Auburn University Graduate School: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1121-1140 of 9371
Bioinspired Microphysiological Systems for in vitro Elucidation of Prostate Tumorigenic Progression and Application in Pre-clinical Therapeutic Evaluation
Contrary to conventional belief, prostate cancer tumors are not merely uniform clusters of cancerous cells that undergo uncontrollable growth and migrate indiscriminately throughout the body. Instead, the prostatic tumor ...
Biocrude production from biomass and mixed plastics via hydrothermal liquefaction for fuel and chemicals
Hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL) is a promising technology to convert organic feedstocks into value-added fuel precursors known as biocrude, solids (hydrochar), and gaseous byproducts. The HTL process can efficiently break ...
Spatial Distribution and Mass Transport of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Surface Water Systems
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of nearly 5,000 anthropogenic organic substances produced since the late 1940s. These substances have been used in various consumer products and industrial applications ...
Fracture of Brittle Materials and Bimaterial Interfaces in the Presence of Compressive Stresses
The present work is aimed at the experimental investigation of the effect of local compressive stress fields on a crack lying along an interface. This is relevant to problems such as interfaces found in adhesively bonded ...
Developing a multiscale modeling framework to assess forest health risk based on the FIA data
Maintaining tree vigor and forest health is critical as forest health risks increase over time. Eastern US forests have been losing quality in recent decades due to forest health risks such as tree mortality and nonnative ...
Development of Criteria for Fatigue Design of Horizontally Curved Steel Bridges
Modern steel bridge design is moving toward the application of slender elements due to improved fabrication and construction technology. The strength and stability aspect of the liberal design philosophy has been well ...
Facile Fabrication of functional nanocomposites for supercapacitor applications
To address the energy crisis and environmental pollution issues, urgently need to develop an inexpensive, environmentally-friendly, and safe electrochemical energy storage system (EES). Supercapacitors (SCs) are considered ...
Effect of dietary inclusion of corn from different origins on metabolizable energy, amino acid digestibility, growth performance, carcass traits, and nutrient digestibility of broilers.
Corn is an important feed ingredient of broiler diets due to its high content of apparent metabolizable energy (AME). Additionally, its high inclusion in diets makes it a non-negligible source of crude protein (CP) and ...
Kinematic Equine Gait Analysis and Architecture Trait Phenotyping of Loblolly Pine using 3D Stereo Machine Vision and Deep Learning
As agricultural technologies have progressed rapidly over the past decades, animal and plant phenotyping has become one of the primary research topics. Conventional phenotyping relies heavily on manual measurements, which ...
Improving the Performance of Reinforced Concrete Decks in California
The poor performance observed over the years starts at the very early age of the bridge, like in California. The literature review suggests that restraining effects on the deck may cause excessive early-age transverse ...
Hydrotreatment of Biomass and Waste Derived Hydrothermal and Pyrolysis Liquid Intermediates for the Production of Fuels and Lubricants
Extensive use of crude oil resources in producing fuel, energy, and chemicals to sustain the growing world population has led to the depletion of natural resources and the release of greenhouse gas emissions leading to ...
Using squamate systems to understand molecular underpinnings of evolutionary processes
The solidification of evolutionary biology as a scientific theory provided a foundation for understanding the source of life’s variation, an objective that has since become a central aim in biology. While scientific ...
Performance or Safety? How Regulatory Foci and Brand Associations Affect Gen Z Car Shoppers’ Attitudes Toward and Intentions to Respond to Mobile Advertising Claims
This study aims to systematically examine the effects of message-regulatory focus fit and message-brand association fit on Gen Z consumers’ attitudes and intentions to respond to mobile advertising claims, employing ...
Regional-scale Mapping of Canopy Height and Aboveground Biomass using ICESat-2 and Landsat-8 Data
The Ice, Cloud, and land Elevation Satellite- 2 (ICESat-2), launched in September 2018, is a follow-on mission to ICESat, which operated from 2003 to 2009. While ICESat-2 observations do not provide full coverage, integrating ...
Closing the Gap on Interventions and Strategies to Address College Student Food Insecurity
Food insecurity is a condition of limited or inconsistent access to adequate food for a healthy, active lifestyle. Approximately 32 percent of college students experience food insecurity compared to 10.5 percent of households ...
The Modification and Role of a Methyl-Arginine Post-Translational Modification in the Active Site of the Enzyme Methyl-Coenzyme M Reductase
The enzyme methyl-coenzyme M reductase (Mcr) is used in methanogenic archaea to produce methane and in anaerobic methanotrophs to oxidize methane. A significant portion of the methane produced by methanogens is released ...
Stylin' Black Power: Fashion, Dignity, and Masculinity
This study examines Black men’s style during the shifting political terrain of the Black Power Movement in the1960s and 1970s. Through a stylistic analysis of images, film, musical albums, and advertisements, I question ...
Cyanotoxin Production in Subtropical Lakes over the Last 150 Years with Implications for Human and Ecosystem Health
Lakes are experiencing a modern period of increased eutrophication due to cultural impacts and climate change. One common characteristic of lake eutrophication is the increase in cyanobacteria, which possess a competitive ...
Ensuring Safe Drinking Water for the Northern Corridor of Haiti Through Expanded Testing Services
Due to the lack of potable piped water, drinking water access is a concern in Haiti. Families often gather water for household use from private wells, springs, and rivers. These local water sources are often of unknown or ...
7 Tesla Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Analysis of Pain Processing in Humans
Globally, one in five people will experience some form of chronic pain in their life. In the United States, an estimated 50 million people manage chronic pain daily, nearly 20 million of which are categorized as high-impact ...