Family-Centered Practice Knowledge and Use Amongst Speech-Language Pathologists: A National Survey
The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree to which practicing speech-language pathologists (SLPs) engage in family-centered behaviors within the pediatric population. Additionally, this study aims to determine the amount of preservice training SLPs receive regarding family-centered practice (FCP). Data was collected through an anonymous 71- question, web-based survey designed for practicing SLPs. One hundred and fifty-four SLPs met the inclusion criteria and completed the survey. The majority of SLPs indicated that they would have benefitted from additional training in FCP, with strengths and weaknesses noted academically and clinically. Results of the Measures of Processes of Care for Service Providers (MPOC-SP) revealed a strength in SLP’s implementation of Communicating Specific Information (CSI) with a weakness noted in Providing General Information (PGI), or having general information available to families (e.g., financial assistance, respite care, dating and sexuality). The findings of the current investigation highlight the need for graduate programs to ensure that FCP is emphasized across the curriculum and clinical experiences. Regarding implementation of FCP, SLPs must understand the local, regional, and state resources available to caregivers so they are able to support families and provide them with the necessary referral information specific to their unique needs.