Auburn University Graduate School: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1341-1360 of 9371
The effect of concurrent and non-concurrent (delayed) administration of mepivacaine hydrochloride and triamcinolone acetonide on inflamed equine osteochondral and synovial explants in co-culture
During equine lameness investigation, intra-articular administration of a local anesthetic followed by a corticosteroid is common for diagnosis and treatment of osteoarthritis (OA). Anecdotally, veterinarians are advised ...
MyAccessible Math: Shining Light on Math Concepts for Visually Impaired Students
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research aims to make systems versatile, easy to use, and accessible for most people. While computer technologies have successfully remodeled and improved the learning process, students ...
A High Achieving Middle School Band at a High Poverty School in Georgia: A Case Study
This case study examined the pedagogical and organizational practices of successful middle school band directors teaching at a high-poverty school in Georgia through the lens of Self-determination theory. Inequity within ...
Examining the Relationship Between Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction in a Contingent Fire Department Environment
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between Leadership Style and Job Satisfaction in a contingent fire department environment. This was a nonexperimental research study and it utilized a convenience ...
Farmer Mental Health and Rural Stressors
Agriculture has recently suffered from low commodity prices, natural disasters (e.g. droughts and hurricanes), and supply chain disruptions due to COVID-19. These factors influence the physical and mental health of farmers ...
“I SEE You”: A Descriptive Analysis of Shared Emotional Experiences During Mother-Infant Interaction
Extensive research and theory recognize the bidirectional contributions of parent and infant to the quality of early relationships. During mother-infant interaction, shared emotional experiences, defined as reciprocal and ...
Experimental and numerical study of sooting tendency of IBE in a laminar diffusion flame
Recent advancements in metabolic engineering have demonstrated that through cost-effective batch fermentation processes, isopropanol-butanol-ethanol (IBE) can be produced at sufficient quantities from switchgrass biomass. ...
(Student) Activism as a Queer Worldmaking Disruption to White Supremacy and Heteropatriarchy within and Beyond Higher Education
The purpose of this study was to explore how queer (student) activists challenge, disrupt, and transform higher education. With queer schools of thought as the theoretical framework, I positioned (student) activism as a ...
Identification of Pesticides Using Experimental and Computational Approaches based on Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Measurements
Mass spectrometry is known to be a powerful analytical technique due its high sensitivity, specificity, speed, and versatility. It has the capability of detecting and identifying numerous analytes in sample matrices. In ...
Molecular predictors of the hypertrophy response to resistance training in young untrained female adults
We determined if the myofibrillar protein synthetic (MyoPS) response to a naïve resistance exercise (RE) bout, or chronic changes in satellite cell number and muscle ribosome content, varied in females that classified as ...
Nanoplasmonic Imaging for Real-time Protein Detection and Cell Secretion Mapping
The immune system is composed of a complex network of immune cells, proteins and, chemicals as the first line of defense to protect the human body against pathogens. Monitoring the immune status through disease progression ...
From Correction to Connection: The Effect of Pet Ownership on Recidivism and Empathy in Former Inmates
After a person is released from prison the rate at which they reoffend is known as recidivism. Previous research shows that an increase an empathy leads to a reduction of recidivism rates (Kratcoski & Kratcoski, 2017; ...
Testing the Shared-Pathway Hypothesis through experimentation on the mating behavior, carotenoid biosynthesis, and mitochondrial function of Tigriopus californicus
For decades, scientists have noted connections between individual condition and carotenoid-based coloration in terrestrial and aquatic animals. Organisms that produce more vibrant carotenoid-based coloration tend to have ...
The Influence of Packaging Methodology on Fresh Beef Surface Color
Packaging techniques and materials used throughout the meat industry are evolving as technology is developed. Most notably, the rise in use of thermoforming vacuum packaging within the fresh meat industry has prompted ...
The Role of Hardiness in First Year AROTC and University Students: Examining Changes and Related Performance.
The Big Five has dominated personality-performance literature, but within the overarching Five Factor Theory characteristic adaptations can be more contextually specific and better predictors of performance. Hardiness, ...
Identity Development: Implications for Intimacy in Emerging Adulthood
Nationwide reports indicate loneliness is at epidemic levels, with younger demographics between the ages of 18-37 years old the most impacted (Cigna, 2020). Meaningful connections appear to work to decrease these reported ...
Understanding Workplace Uncertainty: Inception, Development, and Preliminary Validation of the Workplace Uncertainty Tolerance Scale
Uncertainty is a fundamental aspect of the work experience (Simon, 1955; 1956), yet little scholarly research exists examining human functioning when experiencing uncertainty at work. This dissertation advances the ...
Rhetoric, Ethics, and Health Identities in the FDA's Drug Approval Process
This dissertation examines how health identities are rhetorically constructed and discursively taken up in the FDA’s new drug application (NDA) documents. The project specifically focuses on approval processes related to ...
Popularity-Aware Storage Systems for Big Data Applications
Recommendation algorithms play an increasingly dominant role in big data services like Netflix and YouTube. In streaming applications, it becomes unavoidable that trillion tons of personal and industrial data are flooded ...
Energy-Efficient Computing and Modeling in Cloud Infrastructures
Energy efficiency and carbon footprint control have grabbed significant attention worldwide. Today, the world has become intensely data intensive. The cloud computing infrastructures and the data centers are providing ...