This Is Auburn

Auburn University Graduate School: Recent submissions

Now showing items 1161-1180 of 9371

Optimizing in vitro culture conditions for broiler chicken Pectoralis major muscle satellite cells 

Gregg, Caroline (2022-11-29)  ETD File Embargoed
There is growing interest in understanding how muscle-specific stem cells, or satellite cells (SC), contribute to post-hatch skeletal muscle growth of broiler chickens and their potential role in the development of breast ...


Asadi, Parisa (2022-11-29)
Geological formations have great potential for large-scale carbon sequestration to reduce the net rate of increase in atmospheric CO2. In these systems, CO2 is injected into formations and mineralized through geochemical ...

Design of Sustainable Materials by the Transformation of Biorefinery Derived Waste Biomass into Biobased Polymeric Resins: Synthesis, Characterization, Applications 

Bansode, Archana (2022-11-29)
Polymeric resins (PRs) are one of the most versatile materials, with a wide range of application fields. However, the synthesis of these polymeric resins predominantly relies on the precursor derived from the petroleum ...

The Effects of Lean Manufacturing on Occupational Safety and Ergonomics 

Brawner, Joel (2022-11-29)
The association between Lean Manufacturing (LM) and occupational safety and ergonomics (S/E) is a widely disputed topic in scientific literature. This study attempts to add clarity to this controversial relationship through ...

Do structural and compositional shifts in mixed pine-oak forests alter fuels and fire behavior? 

Cabrera, Steven (2022-11-29)
The lack of fire disturbances throughout the 20th century has contributed to forest structural and compositional shifts, resulting in the encroachment of shade-tolerant and often fire-sensitive hardwood species in ...

Study of interactions and stability of pyrethroids and cellulose allomorphs for controlled release applications 

Brake, Sydney (2022-11-29)
The study of controlled release materials is a growing field for applications like agricultural, biomedical, and insecticidal fibers. Cellulose, because of its abundance and ability to be modified and regenerated into many ...

A New Elections Federalism: Dual Election Administration Systems 

Fincher, Brandon (2022-11-29)
Dual election administration systems have a substantial history in the United States with differing characteristics over time and place. A dual election administration system creates categories of voters who are only ...

Blood Stress Hormonal Indicators and Meat Quality Attributes of Broiler Chickens Processed Using Electrical and Controlled Atmosphere Stunning Systems 

Riggs, Montana Rain (2022-11-28)
Increased consumer concern for animal welfare has led some poultry producers to alter their stunning methods from electrical stunning (ES) to controlled atmosphere stunning (CAS). However, there is little peer-reviewed ...

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum: Yield Loss of Brassica carinata in the Southeastern United States and Effect of Fungicides and Light Wavelength. 

Melby, Eric (2022-11-28)
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is a major pathogen of over 400 plant species around the world and is considered to be the biggest threat to the production of Brassica carinata in the southeastern United States. Brassica carinata ...


Johnston, James (2022-11-28)
Welded wire reinforcement (WWR) is a steel product that is prefabricated into welded sheets. While this product is seeing use as shear reinforcement in precast concrete bridge girders for some states, other states, such ...

Genetic Assessment of Alabama's Redeye Bass (Micropterus coosae) 

Lewis, Matt (2022-11-28)
The southeastern United States is a hotspot for aquatic biodiversity that is under constant threat of extirpation and extinction due to human disturbance. Molecular markers are relatively new tools that are applicable to ...

Evaluating alternatives for the implementation of Curve Number in SWMM for an urbanized watershed 

Xiao, Han (2022-11-27)
Modeling hydrological abstraction, particularly infiltration, in urbanized areas is a complex task. Without field validation data, researchers and engineers often rely on readily available methodologies on semi-empirical ...

Evaluation of various antimicrobial agents to reduce the load of Salmonella and Campylobacter in poultry processing 

Urrutia, Andrea (2022-11-27)
Poultry meat and products have been highly associated with outbreaks related to Salmonella and Campylobacter, and different interventions have been used for the reduction of these pathogens, with more emphasis on the ...

Data and Information Flow Improvements in Manufacturing Systems 

Yarbrough, Ashley (2022-11-27)
The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, is making its mark with a wave of efforts to digitize and digitalize data and information in manufacturing systems. Global efforts are being made to accelerate the adoption ...

Should I Stay or Should I Go? An Examination of the Effects of Work and Family Factors on Active-duty and National Guard and Reserve Service Members’ Military Career Intentions 

Tidwell, Allison (2022-11-21)
The Department of Defense (DoD) prioritizes the retention of military personnel to maintain a ready defense force and earn return on their investment of training highly skilled Service members. Prior research has examined ...

Bidirectional Power Control of Grid Connected Three-phase Inverter under Unbalanced Conditions 

Alathamneh, Mohammad (2022-11-21)  ETD File Embargoed
This research explores bidirectional real and reactive power control of a 100kW threephase, grid-connected inverter under unbalanced grid conditions. Different unbalanced grid conditions are studied, including unbalanced ...

Quality-Aware Data Crowdsourcing and Federated Learning in Wireless Networks 

Zhao, Yuxi (2022-11-21)
Data crowdsourcing (referred to as ``crowdsourcing'' for brevity) has found a wide range of applications. In principle, crowdsourcing leverages the ``wisdom'' of a potentially large crowd of workers (e.g., mobile users) ...

Exploring Middle Level Learner Experiences with Learning About World Religions & Philosophies Using Authentic Pedagogy 

Spencer, Courtney (2022-11-21)
The United States is a highly religious nation. Unfortunately, the teaching about various world religions and philosophies in public schools remains highly contested across the nation, particularly in highly Christianized ...

Using Airborne and Spaceborne lidar for Mapping Forest Attributes in Southern Alabama. 

Brown, Schyler (2022-11-21)
Remote sensing has become a major resource for assessing ecosystems and global carbon cycling. In forest applications, remote sensing data have been used to estimate the amount of carbon stored or lost in forests due to ...

The diversity of oomycetes associated with cotton seedlings in Alabama and the assembly of the spermosphere microbiome of cotton and soybean 

Olofintila, Oluwakemisola (2022-11-21)
Cotton and soybean are major crops in the US grown for fiber and protein. Fungal and oomycete pathogens can affect cotton and soybean seedlings resulting in seed and seedling damping-off. Many different oomycete species ...