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Planting Date and Seeding Rate Effect on Corn Yield for Replant Decisions in Alabama

Metadata FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.advisorFrancisco, Eros
dc.contributor.authorMorata, Murilo
dc.description.abstractCorn yield is heavily influenced by plant population and planting date, and understanding the relationship between these is essential for optimizing yield. Poor stands and non-uniform plant density present significant initial challenges for farmers, leading to potential yield losses. When initial plant stands fall short of expectations, evaluating the need for replanting becomes crucial for maintaining profitability. To understand this relationship, a comprehensive study was conducted across three locations in Alabama during the 2022 and 2023 seasons. Assess the effects of planting date and seeding rate on corn grain yield and agronomic performance; and develop a useful guide to guide replant decisions. Corn hybrids included P1319R, P2042VYHR, DKB7045, P1170YHR, and P2042VYHR. Seeding rates ranged from 29,600 to 88,800 seeds ha-1 and the five targeted planting dates ranged from March 30 to May 30 at 15-day intervals. Data collection included plant population, plant height, ear height, stalk diameter, ear length, weight, diameter, number of ears per plant, grain yield and test weight. Seeding rate and planting date influenced most of the measured variables. Generally, lower seeding rates and late planting dates reduced yield. Higher plants and reduced stalk diameter were found in higher seeding rates while the variables number of ears ear per plant, ear length, ear diameter and ear weight were found to be greater in lower seeding rates.en_US
dc.subjectCrop Soils and Environmental Sciencesen_US
dc.titlePlanting Date and Seeding Rate Effect on Corn Yield for Replant Decisions in Alabamaen_US
dc.typeMaster's Thesisen_US

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