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A Design Approach for Extending Product Longevity

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dc.contributor.advisorWindham, Jerrod
dc.contributor.authorHarrison, Kaelan
dc.description.abstractThis guideline proposes to extend the longevity of products by helping the designer consider authentic human behavior when designing new products. This includes designing products that provide true human satisfaction while minimizing the environmental impact associated with the product’s life. Designing for emotional durability using empathic modelling helps to promote human satisfaction, while the modularization of components and the user’s right to repair provide longer lasting products. The Okala Practitioner is used to provide the designer with means as to how much the product impacts the environment. Within this guideline is the Golden Pyramid evaluation tool which is intended to allow the designer to gauge where their concepts place in terms of human satisfaction, environmental impact, and longevity. This tool can be used with any design concept and existing product.en_US
dc.subjectIndustrial and Graphic Designen_US
dc.titleA Design Approach for Extending Product Longevityen_US
dc.typeMaster's Thesisen_US
dc.contributor.committeeThomas, Joyce
dc.contributor.committeeLay, Carlton

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