This Is Auburn

Examining Business and Industry Involvement in Alabama CTE Programs, Teacher Satisfaction with the Partnership, and Perceived Barriers


Alabama's economy is currently trending towards a crisis due to the lack of skilled talent to fill the technical positions in the growing labor market. It is no secret that Career and Technical Education (CTE) participants are linked to many positive educational and labor market outcomes. However, little information is available about the involvement of business and industry partners in Alabama CTE programs as they work together to meet the community's needs effectively. This quantitative research study was designed to determine how involved business and industry leaders are in Alabama CTE programs, examine teacher satisfaction with business and industry leaders and identify barriers that affect the relationship. The time has come to meet and exceed Perkins V's criteria, not only for the benefit of the economy but also for the students' futures, by ensuring that these CTE programs effectively meet the demands of Alabama's growing industries. Most respondents are associated with the Business Management & Administration Program. The finance cluster shows having the highest business and industry involvement. CTE teachers with 16-20 years of industry experience have the highest satisfaction level, and teachers with more industry experience have indicated having fewer perceived barriers to building and maintaining relationships with business and industry partners.