Preventing the Preschool to Prison Pipeline: A Preliminary Study of the Effects of E-Coaching Head Start Teachers on Behavior-Specific Praise
The number of preschoolers expelled and suspended from school is the highest among all student groups. In the long run, preschool expulsions and suspensions can have statistically detrimental effects on a child's life trajectory. In addition, students who are expelled or suspended have a higher dropout rate than other students. Researchers suggested that professional development of evidence-based strategies for preschool teachers could effectively address this issue, as challenging behavior is the leading cause of suspension and expulsion for students. However, traditional methods of professional development have not proven to be effective. According to researchers, consistent coaching has been suggested as an effective way to develop professional competence. In this of this study, the effect of virtual coaching on Head Start teachers use of behavior-specific praise is examined. Head Start programs need cost-effective ways for their teachers to learn evidence-based strategies. Providing virtual coaching could alleviate these costs.