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Teaching Students to be Successful in Multiplication with Regrouping

Metadata FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.advisorFlores, Margaret
dc.contributor.authorBlanton, Erin
dc.description.abstractConcrete-Representational-Abstract (CRA) mathematical sequencing has been effective across individuals with varied disabilities and individuals who are at-risk and in teaching various skills. However, more research is needed to understand how CRA generalizes fully to elementary students with learning disabilities. Therefore, this study seeks to replicate research and expand the use of CRA by teaching students with learning disabilities fluency and accuracy in multiplication with the regrouping of two 2-digit numbers. The researcher used a multiple probe across participants to demonstrate a functional relation between the independent and dependent variables, as Horner and Baer (1978) described.en_US
dc.subjectSpecial Education, Rehabilitation, Counselingen_US
dc.titleTeaching Students to be Successful in Multiplication with Regroupingen_US
dc.typePhD Dissertationen_US
dc.contributor.committeeHinton, Vanessa
dc.contributor.committeeDrew, Christine
dc.contributor.committeeWoods-Groves, Suzanne

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