of the solution space even though they communicate with each other and perform individual local searches. The attachment of a second RPSO is used to more effectively search within an area around the current global best using a ?mini? swarm. The traditional RPSO can be thought of as a transport system for the mini-swarms. If the overall swarm best has improved after a generation, the mini-swarm search is initialized. This imbedded RPSO functions in the same way as the single-phase RPSO except that it is much more constrained. Similar to the parent swarm, the mini-swarm is initialized with a prescribed number of individuals with viable solutions. However, an overpopulation scheme has been implemented to help the performance of the mini-swarm. In this scheme, an oversized random 29 population is created with the number of members being much larger than what will eventually be used in the mini-swarm. The members? fitnesses are compared and only a select number of members with the lowest fitnesses are chosen to continue in the mini-swarm. This scheme was implemented to help the members of the mini-swarm start closer to the optimal value, while not requiring a significant number of extra function evaluations. The overall number of particles used in the mini-swarm is significantly less than that of the parent swarm, and they are only allowed to search within a small percentage of the solution space centered around the current best position. The global best used in the mini-swarm velocity equations is initialized with the current overall best and remains set as such until one of the mini- swarm members finds a better solution. The mini-swarm continues searching until the specified number of iterations is met, which is also significantly less than the large swarm. The input file for the mini-swarm can be seen in Appendix E. A second modification has been made to the RPSO to help speed up convergence and improve the obtained solution. Since the RPSO tends to go long periods without finding better solutions, a counter has been set up so that if the optimizer has gone a prescribed number of iterations without improving, the mini-swarm optimizer is called once again to search around the current best solution. The hybrid optimizer methodology is represented in Figure 7. 30 Perform local search with all particles Create a random population of viable solutions (particles) Yes Define particle velocities and initiate particle swarm calculations; determine new particle positions and fitness Has swarm best changed? Has swarm failed to improve after set # of iterations? No Perform mini-swarm search around single best particle Figure 7. Integrated Hybrid Optimizer Logic 31 6.2 Hybrid Optimizer Comparison For initial testing, the compound optimizer was used on the same solid rocket motor code used in Reference 27. The results from these tests looked very promising and the hybrid optimizer was able to outperform the conventional RPSO in all test cases. These initial findings successfully demonstrated the compound optimizer?s potential to work on more complex engineering problems. For the next level of testing, the RPSO-RPSO compound optimizer has been attached to the same sounding rocket code used in the previous section to see if further improvement can be made in the performance of the particle swarm algorithm. The hybrid optimizer will be compared against the standard RPSO using the same goal set and number of function evaluations used for the sounding rocket in the previous study. Initially, the same parameter settings found for the best performer in the previous RPSO study were used for the parent swarm and the mini- swarm of the hybrid. Results from these settings for the sounding rocket code, however, did not prove as promising as the results from the solid rocket motor code used in Reference 27. At this point, it was decided to use another set of velocity parameters ?, ?, ?, and ? for the mini-swarm settings. The new set of parameters chosen was one used in the previous grid run search for the conventional RPSO. Although this set of parameters did not produce a final answer as good as the optimal set for the standard RPSO, it was primarily chosen for its fast convergence and relatively good fitness value. This new combination of parent and mini-swarm parameters proved to work much better for the compound optimizer. Combinations of 5 and 10 particles allowed to search within 5% and 10% of the solution space were the settings used to test the mini-swarm. The convergence histories for these four hybrid settings and the previously optimized RPSO are shown in Figure 32 8. The numbers represented in the legend for the hybrid optimizer (ex. 5 ? 5%) represent the number of particles within the mini-swarm and the percentage of the parameter range they are allowed to search within. The compound optimizers behave much differently than the standard particle swarm. The hybrid particle swarm tends to converge much faster and in a much more continuous fashion. Until making the large fitness jump after the 200,000 function evaluation mark, the non- hybridized particle swarm was being beaten by all of the different hybrid input combinations. Both the 5 particle-5% search area and the 10 particle-10% search area mini-swarm combinations performed very well for the hybrid. At the 150,000 function evaluation mark, they had already converged to answers which are comparatively close to the answer that the standard RPSO required an extra 50,000 function evaluations to achieve. Although the best performer of Figure 8. Hybrid Optimizer Sounding Rocket Convergence History 33 the hybrid runs performs more efficiently than the original, it still does not converge as well as the GA?s. Table 5 shows the design parameter and goal values while Figure 9 shows the grain cross-section plots for the best performer of the hybrid and the single phase RPSO with the optimum input parameter set. The hybrid optimizer developed a somewhat different looking motor with a significantly better fitness than the standard particle swarm. The hybrid ends up matching the burnout altitude much better but does a worse job in matching the burnout velocity and minimizing the weight. This is most likely a direct result from how the fitness is actually determined and the weighting of the three goals. The altitude goal is of an order of magnitude higher than both of the other goals, thus it has the highest impact on the overall fitness. The hybrid produced a design roughly 25% better than the standard particle swarm, and it did so with significantly fewer function evaluations. The mini-swarm allows the RPSO to search within more confined areas of the solution space which, consequently, allows the optimizer to converge faster and in a more gradual fashion. The required number of particles of the mini- swarm and the size of the solution space they are allowed to search in may be different for each problem, depending on the makeup of the solution space. This initial test of the compound RPSO hybrid proves promising, yet the optimizer requires further validation to ensure that it is a useful optimization device. 34 Table 5. Original and Compound RPSO Sounding Rocket Converged Design Parameters PARAMETER RPSO BEST Compound RPSO (5 ? 5%) propellant type 7 7 propellant RPVAR: (Rp+f)/(body radius) 0.52232459 0.48779950 propellant RIVAR: Ri/Rp 0.01010000 0.43874862 number of star points 8 9 fillet FVAR: f/Rp 0.06356675 0.05419492 epsilon star width 0.47259510 0.52420674 star point angle 1.27535397 6.41346202 grain length 239.78698141 241.09208069 outer radius of grain 23.76000000 23.97510469 throat diameter 19.80000000 19.35065689 nozzle expansion ratio 1.91562031 2.78466686 Altitude @BO 47760.86 48364.79 Velocity @BO 960.67 1051.18 Initial Weight 21672.41 22611.68 Total Fitness 2300.14 1709.00 RPSO Best Compound RPSO Figure 9. Original and Compound RPSO Sounding Rocket Final Grain Cross Sections V 1 V 2 - 3 0 - 2 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 - 3 0 - 2 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 F ra m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? V 1 V 2 - 3 0 - 2 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 - 3 0 - 2 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 F ra m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? 35 7 SINGLE STAGE SOLID MISSILE SYSTEM DESCRIPTIONS To more effectively compare the optimizers, a more complex suite of codes and multiple goal sets were required. A bit more complex than the sounding rocket, the single stage solid missile system design code1 generates preliminary level engineering models of missiles powered by single stage solid propellant motors and flies them based on a set of 35 essential design parameters. The optimizers are used to manipulate these design parameters in order to develop missiles that achieve desired performance goals. This code has been used in multiple optimization studies11,12,23 and has proven to be an accurate and reliable instrument for use in engineering applications. After the program is initialized, it reads in various constants contained in two input files. These terms include mathematical constants, program limits, material properties, moments of inertia, component lengths and locations, and program goals. The entire component breakdown of the files is presented in Table 6. Some of these terms may be altered at some point within the code, but the variable arrays must be created with acceptable values at the start of the code. 36 Table 6. Component Breakdown of Missile Design Code Initial Constants Component Section Number of Variables Constants 22 Material Densities 6 Program Lengths, Limits, and Constants 31 Constants and Set Numbers 25 Initiation of Launch Data 16 Target Data 6 GA Goals (outdata variables) 20 Auxiliary Variables to be Used as Needed 21 List of GA Variables Passed to Setup, etc. 35 Total Missile Variables 40 Guidance and Plotting Variables 29 Component Densities 30 Masses 30 Center of Gravity 30 Moments of Inertia 60 Component Lengths 30 Axial Starting Point of Components 30 Required and Computed Data for Aero 30 Other Dimensions 16 Internal Solid Rocket Grain Variables 14 Nozzle and Throat Variables 23 Other Computed Stage Variables 8 Once all of the constants are initialized, the program reads in the appropriate optimizer input file. Whether for one of the GA?s or the RPSO, the file will contain the optimizer controlling parameters as well as the variables to be used in the optimization. Whenever a new member is created by the GA?s or every time a particle moves in the RPSO, a completely new missile is created based on the initial constants and specified design parameter constraints. The missile flight is then simulated by a sequence of subroutines that determine the propulsion characteristics, mass properties, and aerodynamic properties. The performance and flight profile for the missile are determined by a 6-degree-of-freedom, or 6-DOF, routine. 37 For the 6-DOF to successfully fly the missile, all of its flight characteristics must be known. A number of parameters define the geometry and propellant characteristics for the missile, and from these parameters, the code is able to determine the thrust profile for the motor in a manner similar to that described in Section 4. The code uses the specified grain geometry to determine the part of the thrust equation that is independent of atmospheric conditions. The large volume left inside of the missile after the propellant has been burned required that the tail-off for the thrust be modeled in order to more accurately predict performance. Once the propulsion system is modeled, the mass properties for the missile are calculated and used to determine the center of gravity and moments of inertia for all component systems. Before the 6-DOF routine can take control of the missile, its aerodynamic properties are determined using a fast predicting aerodynamic scheme called AERODSN32. AERODSN is very useful in that it is a non-linear, fast-predictive code, which is essential for use with the optimizers in order to provide a fairly high level of accuracy while simultaneously minimizing run times. However, this requires that certain assumptions be made primarily relating to missile geometry. The 6-DOF simulates missile flight by integrating the equations of motion and using the previously calculated propulsion, physical, and aerodynamic characteristics in a single model. The program flies the missile in a spherical earth model using all six degrees of freedom to determine the missile?s overall performance and flight profile. The missile?s individual performance is then compared against the desired performance goals specified at the onset of the program, a fitness determined, and returned to the optimizer for analysis. A flow chart for the code is shown in Figure 10. 38 Begin Code Setup Mass Properties Propulsion Aerodynamics Read Optimizer Input File Yes Optimizer (Particle Swarm or GA) Has Max Generations been reached? Fuels Read in Initial Constants No 6-DOF Figure 10. Missile System Design Code Program Flow 39 Table 7. Single Stage Solid Missile Variable Definitions Missile Geometry Propellant Properties Autopilot Controls Nose Radius Ratio = rnose/rbody Fuel Type Autopilot On Delay Time Nose Length Ratio = lnose/dbody Propellant Outer Radius Ratio rpvar=(rp+f)/rbody Initial Launch Angle (deg) Fractional Nozzle Length Ratio = f/ro Propellant Inner Radius Ratio rivar=ri/rp Pitch Multiplier Gain Nozzle Throat Diameter/dbody Number of star points Yaw Multiplier Gain Total Length of Stage1/dbody Fillet Radius Ratio f/rp Initial Elevator Angle (deg) Diameter of Stage1 (dbody) Epsilon - star width Gainp2 ? gain in pitch angle dif Wing Exposed Semi- span = b2w/dbody Star point angle B2var = b2vane/rexit Wing Root Chord = crw/dbody Time Step to Actuate Controls Wing Taper Ratio = ctw/crw Gainy2 ? gain in yaw angle dif Leading Edge Sweep Angle Wing (deg) Deltx for Z Corrections xLEw/lbody Deltx for Y Corrections Tail Exposed Semi- span = b2t/dbody Tail Root Chord = Crt/dbody Tail Taper Ratio = ctt/crw Leading Edge Sweep Angle Tail (deg) xTEt/Lbody Nozzle Exit Dia/dbody For this study, a single stage solid motor was used in the design optimizations. In order to create a fully developed missile system, 35 design variables are used for the model. Table 7 lists the required variables for the model and separates them between the various types. 40 As can be seen in the second column of Table 7, the solid motor grain design used in this system is very similar to that used in the sounding rocket program. The absent propellant property variables that are inherent to the sounding rocket are defined elsewhere in this program as it works to develop a more complete missile system. The third column of the table lists the variables used to control the autopilot for the program. These variables are used in case the missile is being guided by an active control system. This missile code possesses the ability to control the missile through tail fin deflections, nozzle vane deflections, or nozzle gimbaling. However, during this study, the autopilot system was turned off and the missiles were only allowed to fly ballistic trajectories. The first column of the table lists all of the parameters used to develop the external geometry of the missile including the nose, wings, tail fins, and nozzle33. The missile code designs a bell nozzle by fitting a parabola tangent to a circular arc throat section. The parabola is extended out until the required expansion ratio for the nozzle is met33. A more detailed description of the external geometry components of the missile can be seen in Reference 34. 41 8 SINGLE STAGE SOLID MISSILE SYSTEM OPTIMIZER COMPARISONS All four of the optimization algorithms were compared using the single stage solid motor missile system code described in Section 7. To effectively compare the optimizers, they must be evaluated on multiple goals and goal sets. In the first set of optimizer tests, the two GA?s, RPSO, and compound RPSO were used to match a specified range. By only requiring a match to one goal, the optimizers have a higher probability of finding a missile design that successfully meets the performance requirement. It would be possible for all four optimizers to find completely different, yet nearly equivalent optimal solutions. A more effective comparison of the optimizers, however, would require a more difficult goal set. That is why for the next set of tests, the optimizers were used to match various goal pairs. By matching two separate goals, such as range and takeoff weight, the probability of finding good solutions significantly decreases. The design parameters for all four of the optimizers are constrained by the same maximum and minimum allowable values so as to allow for the optimizers to potentially choose the same or similar designs. The input files for the optimizers can be seen in Appendices F ? H. 8.1 Single Stage Solid - Match Range 250,000 ft For the first optimizer test, the algorithms were required to match a single goal: design a missile that has a range of 250,000 ft. For all of these tests, the optimizers were allowed to perform 100,000 function evaluations and once again, were compared on overall fitness and on speed of convergence. Due to the lower amount of function evaluations allowed for these tests and its overall performance in the sounding rocket test, the hybrid RPSO was run using 5 42 particles with a 5% search area for the mini-swarm. The fitness for matching range is calculated as follows: (20) The corresponding convergence histories for the optimizers are shown in Figure 11. The real-coded GA was able to achieve the best fitness over the entire length of the optimization run. It was able to maintain a fitness nearly an order of magnitude better than the binary GA, which was the second best overall performer. Neither the conventional RPSO nor the compound RPSO were able to outperform either of the GA?s. The compound RPSO, however, was able to outperform the standard RPSO in both speed of convergence and overall fitness value. The scale of the graph should be noted. Even though the compound particle swarm did not match the Figure 11. Single Stage Solid Match Range 250,000ft Convergence History 43 desired range as closely as the GA?s, it still missed the target by less than 5 ft, which might be considered a sufficient answer. As the previous particle swarm input parameter study showed, the velocity parameters for the swarm can have a profound effect on the optimizer?s performance. Similar results could possibly be demonstrated for the parameters of the mini-swarm. A varied set of control parameters could result in increased solution convergence for the compound RPSO. The final missile design parameters and relative 3-D missile plots are shown in Table 8 and Figure 12, respectively. There are significant differences between all four of the optimizer designs. Interestingly, the compound RPSO design matches much more closely to the two GA designs than it does the standard RPSO. This optimizer test could have shown how single goal problems have the ability to produce completely separate but nearly equally optimal results, yet all of the optimizers appeared to be converging on a similar solution. There seems to be a direct correlation to the size of the missile and the fitness value. The real GA was obviously able to match the goal much more closely, but the compound RPSO still only missed the target range by less than one missile diameter. 44 Table 8. Single Stage Solid 250,000ft Range Design Parameters PARAMETER COMPOUND RPSO RPSO BINARY GA REAL GA rnose/rbody 0.5940 0.5940 0.4667 0.4921 lnose/dbody 2.9700 2.9700 2.4677 2.1681 fuel type 7.7000 8.9100 4.2000 3.6886 star out R (rpvar) 0.6410 0.6167 0.5857 0.4981 star inner ratio 0.6043 0.7920 0.3800 0.1907 number of star pts 7.7251 10.8900 10.6000 7.5305 fillet radius ratio 0.0468 0.0990 0.0953 0.0565 eps 0.6700 0.9405 0.8333 0.8321 star point angle (deg) 1.2394 7.3168 6.4000 2.2710 fractional nozzle length 0.8517 0.6784 0.8171 0.9489 dia throat/dbody 0.2983 0.2970 0.2730 0.2794 fineness ratio 13.3776 14.8500 12.0000 12.2367 dia stage 1 (m) 0.4375 0.6336 0.4622 0.3952 wing semispan/dbody 0.0362 0.0495 0.0271 0.0415 wing root chord/dbody 0.0361 0.0495 0.0214 0.0303 wing taper ratio 0.9125 0.9468 0.9300 0.9830 wing LE sweep angle (deg) 5.3544 13.3342 7.4444 1.1327 xLEw/lbody 0.2330 0.2475 0.2143 0.2423 tail semispan/dbody 1.2577 1.3860 1.2000 1.3276 tail root chord/dbody 1.0925 1.0890 0.9667 1.0370 tail taper ratio 0.6744 0.9483 0.6196 0.8493 tail LE sweep anlge (deg) 17.2962 3.7229 6.0635 22.5363 xTEt/lbody 0.9994 0.9900 0.9643 0.9686 autopilot delay time (sec) 5000.0000 5000.0000 5000.0000 4999.1740 initial launch angle (deg) 65.5544 73.7197 67.8571 67.2771 pitch multiplier gain 3.7484 3.9793 3.9200 4.1139 yaw multiplier gain 1.7744 1.1841 2.3889 1.1935 nozzle exit dia/dbody 0.8933 0.6196 0.6033 0.8466 initial pitch cmd angle (deg) -7.0000 -7.0000 -11.2667 -11.4603 gain in pitch 0.0035 0.0043 0.0100 0.0042 b2var=b2vane/rexit 0.0050 0.0090 0.0000 0.0085 time step to actuate noz (sec) 0.4301 0.9307 0.4400 0.9656 gain in yaw 0.0055 0.0024 0.0100 0.0075 deltx corrections for z 0.2712 0.7056 0.0000 0.3523 deltx corrections for y 0.9599 0.6725 0.0000 0.2061 FITNESS 0.142455 3.704469 7.41948E-05 2.24332E-08 45 Compound RPSO RPSO Binary GA Real GA Figure 12. Single Stage Solid 250,000ft Range 3-D Models x 02 Y (f t) - 5 0 5 X ( f t ) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 02 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X ( f t ) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 1 2 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X ( f t ) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 1 2 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X ( f t ) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 1 2 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? 46 8.2 Single Stage Solid - Match Range 750,000 ft For the second optimizer test, the algorithms were once again required to match a range goal. This time they were expected to design a missile that has a range of 750,000 ft. Although similar to the previous test, this evaluation is still valuable because it helps to further evaluate the optimizers by forcing them to explore a separate part of the solution space. Once again, the optimizers were allowed to perform 100,000 function evaluations and were compared on overall fitness and on how fast they converged. The corresponding convergence histories for the optimizers are shown in Figure 13. Just as in the previous match range problem, the real-coded GA completely outperformed the other optimizers in both convergence speed and overall fitness. The RPSO?s also failed once again to outperform either of the GA?s. The RPSO was unable to make any further Figure 13. Single Stage Solid Match Range 750,000ft Convergence History 47 improvements after the initial fitness jump that occurred after only a tenth of the allowable function evaluations were performed. The compound RPSO was able to overcome this and produce a design with a fitness value an order of magnitude lower. The final missile design parameters and relative 3-D missile plots are shown in Table 9 and Figure 14, respectively. As with the previous optimizer test, four completely different designs were developed by the optimizers. Interestingly, the two RPSO designs are more similar to each other, while at the same time, the two GA designs are more similar to each other. This could be a testament to the differences between the social behavior theory of the Particle Swarms and the evolution theory of the Genetic Algorithms. The design chosen by the compound RPSO happened to be one of the larger missiles again, but the size disparity between it and the GA?s designs happened to be much larger than in the previous test. The hybrid RPSO optimizer design ended up missing the target by less than 5 ft. This seems like a fairly good result considered it is only just over twice the missile diameter and less than 5.8x10-4% error. The two GA?s achieved this level of accuracy after less than 20,000 function evaluations. 48 Table 9. Single Stage Solid 750,000ft Range Design Parameters PARAMETER COMPOUND RPSO RPSO BINARY GA REAL GA rnose/rbody 0.5940 0.5940 0.6000 0.4686 lnose/dbody 2.9700 2.9700 1.5000 2.4161 fuel type 3.0716 7.1135 6.3333 4.8264 star out R (rpvar) 0.7920 0.7920 0.4429 0.5630 star inner ratio 0.1965 0.5741 0.3333 0.2903 number of star pts 10.4201 10.8900 10.2000 9.3306 fillet radius ratio 0.0990 0.0990 0.0533 0.0608 eps 0.9405 0.9405 0.7944 0.7660 star point angle (deg) 6.9040 9.3931 5.2000 2.3099 fractional nozzle length 0.9801 0.7402 0.6862 0.8173 dia throat/dbody 0.2970 0.2970 0.2563 0.2679 fineness ratio 14.8500 14.8500 14.3333 12.5506 dia stage 1 (m) 0.6336 0.6336 0.4919 0.5579 wing semispan/dbody 0.0495 0.0495 0.0500 0.0373 wing root chord/dbody 0.0495 0.0495 0.0386 0.0231 wing taper ratio 0.9801 0.9126 0.9540 0.9874 wing LE sweep angle (deg) 29.7000 8.2556 3.3016 5.1092 xLEw/lbody 0.2475 0.2475 0.2071 0.2321 tail semispan/dbody 1.3860 1.3860 1.4000 1.3079 tail root chord/dbody 1.0890 1.0890 1.0333 1.0480 tail taper ratio 0.6678 0.5651 0.7276 0.6418 tail LE sweep anlge (deg) 24.7908 14.2276 29.0794 13.9887 xTEt/lbody 0.9836 0.9900 0.9786 0.9903 autopilot delay time (sec) 5000.0000 5000.0000 5000.0000 4999.3909 initial launch angle (deg) 46.9515 57.1010 61.4286 65.3084 pitch multiplier gain 4.3312 3.6348 3.9200 4.0316 yaw multiplier gain 1.2869 1.0999 2.0714 1.7802 nozzle exit dia/dbody 0.6604 0.7374 0.7100 0.6705 initial pitch cmd angle (deg) -7.0000 -7.0000 -9.1333 -12.9696 gain in pitch 0.0055 0.0046 0.0100 0.0082 b2var=b2vane/rexit 0.0022 0.0099 0.0000 0.0057 time step to actuate noz (sec) 0.5286 0.3815 0.9067 0.3822 gain in yaw 0.0037 0.0079 0.0000 0.0068 deltx corrections for z 0.3883 0.2938 1.0000 0.7611 deltx corrections for y 0.5040 0.1351 0.0000 0.1520 FITNESS 0.43482 5.04715 5.76720E-05 2.48252E-06 49 Compound RPSO RPSO Binary GA Real GA Figure 14. Single Stage Solid 750,000ft Range 3-D Models x 02 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X ( f t ) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X ( f t ) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X ( f t ) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 2 3 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X ( f t ) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 2 3 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? 50 8.3 Single Stage Solid - Match Range 100,000 ft Takeoff Weight 2,500 lb To more thoroughly test the optimizers, three more complex goal sets were chosen for comparison. The first goal set required the algorithms to match a range of 100,000 ft while also matching a takeoff weight of 2,500 lb. As with the single goal tests, the optimizers were allowed to perform 100,000 function evaluations. Because the optimizers are required to match two goals, they are driven more towards a global solution that minimizes both goals. The optimization only required the minimization of single fitness value as before. The fitness is determined by summing the goals as follows: (21) The corresponding convergence histories for the optimizers are shown in Figure 15. Figure 15. Single Stage Solid Match Range 100,000ft Weight 2,500lb Convergence History 51 Though still the best performer, the real-coded GA did not perform overwhelmingly better than the other optimizers. The compound RPSO outperformed the standard particle swarm for the entire optimization run, with the standard RPSO only coming close with the last large fitness jump. This final jump by the hybrid particle swarm after 80,000 function evaluations actually pushed it to a better fitness than the binary GA. As previously speculated, the optimizers all appear to be driven toward a global minimization solution. There is very little difference between the four fitness values. Because the fitness values are relatively high, the actual optimal solution to this minimization problem may not have been defined within the prescribed set of allowable parameters. The indication of these results is that the compound RPSO is a competitive algorithm for complex problems. Table 10 and Figure 16 show the final missile design parameters and relative 3-D missile plots, respectively. Unlike the previous tests, there does not appear to be as much diversity between the designs developed by the optimizers. As expected, the worst performer, the binary GA, ended up being most unlike the other designs. The graphical representation for the convergence for the RPSO?s is somewhat skewed compared to the GA?s. The current best fitness values for all of the optimizers are recorded only at the end of each generation/iteration. For the real GA, this is after every function evaluation, and for the binary GA, this is after every 200 function evaluations. The RPSO?s iterations are much longer, and the best fitness values are reported only after more than 4,000 function evaluations. This accounts for a much less gradual graphical representation of convergence for the RPSO?s. The compound RPSO may appear more gradual due to the fitness value being reported after the much shorter mini-swarm iterations. 52 Table 10. Single Stage Solid 100,000ft Range 2,500lb Weight Design Parameters PARAMETER COMPOUND RPSO RPSO BINARY GA REAL GA rnose/rbody 0.4787 0.5869 0.5333 0.4150 lnose/dbody 1.7441 1.8614 2.4677 2.4533 fuel type 6.5340 2.5608 6.3333 7.3769 star out R (rpvar) 0.5462 0.5870 0.7286 0.7065 star inner ratio 0.3410 0.1010 0.5200 0.3949 number of star pts 6.5239 10.5705 8.6000 9.4862 fillet radius ratio 0.0532 0.0760 0.0813 0.0484 eps 0.8666 0.8236 0.8889 0.8546 star point angle (deg) 3.9955 6.3574 7.6000 5.4533 fractional nozzle length 0.7367 0.9801 0.7386 0.9640 dia throat/dbody 0.2751 0.2970 0.2524 0.2534 fineness ratio 14.8500 14.8500 13.0000 12.5510 dia stage 1 (m) 0.2816 0.2823 0.3401 0.3332 wing semispan/dbody 0.0322 0.0185 0.0214 0.0209 wing root chord/dbody 0.0472 0.0455 0.0386 0.0415 wing taper ratio 0.9452 0.9504 0.9240 0.9228 wing LE sweep angle (deg) 22.9509 1.0712 11.5873 16.8577 xLEw/lbody 0.2274 0.2475 0.2500 0.2392 tail semispan/dbody 1.3860 1.3642 1.2000 1.2000 tail root chord/dbody 1.0890 0.9325 0.9667 0.9674 tail taper ratio 0.6547 0.7858 0.5694 0.9270 tail LE sweep anlge (deg) 13.5621 2.1120 16.6508 9.0799 xTEt/lbody 0.9965 0.9990 0.9643 0.9769 autopilot delay time (sec) 5000.0000 5000.0000 5000.0000 4999.1318 initial launch angle (deg) 54.1655 57.4390 41.4286 57.1196 pitch multiplier gain 4.2039 4.0119 3.9200 4.3300 yaw multiplier gain 1.0298 2.5035 2.4286 1.7933 nozzle exit dia/dbody 0.6646 0.9398 0.8700 0.9483 initial pitch cmd angle (deg) -7.0000 -7.0000 -8.0667 -11.9299 gain in pitch 0.0001 0.0084 0.0100 0.0044 b2var=b2vane/rexit 0.0069 0.0000 0.0100 0.0043 time step to actuate noz (sec) 0.4129 0.3977 0.7200 0.7346 gain in yaw 0.0085 0.0036 0.0100 0.0076 deltx corrections for z 0.2438 0.6875 0.0000 0.1884 deltx corrections for y 0.8862 0.7156 0.0000 0.8768 TOTAL FITNESS 18.04673 18.19579 19.63227 15.82746 Range Error 0.64565 5.52699 0.85501 0.04880 Weight Error 17.40109 12.66880 18.77725 15.77866 53 Compound RPSO RPSO Binary GA Real GA Figure 16. Single Stage Solid 100,000ft Range 2,500lb Weight 3-D Models x 02 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 Y (f t) - 2 0 2 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 Y (f t) - 2 0 2 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 2 3 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? x X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 02 Y (f t) - 2 0 2 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 2 3 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 2 0 2 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 2 3 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? 54 Figure 17. Match Range 100,000ft Error, Test 3 Figure 18. Match Weight 2,500lb Error, Test 3 Figure 17 shows the solution convergence plot for the match range goal of the optimization. Only the real GA had large fluctuations in its range error while the RPSO?s and binary GA maintained nearly constant values after their initial improvements, with only small changes during the rest of the run. Figure 18 shows the convergence history for the weight error. 55 For this goal, only the standard RPSO showed large fluctuations in its weight error, while the other optimizers remained mostly constant with only small improvements for the majority of the run. The standard RPSO managed to be the worst performer in the range goal and the best performer in the weight goal. Interestingly, the compound RPSO?s improvement over the binary GA involved it having better answers for both the range goal and the weight goal. 56 8.4 Single Stage Solid - Match Range 350,000 ft Takeoff Weight 4,000 lb The second two goal test required the optimizers to match a range of 350,000 ft while also matching a takeoff weight of 4,000 lb. Figure 19 shows the convergence histories for the optimizers. Once again, the real GA ended up being the best performing optimizer. The compound RPSO was able to outperform the single phase particle swarm optimizer for this goal and produce an answer better than the binary GA. The hybrid RPSO?s ability to take advantage of a much more thorough local search is very apparent around the 80,000 function evaluation mark. The standard RPSO was unable to make any significant improvements after its initial jump, but the hybrid was able to make some significant improvements with the use of the mini-swarm. The optimizers were not grouped as closely together as with the previous range-weight goal set and the run produced multiple orders of magnitude improvement between the four fitness values. Figure 19. Single Stage Solid Match Range 350,000ft Weight 4,000lb Convergence History 57 Table 11 and Figure 20 show the final missile design parameters and relative 3-D missile plots, respectively. Looking at these, the compound RPSO effectiveness becomes more apparent. The compound RPSO was able to develop a unique design compared to the three other optimizers, and although not as accurate as the real-coded GA, its fitness is better than that of the binary GA. This test run shows how making multiple calls to the mini-swarm after failing to improve can prove effective. The standard RPSO was unable to improve over the length of the run, but because the hybrid continued to call upon the mini-swarm, it was able to make a very significant improvement before reaching the maximum number of function evaluations. 58 Table 11. Single Stage Solid 350,000ft Range 4,000lb Weight Design Parameters PARAMETER COMPOUND RPSO RPSO BINARY GA REAL GA rnose/rbody 0.5940 0.4040 0.4000 0.5450 lnose/dbody 2.9700 2.2931 2.4677 2.6525 fuel type 7.3291 3.8625 2.6000 5.3379 star out R (rpvar) 0.5016 0.5360 0.5142 0.4674 star inner ratio 0.3103 0.2878 0.7533 0.3902 number of star pts 9.1741 5.0500 9.4000 5.9667 fillet radius ratio 0.0877 0.0733 0.0720 0.0636 eps 0.6408 0.6060 0.8611 0.7068 star point angle (deg) 4.8039 6.2506 2.2000 7.7415 fractional nozzle length 0.7767 0.7463 0.6914 0.7006 dia throat/dbody 0.2559 0.2548 0.2865 0.2661 fineness ratio 11.9358 10.1000 11.0000 11.4019 dia stage 1 (m) 0.4824 0.5099 0.4858 0.4766 wing semispan/dbody 0.0246 0.0344 0.0214 0.0265 wing root chord/dbody 0.0233 0.0450 0.0214 0.0405 wing taper ratio 0.9143 0.9090 0.9480 0.9719 wing LE sweep angle (deg) 27.2583 27.8624 12.5079 20.4673 xLEw/lbody 0.2053 0.2020 0.2285 0.2206 tail semispan/dbody 1.2577 1.2120 1.3333 1.3692 tail root chord/dbody 1.0566 0.9090 1.0333 0.9740 tail taper ratio 0.6420 0.5050 0.5964 0.5899 tail LE sweep anlge (deg) 23.3743 23.4372 28.1587 12.5368 xTEt/lbody 0.9682 0.9595 0.9642 0.9867 autopilot delay time (sec) 5000.0000 5000.0000 4999.0000 4999.2974 initial launch angle (deg) 75.7407 64.9833 53.5714 70.8039 pitch multiplier gain 3.8389 3.6360 4.2933 3.6346 yaw multiplier gain 2.6228 1.3101 3.0634 1.7781 nozzle exit dia/dbody 0.8719 0.6135 0.7366 0.7861 initial pitch cmd angle (deg) -7.0000 -7.0000 -11.2666 -9.8070 gain in pitch 0.0100 0.0053 0.0000 0.0030 b2var=b2vane/rexit 0.0078 0.0000 0.0000 0.0062 time step to actuate noz (sec) 0.8941 0.3030 0.8600 0.4220 gain in yaw 0.0017 0.0003 0.0100 0.0068 deltx corrections for z 0.0607 0.7626 0.0000 0.3531 deltx corrections for y 0.0382 0.5597 1.0000 0.6857 TOTAL FITNESS 4.76180 71.77821 8.05037 0.06887 Range Error 2.65134 71.63351 0.76689 0.05249 Weight Error 2.11046 0.14468 7.28348 0.01638 59 Compound RPSO RPSO Binary GA Real GA Figure 20. Single Stage Solid 350,000ft Range 4,000lb Weight 3-D Models x 02 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X ( ft) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 2 0 Y (f t) - 4 - 2 0 2 4 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? 60 Figure 21. Match Range 350,000ft Error, Test 4 Figure 22. Match Weight 4,000lb Error, Test 4 Figure 21 shows the solution convergence plot for the range error. The real-coded GA once again had large fluctuations in the range error while the other optimizers only had a small number of changes in the range error. The compound RPSO maintained a poor range error close to that of the standard RPSO until the final call of the mini-swarm managed to provide a drastically better solution. Figure 22 shows the weight error convergence history for the optimizers. 61 The real GA continued to improve steadily with only minor fluctuations, while the binary GA showed no changes after about 7,000 function evaluations. The mini-swarm of the compound RPSO managed to make significant improvements in both goal errors at the end of the run. The hybrid RPSO was actually able to match the weight much more closely than the binary GA, accounting for its overall better fitness. The standard RPSO was able to effectively minimize the weight goal, but its inability to similarly minimize the range goal ultimately led to its poor performance. 62 8.5 Single Stage Solid - Match Time of Flight 240 sec Takeoff Weight 2,500 lb The final two goal test required the optimizers to match a 240 sec time of flight while also matching a takeoff weight of 2,500 lb. The optimizers have already proven their ability to match range goals, so this test uses another performance parameter for evaluation. Once again, the optimization only required the minimization of a single fitness value as before. The fitness is determined by summing the goals as follows: (22) Figure 23 shows the convergence histories for this optimization test. The binary GA ended up being the best performer of this optimization test, but did not perform overwhelmingly better than the other optimizers. The compound RPSO outperformed the standard particle swarm for most of the optimization run and was able to develop an answer very near that of the GA?s. The optimizers were once again driven toward a global minimization solution with there being very little difference between the four fitness values. The relatively Figure 23. Single Stage Solid Match TOF 240sec Weight 2,500lb Convergence History 63 high fitness values may have resulted from the actual optimal solution not being defined within the prescribed set of allowable parameters. The final missile design parameters and relative 3-D missile plots are shown in Table 12 and Figure 24, respectively. The hybrid RPSO was once again able to develop a design completely unlike the others while maintaining a performance very comparable to the GA?s. Other than the nose parameters, most of the other design parameters for the hybrid are significantly different than those of the other optimizers. 64 Table 12. Single Stage Solid 240sec TOF 2,500lb Weight Design Parameters PARAMETER COMPOUND RPSO RPSO BINARY GA REAL GA rnose/rbody 0.4040 0.4040 0.4667 0.4000 lnose/dbody 1.5048 2.1651 2.8065 1.6679 fuel type 2.9327 5.1677 2.0667 2.5834 star out R (rpvar) 0.5231 0.5159 0.5857 0.7075 star inner ratio 0.2099 0.2807 0.2400 0.5570 number of star pts 5.0439 5.1944 11.0000 10.3661 fillet radius ratio 0.0888 0.0601 0.1000 0.0468 eps 0.6135 0.6419 0.7889 0.7175 star point angle (deg) 4.9593 6.5429 5.8000 3.5387 fractional nozzle length 0.6704 0.6781 0.7752 0.9069 dia throat/dbody 0.2532 0.2525 0.2627 0.2500 fineness ratio 10.9351 12.5823 12.0000 11.5040 dia stage 1 (m) 0.2967 0.2853 0.3088 0.3180 wing semispan/dbody 0.0110 0.0467 0.0157 0.0104 wing root chord/dbody 0.0348 0.0495 0.0157 0.0473 wing taper ratio 0.9087 0.9090 0.9120 0.9399 wing LE sweep angle (deg) 2.7909 12.7349 18.0317 18.8796 xLEw/lbody 0.2021 0.2020 0.2357 0.2064 tail semispan/dbody 1.2120 1.2120 1.2667 1.2000 tail root chord/dbody 0.9059 0.9090 0.9000 0.9440 tail taper ratio 0.5114 0.5050 0.7817 0.7500 tail LE sweep anlge (deg) 9.9175 29.7000 22.6349 30.0000 xTEt/lbody 0.9907 0.9900 0.9571 0.9683 autopilot delay time (sec) 5000.0000 5000.0000 5000.0000 4999.5958 initial launch angle (deg) 83.7936 84.1500 85.0000 85.0000 pitch multiplier gain 4.3675 4.3560 3.9733 3.6810 yaw multiplier gain 3.4244 3.4650 3.4206 1.2194 nozzle exit dia/dbody 0.9355 0.9405 0.9500 0.9483 initial pitch cmd angle (deg) -7.0000 -7.0000 -9.6667 -7.9205 gain in pitch 0.0099 0.0099 0.0100 0.0052 b2var=b2vane/rexit 0.0088 0.0099 0.0000 0.0049 time step to actuate noz (sec) 0.9950 0.9900 0.3467 0.5563 gain in yaw 0.0097 0.0099 0.0000 0.0065 deltx corrections for z 0.9910 0.9900 1.0000 0.5178 deltx corrections for y 0.9929 0.9900 1.0000 0.2823 TOTAL FITNESS 13.79352 14.23533 13.53377 13.59890 TOF Error 13.79294 13.68900 13.53333 13.59890 Weight Error 0.00058 0.54633 0.00045 7.27596E-13 65 Compound RPSO RPSO Binary GA Real GA Figure 24. Single Stage Solid 240sec TOF 2,500lb Weight 3-D Models x 02 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 Y (f t) - 2 0 2 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 Y (f t) - 2 0 2 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 0 8 M a r 2 0 1 1 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 2 0 2 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 2 4 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? x 02 Y (f t) - 2 0 2 X ( f t) 0 5 1 0 1 5 X Y Z F r a m e 0 0 1 ? 2 4 N o v 2 0 1 0 ? 66 Figure 25. Match TOF 240sec Error, Test 5 Figure 26. Match Weight 2,500lb Error, Test 5 Figure 25 shows the time of flight error history for the optimizers. The error for this goal accounted for the majority of the error for all of the optimizers. It appears the solution space might have limited the time of flight error to around 13.5. Figure 26 shows the convergence history for the weight errors. 67 Table 13. Final Optimizer Fitness Comparisons COMPOUND RPSO RPSO BINARY GA REAL GA Match 250,000ft 0.142455 3.704469 7.41948E-05 2.24332E-08 Match 750,000ft 0.434820 5.047148 5.76720E-05 2.48252E-06 Match 100,000ft 2,500lb 18.046730 18.19579 19.63227 15.82746 Match 350,000ft 4,000lb 4.761799 71.778210 8.05037 0.06887 Match 240sec 2,500lb 13.793520 14.235330 13.53377 13.59890 All of the optimizers performed fairly well at matching the weight goal for this problem. Other than the single-phase RPSO, the optimizers were able to match the weight within a hundredth of a pound. The added accuracy of the real GA is purely academic and may make the graph a bit misleading. Because the optimizers were able to match the weight so well and the time of flight so poorly, this most likely means it would require a much larger missile to achieve the required flight time. The optimizers probably chose to match the weight goal instead of the time goal because the weight goal is an order of magnitude larger and resulted in much higher fitness values when time of flight was matched. This discrepancy could be addressed by goal weighting. Table 13 shows the overall fitness results for all four of the optimizers for the five single stage solid missile test cases performed. 68 9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A repulsive particle swarm optimizer has been developed by compounding a RPSO for use on complex engineering problems. This compound RPSO was developed based on a previously modified version of the standard RPSO that was adapted to make the algorithm compatible with reasonable engineering problems. To demonstrate the utility of this approach, this new optimization algorithm has been applied to a complex rocket propulsion application. The standard RPSO algorithm was first coupled to a solid motor sounding rocket design code so that a study could be performed on its input parameters and how they affect optimizer performance. From these results, the compound particle swarm optimizer was developed by imbedding a second, smaller particle swarm within the original algorithm. These two forms of the RPSO were then attached to a full 6-DOF single stage solid missile design code and compared against a binary and real-coded GA. A number of single and two goal tests were performed in which the optimizers were allowed to run for 100,000 function evaluations in order to compare their fitness convergence. Even in its early stages of development, the compound particle swarm optimizer showed significant potential as a useful engineering tool when compared to the genetic algorithms. The hybrid RPSO was generally able to converge much faster than the standard RPSO, but did not necessarily always have the best fitness at the end of the optimization run. Although unable to outperform the GA?s, the particle swarm was shown to be effective. The compound RPSO actually seemed to be more competitive on the more complex problems. 69 Further studies on the compound RPSO?s mini-swarm control parameters are recommended to determine whether a more optimum set exists for better overall convergence or to determine varying sets of input parameters for use on different problems. It may also be beneficial to use a separate optimizer to optimize the input parameters for use on certain problems or for different engineering applications. The standard RPSO?s inability to continuously improve on some of the goals may show that the optimized input parameters found in the sounding rocket study may not be the best parameters for use on the full missile code. The hybrid swarm also showed its ability to make improvements when the single-phase could not by making repeated calls to the mini-swarm after the larger swarm failed to show improvement. Changing the frequency of these calls may also have a profound impact on the overall solution. The compound RPSO proved extremely useful on cases when the standard RPSO would fail to improve during most of the run. Studies have also shown that the number of particles, the percentage of the solution space, and the number of iterations allowed for the mini-swarm can have a significant impact on the solution convergence. A fundamental modification to the local search portion of the particle swarm optimizer may make it more efficient and may lead to dramatically improved results. For example, the Pattern Search algorithm may be used on the best performer at the completion of the mini-swarm runs in order to improve results. The RPSO and especially the compound RPSO are relatively new tools for use in this area, but the preliminary results have proven promising. The compound RPSO was even able to outperform the binary GA on two of the multi-goal test cases. However, the RPSO?s are still not able to converge to solutions nearly as quickly as the GA?s. The current compound RPSO algorithm has shown a vast improvement to Mishra?s particle swarm algorithm with plenty of room left for further advancement. 70 REFERENCES 1J.E. Burkhalter, R.M. Jenkins, and R.J. Hartfield, M. B. Anderson, G.A. Sanders, ?Missile Systems Design Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms,? 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Final Report, Missile and Space Intelligence Center, Redstone Arsenal, AL, February 2003. 73 APPENDIX A: Sounding Rocket Binary GA Input File .false. ; micro .false. ; pareto .false. ; steady_state .false. ; maximize .true. ; elitist .true. ; creep .false. ; uniform .false. ; restart .true. ; remove_dup .false. ; niche .false. ; phenotype 0.04 ; niche diversity percentile goal 61742 ; iseed 0.9 ; pcross 0.002 ; pmutation 0.05 ; pcreep 3 ; ngoals 1.,1.,1. ; xgls(j) 1. ; domst 2550 ; convrg_chk (end of group2) 11 ; no_para 'kfuel 1' , 8.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'rpvar 2' , 0.95 , 0.1 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'rivar 3' , 0.99 , 0.01 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'nsp 4' , 17.0 , 3.0 , 2.0 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'fvar 5' , 0.2 , 0.01 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'eps 6' , 0.9 , 0.1 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'ptang 7' , 10.0 , 1.0 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'gl 8' , 800. , 100. , 2.5 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'rbi 9' , 24. , 2.0 , 0.5 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'diath 10' , 20.0 , 0.5 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'ratio' , 10. , 1.5 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 1 ; ifreq 400 ; mempops 625 ; maxgen 74 APPENDIX B: Sounding Rocket Real GA Input File .false. ;generational ONLY 1 GA TYPE CAN BE .true. ;steady_state ONLY 1 GA TYPE CAN BE .false. ;hybrid ONLY 1 GA TYPE CAN BE .false. ;uniform x (50% parent1 and parent2) .true. ;Blend x (blend of parents) .false. ;singlepointx .false. ;var_mutation true allows mutation 2000 ;kcheck # of gen before 1/5 rule ck 0.2 ;xmutation_rate how much mutation .1 ;xmutation_amount % of variables mutate 3. ;ngoals 1.,1.,1. ;xgls(j) 11 ;no_para 'kfuel 1' , 8.0 , 1.0 , 1.0 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'rpvar 2' , 0.95 , 0.1 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'rivar 3' , 0.99 , 0.01 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'nsp 4' , 17.0 , 3.0 , 2.0 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'fvar 5' , 0.2 , 0.01 , 0.01 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'eps 6' , 0.9 , 0.1 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'ptang 7' , 10.0 , 1.0 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'gl 8' , 800. , 100. , 2.5 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'rbi 9' , 24. , 2.0 , 0.5 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'diath 10' , 20.0 , 0.5 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 'ratio' , 10. , 1.5 , 0.1 , .false. ;xmax,xmin,resolution,niche_par 1 ; ifreq 30 ; mempops 250000 ; maxgen 75 APPENDIX C: Sounding Rocket RPSO Input File 0 ;maximize objective function = 1, minimize objective function = 0 30 ;population size, n 10 ;neighboring population sample size, nn (must be less than n) 100 ;maximum allowable number of independent variables, mx 5 ;local sample space size, nstep (5 < nstep <15) 100 ;results displayed every "nprn" iteration, nprn 1 ;chaos parameter, nsigma (=0 no chaotic perturbation, =1 chaotic perturbation) 3 ;neighborhood topology type, itop (=1 ring, =2 ring and random, =3 random) 0.75d0 ;particle velocity term 1 constant, a1 0.05d0 ;particle velocity term 2 constant, a2 0.25d0 ;particle velocity term 3 constant, a3 0.36d0 ;particle velocity inertia constant, w 0.01d0 ;chaos conditioning term, sigma ... should not have to change 4863 ;random generator seed 600 ;number of iterations (generations), itrn 11 ;actual number of independent variables, m 3 ;ngoals 1.,1.,1. ; xgls(j) 'kfuel 1' , 8.0d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'rpvar 2' , 0.95d0 , 0.1d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'rivar 3' , 0.99d0 , 0.01d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'nsp 4' , 17.0d0 , 3.0d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'fvar 5' , 0.2d0 , 0.01d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'eps 6' , 0.9d0 , 0.1d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'ptang 7' , 10.d0 , 1.0d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'gl 8' , 800.d0 , 100.0d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'rbi 9' , 24.d0 , 2.0d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'diath 10' , 20.d0 , 0.5d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 'ratio 11' , 10.0d0 , 1.5d0 , 1.0d0 ;xmax,xmin,vlim 76 APPENDIX D: RPSO Source File subroutine swarm c c SUBROUTINE TO FIND GLOBAL MINIMUM BY REPULSIVE PARTICLE SWARM METHOD c WRITTEN BY SK MISHRA, DEPT. OF ECONOMICS, NEHU, SHILLONG (INDIA) c c modified by R.M. Jenkins, Auburn University (May-November 2009) to c include constrained optimization based on user-input parameter limits c and more realistic parameter behavior in multi-disciplinary c engineering optimization problems c implicit double precision(a-h,o-z) parameter(np=100,nnp=25,mxp=100,nstepp=25,itrnp=2200,nsigmap=1) parameter(itopp=3,nprnt=100) parameter(npr=200,mstr=750,mpop=400,ngls=20) character names*14 character ext*5,fname*80 COMMON /RNDM/IU,IV common/swarmcontrol/minmax,ibest,mvar,iter,member,intl,intlans, &bstwrt,shtans common/bounds/xxmax(mxp),xxmin(mxp),vlim(mxp) C common/pass/yy(15,100) common/range/rangej(mxp) common/pop/amn(np) common/cal/ical common/best/bestans,bestyy(mxp) common/gls/ngoals common/gls2/xgls(ngls*2) INTEGER IU,IV dimension x(np,mxp),v(np,mxp),a(mxp),vi(mxp),tit(50),c(mxp) dimension xx(np,mxp),f(np),v1(mxp),v2(mxp),v3(mxp),v4(mxp) dimension bst(mxp),xmax(mxp),xmin(mxp),names(mxp+1) dimension cenj(mxp),xval(np,mxp),vval(np,mxp),z(np,mxp) dimension vlimin(mxp),vlimax(mxp),gbst(np,mxp),bestpop(itrnp) dimension trial(mxp) dimension xoa(itrnp,np,mxp),sol(np),bestx(itrnp,mxp) dimension fminmem(np),xbest(np,mxp) dimension bwt(mxp) data fmin /1.0d10/ common/fcount/fcount integer fcount common/pass/yy(1,15,30),ys(11,40) integer pnlt(np),bstwrt c c minmax = 1 maximize; = 0 minimize c n = population size c nn = neighboring population sample size (must be less than n) c mx = maximum allowable number of independent variables (f(x1,x2,......,mx) c nstep = local tunneling parameter (ignores local gradients) c 5 < nstep < 15 77 c nprn = results displayed every nprn iteration c nsigma is a perturbation parameter c nsigma = 0 no chaotic perturbation c nsigma = 1 chaotic perturbation c itop = neighbor topology type c itop = 1 ring c itop = 2 ring and random c itop = 3 random c iu = random number generator seed c itrn = number of iterations (generations) c m = actual number of independent variables c xmax,xmin = maximum and minimum parameter values; (xmax-xmin) = range c vlim = upper limit on particle velocity, expressed as a c multiplier on parameter range (maximum = 1.0) c epsilon=1.D-20 ! ACCURACY NEEDED FOR TERMINATON c open(unit=5,file='rpsoin.dat') open(unit=4,file='funcount.dat') open(unit=36,file='initpop.dat') open(unit=48,file='Best_data.dat') read(5,*)minmax read(5,*)n read(5,*)nn read(5,*)mx read(5,*)nstep read(5,*)nprn read(5,*)nsigma read(5,*)itop read(5,*)a1 read(5,*)a2 read(5,*)a3 read(5,*)w read(5,*)sigma read(5,*)iu read(5,*)itrn read(5,*)m read(5,*) ngoals read(5,*) (xgls(j),j=2,ngoals+1) c xgls(1)=float(ngoals) ys(4,5)=dble(float(ngoals)) do j=1,m read(5,*) names(j),xmax(j),xmin(j),vlim(j) if(vlim(j).gt.1.0d0) vlim(j)=1.0d0 xxmax(j)=xmax(j) xxmin(j)=xmin(j) enddo close(5) names(m+1)='fln' names(m+2)='z0' names(m+3)='tol' names(m+4)='parmatch' c FFMIN=1.D30 78 fmin=1.0d10 LCOUNT=0 npop=n mvar=m c c generate boundaries for solution space c iter=1 fcount = 0 avg = 0 bstwrt = 0 do j=1,m rangej(j)=xmax(j)-xmin(j) enddo c c Generate an initial random population of m-tuple parameters x(i,j) c for "n" population members and calculate the fitness function of each member. c Each parameter is constrained to lie within user specified ranges. c intl = 0 pnlt = 0 shtans = 10e9 write(*,*)'filling initial population with viable solutions' isol=0 c write(36,714)(names(i),i=1,m), & ('fitness') 714 format(7x,120(a14,1x)) c 50 do 450 i=1,100000 do j=1,m rangej(j)=xmax(j)-xmin(j) call random(rand) trial(j)=rand*rangej(j)+xxmin(j) a(j)=trial(j) ys(9,j)=a(j) enddo ys(4,2)=dble(float(isol+1)) ys(4,3)=dble(float(0)) call objective_function(a,M,solution) if( isol=isol+1 write(*,*)i,isol,sngl(solution) sol(isol)=solution fminmem(isol)=solution do k=1,m x(isol,k)=a(k) enddo if(isol.eq.n)then write(*,*)'initial population filled' goto 60 endif endif 450 continue c 79 write(*,*)'initial population could not be completely filled &with viable solutions' do i=isol+1,n fminmem(i)=1.0d10 do k=1,m call random(rand) x(i,k)= rand*rangej(k)+xmin(k) enddo sol(i) = 1.0d10 enddo 60 continue c c write initial population data do i=1,n write(36,716)i,(x(i,ii),ii=1,m), & (sol(i)) 716 format(1x,i3,1x,120(e14.8,1x)) enddo close(unit=36) c determine best member of initial population fmin=sol(1) bestans=sol(1) do j=1,m bestyy(j)=x(1,j) enddo ibest=1 do i=2,n if(sol(i).lt.fmin)then fmin=sol(i) bestans=sol(i) do j=1,m bestyy(j)=x(i,j) enddo ibest=i endif enddo do j=1,n avg = avg + sol(j) enddo avg = avg/n best0=fmin !best value returned from random population c c prepare data for next generation c do i=1,n member=i amn(i)=fminmem(i) do j=1,m a(j)=x(i,j) z(i,j)=a(j) c c randomize initial generation velocities c call velocity(i,j,x,a1,dvelmin,dvelmax,velmin,velmax,rangevel) 80 call random(rand1) vtemp=rand1*rangevel+velmin v(i,j)=vtemp-x(i,j) enddo enddo c DO 100 ITER=1,ITRN !*** THIS IS THE GENERATION LOGIC LOOP *** c ys(4,3)=dble(float(iter)) if( goto 999 c write(ext,'(i5)') iter do kb=1,5 if(ext(kb:kb).eq.' ')ext(kb:kb)='0' enddo fname='Iteration.'//ext open(unit=45,file=fname,status='unknown') write(45,714)(names(i),i=1,m), & ('fitness') c do i=1,n !*** THIS IS THE POPULATION LOGIC LOOP *** member=i do j=1,m if(iter.eq.1)then a(j)=z(i,j) else a(j)=z(i,j)+v(i,j) !array of all independent variables c for particle "i" in a given generation endif c(j)=a(j) vi(j)=v(i,j) !array of velocities for particle "i" enddo c c LSRCH lets each particle look in a limited "volume" of space c to determine if a better solution s available. The array of parameters c for such a solution, if one exists, is called xx(member,i) c amnn=amn(member) intl=1 c call lsrch(a,m,nstep,amnn,bst,fi) 70 if( amn(member)=fi endif do in=1,m xx(member,in)=bst(in) enddo f(i)=fi write(45,716)i,(a(ii),ii=1,m),(f(i)) enddo !*** END OF POPULATION LOGIC LOOP *** c if(iter.eq.1)then bestpop(iter)=f(1) ibest=1 do i=2,n if(f(i).lt.bestpop(iter))then 81 bestpop(iter)=f(i) ibest=i endif enddo fmin=bestpop(iter) bestoa=fmin member=1 intl=2 call setup endif c c now consider all other iterations c bestpop(iter)=f(1) ibest=1 do i=2,n if(f(i).lt.bestpop(iter))then bestpop(iter)=f(i) ibest=i endif enddo if(bestpop(iter).lt.bestoa)then bestoa=bestpop(iter) member=1 intl=2 call setup endif fmin=bestpop(iter) do j=1,n avg = avg + f(j) enddo avg = avg/n write(27,*)'iteration no.',iter,' fitness =',sngl(bestans) write(48,*)'iteration no.',iter,' fitness =',sngl(bestans) write(*,*)'iteration no.',iter,' fitness =',sngl(bestans) write(4,*) iter,fcount,sngl(bestans),avg avg = 0 bstwrt = 1 do l=1,m bwt(l) = bestyy(l) enddo call objective_function(bwt,M,solution) do j=1,m write(27,*)bestyy(j) write(48,*)bestyy(j) enddo bstwrt = 0 c c F(I) CONTAINS THE LOCAL BEST VALUE OF FUNCTION FOR ITH INDIVIDUAL c c XX(I,J) IS THE M-TUPLE VALUE OF X ASSOCIATED WITH LOCAL BEST F(I) c 82 c NOW LET EVERY INDIVIDUAL RANDOMLY CONSULT NN(<