Auburn University Graduate School: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1461-1480 of 9372
Design, Fabrication and Testing of Novel Medical Facemasks to Prevent COVID-19
The nation is going through an unprecedented time due to the Coronavirus pandemic. One of the most effective ways to prevent viral spread is to use face masks and respirators. Available reusable face masks are often not ...
Defense Against the Adversarial Arts: Applying Green Team Evaluations to Harden Machine Learning Algorithms from Adversarial Attacks
Machine Learning permeates all facets of our lives today. Given these models are trusted to make important determinations in our lives like credit decisions, how susceptible are those models to attacks? Adversarial machine ...
Mathematical Studies of Population Models in Stochastic Environments
This dissertation is devoted to the study of population models in stochastic environments. We will investigate a two-species lottery model in non-stationary stochastic environment, an $N-$species lottery model in stationary ...
“Who Said What?”: Effects of Message Framing and Source Type Toward COVID-19 Vaccinations Intentions Among College Students
Since 2020 the world has experienced a change in our everyday lives due to the
COVID-19 disease. As the world tries to return to a place of normalcy, the COVID-19 vaccine
aims to do that. Considerable research has examined ...
The Glass Hospital
This paper considers how the COVID-19 pandemic altered health care workers (HCWs) and their experiences with workplace discrimination. This research combines theories using glass as a metaphor (such as the glass escalator, ...
Enchanted Geographies of the New Republic, 1789 - 1846
Rhetorical depictions of otherworldliness abound in antebellum American literature. Such images and tropes of otherworldly enchantment have recently been studied by scholars of nineteenth-century America in an effort to ...
Developing Teaching Materials for Spanish Heritage Speakers with Hearing Loss
The purpose of this thesis is to address the challenges of teaching gender agreement to Heritage Speakers (HS) of Spanish with a mild, moderate, and moderately-severe hearing loss. I discuss a series of combined approaches ...
Maintaining Relevance in Agricultural Extension Programming Using Classical Extension Methods: A Social Network Analysis of the Future of Farming Project
Rural Sociology is credited with pioneering social network analysis (SNA) to study the connections between individuals. However, the use of SNA methods has been eclipsed by urban community research and continuations of the ...
Constraints on the Petrogenesis of the Rockford Granite by Chemical and Radiogenic Isotopic Compositions
The Rockford Granite is a Paleozoic igneous body located in Coosa County, Alabama. Regionally, between the Brevard zone and the Kowaliga zone, there lies intense faulting and shearing, which has been studied extensively ...
Identification of Molecular Biomarkers for Male Reproductive Success in Blue Catfish (Ictalurus furcatus)
The overall objective of this project was to understand the underlying physiological and
molecular processes that are associated with sperm production and function. The primary
objective was to identify RNA biomarkers ...
Investigating the relationship of increased biomass and nutrient content of soybean (Glycine max merr)
Declining nutrient concentration in higher yielding cultivars is evident in literature meta-analyses assessing cultivars developed over the last century and studies performed under elevated CO2 to artificially increase ...
Intellectual Humility and Arrogance and Their Relationship with Self-Awareness: A Longitudinal Analysis of Congruency Through Self/Other Evaluations
Character and leadership have long coupled to show benefits to organizations and their personnel. During the near century of modern leadership study, psychologists have focused on dozens of leader traits with an infusion ...
Understanding Long Covid-19 Patterns in Pediatric Patients using Network Analytics
COVID-19 has had a long-term impact on the quality of life, work, and society by manifesting in the form of Long COVID. Long COVID is relatively less understood condition due to its recency. The challenge is even greater ...
Learning Style Preferences of Adults in Religious Institutions
There is a lack of published research on adult education programs in religious
institutions. While religious institutions encourage their members to attend religious education
opportunities, it may often be out of ...
Subconscious threat processing and cannabidiol: A randomized controlled trial.
Over the past two decades, neuroimaging researchers have produced strong evidence in support of a network of regions in the human brain which are responsive to socially salient threat signals in the form of fearful facial ...
L2 Auditory Processing of Three Spanish Dialects. Comprehensibility and its Relationship with Accentedness and Familiarity.
The purpose of this thesis is to explore the impact on comprehensibility judgments – the difficulty that listeners perceive they have in understanding an utterance – in the auditory processing of three dialects of Spanish ...
Improving Programming Productivity with Statistical Models
Modern applications often need to have very short time-to-market and upgrade cycles, and thus, short development time. To address this requirement, application developers often rely heavily on API frameworks and libraries ...
The Influence of Classmates on Gains following Relationship Education
Using data from a statewide couple relationship education (CRE) program efficacy study, this implementation science study considered whether and how classmates influence gains from CRE exposure. We pursued a theoretically ...
Perceptions of Internal Organizational Diversity Efforts of Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color Working in Public Relations
This thesis explores how Black, Indigenous, and women of color (BIWOC) working in public relations perceive their workplace diversity and inclusion efforts. Some perceptions of workplace diversity and inclusion efforts ...
Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) Survey and Spatial Analysis of the George and Addie Giddens Cemetery, Opelika, AL
Recent interest in locating and preserving the cemeteries of enslaved African Americans has increased the need for non-invasive geophysical techniques and efficient methodologies. The southeast United States provides many ...