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Factors Contributing to Job Satisfaction of Business Education Teachers

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dc.contributor.advisorSkinner, Leane
dc.contributor.authorBrown, Joy
dc.description.abstractThis study was designed to identify the factors contributing to job satisfaction of business education teachers relating to school administration, colleagues, parents, and students and to determine if there was a relationship between overall teacher job satisfaction of business education teachers as it relates to the same four variables. The study also investigated if there was a difference in the level of teacher job satisfaction of business education teachers based on personal characteristics when analyzed by gender, ethnicity, grade level currently teaching, years of experience in the teaching profession, and highest degree held. Many of the participants were female (78.42 percent), white (81.29 percent), currently teaching in a secondary school (73.53 percent), have over 31 years of teaching experience (46.04 percent), and hold a master's degree (56.12 percent), The results of this study revealed a moderate to elevated level of job satisfaction, which in turn supported the participants’ commitment to their school and their intent to remain teaching. There was not a significant effect of gender or ethnicity on the perceived level of job satisfaction of business education teachers. However, there was a statistically significant effect with grade level currently teaching, years of experience in the teaching profession, and the highest degree held on the perceived level of job satisfaction of business education teachers. The results of this study will inform school leaders and researchers of the key factors that influence teacher job satisfaction, especially among business education teachers.en_US
dc.subjectCurriculum and Teachingen_US
dc.titleFactors Contributing to Job Satisfaction of Business Education Teachersen_US
dc.typePhD Dissertationen_US
dc.contributor.committeeShannon, David
dc.contributor.committeeWohleb, Elisha
dc.contributor.committeeSpringer, Chadwick

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